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Is this not a place to share "crazy" and "unbelievable thoughts, theories, and experiences?

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posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 06:56 PM
Hello Everyone,

Are we not all hear seeking answers and also to share our experiences that are not for the main stream sheep?
I'm not a mean person until you provoke me or insult another human being. That said there is an ATS member that openly called me a liar for sharing my unique story. This particular assh*le did not like the idea of my dreams being full day experiences on another planet, in another body. I have seen things that I cannot describe in words and many other things that would be new and exciting if they were implemented here on Earth and are completely plausible. Since I can't just start writing my own threads in the appropriate forum - here is a small sample from my dream journal that I will be posting in the future :


I awoke this morning with a sense of complete disorientation. It took a good 10 minutes before I realized that I was back in my room...on Earth. I then had complete recollection of my dream and this is my record of that dream. My dream began with me waking up to the sound of waves crashing on the shoreline. I was viewing everything from the perspective of my own eyes and immediately notice that my skin is a very light blue - almost Robin's Egg Blue. The colors were very rich and deep. No - I did not drink, smoke, or ingest any type of drug before bed. The sky was a lavender color much like a Northern Minnesota sunset, but it was a cloudless sky and mid-day. The grass was a very lush green like we're all used to... but the water was very clear green and the sand I was lying in was a deep cobalt blue.

As I came to my senses in the dream, I began walking towards what appeared to be a futuristic city like I was confident in where I was going and how I was getting there. The city looked much like any major metropolitan area on Earth with a few exceptions. Every building, structure, and vehicle was hovering a good 3 feet of the ground.

I don't care if you don't believe any of this. It was a dream and I feel the overwhelming urge to share them with anyone who cares to read/listen. I cannot share these stories openly on my Facebook or under my real name as they have caused several close family members, friends, and every woman I have ever attempted to date to completely abandon me. Please consider the feelings of other people when you reply to posts on ATS.


posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:10 PM
The crazier the better. Bring it on dude.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:14 PM
Don't let the naysayers throw you off. If you really believe that these dreams are of you living in another world in real time, then share your experiences. Unload on us.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

Write a book, publish it and then let it go and get back on with life unless that book takes you somewhere (excuse the pun).

I have written books based on dreams, (I recognized them as dreams not reality) but they became reality in my book for others. Now I have 13 books in various stages as well as historical, children's and one on the Sentinelese people due to come out as an ebook soon for free download.

Believing dreams are real events supersede paranoia or even schizophrenia and you'll go nuts. Just write it down and move on. Who knows, you might even make some money from it.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

There are no crazy people here, just "eccentrics".


posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Agent008

yeah... this is ATS after all

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:18 PM

I cannot share these stories openly on my Facebook or under my real name as they have caused several close family members, friends, and every woman I have ever attempted to date to completely abandon me.

I am completely confused at this statement. Whey would any of your family members, friends and even potential Girl Friends shun away from you simply because you tell them about a Dream you had? It does not make any sense!

I could tell anyone a dream I had and they would simply say , man thats crazy, cool dream. Just does not make any sense as to why your family members, friends would disown you over this?

Maybe there is another underlining reason as to why your family members and friends are abandoning you? You may want to recall your past conversations with your family and friends, because I have a feeling there is another reason why they are abandoning you...

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:23 PM
Yes, this is a place where you can share such experiences....of course within a few minutes some helpful soul will come along demanding evidence or take the time to explain to you in great detail just precisely why you are wrong and exactly why whatever you experienced didn't happen.

Piece of advice, don't use the line about girls avoiding you ever again. EVER AGAIN. It makes you sound all dejected and lacking in confidence. Next time just modify the story a little to something like...

"I woke up in bed next to this beautiful girl and told her about my weird dream. She couldn't take it, thought i was crazy and left. Guess i could have asked for her name before she walked out the door but whatever."

Good luck...

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:28 PM
It's the internet, there's a**holes everywhere. Don't let 'em get to you.

That little snippet could be the start of a very interesting/entertaining story.

Welcome to ATS!

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by apoc36

Thank you everyone for the support - I am writing a book as fiction since there is no way to prove any of it is "real". I do know the difference between dreams and real life - this has been going on for 28 years since memories began for me - so I have become very adept at handling both "lives" separately. Thank you for the cautionary advice!

Apoc - the underlying issue is that I live in a very small minded town in Central Minnesota. The people here are predominantly ignorant simpletons. My beliefs in the supernatural don't mix well with the Catholicism which is the primary faith practiced here. Along with the crazy awesome dreams I also have been able to communicate and often "see" people that have passed on since a very early age. I completely understand not getting that statement - I have had to learn to suppress all of these dreams and keep quiet about things I feel that others cannot.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:36 PM
I am the naysayer.

Because I know a liar... that's why.

You're not receiving education from other planets.

This is a place to be able to share that which is outside what is socially acceptable. That doesn't mean that everything that is shared here is going to be the truth. In fact, without honest people to keep those like you in check, then this website, and the naive, would be caught unawares and reduced to rubble.

If you were receiving benevolent education from other planets, then you would most assuredly be wise enough to be able to handle an accusation towards you in the negative. But you're clearly not.

You're not receiving education from other planets. You're receiving false information from naughty entities.

You're playing pretend. What is worse? You know it.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

That said there is an ATS member that openly called me a liar for sharing my unique story. This particular assh*le did not like the idea of my dreams being full day experiences on another planet, in another body.

Just ignore those types and your stay here on ATS will be much more pleasant than if you engage them. Some people just love to tell you "You're wrong! You're lying! I'm right! I'm holy!

Welcome to ATS!

Have a cookie!

Here's a can of complimentary Troll spray.

You'll need it for these types:

Don't forget to Deny Ignorance!

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:05 PM


I cannot share these stories openly on my Facebook or under my real name as they have caused several close family members, friends, and every woman I have ever attempted to date to completely abandon me.

I am completely confused at this statement. Whey would any of your family members, friends and even potential Girl Friends shun away from you simply because you tell them about a Dream you had? It does not make any sense!

I could tell anyone a dream I had and they would simply say , man thats crazy, cool dream. Just does not make any sense as to why your family members, friends would disown you over this?

Maybe there is another underlining reason as to why your family members and friends are abandoning you? You may want to recall your past conversations with your family and friends, because I have a feeling there is another reason why they are abandoning you...

He has to tie them to a chair, gag them, and fix their peepers so that they cannot look away, as he recites the tales of bewilderment from within his cranial realm.

Once they escape, they never look back.

I lose more friends that way too oO

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:12 PM

It's the internet, there's a**holes everywhere. Don't let 'em get to you.

That little snippet could be the start of a very interesting/entertaining story.

Welcome to ATS!

"there are a**holes everywhere" and not "there is a**holes everywhere". You could have said "there is an a**hole everywhere" however.

and I'm not everywhere, I avoid TMZ for start. Too many a**holes on that website.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

I don't know if this helps or if it is even on the same page as your dreams, but about 14 to 15 years ago I experience an illness that caused me constant pain, but I was unable to receive the treatment of choice because I was the sole provider of my mother and I was raising 2 very young girls. I couldn't afford to take off from work the 2 plus years needed for surgery and for recuperation. I had to lean to live with the pain and handicaps that came with the illness. I learned to use what I called mind transfer, to manage my situation. Sleep was the only escape I had from the pain and even then the pain would often wake me up. When I didn't have to work I would sleep. When sleep eluded me, I would lie down in bed or in my recliner and would literally daydream. I became so good at it, I could do it at will. I could completely transfer my mind to another world.

There was a TV series that was on a year or two ago were this police officer lived in two worlds, an awake world and a sleep world, but he never knew which life was real and which was a dream. My live was very much like that but I knew which was dream and which was real and I could control it at will. I rarely had the pain in the dream world so there was no mistaking which was which.

When the girls grew up and became essentially independent, I was able to obtain aggressive treatment. Crazy thing is, though my condition hasn't been completely resolved nor has the pain been 100% relieved. I can't do the mind transfer any more. It was a very effective tool for pain control without the use of pain medications and for the most part was an extremely pleasant experience. I have tried on numerous occasions to slip back into my constructed and interesting alter world, but for some reason I am no longer able to do the mind transfer. I haven't been able to do now about 6 or 7 years.

My dream world, my alternate reality, was very real for me, though it was a deliberate break from reality, it was still very real.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 09:05 PM
Well, welcome to ATS Serpo.

You know when I first got here, I thought I would be sharing some of my more wild and unexplainable occult experiences to. I do a lot of meditated writing (automatic writing), dream journaling, and thought experiments. Plus, I've an occult young adulthood filled with remarkably odd experiences in the OTO tradition of ritual magick. I learned fairly quickly, to refrain from sharing those aspects of myself fully or candidly. For I would be opening myself up for sport - hateful, mentally abusive attacks on my own experiences they weren't there to say yea or nay about!

Oh, I still share, but I do it in bits and pieces here and there, spread out across different threads. I've also learned to grow alligator skin. It helps absorb the shock of an attack over an internet post on a conspiracy site.

Some people, simply know not what they do. Or if they do, they get some sort of delight in belittling others. There are people like that in the world. There just is. It's learned behavior. Some attachments too. I try to remember that, and try to imagine what sort of parents and childhood that might produce such a trait in a person. I then can try to empathize and forgive. It's how I deal with the more abrasive and rude posters. Learned behavior you've been taught from the cradle, is the hardest behaviors to change. Often times, they cannot help themselves.

So if your going to share, highly speculative personal experiences - brace yourself. You will draw these sorts to you like a moth to flame. You either get in the ring and develop your own way of dealing with the bully personality types, or you sit on the sidelines. A wallflower - on the outside, looking in. They're not going to change. First, they don't think there is anything wrong with their behavior, they justify it and feel justified in the way they treat others. Also, they don't how to. Change, that is.

Well anyways, welcome to your journey down the rabbit hole. Give yourself time, you'll find your groove.


posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

Apoc - the underlying issue is that I live in a very small minded town in Central Minnesota. The people here are predominantly ignorant simpletons.

For all you see and do, for all you are and are not, your neighbors are NOT ignorant simpletons. This mistaken assumption on your part may severely hamper your ability to piece together the true nature of reality as it unfolds around you .

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

Hi SerpoDreamer! The broom's advice to you about those who may nay-say your life experience, or anything else you relate that is truthful, is to sweep their comments under the carpet.

Keep it civil with them. Realize not all are developed enough mentally to react in a civil manner. Pity them in your understanding of their deficiencies. Show them humility and consideration. And move on.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Broom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 01:06 AM
Don't be afraid to say what you have to say, no matter how crazy it may seem to be. This is ATS, we've seen crazy, trust me. There will always be people who criticize and call you a liar no matter what you say, but alot of people here are pretty open-minded.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by SerpoDreamer

There will always be horses' asses that have nothing better to do than insult+deride others-my advice is to ignore them,or tell em to take a hike-otherwise you are in for a lot of frustration+upset-i learned that real quick around here.

Especially in The Gray Area-Alien and Ufo forums-these are usefull to find out who the trolls+assholes on ATS are-the ones who will not disagree or question politely,but will post JUST to insult+make their lil plays at being ATS latest stand-up comedian.Deride and insult.EVEN THOUGH THIS IS FORBIDDEN,the owners,Springer and Skeptic Overlord have written whole threads on this-yet it carries on.

In that case,wipe the feces off your shoe+carry on walking.All you can do here.

edit on 2-10-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2013 by Raxoxane because: typos

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