posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 11:08 AM
I found this Story while researching UFO sightings and thought it might interesting here for people to comment on
The US military was testing and flying UFO design aircraft in the 40's and 50's. These were sophisticated designs were code named 'Silverbug'.
Near the end of WWII the allied forces had gained superiorty over the Germans. Or so it seemed. The Germans were looking for a superior craft. The SSE
and Vril societies were building craft that looked like UFO's and were capable of vertical take-off's and landings because most of their runways had
been destroyed.
The project was headed by Dr. Richard Metha, known today as the Father of Saucerology. He was hired by the German air force to build a saucer shaped
craft that could vertically ascend and shoot down allied planes with rockets. Supposedly the war ended before Metha developed his ship.
The American government recruited some of the German scientists after the war to go to Canada and continue their work. Dr. Metha was one of these men.
He work on a secret aircraft project at AVROW Aeronautics in Canada. These were saucer type flying machines. The US had as many as 35 saucer projects
with vertical lift off and descent. The most highly classified was known by code name "Silverbug". These saucers were designed to 2300 miles per
hour at an altitude of 80,000 feet. Though designed in 1955 the papers describing these design were not declassified until 1995. For over 40 year
America's #1 top flying saucer project was top secret.
In the 1950's in Canada AVROW revealed the AVROCAR to the public.
- Randall Whitcomb
Project Silver Bug was the American "Black" project version of the Avro Aircraft Canada Y-2/ Private Venture 704 project that was revealed to the
United States Air Force in 1955.
Project Y-2 was begun by the Canadian John Frost, who was apparently in the loop on Nazi Saucer programs and was quite fascinated by them. It involved
a "radial flow jet" engine design which was simply radical for 1955. As late as 1976 people were copyrighting ideas essentially identical to this
1955 design (see US Patent # 4,193,568). This aircraft was listed as being capable of over 80,000 feet and Mach 3 and able to hover at up to 18,000
ft. without using afterburners.
Due to newspaper leaks in the mid 50's a cover story for the Y-2/Silver Bug program was leaked to "Look" magazine which, while broadly similar,
disinformed the public as to the radical engine (substituting many small conventional jets for the single radial flow) and the control systems to be
Later in 1958 Avro Aircraft Ltd. was contracted to build a somewhat similar, small ground-cushion vehicle reminiscent of the "Look" magazine item
for the USAF and US Army. I too am convinced that this "Avrocar" was constructed only for disinformation purposes while Y-2 went "Black" as a
means of providing the US Gov't with "plausible deniability" and also the possibility of telling those who saw "flying saucers" that it was only
that Avro vehicle.
At any rate, the Y-2 later Silver Bug item was an entirely other matter. It clearly DID go Black and the incredible performance projected by educated
engineers for it really prove WHY it has been such a secret. The Saucer shape give natural "all aspect" stealth, the radial flow engine is capable
of producing incredible thrust in an aerodynamically appealing shape, and the vertical take off and landing abilities gave the US the possibility of
underground basing. All of these features provided the possibilty of "Cold War" winning technology in the 1950's! Clearly they didn't want the
Soviets possessing any or suspecting their existence until they developed technology that could reasonably be expected to counter "stealth."
The strongest evidence that Avro built something to resemble Y-2 comes from 5.4 million dollars spent on Avro's own "Private Venture 704" including
about 2 million dollars from the USA up to 1957. The Avrocar project was commenced after this time and used only 4 million or so to completion. Avro
stated themselves that the first step in responding challenge of developing the Y-2 was to build the engine and the control duct system. Clearly this
is where the first 5.4 million dollars went. With all that money came rumours and the Avrocar would be a great way to dispel them.
Meanwhile with the Avrocar, the project used a much less sophisticated arrangement in a much slower and lower flying design. It did prove the control
system devised for the Y-2/PV 704/Silver Bug and provided publicly acceptable "proof" of the flying saucer design. It was also used to proved
"proof" that the concept was not feasable.
The intial test flights revealed it was underpowered, unstable and could not transition to proper forward flight. Interestingly, recent films show the
solved the instability problem.
There is testimony on the record that they also finished doing modifications required to allow the craft to transition to forward flight (after which
it was expected to be capable of 300 mph). This is the date the US money disappeared and the project was terminated with all drawings, tooling, and
flying examples taken to the USA. The examples at Wright Patterson and in the Smithsonian are NOT the final Avrocar version but early development
models that were far from successful.