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"Jumping" through time and memory "loss": Is time-traveling using our minds possible?

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posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:50 PM
I had an interesting conversation with one of my cousins when I went to go visit him about a month ago about time. He believes "there is something wrong with time", as if "some hiccup in time has happened" or that "something was supposed to happen but has yet to do so/"has been put off"". We came to the conclusion that perhaps time isn't a "fixed" thing as us humans often view it as being but is instead like a rubber band that expands and contracts. If you think about it, the universe according to some scientists is thought to "expand and contract"; wouldn't it make sense for "time" to do the same thing and go with the flow of the universe's motions in this?

When we had this conversation, this reminded me of a very strange memory of mine. I'm not sure if this was just some really whacky dream or what this was. Anyways...
I remember when I was around 4 years old, I moved to another state with my family due to my dad getting a job offer. I even remember going up and down the moving truck ramp playing around as kids tend to do. I am not sure if I simply dreamed this memory or what. I remember going to bed one day when I was about 4 years old, few months shy of turning 5 (at least several months after I had moved to this new area). For some strange reason I remember seeing some "glitter" just before going to bed after I had closed my eyes. I started to dream about a bunch of random past memories and even of places I had seen only once (and also had yet to see, which is a whole other topic). Just before this dream ended, I remember seeing myself in bed sleeping. Everything went dark and I started to see this "glitter" again.

I remember waking up from this "dream" and still saw the "glitter" for about a couple minutes after I woke up that morning. After I woke up, I walked over to the closet looking through clothes thinking about my "dream" and randomly said outloud "Yup, I'm growing up". This "dream" was one I had when I was a couple months or less than that shy of turning 7 years old. Pretty weird thing for a 6 year old kid to say after waking up, isn't it? I also have literally no memory between the time I had gone to bed that night to the moment I woke up from that dream (or at least do not "recall" experiencing anything in that time period).

I have no idea if that was just some weird dream or what happened there. This does bring up a weird question to mind: is it possible for us to "jump" through time and not be fully aware of it? If we were to be able to jump through time, could this account for SOME cases, as to explain why some people have big memory gaps between different years whereas others don't? I also wonder if the reason why others may insist you experienced something regardless of how hard you try to remember (but just can't) is because you weren't consciously there (like may be your body was on "autopilot" or something). If this "time jumping" phenomenon were to be possible, I would imagine it happens more when we are younger and possibly thus less "grounded" in living in the present than when we are older.

There are of course plenty of explanations for this, such as "typical" memory loss that accumulates over the years. It's also a generally accepted rule of thumb many people simply don't remember their earliest years for whatever reason. The ultimate question I have is this: is it possible to time travel or "jump through time" using our consciousness" and could this account for why so many people tend to have childhood memory "loss"? I wonder also if this could account for why time seems to go by extremely quickly at times, whereas at others it seems to go by rather slowly.

What are your guys' thoughts on all of this? What are your ideas of what time is (or isn't)? In that, what do you think of the idea of time travel?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by rainprincess64

Mind time travel is possible,as I've experienced it myself.

Time is all thats exists and that will exist.
edit on 28-9-2013 by Dalarn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:59 PM
I can travel to the past but not into the future

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by rainprincess64

We can think about the past and future quite easily. It's quite clear that the mind doesn't actually travel there however.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:45 PM
Darkroom meditation as a catalyst ,tip of the iceberg.
Greater Kan and Li

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by OmegaSynthesis

I kind of have a similar experience but I would say it is to do with jumping between parallel realities, it was when I was about 20 years old, 10 years ago, I used to take the bus to university everyday and passed the same cinema, about half way through the second year something about the cinema changed over night.

Now, this cinema had an electronic display of current and future films outside the main entrance scrolling by with timings. I had passed the cinema in the morning on the way to classes and on the way back. In the evening I went to see a friend in the city centre for some food and drinks and took the same bus. As I passed the cinema the electronic display was no longer there and the older fashioned paper behind a glass screen was there with all the information on films showing but on the other side of the entrance.

I could not see any evidence of any electronic machine having ever been there, it is possible that it was removed and all wiring removed then the holes plastered over and painted in 3 hours but I thought it would be weird for this to happen after the normal working day ends.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:04 PM
I did an experiment between 2007-2010 along a similar line.

After reading some stuff on Casey and how he claimed to mentally travel through time - I modified it a bit and did my own test.

The Test

Starts out by thinking about what happened now. Concentrate on the facts and think them into your past. Then open your mind up to receive thoughts from the future.

You won't get anything at first, but the longer you practice it, the more you start to tune in. You can even use this to aid others. Add what they tell you to your thought sessions.

The thing is, you have to do this everyday. Pick a few times a day and/or a specific moment. You have to do it everyday around the same time(s) or that period will be fuzzy. Consistent times seems to be the key.

You'll be shocked on what you can accomplish.

edit on 28-9-2013 by ChuckNasty because: pew pew

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by rainprincess64

You only know 'time' because You are in Your body. No body, no time.

Are You familiar with the 'Akashic Records' ? (Book of Life, what was, what is, what will be) With the final stages of a 'dimensional shift' of Mother Earth (She too needs to 'evolve') new portals have opened, making the access to the Akasha easier for those inclined to 'seek'


posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 10:08 AM
I know that "New Age" sources are not necessarily the best sources of information generally speaking (don't necessarily discount them entirely either). However, I do have to wonder why it is that some people say it is possible (and share various methods to achieve such using the mind). Has anyone else had experiences like the one I described (or any sort of time "jumping" experience really)?
edit on 9/29/13 by rainprincess64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 10:33 AM
The topic reminds me of an event that happened to me when I was in the Military. I was going about my business and I remember going to my wall locker to change a cd. Literally the next second I was on a stretcher surrounded by paramedics and one of my friends yelled "you're going to be alright!" as I was rushed out the door and into an ambulance. I have a sharp memory when needed (I even remember what my friend was wearing that day).

What is odd here is that 35 minutes had passed in the span of 1 second "for me" (I look at my watch often). I was not "unconscious" in a normal sense -no memory of dreaming, I didn't hit my head or get electrocuted, actually I have no memory at all of that time period. It was quite literally a blink of an eye, almost like I was teleported to that stretcher instantly (but we know that could not have happened of course). My doctors denied that it was a seizure, I took an EEG and passed it, a few times, all normal on repeated cat scans and MRI's.

I will never forget how weird that was.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Volund

Wow that is VERY bizarre! Why were you sent to the hospital in the first place? Quite intriguing how they didn't find anything wrong with your MRI and CAT scans yet this took place, yet you had that "jump" or whatever it was that happened. I wonder why this happened. It's one of those odd things we'll not be able to have answers to at least for quite a while if ever XD

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Volund

Probably a medical condition is at fault, not any time warp.

We had a guy at work experience the same thing you did..but we all saw it. He was walking around with this glazed look...he then collapsed. He said the same thing you did - remembers doing X then woke with EMT in his face.

Docs had no clue why he collapsed. He got medically booted for it.

It was an extremely hot & humid day when it happened. I think his system couldn't handle it.

...the really odd thing about it - I have a horrible time thinking about that day or even what he looked like. Really not sure of what base it was at too.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 03:10 PM
That depends on your concept of time. I'm starting to wonder if time does not exist and everything run's togetter and parallel at the same time. At least my understanding of it anyway.

Here and there while growing up I would wake wondering where I was at, what day or year. Of course it was for a second or 2 after waking up. Seem's that while dreaming I could not decide what was real.

I blew it off thinking 'it's nothing' and went about my day. Later I started noticing things were already done; have done this already kick, lost of time, day for the moment, pondering what just happened only this time I started to take a notice of them.

As more yrs go by, I get a glimce of things before and if you have voices in your head they will confrum it just happened! Them voices! Their in your dream's and while you are awake, at least for me anyway.

Now the last 2 yrs as of now, somedays I wake and could not actually tell what day it is! Only 2 thing's bind me, alarm clock and having to turn on the tv to see what day it is. Ever have a dream where the alarm clock goes off in your dream and when you wake up the alarmclock start's to go off! 1-2 min's gap.

As of now, I'm still wondering what happened to Aug and Sept! And somehow knowing I might see Jan tomorrow. I'm wondering if reincarnation is not just reliving this life over and over until you get it right!
Except most of my dreams do not co-inside with daily living, most are of places of tomorrow and places I've never been.

Could it be a shift of reality, another door I've somehow opened, I just do not know. What I do know is that it is going to be okay; more like a feeling though. Even the voices are in check on this one!

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:04 PM

reply to post by Volund

Wow that is VERY bizarre! Why were you sent to the hospital in the first place? Quite intriguing how they didn't find anything wrong with your MRI and CAT scans yet this took place, yet you had that "jump" or whatever it was that happened. I wonder why this happened. It's one of those odd things we'll not be able to have answers to at least for quite a while if ever XD

Someone said they called the paramedics because I was laying on the ground and not responding to them (open bay barracks are pretty open spaces).

A "jump" is a good way to describe it since to me there was no in between time at all. No "am I ok? Have been out a while?" but more like "wth!". It would be like you're typing this reply and then going to hit the enter key and realizing you were instantly at a flea market holding a tomato and still making the motion to strike the key when you drop the tomato.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Volund

As I described in my OP here, I find that may be it's possible that our consciousness (or our higher selves rather) somehow decide to make such "jumps" for whatever reason and we find ourselves in one moment and then suddenly in another place and time. I also think that while our consciousness (or however you want to put it) makes such jumps, our bodies either go into "autopilot" mode while they wait for us to return or perhaps someone else's consciousness "borrows" our body temporarily for the time being until we return (like a guardian or something)? What are your thoughts on this?

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:43 PM

reply to post by Volund

As I described in my OP here, I find that may be it's possible that our consciousness (or our higher selves rather) somehow decide to make such "jumps" for whatever reason and we find ourselves in one moment and then suddenly in another place and time. I also think that while our consciousness (or however you want to put it) makes such jumps, our bodies either go into "autopilot" mode while they wait for us to return or perhaps someone else's consciousness "borrows" our body temporarily for the time being until we return (like a guardian or something)? What are your thoughts on this?

I think thats a pretty scary thought. I know there are conditions that simulate this... like say driving and realizing you are 20 freeway exits from a second ago, or even on a different freeway altogether, and no memory of how you got there besides the obvious (driving there). I call that "auto-pilot" because I sometimes exit the freeway for no reason only to find out later there is was accident further down the freeway that was avoided. I wonder if this is what dementia or alzheimers is like for the elderly, or some sort of protection mechanism...

One instance that can be simulated is going to the dentist and getting gassed for an extraction and suddenly realizing you are sitting in an upright position on a couch in the recovery room and realize you have no idea how long you've been there, or how you got there, or how you could have been "awake" and brought there. Needless to say I won't do that again. I have read instances of bad dentists where people "come back" and they are standing in a broom closet because the staff put them there to keep them "out of the way". I only do novocaine shots now for this reason.

I read about "walk ins" where people have died and take over someones body from them, but I don't think it's really the same as it is described on this link (compared to what you are saying, close I think but not quite). Source
edit on 29-9-2013 by Volund because: bad grammar

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Volund

I've also heard about walk-ins myself. It does seem like it is essentially the same thing, although in cases like this it'd be much more short-lived (which is rather odd). I wonder if when we "jump", we are actually experiencing being in another dimension (or even another body) until we return to our "main body". In this, I wonder if "life after death" (should this exist) is partially our consciousness, soul, etc. looking for another body or experience to live through and thus experiencing other dimensions in the meanwhile (that is until one "ascends" and remains in the higher dimensions say).

I wonder if it's possible that during those "jumps" we are consciously in another body in the meanwhile but we simply "forget" we experienced that for some reason. May be this is why we forget about say past lives until later on when our consciousness or higher selves need to recall some learned lesson or whatever? This gives the phrase "living a double life" a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

May be it's things like this that prove our consciousness can be placed into another body and in that ultimately we "live another life".

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by rainprincess64

Yes, I do it all the time, or well, used to lol.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:36 AM
Idk if this relates properly to the thread topic,but I have 2 distinct memories of living in a certain apartment complex in the town where I grew up-but I never lived there.Yet I have 2 memories-one is of sitting alone in a room on a bed crying,very worried+upset about something-and leaving that apartment block to go to the residence of a family friend,few blocks away.This actually happened-i went to him+he gave me a lift to my adoptive mother's place-but I never lived in the apartment block where I remember crying alone in my room+which I left to walk blocks to the family friend's apartment block.

The only time I could have possibly been upset because of the personal thing that upset me-was in a time frame where I lived in a small bachelor apartment-almost right across the road from the family friend's apartment block-i literally only needed to cross the road.And all my other memories of that time corresponds with me living in the cheapo bachelor pad right across the road from the family friend's apartment complex.I did'nt even Know anyone in the apartment complex blocks away-which I have this inexplicable memory of-sitting alone in my room crying,leaving the building+walking to the family friend.

It gets strange+hazy in my mind when I try to remember,he took me to my mother,I may even have spent the night at her place-but my next memory is of being in the bachelor pad where I Did live,and breaking up with the boyfriend that caused me to be so upset.That could have even been the very next day,in fact it propably was-i apply a solution to a problem quickly+he was the problem,I would not have waited.

Then I have another memory of walking into that apartment building with a male friend,not a boyfriend,just a friend,he'd taken me to dinner-as we were walking into the building towards my apartment,I mentioned some eating disorder/digestive problem I was having,I remember that much-and then nothing-like a blank wall-the memory stops.I do not recall the actual dinner or being out with him that night-just that snatch of me telling him I was worried that I was developing an eating disorder-and Blank-another odd thing,both these strange-circumstance memories only returned to me years after-in both cases the specific memory popped into my mind out of nowhere-and then came the big "Wait,hang on a bit,that cannot be right??"

Both occured around 1987,these events,it makes me think of the theories of overlapping alternate realities.Well that boyfriend got dumped in at least 2 realities ,that's for sure

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

This is very fascinating Raxoxane. I believe that it is certainly possible that people can somehow experience multiple alternative "parallel" universes so to speak. I also believe it's not only possible to walk or exist in multiple universes at once, it could explain things such as bilocation for example. Strange how people have memories of places they haven't truly experienced (perhaps this could explain why?).

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