Hi folks, ive been lurking on ATS for some time now, and decided to sign up..what really brought me here was the thread on missing 411 and David
Paulidaes investigation..fascinating stuff . Im also fascinated by our extra terrestial visitors and look forward to posting here.
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25-9-2013 by Kinzig because: spellchecking
Welcome to ATS. The first time I heard about the Missing 411 was on Coast 2 Coast AM and I was hooked. David really knows how to drive a point home
and it has made me think twice about camping in the Mournes! lol
Welcome to ATS. Ill be looking forward to reading your posts. Is it raining over there? Want to visit badly as half of my family is Irish but the
closest I've gotten are some good films about the landscape and people. It's so beautiful in these documentaries - green.
Thanks for all the welcomes folks, and for the useful links, and @ Dianec its actually a nice day here at the minute but we do get our fair share of
the rain..looking forward to this site!.