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Green Myst Road

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:12 PM

Chino Hills, Ca.

Salutetions ATS

This is a story that I've pieced together over nearly my whole lifetime
and may end up giving you, the reader, the feeling I hijacked a Steven King novel.
I assure you, the place is real because I grew up there, amongst the busselling,
wind swept fields of muster seed plant, in the Chino Valley of southern California.
Thirty miles South of Los Angeles in San Bernardino county. This story villifies,
tucked away in the hills that overlook my humble little valley childhood home.
A facility hidden far back with-in rolling clay gray hills,owned by Aeorjet..
A military defence contractor for the United States.

Here's the problem with Aerojet

From an ex employee who wants to be known as POP

I'd forgotten the 'green mist', I used to work at the Aerojet Ordnance plant up
there (1977-1995) and, though I never saw it, many of the earlieir employees said they did.
As to a scientific explanation: They used to manufacture 30MM cannon ammo and much of
it contained DU (depleted uranium). In powder form it was green and in some manufacturing
practices (reworking) the DU projectiles would be drilled into and the effect was such that a
substantially green foggy/mist would float into the atmosphere. I worked this for a while and
saw it often; the bldg. wherein this activity occurred was almost always open to the outside
(as it was hot and no AC). It's possible that during cool nights -- when the well known ground
fog would present itself -- and with high activity of rework manufactuing going on, that the
ground fog would take on a greenish tint. [Makes sense, although I can't say that depleted
uranium in powder form wafting through the fog is any more comforting than the more
fanciful explanations. -- DA]

In this story, I have as a potentiaal hero and whistle blower, untold accounts
over many years. From normal people who were busy with hurried mornings
trying to get to work on time. To kids looking for a deserted place to neck
or park and drink beer at night, without being hassled. I'm talking thousands
of claims of an erie green mist that would roll down out of those hills at night
and early morning, On to the road that leads to our story known only as,
" Green Myst Road ". That is until it was discovered that Areojet was back in
there, where upon the street suddenly gained it's own sign and became
Aerojet road.

Geen Myst Road

Right now, you might just be thinking, ok that's pretty messed up a
radioactive munitions contractor contaminated the hills so thoroughly
a glowing green fog was rolling down on motorists and residents.
But that isn't anything compared to some of the horrific
experiences people were having once engrossed in the paranormal glow.
That's the only way I can describe it. And this story dosn't even stop there.

Cameron • a year ago −
Friends of mine snuck into the Aerojet facility two nights ago. I'm not sure what building they went into but it said "INACTIVE" on the door. They went inside only to find a bunch of dead animals. Coyotes, and a lot of cats. A few were missing heads. I'm surprised they didn't get caught by the guards if guards are even up there anymore? pretty creepy if you ask me.

Katherine • 4 years ago −
My mom used to go up there all the time with her friends. One night they were trying to find the road that led to some completely off-topic place. Anyways her and her friend were sitting in the back of their friend's pickup truck as they looked at the map as to which road to take. Just saying ahead of time my mother nor her friend had drank or did drugs before this moment. My mother was talking, then she saw her friends eyes look straight past her staring at something behind her. She began to scream for them to drive away. As they did my mother looked and saw three "floating" heads. They seemed to be moving over and around each other. They had piercing, bright red eyes. But it was too dark to see any bodies. I did research on what it might of been, and this is my hypothesis. Since many people performed satanic rituals in Green Mist, I believe she saw Cerberus, the guard dog to the gateway of hell. I believe this is what she saw because of the way she described them moving. I showed her pictures of Cerberus and she said, and I quote, "That looks like what I saw, but I couldn't see the body." Please help me. This is scary!

For lo, on a night so foggy it was like glowing green thick clouds and the cars
on the busy high way in front of our house at 4616 Riveride Dr were going ten
miles an hour tops. And that wasonly with great caution. Picture this growing
urban community gripped by what for so long was rumoured by and becoming
more and more believed by residents, as a radioactive myst with somekind of
psycho paranormal qualities. That seem to be interacting with the
well water they'd been drinking for years and causing mass hallicinations of the
most horrific kind.

4616 Riverside Dr. Chino Ca.

And on that night, this happens.

And I believe Kevin Cooper is innocent of the murders.

More on Green Myst

Care to help me investigate further ?

edit on 24-9-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:29 PM
Very interesting! I've never heard of Green Myst Road or the murders. I will investigate further. S&F.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Well, I found this piece...with numerous comments and accounts.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

You've skimmed the surface amigo. But thank you for posting for our readers sake.

edit on 24-9-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I'd forgotten the 'green mist', I used to work at the Aerojet Ordnance plant up
there (1977-1995) and, though I never saw it, many of the earlieir employees said they did....I worked this for a while and saw it often...

He says he never saw it, then immediately says he saw it often....Which is it?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Nostrenominon

I think he edited and didn't notice what he had done.
Otherwise I don't know how to explain that.

Brain dead from the green mist perhaps ?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 04:50 PM
ive always wanted to go to Aerojet! i forgot about the green mist part of the story though. i always wanted to go because i read some kid snuck in took home a live land mine and that there was ordinance still lying around

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:09 PM
I didn't listen to the vid, but this is an awesome story. My only question is, how is it a paranormal issue? Sounds like radioactive mist causing hallucinations and behavior problems to me?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by madmark

You can probably imagine what my advice would be.

reply to post by Billie828

I didn't listen to the vid, but this is an awesome story. My only question is, how is it a paranormal issue? Sounds like radioactive mist causing hallucinations and behavior problems to me?

Did you read the quotes. The one about the demon three headed dog. That's a documented demon in
the occult.
edit on 24-9-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:41 PM
Sounds very strange place, and the accounts too, particularly about the dead animals, which being an animal lover, sounds pretty horrible, and a bit untoward for anything natural.

Marked the place on google Earth, the still standing buildings and such. Looks pretty dead, cracked concrete, no vehicles. A place probably not guarded at al, even if there could be No trespassing or protected by... security signs.
Looks like it is pretty accessible, maybe the terrain is a bit steeper, but looks like somewhere worth exploring, for whatever reason.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by eniar

Remember what I said about the mustard seed weed ?

Yeah the military contracted with Aerojet to make weapons such as Mustard Gas and Uranium Depleted Missles. A new expensive housing devlopment is being built all around the old Aerojet facility. It took years for it to get approved because of the toxic levels of chemicals and uranium in the ground. The dirt had to be dug out and replaced. Aerojet is still there, abandoned and no longer used since 1995. Aerojet is the
Pentagon`s largest supplier of DU weapons, producing 60 percent of all
DU penetrator bullets.
Here are a couple of articles regarding it:

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 01:03 PM
Here's a good sample of some
of the wickedness that went on with the Myst. I swear Steven King got the idea for
his movie thru these stories. But I could tell a better one. Took a while to find this one..

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 04:35 PM
Cool thread, i took carbon canyon road everyday to and from work for a few years, and always wondered what was up that road. It's been about a year since ive driven by there, but i seem to remember a "naval surface weapons" sign or something, something im positive did in fact identify this as a military installation, 2012-2013. From carbon canyon road you can see the barbed wire and chain link fence, as well as a guard shack, which is still manned to my knowledge of seeing different cars parked there weekly/daily.

I've been reading about Aerojet today, and i read a comment somewhere(im looking for it) that seemed a viable explanation. He stated that the mist was from the process of making munitions but Aerojet intentionally laced the chemical with a phosphorus to keep it low to the ground, and not rise up into the air as per gov't requests.

When we were in high school there were some developments going in by rose dr. And lambert/carbon canyon road, we would take our trucks up into the hills thru some dirt roads i imagine were used to maintain the power lines, although there are some legal jeep trails marked running thru those hills as well, we never got in trouble or chased until a random acquaintance decided to take his truck thru some of the pre graded pads... Dipwad... That pretty much ruined our excursions up into those hills. But on several occasions we did make it a ways back, and one time found ourselves in the "s-turn" in the middle of the canyon. Theres some weird radio satellite tower up there, but nothing ominous, just perched atop a hill overlooking orange, riverside and san berdu counties.

Anyways, back to Aerojet.

Several cases of rare cancer/leukemia have caused the death of several children in the area, however a study by Desert Cancer Surveillance at Loma Linda stated that the 61% increase in cancer was tied to the 80% growth in population...(i think this is in the article i link to and quote from below) here is a PDF to the DTSC report which has this info in it

But the trucking of toxic goo is hardly the only worry for residents such as Miller. “We have the rarest forms of cancer in our community,” she said. “Two little girls have died and another is about to. These things just don’t happen out of the blue.” Kelly Almand, a soft-spoken 25-year-old woman, grew up in the shadow of Aerojet. She used to play in a mucky creek behind her Chino Hills home. Then, at Christmastime in 1983, Almand was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), also known as acute myeloblastic leukemia. She and her parents recall that three other neighborhood kids were diagnosed with cancer in the same month. And that year, four additional children contracted cancer at her grade level. One boy died, and Almand was admitted to the hospital. Doctors gave her a slim chance of survival and desperately tried to save her with numerous blood transfusions. She ended up missing a year at Glenmeade Elementary School and now has hepatitis C from the transfusions. But Almand survived, and is now a party in the lawsuit. Her hospital roommate was a 3-year-old named Amy with liver tumors — she soon died. Almand, a fragile woman, is at once shaken and angry. “What they were doing there contaminated the water,” she said. “Plus they spewed gas into the air.”

Aerojet produced potent and poisonous rocket fuel, including a perchlorate compound, a toxic rocket-fuel oxidizer that can lead to aplastic anemia and may cause autoimmune thyroid disease. Over the years, perchlorate and other poisonous substances were dumped into a 350,000-gallon polyethylene-lined pond and a 270,000-gallon unlined sludge pit. According to the state Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), perchlorate slopped onto Aerojet’s soil and drained into the hills’ substrata.

At the Aerojet site itself, dioxin, lead, perchlorate, and the incendiary chemicals RDX and HMX were found, according to a 1999 DTSC report. Perchlorate was detected at 887 ppb, nearly 50 times the allowable government limit for ground water, 42 feet below the surface. In an “open-burn” pit, RDX “was found to be 1,110 ppb, which exceeds its munition health advisory, which is 400 ppb for an adult,” the report stated.

Living Next to a War Factory

I'm still looking for that quote about the phosphorus. But it was just in the comments section of another site, so i doubt it hold much credibility, but like i said, seems viable.
edit on 23-5-2014 by OuttaOC because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 04:49 PM
Hah "Pops" comment was referenced to and quoted when I saw it, but on your link to murders, there it is from "Pop"

I'd forgotten the 'green mist', I used to work at the Aerojet Ordnance plant up there (1977-1995) and, though I never saw it, many of the earlieir employees said they did. As to a scientific explanation: They used to manufacture 30MM cannon ammo and much of it contained DU (depleted uranium). In powder form it was green and in some manufacturing practices (reworking) the DU projectiles would be drilled into and the effect was such that a substantially green foggy/mist would float into the atmosphere. I worked this for a while and saw it often; the bldg. wherein this activity occurred was almost always open to the outside (as it was hot and no AC). It's possible that during cool nights -- when the well known ground fog would present itself -- and with high activity of rework manufactuing going on, that the ground fog would take on a greenish tint. [Makes sense, although I can't say that depleted uranium in powder form wafting through the fog is any more comforting than the more fanciful explanations. -- DA]

Durp wrong comment...!!! Stupid me i ... Hmm i remeber something about 30mm cannon ammo.. Back to the search for that quote.
edit on 23-5-2014 by OuttaOC because: (no reason given)

A bit more reading on your link shows my comment was probably cannibalized with some lower comments about maxing with phosphorus... Anyways just trying to shed some light on where they came from, not really trying to dispute anything else about it

edit on 23-5-2014 by OuttaOC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 06:50 PM
Regarding the 'green mist' in the Chino Hills, CA:

I worked for Aerojet Ordnance Co. from 77 thru 98, the site in which the green mist is located, and lived at the bottom of the hill from it in the early Chino Hills (before it was incorporated).

I can verify the accounts of DU (depleted Uranium) being used as penetrators for 30 and 25mm armor-piercing Gatling cannon ammunition, a LOT of it. There was a lot of reworking rejected DU projectiles and it did form a greenish mist when mixed with the ground fog that often formed up there -- the fog was, in large part, a product of a large amount of cow manure from what used to be dairy farms. I've seen the mist and can verify (from a scientific point of view) that the DU dust, mixed with the gound fog, was a large part of the fabled green mist.

The plant also used a variety of High explosives in its production of various classified smart weapons as well as ordinary demolition projects.

Having had explosives training in the military I can speak to the types of explosives used and the various types of poison gas used in chemical weapons, which was before my time but was being cleaned up during my tenure. I can also speak to the numerous types of radioactive elements and isatopes used (in very small quantities) besides the depleted uranium. This (the DU) was used extensively however until the government stopped its use in the early to mid-'90s (because of public outcries) and they went to tungsten as a heavy metal penetrator in ammo for armor-plated vehicles. I worked in several departments and was very familiar with the plant so trust me, there were no secret tunnels going anywhere.

There is an interesting story about land mines and/or claymores they used to make up there during Viet Nam. As it was told me (I'm not a witness to this), they would lay the mines on a slope across the street of the manufacturing bldg. to let them dry or cure -- not really sure why they did that. At any rate, a roadrunner was seen scooping up one of the mines and running off into the woods, the unit was never found and is probably still in the hills somewhere away from the areas they dug up looking for both DU slugs and fragments, as well as explosives that went low order and scattered undetonated pieces of the main charge all over the place. They've been cleaning that area up for 20 years now and, as far as I know, they're still not done. This is most likely true as it's still under lockdown.

I've never heard of any occultic group being displaced from the area or any activity during its operation, and I worked the night shift for several years -- never did I encounter anything supernatural.

It should be understood that depleted uranium is extremely low as a radioactive isotope, It is the by-product of extracting weapons or reactor grade uranium and the danger presented is largely exaggerated, if that's any solace to those who live around it.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Wow very cool! I lived in Chino back in 1989 and we went up to Green Mist and smoked a joint in the middle of the night and the people I was with were talking about weird things in the area. How cool thank you!

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: popthescoop

Great info. Thank you for sharing

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