This is my first attept at a thread!! please feel free to give me pointers for improvement. Thanks!
My comments in white/ all quotes and paraphrase in Teal.
Anyone remember Astroengineer? Lately I’ve been obsessed by the possibility that the EnEssAy might be creating a quantum computing core facility in
the form of the Utah Data Center. I vaguely remembered Astroengineer’s aborted thread and did some digging wrt the JPL quantum researchers involved
with the rover missions around 2010.
What I found is rather intriguing. Meet Keith Schwab
some paraphrased highlights below
Principal Investigator
Keith Schwab, 2009
In 2000, he left Caltech and joined the National Security Agency (NSA). His research group focused on investigating quantum effects in
nano-electro-mechanical devices and applications of nanotech to atomic and quantum optics.
I wonder if he was helping them develop quantum data storage- since he was so good at setting up qcoherence of ‘large’ objects.
His group carried out position measurements that were more closer to the scale of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle than anyone else
(Science 2004), measurements showing the closest approach to the quantum ground state for a mechanical oscillator (Nature 2006), and subtle quantum
backaction effects which can be utilized to cool mechanical structures (Nature 2006.)
During this time, Keith and his colleagues began to formulate schemes to produce mechanical superposition states using quantum electronic
-important for creating quantum coherence
Keith joined Cornell University Department of Physics April of 2006. His research focused on ways to cool mechanical structures to the
quantum ground state (Nature 2010), -important for creating quantum coherence
Keith joined Caltech as an Associate Professor of Applied Physics in January 2009 and is in the process of constructing an ultra-low
temperature laboratory to probe the quantum limits of measurement. With Prof. Michael Roukes (Caltech), Dr. Pierre Echternach (JPL), and Prof. Matt
LaHaye (Syracuse) they produced the first measurements of a qubit coupled to a mechanical resonator (Nature 2009). This system is expected to allow
quantum superposition of mechanical devices.
Here is a pretty good article. Some quoted highlights below the link
Science‘s breakthrough of 2010: A visible quantum device
Science magazine's biggest scientific and technological breakthroughs of the …
by Matt Ford - Dec 23 2010, 11:33am EST
In order to determine if this resonator truly reaches its quantum ground state, the team connected it to a Josephson phase qubit device.
According to the authors, this coupling will allow "completely quantum-coherent measurement, preserving the quantum states in the coupled system."
If the device were coupled to a classical measurement system, then there would be rapid decoherence of the quantum states—you'd never be able to
measure its quantum behavior.
By controlling the qubit, the researchers were able to show that they could impart a single quanta of energy—a single phonon—to the
mechanical resonator and observe the exchange take place in real time. They were able to control this to such a degree that the mechanical device
existed in a superposition of the ground state and single quantum state, having it actually move at two different amounts simultaneously. On the flip
side, they also showed that they could use a classical excitation (microwaves) to generate a coherent response in the mechanical resonator, which
excited the qubit in a manner that agreed very well with theory.
Nature, 2010. DOI: 10.1038/nature08967 (About DOIs).
the journal article:
"Parametric Amplification and back-action noise squeezing by a qubit-coupled nanomechanical resonator," J. Suh, M.D. LaHaye, P. Echternach, K.C.
Schwab, M.L. Roukes, Nano Lett., 10 (10), pp 3990–3994 (2010).
-Wouldn’t the effect on the qubit be instantaneous? If the resonator and the qubit can be separated in space while preserving their coherence a low
power system could have been rigged to change the resonator's (on Mars) frequency while monitoring the qubit (on earth presumably) w/out collapsing
either's wavefunction. Instantaneous data transmission. Maybe JPLs people figured out how to make it happen!
Is this a possible connection to instantaneous data transfer to the quantum research group (schwab and his people) that astroengineer said seemed to
be taking place?
Quote from part4 astroengineer’s blog
His sudo access on that computer was what allowed him to find the deleted files, and what allowed him to research the account. Items in
the home directory and the user’s shell history pretty conclusively showed the account was owned by someone in JPL’s Quantum Sciences and
Technology Group. We now had a bizarrely intriguing who, but the why remained wholly untouched. I could barely focus on my own tasks all day. We would
meet up that evening, he was going to quietly recover what he could from that directory and we’d go over his findings. I left a little early, and so
did he.
Even if astroengineer was wrong (corrupted timedate thing on the rover or simply creative) and transmission and receipt only *seemed* near
instantaneous- NASA and NSA were clearly liking this schwab guy to pursue any and everything related to the development of quantum data storage and/or
communication. I doubt his group would have been allowed to publish this fundamental proof of concept unless some of the applications are already
online and technically difficult to do- it often works that way in these kinds of labs and the nature/science paper every 3-5 yrs is like a reward to
the scientists and keeps their 'open source ' careers alive.
I think Astro might have been the real deal and we maybe shouldn’t have allowed him to be run off for going slow and being skittish about giving any
identifying info- after all some people have lives outside of ATS.