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My name is John B. Alexander, Ph.D. I’ve researched many controversial topics. Ask me anything

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posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 08:33 AM
The Greys are not so much aliens from outer space but they are more likely us from the future ...

These Greys are ... in another time lime ... which is a future time line, 1000s of years into the future from our own ...

Then they came back into our own time line ... to do whatever they are doing now

In the future time line, they had to space travel to some far reaches of space to set up their domain ...

A domain that is like a Dimension that is in a Super-Singularity type continuum ...

In that Continuum ... there is something rather wierd or strange ...

there is neither a past or a present or a future ...

it is as if ... the past or present or future are all happening at once or all some how inter connected together into one super singularity

And these greys live there in this continuum in space that they set up

Some of them dont have bodies like we do ... they dont have physical bodies at all ...

but yet their essence exist as a collective whole ... like a vast collected consciousness in this super singularity

I think we tired to send a ship out there into their part of space ... into their domain

But because time is neither the past or present or future ... those folks of ours when they go into this continuum ... they will be in for the ride of their lives ...

That domain or continuum of the greys ... super singularity ... it is alive ... some how ... it is conscious ...

That domain or continuum of the greys ... is like a living ... conscious ... collective whole ... in space and time ... that is neither ... the past ... the present or the future ... it is like everything is all in one super singularity ... and it is alive ...

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:35 AM


I think we tired to send a ship out there into their part of space ... into their domain

But because time is neither the past or present or future ... those folks of ours when they go into this continuum ... they will be in for the ride of their lives ...

Heck of a ride, it will be, coz they will be dead
in a blink of an eye

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:50 AM
by that i meant that

when u go from basically a singular type dimension into a

multi-super-singular type "dimension" ...

u better be prepared for it ...

even your "mind set" or "way of mental comprehension" has to be able to handle it ...

there is no past ... no present ... no future ...

it is as if everything is all there at one spot ...

and the very fabric of that dimension ... its like some kind of a a mental collective ... it is conscious and it is some how alive ...

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by TheMultiSingularCat

Lol. By that I meant that,
no flesh and blood lifeform can go to a place/ dimension/ superdimension, (call it what you will),
where time is timeless

edit on 13-10-2013 by Angelic Resurrection because: typo

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:50 AM

Angelic Resurrection
reply to post by TheMultiSingularCat

Lol. By that I meant that,
no flesh and blood lifeform can go to a place/ dimension/ superdimension, (call it what you will),
where time is timeless

edit on 13-10-2013 by Angelic Resurrection because: typo

Hi and How do you do ?

How are you doing ?

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:04 PM


Hi and How do you do ?

How are you doing ?

Lol Dude do I know you.
Im doin fine

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:45 AM
Any idea as to what's going on at AUTEC or Pine Gap? Any knowledge on underground facilities? Any info on a 9/11 cover up?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

If I was to say the biblical code would you say im a fool?
If I was to say my predictions come true and I see things before they happen would you say coincidence?
If I was to say that I asked and received but what I received wasnt exactly what I had in mind and that now the welfare of every man woman and child is on my mind constantly? Would you say I am a liar?

To be totally honest I have no idea where to start and who it is will genuinely listen. Ive tried before on here ATS and when I p
ost threads it is done as I receive and see them. The iridium conspiracy thread. I would really like you to read it in full from start to finish with an open mind unfortunately there is an onslaught of mocking but please read those too.

Also I would like to ask what your view would be towards evidence of a lost civilization and particularly to the USB Symbol connection.
In fact I have loads to share including the connection between the universe, MRI scans of the brain and psychedelic drugs. I have had posts deleted for their content.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:50 AM
Hello John. If you are still here, I would like to know:

1) if you personally know contactee which, in your opinion, really had contacts with some kind of intelligence "out of this world", including physical encounters?
What's your opinion about Adamski case? And/or maybe you can name cases with contactees which in your opinion can be real deal?

Also did you hear/know about contacts case in Peru, 1974, with groups of young people including Carlos and Sixto Paz Wells, researched by Juan Jose Benitez? If yes what's your opinion?

2) Can it be that at least in some cases UFOs are just some kind of projections of UFO image inside of our head and not objects in the sky? I mean intentional projections from some kind of source. The same regarding of aliens.

3) is there a book on UFO/contacts subject which you will recommend (excluding yours, I already have it)

4) Do you know or experienced phenomena when you hear a voice saying or singing something (or when you hear a melody), when there is no any possible "normal" source of such voice or sound? Outside of your head or at least when it sounds like outside of your head.

5) Regarding of "cattle mutilations" - can it be that source of such mutilations is the same at Skinwalker Ranch and outside of it (throughout of US at farther). And "chupacabra" is just another part of the same phenomena?

6) What's your position on "alien abductions"? Is it physical, non-physical or both? And is related to another/parallel/non-physical dimensions?
I read that you personally knew John Mack. Do you disagree with him on something?

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 05:48 AM


As I state in the book, we are not even at the point of asking the right questions - and I don't know what those are yet. Until we allow the best and brightest to work the problems, we'll not get there. As of now, it is not career enhancing for scientists to play with UFOs.

And on that note, I am an undergraduate and astronomy and astrobiology major. I am very interested in those scientists who do play with UFOs in an academic way, rare as they are.

For example, I'm thinking specifically about people like ASUProfessor Dr. Paul Davies who wants to crowdsource a search through Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter for alien artifacts on the moon:



Or someone you're probably familiar with Hal Putoff.

My question is, who do you think finds real aliens first, the scientists in academia or the UFO investigator in MUFON or other organizations?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 07:54 PM


Hello Mr. Alexander and welcome i only have one question if UFOs are real and extraterrestrial in nature why would the government keep denying that anything is going on especially when it involves our airspace and also injury to the citizens Cash-Landrum case.If that wasn't a UFO that caused radiation sickness in Betty Cash then it was a secret military craft that of course the Air Force isn't going to owned up to and deny anything even when Betty went to them and asked for answers.I think it is cowardly of our government to withhold information

This is the main thesis of the book. And Cash-Landrum is addressed specifically. Bottom line - it was not ours. Biggest issue is the USG doesn't care about UFOs.

Doesn't care about UFO's? That's kinda hard to believe considering the witnesses of the Cash-Landrum incident all reported seeing at least 12 (and up to 23 I think) CH-47 Chinooks circling the object. There was also absolutely no record of the CH-47's flying that night, with a high ranking base commander (of the nearest Army base) reporting he had ZERO knowledge of any helicopter activity in the area during that time.

That would point to either a black operation, a government cover up (beings they still aren't saying anything), or both.

I'm sure you know that the Rendlesham forest incident happened only one day before the Cash-Landrum incident, and most everyone involved in that reported seeing something very similar, and reported MIB's telling them to keep quiet.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:35 PM


In the past several years, you have spoken extensively about shamanism - particularly that which is practiced in South America, whose shamans utilize the hallucinogenic brew 'ayahuasca'. You have brought up the important work of Dr. Rick Strassman and the research he did with DeeMT, which was the first legal, FDA-approved psychedelic study conducted in America since the 1960s. All signs point to psychedelics being a sufficient catalyst for the human mind to open up to paranormal experiences [as well as more tangible and positive benefits such as healing from mental health disorders etc].

Given that all psychedelic substances are still Schedule 1 (illegal), many people advocate the legalization of this particular class of drugs, and suggest a revamping of the War on Drugs. What is your position on the legalization and Drug War issue?
edit on 30-9-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

Am familiar with his work and recommend his book The Spirit Molecule. I often use a quote by him regarding other dimension that are populated.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:22 AM
Mr. Alexander, have you ever heard of an agency called NESIA (National Exo-Spatial Intelligence Agency)?

And if you did, could you tell us?

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:49 PM
I missed the AMA, but a while back I had a private email Q & A with Dr. Alexander on the topic of his involvement in the Cash-Landrum investigation by the Army.

I also asked him questions about the possibility of the involvement of covert military special forces, and his theories:

…it defies explanation and the simple "experimental aircraft gone bad" does not fit...

The DAIG Investigation of the Cash-Landrum UFO Incident, John B. Alexander’s Involvement & Opinions

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by CardDown

I value your opinion, CardDown. How do you parse his comments? Alexander doesn't seem to make much headway with his vague statements. "Not ours." Okay. Whose?

edit on 21-11-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by The GUT

isn't that reminiscent of our paranoia from our inability to explain uaps?

edit on 21/11/13 by mcrom901 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:30 PM

reply to post by CardDown

I value your opinion, CardDown. How do you parse his comments? Alexander doesn't seem to make much headway with his vague statements. "Not ours." Okay. Whose?

edit on 21-11-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

For an Army guy, Alexander has a surprising (at least, to me) belief in the paranormal/supernatural. It wasn't part of my communication with him, but from his book, lectures and interviews, it seems pretty clear to me that he thinks UFOs are part of this. He firmly believes that in the Cash-Landrum case, the helicopters were not physical (at least in a conventional sense) and that they were some kind of projection, possibly psychic, associated with the UFO.

Seems weird to me, but Dr. J. Allen Hynek had almost the the same idea. In an interview in OMNI magazine, he said that he considered the possibility that some UFO encounter cases were real, but the the craft were "holographic projections", yet somehow able to interact with our environment. He thought the C-L case, and the helicopters were an example of that.

This inter-dimensional spiritual stuff is way too much for me. I'd rather go back to Martians in flying saucers!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 08:58 PM

reply to post by The GUT

isn't that reminiscent of our paranoia from our inability to explain uaps?

I have a response to that that I think you'll enjoy/appreciate. It pokes some fun at both myself and Col. Alexander. I'll craft it in the next day or so.

Obversely, your position might not be as tight as you presume, even though I find you an exceptional intellect. Indubitably.

You wouldn't happen to be the author (reproduced below) of the link you posted above would you? I enjoyed it and agree with much of it. It's philosophically dichotomous at times, imo, however. I'm sure you can see that?

I'll try and get to that soon. Peace, brudda, and much respect.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 10:48 AM

The Greys are not so much aliens from outer space but they are more likely us from the future ...

These Greys are ... in another time lime ... which is a future time line, 1000s of years into the future from our own ...

Then they came back into our own time line ... to do whatever they are doing now

In the future time line, they had to space travel to some far reaches of space to set up their domain ...

To me this idea is nonsense. The greys may definitely be real, but look at what they did. First off you probably think of what they did as the mainstream reputation they have - landing at Holloman, landing at the O'Hare Airport, landing at the ancient Sumerian ritual circle... What they did, is not told on the documentaries and hard to find in the currently non published books from the past. It is told by word of mouth, and we don't have these thing happening anymore, so we don't have men and women of expertise that are investing events, therefore we don't have the witnesses that tell the investigators what happened at events, and we don't have researchers being let into government information anymore because this group now doesn't exist. I am speaking reality, not ideas. A human looking alien is an idea. A grey alien is a mysterious chain of physical events. The event are the ones that spoke, and the details of the events were not written down for the media. Sometimes these aspects of proclaimed reality are labeled rumors because there is no way to prove word of mouth, yet word of mouth is the most important way of keeping history. So we have to find the people to trust, they may not tell us all the truth and they may lie, but they have ties to the government and inside people who know about the generation that was involved deep into UFOs.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 02:08 PM


reply to post by The GUT

isn't that reminiscent of our paranoia from our inability to explain uaps?

I have a response to that that I think you'll enjoy/appreciate. It pokes some fun at both myself and Col. Alexander. I'll craft it in the next day or so.

Obversely, your position might not be as tight as you presume, even though I find you an exceptional intellect. Indubitably.

You wouldn't happen to be the author (reproduced below) of the link you posted above would you? I enjoyed it and agree with much of it. It's philosophically dichotomous at times, imo, however. I'm sure you can see that?

I'll try and get to that soon. Peace, brudda, and much respect.

heyo buddy... i'm not james kent, lol, i'm just as lost and found like anybody else here... only here to pass some of the memes which seem to have taken hold of some of my neurons, not to score over other people's beliefs... respects brudda... peace and madness

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