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It's gotta be time travellers...

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posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:13 AM
Anyone else find themselves be constantly annoyed by a being that takes something from you or arranges for it to be misplaced then suddenly returns it?

There's be more times than I can recall in the past few years, once everything about reality seemed to changed, that I realised it was as if something is either scripting my life to constantly misplace things then find once I give an emotion response or someone is freezing time, messing around with me, then unfreezing time or both.

I've had so many weird things happens like as if someone froze time, soaks my groin, then suddenly i'm like wtf! Or i'll check all my pockets for something, think I must have left the item looked for elsewhere, then once I realise I cant find it its as if it suddenly appears in the pocket.

I've had other bizarre experiences where seeing people trade places instantly as if someone froze time swapped people around then proceeded again. Or people totally vanishing. Tons of demented experiences that I cant figure out.

Another weird thing is something seemingly projecting ideas and thoughts and syncing up with reality. Like just now measuring from the 4/20/10 oil rig explosion to amsterdam known for it's red light district like the red lighter I just misplaced... I go for a tea and as soon as I get in the vehicle the radio starts singing you don't have turn on the red light... Roxanne! I start thinking of a memory of seeing this melted woman a while ago who looked totally burnt up in a fire then the next station is singing Light me on fire or something like that.

Is it just me or did something totally messed up happen to reality about 3-4 years ago where it was even as if being put on a fake internet?

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

Do you know what, I know what you mean!!

Its been happening to me and my partner. We were talking about a humerous line from the film "Lake Placid" the other day (an old film). That night we turned on the tv and at that exact time the film was on and the line was said within 10 seconds.We didnt even know it was on. We just looked at each other.

Recently as well I was actually telling her about an advert I saw and it came on the tv mid sentence. It was starting to feel like the Truman Show!!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:28 AM
oh and the term for things going missing and then re-appearing (keys etc) is called being Jottled. It comes from the Acronym JOTT which is Just One of Those Things.

Scientific eh?

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:30 AM

edit on 27-9-2013 by hknudzkknexnt because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

You sound like my mother....right before she was diagnosed with a mental illness..

Good luck.
edit on 27-9-2013 by ChuckNasty because: fixed

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:13 AM
Maybe we are in a transition of been remotely controlled by the media around us and we slip into consumer zombie trances more often and while in these trances move things like lighters ect without remembering

Btw, Iv had it happen to mea lot but always put it down to short term memory loss.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:15 AM

reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

You sound like my grandmother....right before she was diagnosed with a mental illness..

Good luck.

^ I'll translate:

What our dear member Chuck means is, it's nice to keep and open mind and all, but sometimes there are things such as coincidence, and it's not uncommon for ad's to pass on the tv every few minutes, depending on the popularity (I work in Marketing) And also i'm guessing that where you saw that old movie you were talking about is probably some sort of movie channel? Not uncommon for those channels to repeat the program from last day to a degree. It's still creepy I admit, that feeling that something is pulling the strings, but still, I wouldnt loose sleep over it

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Oldwindshaman

He'll know what I was talking about.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

When I was eighteen, I used to hang around in our town centre. There was a spot, right at the top end of the highstreet, in the middle of some benches and seating, where metal heads used to congregate, listen to their CD players, mini discs, early model mp3.s and so on. There would usually be between twenty and forty of them, just standing about.

I would meet my friends there before heading to the pub. Now, despite the fact that I would arrange to meet people there, and despite the fact that there were always plenty of eyes scanning approaching persons for threats (metal heads were once a hunted species down this end of the county), no one ever saw me coming. I would literally walk up right in front of my friends, and be there waiting for them to spot me, and it would only be when I piped up and spoke to them that they would realise I had been there for a while. It was even worse at night. I used to have to put change in pockets either side of my trousers, because otherwise I wouldn't make enough noise, and it would scare the hell out of my buddies when I would just appear next to them, behind them, or even in front of them.

At least the rattling coins in my pocket used to give me away, but I earned the nickname Ghost for my quiet movement, and ability to seem to appear and disappear at a whim. I am however, as mortal as the next person. The reason I am telling you all this, is that sometimes, things which seem improbable and unnatural, can often be utterly mundane. Not all that glitters is gold, and not all that is befuddling is paranormal!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Are you Ninja?

Can I join your Dojo?

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Briles1207

No, I am not a ninja. Ninjas train like the dickens, and do an awful lot of jumping about. I'm just naturally quiet of foot, and automatically blend in to my surroundings better than most people, even though my wardrobe is full of oddities. I don't know why, it just happens!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:56 AM

reply to post by Oldwindshaman

He'll know what I was talking about.

Actually some people are too good, and basically project that goodness into everyone else, so they really wouldn't understand nasty comments that some feel obliged to make, just to fill the emptiness and expand into a room, when it didn't need a comment if you don't understand.

As to the mentally ill remark, you must believe heavily in non stop coincidences, but your mother's condition wasn't linked to her noting the weirdness of reality, or the "gremlins" that take things, and you find them where you thoroughly looked weeks later or in areas you never went. In fact, it was just a coincidence that she noted things like that and turned out to have a condition. Many perfectly sane people note these things, and end up having NO conditions.

Like my grandmother who died, sane, with no mental illness, one of the loveliest, most idealistic women I know, who would wake every night and pray for the starving children, talked about those particular gremlins alot.
edit on 27-9-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:03 AM


reply to post by mindcontrolledchris
I wouldnt loose sleep over it

I dream of loose women and wake up and, OMG, there's one next to me.

Unfortunately, she snores!

...but I never lose my composure over it.

edit on 27-9-2013 by Maverick7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

The synchronicities of having a thought, then the radio, happens to many. If its positive ie, something that is meant to get your attention then I'd say its from your Team watching over. The burning woman however, that kind of thing sounded like something is trying to pull you down, the opposite the Good Team watching over, and many people go through trials like that.

Meditation and prayer, and finding things that raise your frequency and bring you out of that state, things you enjoy doing: tai chi, walks in nature, a special meal, comedies, volunteering somewhere, or taking up a cause. Take out 3 negative or slightly heavier feeling habits or things in your life and put in 3 high frequency joyful things.

Start a journal and in that journal fine tune some scripts to read outloud to yourself, affirmations, I am filled with radiant health and energy and use my gifts wisely, for the good of all people. I am doing the work I came to do, right on task and in the company of like minded friends.

These are just quick examples, fine tune to bring joy, peace, being in the moment, in.

Use you imagination to see positive healings, success of efforts, and even world peace, an upgraded system, here and now as if its already surrounding you, and give thanks, have gratitude to Source/Love.

And then negatives will lose ground and abilities to reach you.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:08 AM
They put alot of truth out in movies, and one of my favorites is Hook, with Robin Williams.

It takes your happy thoughts to fly! Pixie dust!

So raise frequency above that meddling.

ARK = acts of random kindness. So the highest item on the list of how to raise frequency is making those around you happy and those in need, and even nature. Altruism.

Next is outings in nature, the photon energy is being trasnmuted through trees and the natural world. And meditation. Stillness of mind.

Reporting for duty and working through all negatives within self to be ready to help and assist as Spirit prompts and to be Love.

Overcoming all problems in relationships, laying the karma to rest, taking responsibility even if it seems the other is at fault. There is nothing to forgive, for if one has understanding of others, then if they went through all the other did, they would understand they would have a huge chance of turning out the same, so that compassion and carrying each other's loads is more important. But keeping out of harms way, when the other is dangerous to ones state of being, is also important. Some of this can be done in meditation and long distance if needed.

Really important for all souls to work out.
edit on 27-9-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:16 AM
Intermittent global amnesia springs to mind, also, I can think of a word in the morning, later on, when the TV is doing its thing, some one will say that word, not a common word, other wise it would not be remarkable.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:06 AM
Past, present and future are all living at the sime time , when you connect with other layers of reality your mind can anticipate certain actions that are going to happen. Misplacing things usually happens when your brain is convinced you left something somewhere and that you already cheked that, but in reality yu created your own illusion, they never where there. The signs you receive can just be casuality or maybe the energy that sorrounds us all is trying to lead your attention to some issue.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by mindcontrolledchris

you're not the only one...

Disappearing & Reappearing

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:30 AM
It did start in 2010 but didn't associate with the oil rig spill so that's interesting. Your not the only one feeling this. It's as if there is a heightened attention, or more of these syncronicities. I dont remember a time where so many were reporting them on this frequent of a basis. When they come it's one right after another - not looking for it but rather like your attention is drawn to them whether you want it to be or not - as they are more powerful (if that's possible). These things seemingly come from outside sources. It could be we could find them in anything if we wanted to but they are truly strange.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You got me all wrong.

I do notice stuff being out of whack. More so recently.

If he is who I think he is, he'll know it was a joke, but not really. My mother is nuts and won't ever leave the hospital due to her condition.

My mother did notice stuff out of place quite often. She even had spirits visit her. She often saw dead people. She knew my uncle had died on the day he did. Might not seem odd to most, but since we lived in another country at that time and didn't receive a phone call about it 3 days after, it was odd. My pops didn't believe her, so he didn't bother calling. drove her nuts.

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