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Flu shot? 27 year test subject

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posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:19 AM
I joined the USAF 27 years ago and remained in for 20 years. For all 20 of those years I was forced to get a flu shot and for all 20 of those years I got the flu and several colds all winter long. I retired 7 years ago and stopped getting the flu shot. I have not so much as sneezed in the last 6 years.

I am not telling you to not get a flu shot as I don't want to endanger anyone especially the elderly. I am just letting you know what has happened to me before and after getting flu shots and now not getting flu shots.
edit on 28-9-2013 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2013 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:45 AM
I have never had the flu shot myself, call me superstition but I've always believed in the conspiracy theory of population control.

But I work in health care and I do know that the flu vaccine does give you the mild flu (in some cases severe but rare) and others don't notice a thing. Anyhow, in turn your body produces anti bodies to combat the virus in question.

Since the flu vaccine came out, so 13yrs +, I haven't had the Influenza or the flu once, and had the common cold twice. The nurses on my floor who get their yearly "dose", are always sick and never at work leaving the floor short which totally sucks.
edit on 28-9-2013 by Xquizit because: (no reason given)

Edit: thanks for sharing your story

edit on 28-9-2013 by Xquizit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:10 AM
i dont know what to believe anymore my GF went to a naturopath earlier this week and he claimed that they are spraying wheat with vaccines ...if that is correct you dont even need the shot anymore just eat wheat based products.......and for the record i dont believe it but i do take everything with a grain of salt...i certainly wouldn't put it past them.......

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:22 AM
When there was the H1N1 scare, there was a world specialist on radio that was explaining how the immune system was working.

Each time you get the flu or cold, your system will recognize how the little bug is made. When they mutate, they are made up of parts of known makeups by your immune system. So, as you get older, they are less and less effective at making you sick since your system has learned more and more "makeups" over the years.

In his opinion, there were no reasons to vaccinate old people...

I wish I could remember the name of the specialist...

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:24 AM
i never have any injections ever even when i was supposed to as a child and i am healthy as hell and have got to the ripe old age of 46 without any serious illness .

i would not even get my pets injected with anything and they all lived to old age .

i do not trust those injections and the figures for medical employees taking them speak for themselves mercury is a toxic poison so why put it in injections nope not for me

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:32 AM

i dont know what to believe anymore my GF went to a naturopath earlier this week and he claimed that they are spraying wheat with vaccines ...if that is correct you dont even need the shot anymore just eat wheat based products.......and for the record i dont believe it but i do take everything with a grain of salt...i certainly wouldn't put it past them.......


Dude....I saw a piper navion spraying wheat this year for the first May...weeks before the harvest. I couldn't figure out what the intention was....but as your doctor said.....they're spraying I suppose.
The navion was staying high up off the crops, too

edit on 28-9-2013 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:32 AM
just had to add as a young fella i was vaccinated against chicken pox i remember the needle ...funny that i still ended up getting chicken pox..........

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:05 AM
I agree with you. I took the flu shots early on in my life and always got the flu, now I do not get the shots, usually I do not get the flu, but if I do, it is mild. For me it is better to take my chances than to give myself the flu year after year.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:40 AM
I always hated needles from day one. I'm glad that it seems sometimes counter productive taking one
anyone seen that viral video of the poorgirl that got all discombobulated after the flu shot? How credible the video is I don't know, but definitely worthwhile watching!

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:52 PM
Thanks for sharing. I am curious about the ratio of your fellow soldiers regarding this. Did many of them get the flu often and have others experienced the change you have? I have never got a flu shot and have gone...I can't even remember the last time I has a sniffle. I am 47 and purdy healthy, getting lots of exercise though. I do wonder if there may be more benefit for the elders, but my father has somewhat religiously gotten his flu shot every year, and almost every year he has caught a cold rather than flu, so I don't know.

So many cold.flus are picked up by exposure in public I think. I once saw a piece regarding cold/flus and the doctor said the best way to avoid it is never put your fingers in your eyes or nose, for this is how the bugs are transmitted. I adamantly applied this and noticed just how much we all do this throughout out a day. I still rub my eyes, but I use the inside of my shirt or backside of hand.
Conspiracy, who knows man, and then is it intentional or circumstantial?

Peace and health

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I cant speak for them all but we always seemed to all get sick. At least most of us.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Man didn't you guys receive a cocktail of vaccines as well? If I recall correct, my friend who enlisted in 03 got 40 something vaccinations. How far apart were those given also?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Yes. Flu shot was annual though.

Some were 3,5 and 10 years or something like that. Hard to remember really.
edit on 28-9-2013 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Xeven

I've never had the flu shot and I don't remember ever getting the flu.

I wash my hands a lot, wear latex gloves at the grocery store and don't let people cough in my face. I don't touch public handrails. It's easy to remember not to touch things in public. Just think of a disgusting person wiping their booty with the item, barfing on it or blowing their nose on it. (Which essentially they do when they don't wash their hands.)

At the grocery store, people change the diapers of their recently vaccinated children in the cars, then proceed to enter the grocery store and touch anything that is imaginable, exposing everyone to the excreted, semi-dead viruses their children were inoculated with. I see people touching the very same things, then leave the store eating food with their hands.

Pens at check-out lines, touch pads for deli ordering, pay phones, door handles, ATM buttons, gas pumps, convenience store doors. Everyone should just wash their hands a lot more.

Your OP is very interesting, though.
edit on 28-9-2013 by PrincessTofu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 12:52 AM
True story - I've never had the polio vaccine, and I've never even met anyone who has.

And none of us have ever had polio.

Just goes to show how much of a lie it all is. They just want to kill us all.

So if someone says "Look out, the polio virus is on the loose!" you can rest assured you wont get it, and even if you did, it'd probably be better for you than getting vaccinated.

Seriously! I am on the internet.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by winofiend

I too am from the generation that wasn't vaccinated for the polio. All other family member, even my brother only a year older than me got it.

They all are sick with various illnesses plaguing them ranging to somewhat heavily to death...

My only health problems came from accidents I had. Even my asthma was controlled without any meds...

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 05:40 PM


posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:22 PM
I haven't been sick in years but I got a flu shot a few weeks ago. My doctor talked me into it while I was there for a check up. Within a week I was sick go figure.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:29 PM
I am 40 yrs old..

From age I would say 18 to now I have been sick around 4 times..

How many times did I get the flu shot? 0..

The reason I would get sick is I was stupid and kissed a sick person..

No reason for me to get a shot at all.. Unless I am unaware of it or unconscious...

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Xeven

I got the flu shot several times as a teen when it was still pretty new. I got sick. As an adult, I quit getting the shot and quit getting sick. I don't know to attribute this to lack of shots, or something I learned:

Quit touching your face! Seriously. I will not so much as wipe snot off my face with my hands, sleeve, or anything. Or watery eyes, any of that. I don't even care if anyone sees me looking gross or stupid. I will use a napkin from my purse (wrapped in plastic in my purse) or just walk to the nearest bathroom so that I can use tissues on my face after a hand wash.

No hands go in eyes, nose, or mouth = no sickness, in my current opinion.

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