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Unknown Life-form caught on Camera!WTF is this!

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posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 03:00 PM
The Camera is placed in the shade underneith an edge of the house.
So it focus is diffrent then being in the sun light.
When a bug passes by the sunlight makes the parts of the insect seem
like they are glowing when you are in the shaded areas. Thus that effect you can see.
I saw this on sci-fi also sometime ago.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 03:16 PM
And how do you suppose this happens...

That aint no bug.

I mean it could be quite easy to throw something and make it look blurred like that, but some skeptics did a test with various items with the same camera and could not get the same effect.

You can see this on the special report links in my first post.

If you look at the links i gave you, you will see loads of different images and yes some could be considered as just being bugs and the camera speed could make it look wierd, but some of the effects cannot be passed off as bugs.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 04:12 PM
I can honestly say I don't know what the hell that is there.

What, if you know, were the events leading up to that photo being taken. It seems like a "rubbish shot", like there was no other reason to take it at such an odd angle other than to capture the object in question.

That pic is interesting, I mean it could be a bird or heck a flying squirrel, but that doesn't add up when I look at it.

I wonder.


posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 04:32 PM
Yeah, bird or, it simply doesnt look right.

That white area of the entity looks like a skull. Kinda freaky!

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 04:47 PM
This guy doesn't do himself any favours by calling the images on this page a Thunder Bird Entity... its just a friggin bird !!!

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:05 PM
I think this phenomena dates back to '94 or '95. It's really interesting and strange. At first, of course, there were all the "at a glance" debunkers and pseudo-analysts who shrugged it off immediately without ever taking a close look at it. But, last I heard, no determination had been made one way or the other about what it really is.

I've seen some amazing footage of the phenomena. There was one where a rod flew directly in front of a group of people without getting the attention of anyone. It was very cool. The rod was maybe dragon fly size, with corkscrew-like wings that propelled it through the air. The "wings" were moving so fast they were a blur, like a Humingbird's wings. The rod's motion was highly directed and didn't veer from it's path - it was like an arrow at high speed.

The impression I got was that it's some kind of life-form that's all around us, and yet unseen by the unaided eye. Perhaps because it's motion is too fast for our eyes to focus on and process. I don't know.

At any rate, it gets my vote as one cool phenomenon.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:14 PM
i'm usin' mozilla firefox and coming in fine for me. i'm going rods, here.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:34 PM
this guy is originally from a small town just outside of roswell, he used to be on art bell a lot, i believe that he has been debunked but i could be wrong

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:39 PM
Looks like a frog with christmass tree lights on its feets.:S

[edit on 14-11-2004 by MarkLuitzen]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 06:12 PM
I was looking at this early this morning and then came across this thread just now. I thought I'd post the link since the pics looked similar.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Those blurry things are just strobe-effects from the camera. I've also seen a lot of footages about this where the camera man said that he captured in film large versions of those. Impossible to have a huge size while running at those speeds without even leaving a sonic boom.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg all day long.

I mean, why does an ET have to be recognizable??

Here's one I got myself.

That is a pretty snazzy picture of the sun reflecting off of a piece of glass.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
That is a pretty snazzy picture of the sun reflecting off of a piece of glass.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It's pretty obvious that it's a reflection from a window.


posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:02 AM
Those "rods" are bugs flying about and I think they may be ladybugs or a bug the comes out when it gets warm all of a sudden. I saw them with my eyes in early summer/spring, when the sun was setting and I was sitting in a shady spot and I saw them. When you don't follow them with your eyes they look like rods, but when you follow them, they look like small "fuzzy santaclauses" going about.

As for the bird, it could have been shot through 2 sheets of non-parallel glass and had funky lighting, I dunno.

The UFO pics... oh no they are going to take over, weezs alls gonnna die. If any one thinks those are real, I can start doing that as a full time job! However, if it was a real UFO you would still have to work had proving it to people and you would still gain nothing but more believers.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:24 AM
that is cool those pics are cool. i really dont know what they are gotta look into it

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:57 AM
The first image definitely looks like a proported 'rod'. I just don't understand something, rods are claimed to be invisible sorts of animals. So why do they show up on film? A camera operates more or less like an eye, and its less sensitive than an eye really, so why would anything show up on it that is invisible normally?

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by markjaxson
If you look at the links i gave you, you will see loads of different images and yes some could be considered as just being bugs and the camera speed

I get the impression from what you wrote that these are photographic cameras with film, but after looking at the pages a bit, these are video stills from a video camera. Also, the guy is claiming that his dog's head is possesed and thats why its blured in some video stills.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 11:26 AM

I get the impression from what you wrote that these are photographic cameras with film, but after looking at the pages a bit, these are video stills from a video camera. Also, the guy is claiming that his dog's head is possesed and thats why its blured in some video stills.

Your right they are video stills from a camcorder, if i wrote any different anywhere i do know they are video stills from camcorder the Sony 2000 or whatever its called.

The image of the dog, he doesnt actually say it is possesed (I dont remember well enough for definate) he says there are life forms around him or something along those lines which i find hard to believe and while i have no good explanation to debunk that particular image i do not think that what he says is true.

Some of the images are quite unexplainable and some of them can be explained as bugs, but many of the images are just "Out There" like the one where he has energy between his right eye and his glasses....that is strange!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 12:32 PM
The first is a cloaked Leviathan (Moya?) and the other two are Aeryn Sun's prowler! Man I miss Farscape. Oh well, time to start collecting the DVD's.

Seriously the first is hard to discern if it's even in the sky. It looks kinda like surface tension on water or a microscopic something something.

The second, okay - these are cool. Something with a pointy nose is flying fast. Do they make a remote controlled version of a prowler? Something flying so low and fast would have caused quite a disturbance with the FAA. Looks like some alien is going to have a lot of paperwork to fill out.


posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:33 PM
They only SEEM invisible to our eyes because we tend to follow them with our eyes without knowing, then they all just seem to be fuzz and not rods. Cameras can't follow them, so the blur of the wings in the sunlight make the bug look like a rod.

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