Pyramid Power Offers a New Golden Age
I have come across stunning information in a book,
The Source Field Investigations, which suggests there is a way to harness power from the
source field of energy in the universe.
Utilizing this free energy would offer a solution to our energy crisis, and it can also heal the sick just by being in its presence, under the right
So, why haven't the PTB brought this to our attention when it was rediscovered back in the 1930’s?
Could it be they are ignoring it so they can continue to line their pockets from the oil companies, and pharmaceuticals, and keep the sheeple under
It makes me mad as hell that this has been withheld from the public for so long, while people are dying, or struggling to pay for insurance so they
can continue to swallow the pills forced on them by the medical community! Most medicines have terrible side effects that require even more pills to
combat the side effects, and it is a never-ending battle from that point on!
And the oil companies continue to hold the world hostage with soaring prices for their product, while their spills in the oceans kill all marine life,
sicken the people in surrounding areas, and take the jobs of the fishermen away because no fish are left worth eating!
I tell you, people... it makes me want to puke!
Okay, I'm getting into a rant. Let's move on...
So, what is this free energy, and how can we earthlings acquire it?
From ancient times the information of this power source was handed down to the Egyptians by “visitors from above”.
In this text, Ra is discussing the pyramids, and one of its uses:
Source: The Law of One, Bk.1, Session 4, pg. 88
For the purposes of initiation, the size needed to be large enough to create
the impression of towering size so that the entrance point of multidimensional intelligent infinity would completely pervade and fill the channel, the
entire body being able to rest in this focused area.
Furthermore, it was necessary for healing purposes that both channel and the one to be healed be able to rest within that focused point.
In the above quote Ra clearly states one purpose of the pyramids was used for healing.
Over time this technology was forgotten, until one day…
Antoine Bovis, a French occultist who in the 1930s, discovered through certain tests that placing objects or living things inside a pyramid structure
he built had great healing and renewing powers:
The idea that small models of pyramids can preserve food was developed in the 1930s by French hardware store owner[6] and pendulum dowsing author
Antoine Bovis. Unverifiable[7][8] stories persist that Bovis stumbled across a paranormal force while standing inside the King's Chamber of the Great
Pyramid in Egypt. According to this legend, he saw a garbage can inside the chamber which had been piled with dead animals that had wandered into the
structure. Bovis noticed that these small carcasses were not decaying, and inferred that the structure was somehow preserving them.
In the 1950's, Karel Drbal was successful in repeating the same tests as Bovis. Drbal said, "There is a relation between the shape of the space inside
the pyramid and the physical, chemical and biological processes going on inside the pyramid and the physical, chemical and biological processes going
on inside that space."
The pyramid power movement of the 1970s has been laughed off by skeptics (today, known as internet trolls
) as a brief flash of gullible behavior
on a mass scale.
Later, in 1999, Dr. Golod also preformed the tests successfully.
A summary of Dr. Golod's results done by Dr. John DeSalvo states, "Many different experiments were done using these pyramids that include studies in
medicine, ecology, agriculture, physics, and other areas. What is significant about this work is that is has been carried out by top scientists in
Russia and Ukraine, and scientifically documents the changes that occur in these pyramids."
The Pyramid of Life Web site says these studies have now been covered on “CNN, BBC, ABC, AP, Boston Globe, the New York Times, and other
international mass media.”
Thankfully, multiple teams of accredited, mainstream Russian scientists suggest that pyramid technology, and its offshoots, could save the world, and
substantially improve our physical, mental, and spiritual health along the way.
So, how does the pyramid harness the energy from the source field?
The exterior diagonals of the Great Pyramid add up to 25,826.4 pyramid inches. This figure is remarkably close to modern estimates of the precession
of the equinoxes.
Peter Lemesurier wrote a book,
Great Pyramid Decoded, that goes into detail of the numerical formula needed to build a successful pyramid.
I posted a thread yesterday,
which included an explanation of Sanderson’s icosahedrons on earth, showing the vortex points.
I also discussed the planetary grid that William Becker and Beth Hagens added later.
Then, also, we have the ley lines:
According to Mano, the earth, on a planetary scale, has a number of major channels or super-highways of power which are made up of subtle,
electromagnetic energies which are not visible to ordinary sight.
These channels can be seen clairvoyantly, sensed as feelings through the body, or dowsed with hazel twigs or metal rods. They have been known since
ancient times - the mythic symbolism for them was the serpent, snake or dragon.
As these highways of power encircle the earth, they sometimes meet - these are the special places in the landscape which are recognized as sacred
sites (eg Stonehenge or Avebury), because their energies are so powerful on the spiritual level.
There are points where two or more leys intersect with each other that seem to draw more energy; some suggest it creates paranormal activity.
So, the pyramids draw the source energy by the way it is structured and use the energy for healing in many ways, while the planetary grid and leys
also draw it, but its energy seems to be reversed. It is still unclear how this happens.
Since the turn of the century, this science has been looked at more seriously. Let us hope the government won’t throw a cinder block in the mixer to
keep it from us!
We could be well on our way to entering a new Golden Age with this technology.
edit on 9/22/2013 by sled735 because: Correction/addition