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Just for a split second, it ALL makes sense but then 'the answer' is gone...

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posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 10:23 PM

This moment of clarity is very much relatable to epiphanies that can occur under the influence of psychedelics. For one moment your consciousness can expand to understand the mysteries of the universe. During that time you are like "I understand everything, it's so simple! I'll never forget this, I'm a changed man from here on" And then 2 mins later its like a faint memory that can barely be interpreted by your current mindset. Its so infuriating, and yet so fantastic to know my spirit has the potential to understand everything in this body, in this time, even if its only a brief experience.

Sometimes I think that there are multiple ways of understanding everything and all can be correct. If a tree falls down in a forest and two observers both come to different conclusions of why the tree fell down; then the tree that falls has two different meanings at the same time, both can be correct.

yeah i experienced these things months ago, when sitting besides the river and watching trees on the opposite side.
suddenly i realized 'holy sh****, all these objects are inside me'. two seconds later was like 'what was that just now'

i think the conclusion to make this permanent is we must have 100% absolute conviction. no doubts
edit on 28-9-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by dodol

To make it permanent I think we pretty much need to devote half a day to meditation and contemplation, for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately in this era and this Western society, it is almost impossible to maintain that kind of lifestyle... Which is why I can't wait to get out of here!

I agree with you though, conviction has everything to do with it. If you have total conviction on your ideas, you just live them and stop making excuses for why you're not living life like you believe you should be.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

That's how anxiety is for me. I ll vcomprehend a concept like eternity for an panic inducing instance and the its just snapped back in to the fog on a ruubberband.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:41 AM
These are infinitesimal duration openings of the Door meant to call you. The problem is the human brain. A finite structure such as the brain is doing its best to process the Presence composed of something infinite. The only recourse the brain has is to apply memories to locate some fit. This does not work since the brain cannot withhold infinite Presence so it "makes stuff up" that best comes close. So we say, an angel, a light at the end of a tunnel, a shining bright face of Jesus (or your favorite religious head), whatever.

Your not wrong, incorrect , nor invalid when you apply these methaphors to what happened to you. Its the best any of us can do because our brains are so weak. Just understand the metaphor your brain settled on and the metaphor someone elses brain settled on will always be different but the instigator and actual Presence of the peeked open Door is one and the same.

By the way, this instance of recording that infinitesimal duration opened Door is the instance in space-time recorded in your "Book of Life" is the escape Door you will be using after you die and close out your recording process (conception to death). So celebrate, your entrance into evermore newness and expansion of conciousness is assured. After you die and time dwell within your space-time recording (serving as your conscience for your still embodied self), when you come upon the instance in your lifespan when that "Flash" happened, your out. Just take all your pets and other humans that never got the "Flash" with you. Love is the bridging mechanism between Books of Life that permits crossing over into anothers Book of Life. Love is a oneness for a reason.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:47 AM

reply to post by Wonderer2012

yes 2012 thats rather well phrased

- its like a person being deep underwater
trying to make his way to the watersurface

..the analogy s not quite correct - it d need to be "several layers of water"
or perhaps even "several types of fluids"

and every higher level of water provides different perceptions
different - larger - context

..problem is only....that the persons breath is running out, the higher he swims up

untill he can see the sun shining into the last layer, the surface
- then the sunlight dissapears again
then comes back a moment
.. i assume that is the point you are describing

so - hów to can get óut of the water ?

Be the water/liquid and the container, find or create a leak, spill through?

Punctured torus...,_small).gif

The mind and the cosmos are one and the same....


edit on 29-9-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 07:48 AM


This moment of clarity is very much relatable to epiphanies that can occur under the influence of psychedelics. For one moment your consciousness can expand to understand the mysteries of the universe. During that time you are like "I understand everything, it's so simple! I'll never forget this, I'm a changed man from here on" And then 2 mins later its like a faint memory that can barely be interpreted by your current mindset. Its so infuriating, and yet so fantastic to know my spirit has the potential to understand everything in this body, in this time, even if its only a brief experience.

Sometimes I think that there are multiple ways of understanding everything and all can be correct. If a tree falls down in a forest and two observers both come to different conclusions of why the tree fell down; then the tree that falls has two different meanings at the same time, both can be correct.

yeah i experienced these things months ago, when sitting besides the river and watching trees on the opposite side.
suddenly i realized 'holy sh****, all these objects are inside me'. two seconds later was like 'what was that just now'

i think the conclusion to make this permanent is we must have 100% absolute conviction. no doubts
edit on 28-9-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

I had the same thing with the infinite space in the universe lol, documented here....


posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Yes the world is a stage...
and we are here to learn and evolve and interact...
with our fellow actors.

And yes...
sometimes the answers do appear with crystal clarity...
for that brief moment...
and then are gone in a flash...
to be replaced with life's always pressing needs.

S & F

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:56 AM
It's not that you didn't retain the insight. It's actually that the euphoria associated with the insight wore off. It only seems that you did not retain because you associate the insight with the feeling.

Don't focus on the feeling. The insight already works within you.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Everyone relating on the "ah ha!" moment, which is like a mental bubble and pops as soon as it showed up.. Comes from the individuals in a semi-meditative state of mind.

That feeling of all is connected, whatever is happening will be alright - is literally the basis of meditation. The clearing of thoughts from invading your mind, the settling of emotions or feelings, the complete stillness in the mind.

This is why we naturually meditate (that is, those who are more in their self, and less focused outside of their self). Look at your pets, animals, plants, oceans, Nature. . They are all in some sort of mediational state of being, when they are not being active or trying to thrive/survive.

What is the mind? What is the source and true nature of the mind and consciousness we all have? That is where your questions should start, and meditation is your key to opening that door in your mind to find out.

People are too focused what the universe is, why is it here, why are we here and what is the point... Impossible and exhausting questions at most! You wont find answers to them! And you deffinately wont find the answers to your mind in books and secret societies...

You need to meditate, and find that stillness within yourself. Let it take you away from the moment you are present, forget about being human, forget about tasks and responsibilties. . Give time to your mind, STILL your mind, like you gotta steal it back lol.

When this practice is put in, you will have more 'ah ha!' moments. This is the nature of a spiritual being having a human experience..
edit on 29-9-2013 by covertpanther because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 12:20 PM

reply to post by Wonderer2012

I would like to share my perspective on the world issues as a whole and see how others feel about it, I feel that all actions have consequences of equal magnitude, often times I think that the consequences of those actions neutralizes the action itself. For instance to create a positive potential I most make a negative potential, the negative potential when shorted to the positive will equalize back to zero, this is the basic example of electricity and it would appear many things follow this basis.

I like this thought alot! goes with ying and yang, true balance in the unniverse. And makes me think of the game Diablo. HEAR ME OUT. silly analogy but in this game the Hero went through dungeons to save the world from the devil. KILLING THOUSANDS to save THOUSANDS. In the End to maintain the Evil the hero and to control that Evil from within his own body so that all the suffering and negativity would not be inflicted on anyone else but himself. The ultimate sacrifice. This world is balanced with good and evil, light and dark, Energy that vibrates high and low and it all needs a balance. It just takes true heroes in this world to provide Goodness for all

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:29 PM
"It reminds me slightly when I think about individual words. Take any word and if you think about it long enough, suddenly it all seems so strange, almost as though something isn't right and the whole thing is some kind of weird illusion."

Sounds a bit like an inner mantra yoga / Transcendental Meditation:

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:56 PM
Just wanted to say I feel absolutely overjoyed to have found this thread (and to the OP for creating it - thank you, sincerely!)! Amazing how often something occurs that I can't really put into "understandable" terms for my friends and then I find the very thing being discussed here or elsewhere. Love those little synchronicities of life (no doubt related to the topic at hand as well).

I have experienced this both in lucid dreams and also in the waking state, albeit the latter ones where I momentarily feel I have sort of slipped sideways into the stillness between seconds, realize that this existence is...what it is and am totally and utterly at peace and happy with the realization - and then whoosh! Time starts up again and the crazy, chaotic, sometimes happy, frequently upsetting world takes off again and it's like that now requires -demands- my focus and the GREAT fantastic realization fades quickly -but - I retain enough to remember/know/feel/remind myself "you can't bring that back with you but just know and trust that it's all okay".

It's almost like I was maybe reaching a point where things were just too much for me - stressful world events and feeling overwhelmed and meaningless - and my higher self, or God, or All That Is or whatever there is, realized I needed a mini mental vacation from it all and a reminder of the reality behind this agreed upon make believe temporary reality - so I could keep going. So I would keep going.

Defense mechanism from my subconscious? Momentarily attaining the supra-awareness that mystics and yogis function equisitely in most of the time? A glimpse of the greater "+ness" that we come from and return to - perhaps never really even leave, just switch focus a bit - for our experiential time here? I dunno for sure. But I am mighty glad whe it happens, even though lately it seems to happen more frequently and to even leave me a bit discombobulated for a few minutes afterwards as I struggle to NOT let it go (again!), but struggling with the concepts that just do no translate into anything meaningful or verbally describable - and so finally give in. And the disorientation quickly passes and it's back to hum drum everyday reality - but just enough of "it" has made it through to keep me energized and content, and able to rejoin the production. :-)

I think, truly, to be able to remain in that state would mean you are no longer focused in physical reality. Which is another way of saying the big "D" word, but of course in those states, I know that hardly matters, or at least isn't anything scary or terrible, and certainly nothing final. Maybe the increasing frequency means my time is coming soon? Sometimes that thought is scary, other times exciting, and sometimes just a warm fuzzy acceptance.

I think I do know the answer, and I'm not afraid. :-)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 03:11 PM
Maybe "the answer to everything" is really and always "right there", but we are in sort of a trance that we cannot and are unwilling to SEE the answer.

Reason being that we are too focused on the one single aspect of our self, our physical existence. And aprt from this, of course occupied with a zillion trivialities of every-day-life.

How many "opportunities" do we have so we can look for (and then at some point FIND) "the truth"? People..the reality is that MOST people have alarm clocks set, get up in the morning, get to work...come home, watch TV or spend time on a computer...WHERE should there be place to let this "truth" even materialize?

Seeing the idiocy of what MOST of our lives really is, isn't this also BOUND that at some point people will awake...or learn about higher truths (if even only for a second or so)....or do you REALLY believe that your 8-4 job, your boss, your company, your car, politics, gas prices, your house payments etc..etc.. "IS WHAT LIFE IS". No wonder that on the background of all that cr@p which supposedly is our "reality" today some people "come to their senses", at least once in a while.

edit on 72013R000000SundayAmerica/Chicago03PMSundaySunday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I believe this is very very common on people on this path, people awakening, changing, people searching..many known philosophers speak of this "moments". Eckart Tolle, Krishnamurti for sure.
Now, i wonder if we are here to learn or to evolve too, in both cases theese questions we have must be a mystery or we would never learn or evolve. Then, is it just like a safety mechanism to be able to find peace in mind like Buddha? Is that cheating then? If we are part of ONE or if there is a "source" the one or the source need to learn or evolve it does it throug our suffering and confusion?! Reincarnation...feels like a punisment not to remember, like a big crime is being comitted to me, i want to remember previous lifes so i can evolve and learn!
I cant see the wonder of life even during those wonderful brief moments Op speaks of, all i know is these moments are comming more frequently year by year and for that i am thankfull. All i want is to come home so i can tell them to change the rules of the game...there is too much suffering!

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:44 PM
I have also had this experience once. I woke up from a dream with all the answers and they were gone before I could do anything. And during the dream I felt like the answers were so simple a child could figure it out.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:48 PM
I feel the same way and I suspect you will be in undated with similar replies. It is really happening isn't it? WE did you are this! Can you believe it? It is going to be wonderful. My love to you all.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:58 PM
Now that I'm not forced to respond using my phone, I can elaborate a little more for you.

My previous statement is simple enough for the wise to understand, however, it seems people want to constantly remit you to these useless strange practices that do nothing but make you... nothing.

These insights are not garnered from those strange practices; ever. They have found a way to recreate the false euphoria that goes along with the insight. Therefore, they feel like they have gained insight.

It's obvious they hadn't, or else they would be providing you with that very insight.

When you get that moment of true insight, it only feels like you understand everything. That's because the door to wisdom was opened to you for a moment; and wisdom is the ability to understand everything. But that door only opens up long enough to reveal a certain and specific profound truth. All secrets are not revealed to you in that instant. Just one. But the one is so profound that, from your extremely narrow perspective (which is always narrow relative to absolute understanding, which is why I say narrow; not to demean you), it appears as if all things make sense because of this one truth.

You think you do not remember what the truth is. But the one simple profound insight you gained is still with you.

Imagine someone hands you a full pepsi can and you really thirsty for some cold, sweet, refreshing carbonation. You become thrilled!!! You're sweating, tired, and you just want to chug that Pepsi. So you do.

You still have the can with you. You know what it tastes like. You're satisfied. Everything was right with the world while you were chugging that Pepsi.

But when you're done chugging, the refresh wears off. You're satisfied, but not in the process of being satisfied. The build-up is not there. Whereas you were in the normal state of being thirsty, you are now in the normal state of being satisfied. You have but a faint memory of the event.

But when the energy is being transferred, that's when all the magic seems to happen.

Let's say you had only ever had coke. Let's say you had never had Pepsi. And the whole world seems to say, "Pepsi! Pepsi!" And you say, "but... why? Isn't coke good enough?"

Then you become extremely thirsty and the only option is a beautiful angel handing you a sweet, refreshing, condensation frozen-in-time on the gloriously articulated graphics of the simple aluminum can, Pepsi...


I could use other things as a metaphor, such as sex. Landing a job that makes you three times as much money. Winning a big lottery. Whatever it is.

It's all the same thing.

It's definitely much better when it is in the form of wisdom.

But I warn you. Do not fall into the trap of expecting great wisdom to be associated with that glorious feeling. And do not become addicted to it.

For it is by this feeling that you can be led unawares into thought processes that will guide you down a dark path.

Though a light shines on the path, a light at the end of the tunnel, it is but an illusion to keep you walking forward.

Do not.

These insights are good. Do not strive for them. Do not dwell on them. Move on.

Do not try to recreate the feeling or else you devalue greatly the importance of the wisdom by placing more importance on the sensation.

Wisdom is not something that is necessarily shared with the world and regurgitated. It's not always easy to do. Sometimes it just becomes a part of who you are. Then someday, someone will be able to articulate to you what they see in you that you had not understood about yourself.

And this is good.

This prevents too much ego and too much boasting. For it is not prudent to be prudent and yet imprudent when it comes to humility. I think that statement is overwhelmingly obvious and grammatically hilarious.

I could go on, but I think you see the point.

When you start to do this; when you begin to let go of the insight as quickly as it came, and you do not fight for it, it will revisit you more clearly for your personal gain as well.

It's just like dreams when you wake up. If you keep trying to force yourself to remember, you end up losing all focus. But if you just let go, something inevitably happens or occurs in your imagination that strikes the first chord of the song of all your recent dreams, and it plays without fail.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:52 AM
Hi all, great to log back in and see so many great replies

Sorry for not making any individual replies, simply don't get the time with work (plus playing GTA 5!!!!!) but I read everyone's posts and thanks for the input, it is good to know others experience this and we're in it together, one way or another at least!

edit on 30-9-2013 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 07:50 AM
I have had this same feeling maybe three times. I visualize it as a line. that then splits into two lines, one line continues on into the distance where as the one that broke away circles back to the beginning of the first line.

Crazy stuff, i had a discussion before similar to this with a few people regarding "The little big thing" or the "tone" that when ill when we were kids we all had the exact same experience, as if our head were growing, and shrinking at the same time, and some times hearing a tone, seeing a white screen with a line through it,Weird sensation, but something that was true in all of the people present in the talk.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

This is a very common reaction to a convoluted confusion of unanswered questions! We search for answers to
many unanswerable questions because of unlimited information! We try to make sense of it and grasp for answers until the answer is there in our minds but unable to hold onto this hidden information because we
are not yet evolved enough to maintain our grasp on this truth! It's sort of like deja-vu where you know something is about to happen but are not sure how you know it! I believe these things happen because of
a momentary connection with the Akashic records! Maybe we are not meant to know these things for the
effect this might have on our future! There is truth in everything seen or unseen to know how to grasp at it is key! I feel when we die we get all our answers because of the merger to the source and if our individual souls have failed to evolve to a higher plane we must return! This is why the world consistently gets worse because there are less evolved individuals here! Though this is just a theory and the absolute truth can not be ascertained until we leave this plane of life! If we really did have all the answers then what would drive us to
continue? What would happen to our world if we suddenly lived in harmony with nature, each other and know
the utter kaos we have brought to the world we live in was all part of a plan to elevate our conscience? The lives we live are a learning experience! The choices we make are predetermined to produce a desired result!
The day we realize this truth and discard the illusions we hold may in fact lead us to our demise! The key may
be to realize that this world is not the end but the beginning to a path of enlightenment! The door may be
the love we shared and the lives we touched! Don't let the coldness of the world around us lead us into isolation
and disconnection from the utter wonder of all that is good and everyone around us who would be changed by that which we have to give! We are not here to take because to receive is to diminish the growth of our soul and only in giving can we receive that gift which can not ever be lost but spreads to change the outlook of all we have touched through kindness and love!

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