posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by DeadSnow
Any feel for why the Kenyan Government has been trying to lock down information from the start? I've noticed them being almost absurd about their
requests/demands that speculation not take place and people not talk. They may as well order people to stop breathing while they're at it.
You'd think the CT School shooting would have taught to whole world something about trying to starve the press and public of info. No one goes
WITHOUT. They just make crap up for lack of real info. It seems just being up front would be the only real solution to that?
Yeah it's really ridiculous, the fact that they've now gone silent and the last we heard of the situation was the president re-assuring us the
situation had been dealt with. His speech was followed by heavy gun fire hours later and the local media have created a blackout. International media
are covering the attack but with the same info coming in, no new details no nothing! Kenyans left guessing.
Kenyans now cheering on the US and Israeli "peace keeping" forces and encouraging new attacks on Somalia. It's making my stomach turn, why is it so
hard to teach people? Let's not forget that the literacy rate in Kenya is now approx 80%. The attackers have created twitter accounts claiming the GOK
have been misleading us (MSM being Government owned) and that the three floors that caved in were done by the KDF killing all the remaining survivors.
Although the info seems to contradict itself at times claiming later on that they had strapped all remaining survivors with bombs.
We can point out several reasons, one being the justification of new attacks on Somalia. The new found Oil in Kenya and the newly created friction
between Muslims and Christians (Sudan, Nigeria etc). The excuse of setting up US special forces training camps in the region for the purpose of
''training the Kenyan Defence forces'' and the creation of the COMESA (Common market place for East and Southern Africa).
reply to post by DeadSnow
Just trying to highlight the video, my friend. I'm not trying to steal your thunder.
Not a problem dude, the fact that the GOK or MSM has not reported new info is really getting on my nerves. I was hoping they had released something
when I clicked on this thread. It's a shame really, nothing what so every over the past 24+ hours.
edit on 26-9-2013 by DeadSnow because: (no
reason given)