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I have a weird ability that I haven't told hardly anyone about....

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posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

my wife has the same ability, she can sense vibes in rooms just like how you described it. Spirits seem to try and contact her and she sometimes has dreams that seem to be events to come. She doesn't know how to use these abilities they just happen. On 3 different occasions we have been stopped by random people when we've gone out and all 3 of these people I guess sense my wife's ability and let her know what she has. this seems to run on her mothers side because one of her sister, her mother and great grand father have strong abilities.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Saltron

Ya there's definitely something to it. Ya sounds like she's onto something. I get a lot of dreams too. God talks to me by way of my dreams on occasion. Not too often. But he gave me my first very successful business idea via a dream. That business went on for over 10 year with great success. Then in regard to a different business he warned me about it and told me not to do it in a dream. I thought, ahh that's just a dream, I'll do it anyway. I got another similiar dream not to do it. So after 2 of the same dreams I knew that was him talking to me. It's happened several times. And I'm sure he doesn't want to show me too much as that would make things too easy I'm sure. But from time to time he will give me really good ideas. My latest project also just came to me. I'm not sure what will happen with it. But what happened is I had woke up. I was bummed out because I didn't have any good business ideas to pursue. And I was sitting there at my desk and somehow most of the idea just popped into my head. It was so weird. Then in short order I mapped out the whole blueprint for it. But it's still too soon to tell whats' going to happen with it, just crossing my fingers at this point. But Im pretty sure he's out there somewhere watching over what's going on. There's just been too many odd situations like this not to believe that it's coming from God.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

My hubby has it too-and he can see entities like,simplistically put,angels+demons.He can also see another "true" visage in some folk's faces-he pointed out such a one to me as we were driving home from the town one afternoon-he has seen the face behind the face of this very ordinary looking man.Hubby is a most pragmnatic down to earth,levelheaded person,highly intelligent with a responsible job-he just happens to be clairvoyant.His mom is of Celtic descent on maternal side,Scottish-and from paternal side a distant relative of Siener van Rensburg,a Nostradamus-like figure from the old days in my country,maybe that has something to do with it,I would'nt know.He can meet a person+pick up the essence of the person,no matter how well that person deceives everyone else-he has never been wrong about anyone in the almost 18 years we've been together.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:01 AM
I think if you read my post again you'll see I wasn't saying there's no point eliminating biological causes. My main point was:

'Basically, I'm wondering how much the skeptics need before they will consider a possible paranormal cause?'

Also you might be interested to know that, before I posted my last post, I had already ordered an electronic blood pressure monitor. That's why I wrote the bit about 'do you feel blood pressure needs to be recorded frequently throughout day over a certain amount of time to prove that what is being seen is not related to blood pressure?' because I have full intention of investigating that. Like I said, my main point is: will that be enough? Will any such investigations ever be enough for the hard skeptics? And if the answer is no, we can justifiably wonder if the doubt is really coming from a healthy skeptical view point.


So how do you suggest eliminating those obvious possible reasons? Is just a one off medical and optician's check up enough (showing blood pressure and retinas ok) or do you feel blood pressure needs to be recorded frequently throughout day over a certain amount of time to prove that what is being seen is not related to blood pressure? Basically, I'm wondering how much the skeptics need before they will consider a possible paranormal cause?

In this case: yes. He should have a cursory medical check up done. Then, since he says this is something he's always been able to do, he should be able to take his blood pressure before and after. This wouldn't be hard, you can buy an electronic self tester at a bloody Walmart if you want. This would be 1) good for his health, 2) good for reducing the skepticism surrounding such abilities, and 3) helpful to those of us that -don't- see or experience things like you do, so we can possibly learn to.

I guess, for me, it depends on how much I actually want to understand. I've had several "paranormal" experiences in my life. I have always tried to work through it logically and eliminate any mundane possibilities. I don't see why people who experience these things are so offended by the process of elimination. Wouldn't you -want- to be sure what you experiences was special? Wouldn't you -want- to be sure that you aren't suffering something potentially health-hazardous?

It's like people who have these abilities refuse to try to quantify them, or test them in any meaningful way. When questioned, many seem to default their stance to "Well it's just the way I see it, you can't explain it, I'm just special."

It's possible, so why not help us be more enlightened? Instead of just saying it happened and it's mystical, help examine and advance that part of science, because it really -is- science, forward?

Science is not spiritualism's enemy. Trying to determine what causes your ability that you feel is helpful can only help others advance. People go on and on about how humanity has to evolve, but the ones with these special abilities seem to have no interest in helping humanity do that.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

I don't have any info on that particular matter. I don't know much about the spirit world, but I believe the mind is capable of so much more than we know. I never believed in auras until I clearly and distinctly saw one. A missionary couple were visiting our home just before they were to leave for Russia. We were reading the bible together, the environment changed, like I was not there but looking in from somewhere else and I saw it. It was a perfect white circle around Jim's head and I kept staring and blinking. I told his wife about it the next day and I thought it meant something. She laughed at me and told me to get my eyes checked. Anyway, he died of cancer in Russia a few months later. Never happened to me again since. I just don't know what the point of these abilities are when people scoff at you.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:15 AM
Just want to say, I believe you. I think its awesome. And, keep up the good work!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:10 AM
Yes OP please let us know more about the spiritual entities you see.


reply to post by Thorneblood

Well I'm talking about a lot more than energy. I'm talking about spiritual entities.

Well since you brought it up....

What kind of entities? I too have encountered "the others" thru many different disciplines and methods we are censored from discussing here at ats.

Have you ever encountered Mescalito/the green man, or the little mechanical chirppy things, or the dark fog? There are others but I encounter those 3 most frequently.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:34 AM
I don't like the word *spiritual"

It's easy for some people to take in more of a rooms information intuitively, and only some of these individuals would consider their selves "spiritual*

Above average perceptive ability mixed with a decent imagination. All you really need to feel a room out.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by BardingTheBard

I think you are onto something ergo..

The important question in my mind is, are these things a product of matrixing/pareidolia/synethesia or are they interpretations of waveforms that some humans have forgotten (or are evolving) to perceive?

Much like we perceive certain wavelengths with our eyes in the EM spectrum, and certain wavelengths with our ears in the sound spectrum, could the combined perception of all of these senses result in being able to perceive different spectrums than science currently understands?

I think there is even the distinct chance that humans are capable of perceiving areas where science has explored, but perhaps has not been attributed to being capable of being perceived by the human body. To know what is and what is not products of our mind* we need to know the limitations of our perception in these physical forms. I am not concvinced we are even close to understanding the limits of the human genome.

*All things we perceive are, of course, filtered through our senses. However, some have external sources (such as sound from a speaker) and others have internal sources (like seeing a cow in the clouds).
edit on 26-9-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Serdgiam

My Conclusion is that the Confusion of my Ego knows no bounds.

You've broken it down much closer to what my true feeling on these sort of things are. It makes no sense to me that there wouldn't be some variations on people's capacity to detect and subsequently visualize different waveforms travelling through our region of perception.

Even to the point of something akin to Philip K. Dick's ideas of a "particle" travelling backward in time, thus being "light" from the future that some people can see though most don't currently have the cultural or conceptional methods of processing/communicating it.

Good to see ya!
edit on 26-9-2013 by BardingTheBard because:

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

I also see aurora's and particles.
edit on 26-9-2013 by Dalarn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:20 AM
Btw, I have started a thread 'Would those who see energy like to participate in an experiment?'

To investigate defcon5 and Morgenstern89 suggestions (see related posts on page 3). As Morgenstern89 stated:

'Rule one about investigating the paranormal is to rule out all natural explanations for a situation before assigning a supernatural one.'

I have no problem in participating in research that can achieve this. Hopefully there are others here (who believe they can see energy) that will be happy to participate as well. After all, most of us (I assume?) are here on the paranormal forum in search of the truth.

If you're interested in participating in this research please post on this thread:



What a lot of people don't realize is that your body has a sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. This includes the Vegus nerve which controls your heart. That is why its not uncommon for people to have a heart attack when they strain while going to the bathroom. You can stimulate your parasympathetic system without even being consciously aware of it, and it in turn can effect your heart rate, which in turn effects your blood pressure, and again in turn can cause various hallucinations. There are quite a large number of posts on ATS claiming paranormal abilities or events, that can be attributed to a list of medically known hallucinations. As Morgenstern89 is stating, you have to eliminate what is obvious before you can claim something is extraordinary.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

I don't think this guy has high blood pressure or problems with his eyes, I think it's much simpler than that. While getting them checked is a good idea, it's not going to do anything. The problem is that it's not just physical health related, but also mental. And you know these people will never float their claims by a shrink.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in the paranormal, and have had my own strange experiences. Having a paranormal experience doesn't mean you are crazy.

But some people get carried away. Look at stuff like Psychic and Sanguinarian Vampirism. People have convinced themselves that they feel better, stronger, healthier, after "draining energy" from someone, or after sipping a teaspoon of blood from a donor. Any validity that those phenomena may have are zapped away as soon as you see the people who usually make the claims. The fact that these people usually only "discover" their "illness" after they become obsessed with vampire fiction/lifestyle/roleplaying is proof enough that they are just living in a fantasy.

Now let's look at this fellow. Do I think he is "crazy?" No. Do I think he is delusional? Sure. He thinks God Himself is speaking to him through dreams. God is giving this guy business advice? Business advice that has, apparently, not panned out all that well? This individual is lying to himself.

These are just a few of the threads that really paint a clear picture of where the fellow is in his life right now.

Half the time I don't even know what I want out of life anymore....

How do you stay motivated when you're inbetween jobs???

I just often wonder what the future holds.....

I kinda decided to give up on life today....

I was kinda taking inventory of my life today...

How do you know if you're an Alcoholic???

He's in a rut, living with family, trying to get back on his feet and get a business going. I can empathize, I'm in a similar position.

As stated in the last thread:

So life is stressful, so I tend to seem to charish the moments when I can get ____ and or drunk to just escape real life.

The other threads he makes show that escaping reality is a common coping mechanism he uses.

What would you do if you won the lottery???

Pet grid cabin...your thoughts?

What if you found out that you were actually a Cylon???

If money was no object what would you go do in life???

DOOMS DAY - flipping the kill switches....

Super Hero Suit....

Would you ever consider living out of a Van???

When I read these it struck me as someone in their late teens or early twenties, not a guy in his 30s-ish as he's indicated elsewhere. A lot of "what if" type scenarios and looking towards the future. A head in the clouds kind of mentality.

We're all entitled to our fantasies and escapism when times are rough. Trust me, I enjoy sitting back and daydreaming about stuff too, a little too much, even. But this has crossed over into absurdity. I know this is the paranormal section, but this guy does not have the ability to sense good and evil in a room, and he certainly isn't being personally spoken to by God.

And the people who frequent the paranormal section, the folks with thousands upon thousands of posts under their belt who come in here and feed his (and other's) delusions aren't doing this guy any favors with their lack of skepticism, whatsoever.

Like I said, my main point is: will that be enough? Will any such investigations ever be enough for the hard skeptics? And if the answer is no, we can justifiably wonder if the doubt is really coming from a healthy skeptical view point.

Healthy skepticism and common sense should lead people to the correct conclusion in this thread. Since he can't really present any evidence in support of his claims, and since he's been quite the open book in regards to his troubles, I'm going to say it's more likely that he's just a fellow who is in a tough spot in life who is looking for -something- to believe in, and hoping -something- will go his way. Again, I can empathize. I wish him luck in his future endeavors, and encourage him to take a breather, and just take things one step at a time until things start looking up, as should everyone else.

I'll certainly take a look at your new thread as well, I'm interested in where it will lead.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Morgenstern89

I see what you're getting at, but I think we all have problems in our lives, to varying degrees, and I don't think it's a very scientific approach to dismiss someone's experience just on the basis of that. I would imagine a good scientific approach tries to rule out as many assumptions as possible. I think many of us like the idea of escaping to a fantasy world in our minds at times, but that doesn't mean that we can't tell the difference between our physical surroundings and our fantasies.

I can understand how some here might feel frustrated that a more skeptical approach isn't adopted as often as they might like (e.g. looking into health issues like blood pressure etc.) but what's the point discussing it if no one, not even the skeptics, are interested when they do look into those things? As you know I started a thread looking at the link between eye issues/blood pressure and seeing energy. Not one of the more skeptic types has bothered coming to that thread to give their opinion (I asked for input on how often/when to take blood pressure). I know it's not as good as a proper scientific study. But at least someone's bothering to act on suggestions made. I'll keep the experiment going for a week or two anyway, regardless of responses.

Here's the thread in case anyone's interested:

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

I see what you're getting at, but I think we all have problems in our lives, to varying degrees, and I don't think it's a very scientific approach to dismiss someone's experience just on the basis of that. I would imagine a good scientific approach tries to rule out as many assumptions as possible. I think many of us like the idea of escaping to a fantasy world in our minds at times, but that doesn't mean that we can't tell the difference between our physical surroundings and our fantasies.

Examination of a persons mental state is relevant when discussing someone who claims to be communicating with God. I'm not dismissing his claims based on a few petty problems, but on an overall picture of his life and personality. Also, he hasn't offered up -any- proof. The "scientific approach" would require that he offer us some kind of evidence to support his claims. One should not assume that he is telling the truth by default.

I can understand how some here might feel frustrated that a more skeptical approach isn't adopted as often as they might like (e.g. looking into health issues like blood pressure etc.) but what's the point discussing it if no one, not even the skeptics, are interested when they do look into those things?

It's not just that it isn't adopted "as often", but that it's never adopted. Talk about the scientific approach all you want, but believing a persons claims by default isn't even remotely close to a scientific approach. He should have to prove that he is telling the truth, we shouldn't have to prove that he isn't.

I admire your initiative in trying to get to the bottom of any potential health issues. It's good to get that factor out of the way. Ultimately it doesn't help us though. Checking their blood pressure only rules out a physical cause for their experience. That doesn't mean then that they are to be believed once health problems are ruled out. There is still a distinct possibility that they are just delusional or lying to get attention like the rest of the people who make outrageous claims on the internet. And most importantly, some sort of proof still needs to be offered up.

I'm very interested in the idea that people can sense, manipulate, and communicate via some kind of psychic energy. I've conducted my own experiments with this sort of thing in the past, with varying results. I know there are those that -aren't- delusional or looking for attention. You yourself claim to be able to sense energy, correct? You don't strike me as delusional or crazy, nor do you seem to crave attention. And your blood pressure seems to be pretty good, with normal fluctuations. I'm not sure where you stand on the subject, but I believe that it's all the same energy involved in all these different phenomena. So if you are sensitive to energy, the next step would then be to conduct other experiments which have external/visible results. For example, detecting objects under cups or in shadow boxes, guessing the color/suit of playing cards, moving suspended objects in a sealed jar, and so on and so forth.

OP could do this as well using objects he associates with having positive or negative connotations (crucifix and pentagram, for example). The only hurdle is finding a way to conduct the experiment on video, with enough attempts (hundreds) so that the person guessing and the person setting up the experiment couldn't memorize a sequence of outcomes, nor signal each other in any way to cheat.

An easy one person test would be to open a new deck of Bicycle playing cards on camera, remove the jokers, shuffle thoroughly, and guess the color. Keep track of the results for each time, and then draw conclusions from there.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 11:14 AM
I believe in the presence of good and evil. Of course science is going to try to prove or disprove stuff, and this sort of stuff doesn't usually get scientists brownie points, but rather the tin hat treatment so it's in the best natural interest to blow you off as a wacko. Since you can't prove it right now, it's easy to dismiss you, but imagine if you had the right equipment to actually read the energy, record it, and know the history of that area.

We send out energy at least 8 ft around us because of our heart. I have learned over my life experience to listen to that still small voice, intuition it is often called. I don't see things like you do, but I get impressions. I read souls, and can see when they are wounded or have energy tags on them. I have learned that distance is an illusion and our ability to enter into spirit is our choice and if you want to go into that work or experience then it's one that should be done with much balance and prayer.

We literally are surrounded with a complete other world and few see it. It's as if a veil is pulled over our eyes, and only upon death does it slip away to reveal reality. This 3d world is not the truth, but a construct for us in which we can learn and grow.
edit on 29-9-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 03:22 AM

I admire your initiative in trying to get to the bottom of any potential health issues. It's good to get that factor out of the way. Ultimately it doesn't help us though. Checking their blood pressure only rules out a physical cause for their experience.

Well it does help because, like you say: 'It's good to get that factor out of the way.'

If you have any comments about this, or suggestions on specifics with regards the research (i.e. what time/circumstance to take the readings) please post here:

I'm very interested in the idea that people can sense, manipulate, and communicate via some kind of psychic energy. I've conducted my own experiments with this sort of thing in the past, with varying results.

Would be interested to hear about this? (Please post on the above thread I mention, if you don't mind sharing)

You yourself claim to be able to sense energy, correct?

Yes, sense it and see it

your blood pressure seems to be pretty good, with normal fluctuations.

yes it seems that way, but (not sure if you've looked at that thread over last couple of days) I've taken blood pressure whilst actually seeing energy and have noticed the bottom figure seems significantly higher - however, it's occurred to me that it could possibly be related to my position. I lie down on the bed with arms in air for at least 10 minutes looking at the energy (so I've properly tuned into looking at it fully) - then I get up take blood pressure while gazing at energy around my other hand. It's possible that having my arms in air for a while before taking blood pressure might have influenced the reading? LOL! I need to try viewing the energy in a different position

I'm not sure where you stand on the subject, but I believe that it's all the same energy involved in all these different phenomena. So if you are sensitive to energy, the next step would then be to conduct other experiments which have external/visible results. For example, detecting objects under cups or in shadow boxes, guessing the color/suit of playing cards, moving suspended objects in a sealed jar, and so on and so forth.

I really don't know if it's the same energy behind all different phenomena - it could depend on how we choose to classify it. I would be interested in possibly giving other experiments a go.

OP could do this as well using objects he associates with having positive or negative connotations (crucifix and pentagram, for example). The only hurdle is finding a way to conduct the experiment on video, with enough attempts (hundreds) so that the person guessing and the person setting up the experiment couldn't memorize a sequence of outcomes, nor signal each other in any way to cheat. An easy one person test would be to open a new deck of Bicycle playing cards on camera, remove the jokers, shuffle thoroughly, and guess the color. Keep track of the results for each time, and then draw conclusions from there.

The problem with video 'evidence' is that people always doubt it, that it has been fixed - do you think that is a problem?

I'll post this on the seeing energy/blood pressure thread (if you don't mind replying there) as subject of conversation is more relating to that.

edit on 2-10-2013 by Aelfrede because: correcting quote problem

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