originally posted by: Restricted
reply to post by muzzleflash
Are you, by any chance, schizophrenic?
This post in the quotes definitely needs to be confronted and addressed for the sake of making a point about rudeness.
Average people seem to think it's cool to mask insults with derogatory "diagnosis of mental disorders", which is far more offensive than just merely
cussing at someone.
I've seen many people with severe mental health issues and none of them seemed prone to cite resources and offer logical scientific observations for
any of their ravings.
Our society needs to learn that only licensed mental health professionals are legitimately authorized to make these types of characterizations and
subsequently diagnosing someone as such, and even that is a serious matter and questionable at best.
I am not only offended by it, but hurt too because just a few months ago unsavory and incredibly ignorant folks just like this decided to invest about
3 minutes into reading these threads I wrote explaining occult symbolism and got me committed to an asylum, a "mental health hospital.
I had a board of 12 professionals from all avenues of mental health backgrounds evaluate me closely over 29 days of being trapped and
institutionalized against my will violating my freedom and hurting my feelings deeply.
They took an interest in these threads, asked me tons of questions, took my blood among other screenings, and watched my behavior closely.
At the end they determined I was fully Sane and Competent, I received no diagnosis out of their massive book of choices, and was prescribed no
medications. None!
They said I was the model patient, I was very caring and hopeful, I participated and helped others less fortunate, and said I was a brilliant healthy
young man with a big heart.
I shared God, my knowledge, my friendship, and my Love with everyone. I was calm and collected at all times. I was kind and generous, humorous and of
a positive disposition.
And you know what? I'm disappointed and hurt by the lazy rude individuals who take it upon themselves to insult and deride others with negative
characterizations and destroy others lives heartlessly by being malicious and vindictive with their callous intentions.
Wasted a whole month of my life. I missed my children very much and shed many tears. It was painful to experience. Unfair and uncalled for. I don't
live forever, and being in that place was no fun. I did learn a lot about the system and our backwards society though.
I am an artist of words and ideas, of science and spirituality, and it's hard to overcome my own inhibitions to express my inner light much less
overcome the hurtful insults of others attempting to deride my decision to express my passions openly in public.
It takes great courage and determination to surmount this. To be judged and ridiculed and prejudiced against. But it made me stronger faster and more
capable, and no one will ever stop me from being Me. Ever.
Y'all should be ashamed for this behavior of insulting others in this manner. It's immature and ignorant. Learn to respect and cherish others. Grow