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reply to post by BlueMoonJoe
Well, I guess you really tuned those nuns out good. The teaching of the Church is quite clear. Mary. the mother of Jesus, was human. She was conceived without sin, She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, but never divinity. To call her a Goddess is wrong.
She is venerated as are the Saints. She is not adored. Only God is adored.
Materialist creed? faith? a believer? lol what are you talking about?
Those making the claims of miracles and supernatural hocus pocus have not met their burden of proof.
That is unless you can produce something?...
You seem to know more than I, on whatever the 'materialist creed' is TBH, as ive never heard of it.
Lol! this is hilariously ironic lol
This now seems to be a popular theist tactic when talking to anyone that doesn't accept their claims. To use criticisms of religion, concepts such as 'faith', against those with none? lol do you realize how pointless and ridiculous that is?
reply to post by colbe
The period of time to conceive is only a few days out of the month, the divine plan. God made sex for procreation AND Marriage.
Well then, it seems that "God's divine plan" for sex, includes just having fun for at least part of the time, and avoiding sex during "fertile" periods is no sin at all!
I am one of nine and my mother had two miscarriages. Back in the days before Natural Family Planning, Catholics used the 'rhythm method' which was based on abstaining from sex mid-cycle. Of course, not everyone is on an 28 day cycle so it was not a sure bet if you were trying to plan your children’s' birth or prevent a pregnancy.
With the advancement of science the ability to know when you were approaching ovulation allowed spouses the opportunity to plan their family.
As one who had extremely irregular menstrual cycles (one or two periods a year) I was able to have children by knowing when I was fertile. I used the Billings Method explained to me by a nun who taught NFP. If I did not have this knowledge I would not have two sons today. To say that the Church is forcing women to have children against their will is not really the case.
A deceased friend of mine who was born around 1918 had fractured her pelvis in a bike accident as a kid and it did not heal properly. Sadly, she suffered a long labor that ended in stillbirth. She and her husband abstained from intercourse for the remainder of their married life.
I just share her story because what people have done for centuries to prevent pregnancies and some still do (abstain from sex) is not a popular idea.
"Cranking out"...? God says children are a blessing. God bless your dear mother and aren't you happy, your parents didn't choose to contracept/abort you from being born?
Many's the day where I would not have argued had she done so.
As you shared, you didn't really know the faith, why, hardly any or bad catechesis for two almost three generations now and it is easier to leave the faith than to practice it.
I know that what was being taught to me was not resonant at all. Few things have left such a bad taste in my mouth as my hours with the nuns in cathechism. Time was indeed relative and it was decidedly at the hot stove end of the Einstein's illustration, where a minute felt like an hour.
There is NO God given grace in non-Christian Yoga BlueMoon.
No? I am most eager to hear you expand and clarify this statement and upon what basis you make it.
You gotta come back, you were given the pearl. Start talking to Our Lord and Mary in prayer every day even for a short time.
Not sure why you assumed I stopped talking to God in prayer, but the mention of Mary does complicate matters touched upon in this thread, doesn't it? Whether she is divine or not, worshiped or merely venerated, these seem to be points of contention between Catholics and Protestants. But as a yogi, it was never a problem, as the concept of God as the Divine Mother was established long before the advent of Christianity. The notion that Mary was elevated to venerable status as a way to bring Goddess worship back into the fold is a well-known idea.
Go make a good Confession, then return to Sunday Mass and receive Our Lord. I absolutely know you can do the underlined. It will make you happy, you'll feel God's presence. Tell the priest at Confession, you have been away. How pleased he will be to help you make a good Confession if you're hesitant about going to Confession.
Ok, right next to the nuns and cathechism on that hot stove was the confessional.
I haven't the foggiest what would comprise a good confession, but I know that the idea in no way resonates and I can't see confessing my sins to a priest has any bearing on anything between me and God. Scandalous, sure, but that's a large part of why the split happened, isn't it?
The materialist creed is the metaphysical belief that physical matter is the only reality and that everything can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena, as well as the tenets that logically follow out from that core assertion, such as no telos, no life after death, no inherent meaning, or intelligence etc.
I'm not sure how you define a miracle supernatural hocus pocus, but no matter.
You made the absolutist claim that no miracles have ever been shown to exist. I ask upon what authority you base such a sweeping claim, since, you are truly in no position to know whether this is true or not. Similarly, when you say the burden of proof has not been met I have to wonder by what authority you make such a claim.
Given its grossly assumptive nature (as if you or anyone were in a position to know the full depth and breadth of what claims have been made across clime and time, never mind whether they met the burden of proof) it is clearly a statement with no empirical backing.
I'm afraid you misunderstand. I am making no claims; I have no interest in participating in your liturgical exercises.
I’m sure you are quite familiar with it, as it is the default position of the atheist when he or she plays the ‟atheists make no claims, they just reject the claims made by theists” card. That rejection is all well and good, but once done, it leaves one with the materialist claim regarding the true nature and scope of the universe.
Again, all well and good, but it is a creed, no more no less. As such, some find it more compelling than others. I, myself, understand the succor provided by such a creed, especially the lights out, show’s over aspect of its position on death. Who, having traveled life’s long trail of tears has not earnestly yearned for such pacification at one time or another?
That’s a lot of lols for such a serious subject. Regardless, your assertions of pointlessness and ridiculousness to the contrary, it is neither.
Should you disagree, as I am sure you will, you have only to attempt an honest defense of it in order to see the weak foundation upon which it lies. Of course, this is the last thing most atheists want to do, so they go with the only game they know, endlessly demanding more examples to dismiss out of hand in order to bolster their faith. I have no interest in such, but I would certainly like to see how well you can defend your faith.
reply to post by Serdgiam
I found this and I think it sums up my perception.
"He does whatever he pleases"104
104 is Psalm 115:3
But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever he pleased.
I couldn't peg God in a billion years. He is beyond my ability to comprehend. I will put in a call to the rectory tomorrow and should hear back in a day or so.
Personally, I think God wouldn't much enjoy being present in that which is evil. I have heard it taught that He not found there. Love doesn't make a nest in what is evil IMHO. So, I would say I don't accept that He is omnipresent. Not that He could not be, but because He does not choose to be.
Thank you for you thought provoking reply.
In other words God Himself, or the Divine nature, is in immediate contact with, or immanent (remains) in, every creature — conserving it in being and enabling it to act.
Responding to claims made by theists is all atheists can do by definition, despite whatever other attributes you or any other theists want to put on the label. Lots of lols
The idea that God cannot do bad and yet is omnipotent is explained in my mind by the idea that God can not make 2 + 2 = 5. In the same way, I don't believe God can destroy Himself, or accept Evil as part of His "operating system." I will agree with you in rejecting a Divine omnipotence that allows God to do anything we can imagine or state. He can not make a stone exist and not exist at the same time. That violates the laws of logic, or rationality. I also believe that there are other laws in the Universe which can not be measured by scientific instruments. Logic is one. We use logic because without it we could not form coherent concepts or even trust our own thoughts. I would not be surprised to learn that there are also laws of truth, mercy, justice, and existence, which God obeys.
Very interesting speculative point. Allow me to hazard a reasonable guess. Were we not aware that obeying God was a good thing and disobeying Him was a bad thing? (Using the Garden of Eden story for convenience.) Frankly, I don't know what extra was gained by eating the fruit. It may have been simply the final act of a rebellious, disobedient spirit.
I think, along with Chesterton, that original sin is the only doctrine of Christianity which can be proven to be true, and that truth can be found in our newspapers, elementary schools, wherever one cares to look.
Excellent question about Satan and forgiveness. Here I don't have any official teaching to fall back on, simply my own uninformed opinion. Certainly the book of Revelations seems to indicate that Satan's eternal task is to be a crispy critter. But leaving all that aside? Hmmmm... Does God's forgiveness extend to the world of Angels and Demons, or just Humanity. Jesus didn't take the form of a Demon, so I suspect the Redemption in the New testament is only for Humans, so Satan's up a creek.
BUT, I would agree with someone saying the Bible only tells the story of Humanity, and there may be a different way for Satan to be saved. Blast it! (smiley inserted here) you're making my head ache.
(One small area where I would demure. I don't think Satan is in God, rather God, in some way, is in Satan.)
Yes we can be separated from God in this life, and that is a terrible thing. Some kill themselves rather than face it. But for most, there is some small hope that things will work out, that they can be rejoined to God eventually. The Catholic doctrine of Purgatory uses that distinction in the afterlife. In Purgatory, one knows that they are being cleansed and will be with God. That makes their sufferings more bearable. In Hell, the poor souls suffer without hope of release.
I agree with the chatter blocking His voice. Whether it's an addiction of some sort that steals their whole attention, a stubborn wish not to hear His voice, or a fear of what listening to Him might involve, many don't hear or act on His words.
Yes, in a way. Remember though, we are limited to the human mind and senses here. There is no question that He can give us immense peace, love, and beauty while we are here. It's been described by many mystics, but "the best is yet to be."
But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever he pleased.
I couldn't peg God in a billion years. He is beyond my ability to comprehend. I will put in a call to the rectory tomorrow and should hear back in a day or so.
Personally, I think God wouldn't much enjoy being present in that which is evil. I have heard it taught that He not found there. Love doesn't make a nest in what is evil IMHO. So, I would say I don't accept that He is omnipresent. Not that He could not be, but because He does not choose to be.
I talked with my Pastor after Mass and I missed it by a mile.
He said that God is most certainly omnipresent. This is not to claim that a God exists in a tree so we should worship it. The Creator is in His Creation.
Does he exists where evil is? Yes!
Like Christ upon Calvary He is there to continue in the redemptive work in our souls.
He explained it more depth, but I think this is the essence of what he was said.
My thoughts: God never gives up on us even when we reject Him. His love is unfailing and in the battle for our souls God like any good, loving parent whose kid is in trouble He fights for them unceasingly. He never washes His hands of us and walks away.
Our own idea/concept of God that we praise is as limited as we are, which might make worshiping our idea of God akin to worshiping the tree. What do you think about this?
I said God bless your mother, you used the term "cranking out", not me as if it were some awful requirement. God made the rules for our benefit, not the Church. Contraception is no good.
A spouse is aware when the other is not in the right frame of mind and heart or physically able to have another child. If some men of our parent's generation didn't care, I cannot believe that was the total
mindset, would cancel the love and respect for each other.
I don't have time to return with a reply after each one of the five separate, your comments on sentence by sentence of my post to you. Divided up is overwhelming. Maybe, a person's one quote or even two in a post at a time, with a response after.
I was educated in Catholic schools, it is not fair to speak ill of the sisters, NOT everyone of them was mean. I admired many of them, they were set apart, serving God helping us. And I realize, pretty normal, as children our rebelling against authority even in grade school. What young boy or adolescent wants to be in school?
I was sharing with you advise only to be helpful on CHRISTIAN prayer, includes the help of Mary and the value of Confession and Mass. There is God's grace given in all the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. The objection about Confession to a priest, what are we to do, this is how God chose for His children to reconcile with Him.
"Come back" to the faith was from my heart Joe, you can stay with Yogi. All, people protest, alright, 99.99% of the mystical and miraculous points to Jesus Christ, who said I am the way, the truth and the life. And the fullest means to Christ is via the faith, Roman Catholicism.
I said God bless your mother, you used the term "cranking out", not me as if it were some awful requirement. God made the rules for our benefit, not the Church. Contraception is no good.
A spouse is aware when the other is not in the right frame of mind and heart or physically able to have another child. If some men of our parent's generation didn't care, I cannot believe that was the total
mindset, would cancel the love and respect for each other.
When the result was most likely dying in childbirth, I'd say it was a pretty awful requirement, but ymmv. My dad agreed with my mom and backed her fully, so your line of thought here doesn't apply to the situation.
I don't have time to return with a reply after each one of the five separate, your comments on sentence by sentence of my post to you. Divided up is overwhelming. Maybe, a person's one quote or even two in a post at a time, with a response after.
Sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you by responding to what you wrote. It's a bad habit from way back. If you want to reply only to some of it, the bit about no grace in non-Christian yoga is the core issue for me.
I was educated in Catholic schools, it is not fair to speak ill of the sisters, NOT everyone of them was mean. I admired many of them, they were set apart, serving God helping us. And I realize, pretty normal, as children our rebelling against authority even in grade school. What young boy or adolescent wants to be in school?
Since you don't have time to respond to everything I write, at least respond to what I did write and not something I didn't write. It only seems fair. I never said word one about the nuns being mean and didn't speak ill of them. I only said I found being in catechism in no way resonant and interminable.
I was sharing with you advise only to be helpful on CHRISTIAN prayer, includes the help of Mary and the value of Confession and Mass. There is God's grace given in all the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. The objection about Confession to a priest, what are we to do, this is how God chose for His children to reconcile with Him.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this bit of doctrine as I don't in any way believe that confession to a priest was a choice of God.
"Come back" to the faith was from my heart Joe, you can stay with Yogi. All, people protest, alright, 99.99% of the mystical and miraculous points to Jesus Christ, who said I am the way, the truth and the life. And the fullest means to Christ is via the faith, Roman Catholicism.
Even though I may not agree with your pov, please do know that I thank you for your sincere effort to "bring me home" as you put it. As to the part about the 99% of the mystical pointing to Christ and the fullest means being the Church, I don't know what to say. I spent over 30 years in a tradition that saw things quite differently and it's hard to just drop that, especially since Christ was a central part of the teachings, which sought to demonstrate the underlying oneness between the traditions.
I may have doubts about that, but I have doubts about much in the Church as well so it's not an easy road to navigate.
I posted an earlier reply to you with a list of attributes of God that we aware of through reading the Bible with the scripture passages that that pertain to each attribute. Now, if we have an awareness of this and believe the Bible is correct we know God is far beyond what we can ever perceive and as the Creator of the Universe He is definitely greater than a human being. What we can not perceive is a mystery. With faith we worship what we believe.
I cannot grasp what direction you are heading here. As worshipping a tree as God is nowhere my head can or wants to go. Why not a cockroach?
If you read one of my earlier posts you will see there is no doubt from my life experiences that the Devil is fighting battle for my soul and everyone on the planet as well.
If you don't believe Jesus word I don't expect you will believe mine.
Read the apostles creed if you want to know the basis for our Faith.
Seek and ye shall find.
Lol no, after looking into what you're calling 'The materialist creed' it merely seems to be a label theists have created for anyone that doesn't accept their claims of spooky superstitious magic and nothing more.
Gods, ghouls and ghosts. Sometimes a zombie.
While many people claim to believe in some form of supernatural magic it hasn't been shown, in any example, to exist. If it had, i'm sure the entire worlds efforts would be put into discovering the source of this magic in order to learn more and please whichever deity actually exists from the lists of thousands.
The very best examples this thread has produced have been hysterical children and medically inexplicable recoveries. Neither are a good enough reason, in my opinion, to accept the claims of magic. And until it has been shown to exist, I, and everyone else, has no good reason to think it actually exists.
Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. The eminent Kant scholar Lewis Beck used to say that anyone who could believe in God could believe in anything. To appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured, that miracles may happen.
It's a reply to a claim, I don't need to be omnisciencent to reject the claims made by superstitionists....'s not because you cannot produce an example...?
As I said, I've never heard of it despite being fairly familiar with theist tactics. However, another tactic used by theists is to distort what an atheist stands for beyond the rejection of claims made by theists. It's usually only done by only the most dishonest of theists...
I have to wonder by what authority you make such a claim....
Responding to claims made by theists is all atheists can do by definition, despite whatever other attributes you or any other theists want to put on the label.
Lots of lols
You brought the subject up. Read your quotes, blaming the Church for your mom's health difficulties, that is no reason to leave the faith and stay away.
Having children is not a "duty" required by the Church but of God for those who are called to the vocation of marriage. God gives a child as a gift. Some mothers die in childbirth, gee, I wonder where they go? Your mother lived, you lived. People read your comments who do not know the faith and believe you.
You can't use your mother's child bearing as reason to leave the faith. Suffering is a part of life, the faith helps you get through.
It wasn't the nuns themselves, it was the hours of Catechism (the teachings of the faith) and confession that made you leave?
Such comments in secular discussion forums do not draw people to the faith instead leave a terrible of impression of the consecrated brides of Christ. You get a response to follow usually of yes, I had mean rotten "nuns" too. They could not all of been.
I remember wonderful, Father Muenster would call the eight grades of school out on the lawn on a sunny day under the trees and he would sing and play the guitar, we would join in singing and the Presentation Sisters too with their veils blowing in the breeze. Father would sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and "The Little Blue Man."
I don't know why it happened, the loss of faith, maybe God allowed the world what they wanted so 30+ years of 'bad catechesis" or none at all. I was a part of it too. If people understood the treasure of the faith and 'grace' given in it, they would run to it.
There are non-Christian beliefs if you mean to call belief "traditions." There are non-Catholic Christian "traditions" and Catholic Christian "traditions." Whatever your belief now people go for the third, specifically, Roman Catholic traditions. Ask God in prayer if it is THE faith. Ask Our Lord's mother to help you believe. Study Roman Catholicism reading Catholic writings, the Catechism, the Douay-Rheims Bible, biographies and writings of the saints, type in Catholic Apologetics first as a help when you search online, there is so much anti-Catholicism.
Catholics who are WATCHERS for a lot of years have been praying for conversions. Prayer for the 'grace' of God to touch hearts. Lately BlueMoonJoe, I wonder and fervently hope I will still be here to see the prophesied divine events take place. It is going to happen, God is going to show each person in the world RC is THE faith. No fake, only God can show each of us, every moment of our lives