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A Change Is Going To Come; The Signs

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posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:40 PM
When unusual things happen, it is very common to hear people say “I didn’t see that one coming”; but the truth is that if you look back on the events that preluded the event, there were probably signs of what happened all along the way. Another common saying is “Hindsight is 20 20”. So with almost every unusual happening, there were signs leading up to it.

Many of us have been feeling that the world around us feels odd at times. I am willing to bet that at least once a week you come across something that stands out and makes you scratch your head. Many of us “feel” the change coming. Recently my job made it mandatory that we attend a closed-door meeting to discuss changes that will go into immediate effect as of October 1, 2013. Of course, they apologized for the short notice but they aren’t accepting any excused for any of us that do not comply with the changes. October 1, 2013 has become the deadline for way too many things for it not to be significant.

I believe we are witnessing signs of the changes that are headed our way. If we post here all the oddities that you notice throughout the day, we may be able to recognize a pattern, and if we put enough pieces together we may be able to the see a clear picture of what lies ahead.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:03 PM
I will start with the latest happenings, for me.

My job has suddenly laid off a few people. There is nothing odd about that really; people get laid off every day. The odd thing about the lay offs, is the people they are laying off.

If you have to downsize because of finances, wouldn’t you lay of your new hires first? The people they are laying off are the best in their positions. I am still in shock about the lay off of my co-workers because she wasn’t only good at her job but she was the most dedicated, the friendliest, the most compassionate and always the first one to roll up her sleeves and stand right next to you at the plate.

I don’t understand why anyone would lay of their brightest, most experienced people and keep the ones that create most problems.

I am sure there is a good reason buried in the mix somewhere; I just haven’t figured out yet.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

What kind of work do you do?

I'm an RN, work at a state facility WI, here they are promoting young people who do not have a clue what they are doing - yes, they are cheaper - but I gaurantee they will have big problems in the near future - these young people are so stupid that they think they know everything. Maybe it is designed to the whole system breaks down? There is no accountablility, no responsibility - and I'm talking nurses, docters, security, managers - everything.

While it makes sense these people are cheaper than experience - maybe they realize that Patients/prisoners aren't going to have any rights and it doesn't matter how they are treated or cared for?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:13 PM
While i do agree that CHANGE is happening, for it is the only constant thing,
patterns? Sorry, but NO.

All ORDER (patterns) thrives to become CHAOS, the very essence of CHANGE.

The universe is blind, thrashing outwards, grasping inwards,
without a faintest idea of what it is doing.

Chew, swallow and vomit.

Rinse and repeat.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I was just recently let go after 11+ years of service. Between my higher payscale, large allotment of paid time off, it proved cheaper to have relative new hires in my place for almost half the salary with less than half the PTO.

Most work is imaginary or routine. Precious and few are the positions that can not be filled by someone younger and less experienced. Companies don't want greatness they want adequate. There's no reason to pay more for a better employee if the you can fatten the bottom line with a cheaper one.

It's a race to the bottom, my friend.

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

But the Strangeness is definitely getting thicker. The imaginary monetary system is becoming more obvious with each passing year. Real data about the income gap is getting out there more and more and when people start looking at how much more "money" the top 1%, 5% and/or 20% control, they start realizing that wealth has become almost completely uncoupled from productivity.

The top 20% have to know that their time is coming. As Uncle Bob once said: "You better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone." Yet, they simply can not comprehend the relatively simple solution. They are incapable of realizing that real wages for real services, fair prices for quality products, and the freedom of self-sufficiency are the way to salvation. They can not grok the idea that perhaps they should only be incredibly rich and opposed to mind-bogglingly, impractically, wealthy.

At the same time Weirdness is escalating. Syria, Iran, Russia, Comet Ison, mass shootings, glitches in reality, the complete derangement of our politicians on both sides of the aisle; Humanity is careening into the future with no one at the helm. Entropy is kicking our asses, and we have precious little resources at our disposal because too much has been tied to our elaborately printed monopoly money.

And it all comes back to artificial scarcity. There are more vacant houses than homeless families in this country. We throw out tons of food every day; not just home waste but unsold stock that literally can not be sold fast enough to avert spoilage a few hundred feet from people starving for want of little green pictures of dead white guys.

The system has gone mad, but the rich have so deeply ingrained the us vs them tribalism, this false notion that someone getting means taking away from you. People vote against their own financial interests because they are unwilling to admit how low they are on the totem pole. A serious redistribution of wealth would benefit 85% of the population including many who have taken up the tea party banner to protect their "fellow" job creators in the top 20%, never realizing that they are trapped by a corporatocracy that, quite frankly, hates them.

At the same time, pure socialism and communism are not the answer.

We have 21st century technology and we're clinging to 19th century economic models.

It's like trying to drive a Ferrari across the horse paths of Elizabethan England.

I don't have any answers at this point. The people making the decision are penny wise and pound foolish. They are making decisions for next quarter's profits, next election's votes, and next week's meeting with deep-pocketed lobbyists. They don't care about you, about me, or even their own well-being past the immediate thrill of power and greed.

We're hosed, mate.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by LionOfGOD

I see what you are saying. It seems though, that all life, rather than devolving into chaos, could also be seen as being compelled to develop in a fractal way.

Seeking organization and balance from chaos, replicating concepts and patterns of thought and interaction and emmenating them outward. Maybe...or at least I would like to hope most days.

Good questions OP. I concur on the weirdness in the workplace. The worlcplaces seem to collectively be suffering various PTSDs and are contracting in on themselves, lost for vision of where to create or grow or reach next. Daring to dream? Freedom to express our highest abilities as a species in harmony with the world around us?

No...we are instead reading about towns actually implementing an 11 pm to 6 am stay off the streets Everyone or be arrested, social model? The world is in retreat mode almost.
edit on 26-9-2013 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2013 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:52 PM
Sometimes I really believe that the government is planning on taking over everything.
The government isn`t concerned about the 17 trillion dollar debt because after they own everything their expenditures will drop to almost nothing.They won`t have to pay for anything because they will own everything.
if they need fuel for the military no problem it will be free because the government will own the oil fields, the refineries, the transportation systems to haul the fuel.
Just look at the obscene bonus the big wigs in private industry have been giving themselves, look at the record profits they have been making for years.They know it`s going to end soon that`s why they have been raping the consumers for every penny they can get.They have been raking in the personal wealth so that when the government takes over they will have enough money to retire and live like kings for the rest of their lives.
When the government takes over all private industry they won`t want dedicated hard working movers and shakers, they want drones who will work for low wages,won`t make waves or ask any questions.
young inexperienced workers will be the perfect drones.

On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security. The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order's functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.

Why does the president need that kind of power during peacetime? Why does the president need the powers of a dictator?
Has the government ever given itself powers that it didn`t intend to use?
edit on 26-9-2013 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2013 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 10:07 PM
The harvest is coming...umm..

Interesting times we live in, I'm ready for whatever. Really.

Maybe this is the waiting game we've all been waiting for?

I've been very uneasy these couple of days, especially today. I've been waking up every night exactly at 3:30 am WIDE AWAKE. Cant sleep. No, the "doom" isn't getting to me. It's more like a warning. My spidey senses were tingling crazy today I don't know about anyone else. Be safe guys, god bless us all.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 11:03 PM
I actually see things as getting less crazy. Being a student of history I know that there are plenty of times throughout the centuries when the world was nothing but chaos. Today the world is more interwoven where if you go to NY you can find the exact same shops and restaurants as you can in LA.

100 years ago it was not like this.

People are becoming more apathetic and less volatile as societies where the odds of us living through another French Revolution are basically slim to none.

Nuclear weapons proliferation has almost guaranteed that we will see no wars larger than little proxy wars fought, economies are now all tied together where something that happens in Kenya has ripple effects felt everywhere.

Things are not becoming stranger, they are becoming more similar than ever in our past history.

I don't believe there is anything grand coming at us, in fact I think just the opposite. We are beginning a very long run of boredom within our societies where they all meld into the same thing.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

If you're going to start initiating some new rules it would be far easier to do this with the newcomers.

I'm curious what industry you work in, that they would kick out the most dedicated. Might be too dedicated to doing things 'right' if they're looking to do something wrong.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

The weather seems to change everyday around here. Today I bought gas with a Benjamin and got change back I think its because of the change in gas prices. I think I see a pattern emerging, cause I changed the radio station and heard better music. I had to change at the gym earlier that was strange. Here's a head scratcher , at car washes why do you convert paper money in change machines, to use the other machines that only accept change.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

If, 30 years ago, you said "The end is nigh" you'd be laughed at. Now you would just get a nervous silence. That's the biggest change.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:16 AM


I will start with the latest happenings, for me.

My job has suddenly laid off a few people. There is nothing odd about that really; people get laid off every day. The odd thing about the lay offs, is the people they are laying off.

If you have to downsize because of finances, wouldn’t you lay of your new hires first? The people they are laying off are the best in their positions. I am still in shock about the lay off of my co-workers because she wasn’t only good at her job but she was the most dedicated, the friendliest, the most compassionate and always the first one to roll up her sleeves and stand right next to you at the plate.

I don’t understand why anyone would lay of their brightest, most experienced people and keep the ones that create most problems.

I am sure there is a good reason buried in the mix somewhere; I just haven’t figured out yet.

because they can train the new ones with less education and save $$$$ money buy firing the experienced ones..

in the same boat

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

i believe that as well amigo. i have a feeling that 10\01\2013 will be a date that lives in infamy to say the least. it will mark, for one thing, the beginning of the end for privacy in America, it will mark the beginning of forced health care and the carnage will be large and devastating when the dust settles.

ACA is a hackers dream, a insurance companies dream, the govt. dream but unfortunately it will be a nightmare for every working American, which these days is a dying class.

talk about the straw that breaks the camels back, this one will be a 300 ton log breaking that camels back. our society will begin it's sharp downhill slope on news that "far less" than expected have signed up for the bogus health care. this will mark a larger than normal decline in govt. approval ratings to the point of people wanting to drag them into the streets and hang them.

i truly feel this is going to get uglier by the day and it's not going to stop until we reach bottom.

i know i'm such the optimist, but when i look at a fresh turd on the ground, the first thing that comes to mind isn't "hey i can polish that up and make it good".

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:28 AM
I did a search for all things Oct 1 to see what I could come up with.

The health insurance marketplaces (also known as exchanges) are estimated to provide up to 29 million people with affordable health insurance by 2019. Open enrollment for ObamaCare's health insurance marketplace goes from Oct 1st, 2013 to March 31st, 2014. If you don't have insurance by January 1st, 2014 or obtain an exemption you will be charged a fee on your year-end tax returns.

Next Week on the US/CA PSN: October 1st, 2013 – GTA Online, Battlefield 4 Beta &utm_campaign=next-week-on-the-usca-psn-october-1st-2013-gta-online-battlefield-4-beta

Moon phase: Crescent

Comedy Bang Bang (Show)

Blackout by Robinson Wells, release date Oct 1

Laura and Alec are trained terrorists. Jack and Aubrey are high school students. There was no reason for them to ever meet. But now, a mysterious virus is spreading throughout America, infecting teenagers with impossible powers. And these four are about to find their lives intertwined in a complex web of deception, loyalty, and catastrophic danger—where one wrong choice could trigger an explosion that ends it all.(less)

The main thing that jumped out at me were the amount of schools and colleges having strikes or industrial action. Are they worried too?
edit on 2792013 by Tsu322 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I worked for a company as their warehouse super. I had three positions under me that were created as the company expanded. Rumors of a massive layoff ended up panning out and my guys were nervous that they were on the chopping block. They were good workers, though fairly recent hires and I told them that I would fight for them but in the long run HR had the last word. (This was shortly after 9/11)

The day the layoffs were taking place (enmasse) was tense and then I received a call informing me that I was being activated and to report to my unit. I requested a meeting with my Super to inform him and 15 min. later I was called into the office. It turns out that I was being laid off, not my guys.

I was 3 weeks away from being vested in the company. Since most of the employees were local it did not take long to piece together the puzzle. Everyone that was not related to someone within the company (it's a very nepotistic company) and was close to being vested was laid off. Apparently that is something that has been going on to this day. I'm sure they see it as a cost cutting measure.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Tardacus

Your theory is right out of Atlas Shrugged.

That book seems to be becoming more prophetic every week.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Oh we work together?

My company has made some pretty startling company changes over the past few weeks. mergers and new relationships. Much of our old business will now be handled by our biggest competitor and there has been and will be more layoffs.

That said, much of the "new business" begins in October but the officail handoff won't be until sometime next year.

Yes change is coming because it has to. What we are experiencing here is unsustainable and when so many people start praying for end times you know as a people we are in a world of hurt. The veneer of freedom is gone for most of us and the hard cold reality that we are and have been slaves is starting to sink in. This emotion that begins to pervade the whole of the planet will force change to come. It's that simple IMO. It just seems that change can't come quickly enough.

The PTB know we are fed up and tired so they are aware they must inact whatever end game that have up their sleeves before it too late for them. Something to consider.

edit on 27-9-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 10:17 AM

reply to post by Tardacus

Your theory is right out of Atlas Shrugged.

That book seems to be becoming more prophetic every week.

There is a website called atlas shrugs, some horrifying reading at times.

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