Money is a strange technology
We humans probably invented it to make barter simpler...
But somehow there is this drawback
I cant put it in words so great; but i think everyone knows what im trying to say.
Money causes Greed to be much easier to fufill than thru barter.
Convertable currency seems almost better than the products it can aquire because it can aquire any of them.
But in a strange paradoxical reality; money is actually worth almost nothing. Money is only paper and ink; rare paper and ink but still...its ACTUALLY
worth less than any of the products it can aquire.
Think of it like this...
Your on a desert island stuck alone
and there is only Sand, and Saltwater.
(there is 100% no chance for rescue)
Would you rather have a pile of gold/50million $
or Food/Fresh Water
I propose we eliminate Money.
This will be the First step
to solving Humanitys majority of problems.
Think about it awhile....we can eliminate a large portion of Mental Problems by simply Eliminating Money.
Ask yourself "what is most of our human problems center around?"
I know.
Eliminating Money cannot be achived successfully in one nation alone
we have to do it WorldWide
How will we achieve this step forward into becoming worldwide civilization?
Im not quite sure. This type of thing requires rare human emotions.
Like, for starters. America, Japan Brit France Germany China.... all us rich nations gotta share the resources fairly with everyone else. Including
our OWN populations!
I know what your saying.
Its not fair to be fair is it?
Now Now We're being silly.
Being Fair Is Fair.
I have a dictionary. I looked it up.
And instead of bleeding our economys on warfare
now since we can unite under this common cause
We can focus our economys on
Healthcare and new Medicine
Communications Tech
Robot Tech
Space Travel /Colonizaton
Since this requires a Global Leap
We will become a Global Entity
One Flag; All Mankind
I believe in Democracy
I think Democracy could work
I have no doubt in my mind; we would be successful
We are humans we can accomplish anything.
Money an Obsolete Technology???
But this is bad news for Mr Big Corporation and his law firm.
I really want this to happen so i can see all those rich people cry.
Im just like them and i dont cry because i live on a modest income/lifestyle.
They are just spoiled. A little dicipline could wipe that right off their faces.
A Lesson in fairness would teach em
If everything is free; but rationed
hell it would work
Theres plenty of food for everyone to pick their favorites.
Theres plenty of materials to go around.
Rare commoditys should be devoted to Science and other "public works" type projects.
Infrastructure and such.
We should use our limited resources like any alien species would. If they exist *they probably do*
How would "intelligent" aliens do it? you may ask...
i would wager they do it Fairly.
Instead of thinking Individually *with money
They would think more Species-oriented *with fairness
Communism? Democracy? Sharing? Fairness?
whatever you call it
Thats what the next big social step is.
There is alternate paths.
Such as Corporations Ruling the world with $$$
People allowing their greed to destroy another peoples way of life.
Saddness for the Poor, Happiness for the Rich
Why cant everyone have a taste?
Instead of wasting precious resources by allowing a few people to overindulge themselves
We can make it fair..
I see a weak economy today.
With this hinderance of Money.
Rationing Resources fairly does NOT MEAN
"Everyone will have the same ANYTHING"
There is alot of different stuff out there.
its Virtually impossible for everyone to have the same stuff.
some people may feel a big tv/computer screen fits their taste more than others.
i personally dont even want a tv.
i just like my computer fine enough.
Fair People want only what they USE.
Its funny.
A world without money is a world without Brand Name Items.
Its a world where you go for Taste/Flavor/Style
as 100% of your resource collection strategy
But this greed inside me says "i still want to drive a ferrari or lamborgini"
those will be reduced to history distplays
because Gasoline is almost Gone.
so i will be happy with whatever futuristic non-fossil fuel vehicle they present me with.
What problems will we have to Solve in order to have a working economy without Money?
What types of Problems do you people think would arise?
Id love to hear any you can think of.
Let us discover solutions to these problems.
So that a world without Money.
Is the World of Tomorrow.
Cooperation is the way it seems.
"Civilized" "Advanced" "Enlightened"
Cooperation is the key to this door i believe.
Let us unlock the true power of mankind
The Earth Flag is strongest of them All.
Hell we wont even have to waste resources on making Flags anymore since we all know we will share the same one anyway.
See how saving some paper by getting rid of money is already saving us fabrics .....
Waste seems to be one of the first problems to be alieviated by eliminating Money
What do YOU Think?
Your Ideas are Nessasary
Without your opinion and calculations
Mankind grows weaker
So let us flex our Democracy
How can we do this? *There is a way Definatly 100% lets find it!
and lets figure out what types of NEW problems will arise; and how to solve Those too!
Man can walk on the Moon.
Man can Surely Eliminate Money with EASE
this Should be a cakewalk compared to interstellar space travel.
lets find out
whats up ATS ?