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Sheriff Demonstrates How To Deal With Open Carry Advocates

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posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 03:21 PM
Good story OP...
I have a couple stories about LEO's and interaction with gun carrying individuals myself, both of them attest to the fact that there are good guys out there wearing the badge.

The bickering here got me thinking about another related subject (good work shill), but I have to mention it. Was watching a video on AMTV about gun control, the narrator mentioned that it would only be a matter of time before we saw someone (likely yet another person who is under the control of psycotropics and SSRI's) commit a mass shooting with something other than the scary black guns, likely a shotgun to further the agenda.... Queue up Anthony Alexis in 3,2,1...

Anyway, my stories: A buddy of mine got pulled over for a turn signal being out here in Wyoming. He carries a .44 magnum Mare's leg in his vehicle. The officer noticed an empty glass cigar tube in his vehicle (he smokes cigars) and accused him of having drug paraphenalia. He asked my friend for permission to search the vehicle, (here's where it gets good) and to "please take your gun and go stand over there". Classic...
Wyoming has both open carry and CC for any law abiding citizen and I've seen a few yes, even in the grocery store. We also have an incredibly low violent crime rate

The other story involves my nephew in Texas who has a CC permit. He got pulled over and after informing the officer that he had a concealed weapon, the officer asked if it was loaded. My nephew replied that it was not, the officer replied "What the h*ll good is it going to do you then?"

edit on 22-9-2013 by sageturkey because: SP

edit on 22-9-2013 by sageturkey because: More SP

edit on 22-9-2013 by sageturkey because: Add

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Guess who gets the least funding the sheriff's department.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 06:01 PM

reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

That's an easy one....2nd amendment is heavily under attack....big time fella....

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by phinubian

I don't know where you live, but my experiences with gun owners, not just open carry advocates, are exactly the opposite - they are far more polite and respectful than society in general.

I think one major reason people open carry is because sometimes concealing a handgun is just not possible, especially in the Summer when you're wearing light clothing. I have a CC and could open carry in my state, but don't, because of all the uneducated people who would panic at the sight of weapon and call the police. So I just put up with the discomfort of having to conceal it.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Great video of freedom advocates and responsible, knowledgeable law enforcement officer. We need more like that officer!

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by phinubian

much opinion and no basis. Nothing wrong with open carry. It's a much better deterrent and greatly reduces the chance of the actual need to surprise the bad guy with a weapon that was originally concealed. That in turn reduces the chance of somebody getting shot, including the bad guy.

(post by lynxpilot removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 11:11 PM
Hearing a Sheriffs deputy tell the people, cause I think he knew where this video would end up, that the Sheriff is the only constitutionally recognized Law Enforcement authority put a smile on my face instantly. Its comments like that which give me hope for this country.

This gentleman exhibited the height of professionalism and I bet its a prime example of his organizations leadership. It nice to be reminded that the "good ones" are still out there.

"Supremacy clause" be damned. You don't get to walk all over the peoples rights and then claim supremacy because it suits your agenda and men like this will see to it that you don't.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:19 AM

reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

Now allow me to educate you. A cop fears nothing more than the gun he cannot see. Open carry deters crime. Most criminals, not all, but most if faced with mugging a woman walking down the street with a gun on her hip or one without they will choose the soft target almost exclusively. Law enforcement has no duty to protect you - Surprise. Ultimately you are responsible for your protection and the protection of your loved ones. Cops didn't arrive on time and your family got slaughtered too bad so sad. More than anything open carry says "I'm not going to be your victim today - move along".

You don't like it (gun ownership for civilians to protect themselves) tough. This is a constitutionally guaranteed right, not a privilege, and you have no right to infringe upon it.
edit on 23-9-2013 by WWJFKD because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2013 by WWJFKD because: spoon feeding it

And Oh my God - spare me the "guns" - "arms" debate. You would have to be dense as lead to read the founders quotes and not be able to discern what an arm is, so spare me.

edit on 23-9-2013 by WWJFKD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:22 AM

reply to post by riffraff

there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on)

If a rifle is on safety, muzzle pointed down and secured across someone's back or shoulder, how is it going to kill someone?

It just sits there until someone puts it back in their gun safe.

The law abiding citizen does not purchase a gun with the intent to kill another human. People buy them for self defense, hunting, collectors items, competition shooting and for target practice at the local range.

It's a statistical fact that people kill more people with motor vehicles every year than criminals do with guns. Should we ban them and force people to take public transportation?
edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: spelling

Just a quick edit to illustrate a point:

Motor vehicle deaths in US in 2010 - 32,885

Total firearm deaths in US in 2010 - 31,672

of these, 19,392 deaths were to suicide and 11,078 deaths were to homicide.

We are nearly 3 times likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than we are from a nutcase with a gun. Banning firearms won't save those 11 thousand people either, people will still acquire them illegally. Unless things have changed in the past 20 years and I highly doubt they have, when I was a teen, it was far easier to get a gun on the black market than it was to score a bag of pot.

Sources: List_of_motor_vehicle_deaths_in_U.S._by_year
edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: Additional info

edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: fixed links

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:28 AM

Because they think that Obama is going to storm their house any day now and they want him to see their gun. That is the message I keep getting. These people think having a sidearm will fend off the US military if used against them. That is all I hear. That and IT IS OUR RIGHT!!!!!!!! There are a lot of other rights I do not see people being so proud to brag about other than being gay. Maybe there is a connection.

You know whats gonna "fend off" the US military - The human brain. Somewhere down the line the brain and an oath are going to come to blows and God help this Govt. if they dare go that route. Personally I would be more concerned with an international task force or something along the lines of the UN - but that would be considered a foreign invasion and much more palatable than confronting our own military in violation of their oath. I have far more faith in our own forces.
edit on 23-9-2013 by WWJFKD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:34 AM
If you were seen anywhere in Canada, especially a town or a city, forget being arrested, you're liable to shot!!! The only thing you can carry here is a pocket knife. That's it. You carry any gun around and you'll be shot dead!Funny thing is I kinda like it that way. I don't want anyone packing heat. That way you feel a lot safer at public venues.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:42 AM

Thanks OP and you're right we need more LEO's like him.We also need to hear more about our law enforcement that do agree with upholding our constitutional rights. In listening to him talk I wouldn't be suprised to find that he is part of the ATS family.

I liked the bit at 3.00 where he says "you guys are educated" and how he knows that the people scared by them are not.

Could well be a member on here, he seemed like a pretty awakened bloke. He knows it's the media scaring dumb people that's the problem.

Cool video. I love videos of good cops. You can tell he's a good cop because he doesn't mind being filmed.

As we were fed when cameras first started appearing in our society, "if you have nothing to hide they shouldn't bother you"...

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:15 AM

reply to post by fossilera

The "snake flag" is the Gadsden flag, once honorable, now a symbol of tea baggers. They might as well hold up a sign that reads "no intelligent life here."


How was it once honorable, but no longer? What has changed besides your perspective?

Ever notice when a person gets a certain age they start claiming that the movies and music they grew up to were somehow superior to the current generations movies and entertainment?

No intelligent life here? Tell that to my registered nursing license.
What else...I know I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah
Don't tread on me

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:37 AM

reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

I like how you said the only place for open carry is the Wild West. Did you know that the Wild West was a much much much safer time to live in? For example : ever hear of the shoot out at the ok corral? You know the most famous gunfight that made wyat earp a legend? Did you know that it lasted only thirty seconds and had only three fatalities?

We are living in the Wild West x 1,000,000.

Facts are greater than emotion.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:47 AM

reply to post by fossilera

The "snake flag" is the Gadsden flag, once honorable, now a symbol of tea baggers. They might as well hold up a sign that reads "no intelligent life here."


Honestly, what have the Tea party done to piss in your wheaties. What, tried to stop the government from becoming a dictatorship? Stop the government from sending this country into a tail spin that it CAN'T Recover from? What, take more of your money because you feel compelled to give (you can do that of your own free will like I do. You don't need government to do that for you)?

I swear, the people who bash what the tea party stands for is from another planet, considering this is the values the founders have ALWAYS STOOD for. If you want a European style government, move to Europe. I hear Spain is lovely this time of year as they bask in their 27% unemployment.

The Tea party ARE the epitome of the Gadsden flag you numbskull. It's stand for unity (ever heard of "Join or Die" from Ben Franklin? Came during the French and Indian wars for the 13 colonies to unit against a common foe) and the establishment of the Continental Navy in 1775 but most notably when the enlisted Marines marched down the streets of Philadelphia with a Rattle Snake painted on their drums with the phrase "Don't tread on me". This became the motto of the people against the Empirical regime of the British empire. The Stamp act was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:57 AM


reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

I like how you said the only place for open carry is the Wild West. Did you know that the Wild West was a much much much safer time to live in? For example : ever hear of the shoot out at the ok corral? You know the most famous gunfight that made wyat earp a legend? Did you know that it lasted only thirty seconds and had only three fatalities?

We are living in the Wild West x 1,000,000.

Facts are greater than emotion.

That's what I find amusing. People relate the Wild West as a lawless society with gun battles on a daily basis when in reality, there were very few. Matter of fact, the number of murders by gun were staggeringly low.

Little tid bit for some to chew on:

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:21 PM


reply to post by riffraff

Open carry is one of the dumbest things ever, it's only place is the the wild west years ago, there is no need for a private citizen in this day and time to carry a handgun on your person out in public period, it draws all attention to you, there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on) I respect the law but I think that the best way to have a weapon if you really, really feel the need is to get a concealed carry permit , the element of surprise works just as well.

Most of the people I know that would open carry seem to have something to prove, like it adds to their physical abilities or manhood or is some sort of talisman that wards off evil, their whole mentality revolves around their gun and is the only conversation some of these narrow minded individuals have, which I think if that's all you have going on more power to you.

But there is more to life than the novelty of carrying a piece of cold steel on your hip.

edit on 22-9-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

I like how you said the only place for open carry is the Wild West. Did you know that the Wild West was a much much much safer time to live in? For example : ever hear of the shoot out at the ok corral? You know the most famous gunfight that made wyat earp a legend? Did you know that it lasted only thirty seconds and had only three fatalities?

We are living in the Wild West x 1,000,000.

Facts are greater than emotion.

You might want to read up on Wyatt Earp before using him in your pro-gun cause. He was very much into controlling guns.
Wyatt Earp would arrest Wayne La Poo Poo

While I'm at it, get a load of these jerks:
concealed weapons permit holders shoot it out and both are dead
Then again, is the death of two pistol packing hotheads such a bad thing?

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:31 PM


reply to post by riffraff

there is no need to broadcast that you have a people killer on your hip or (person defender depending on which side of the slug you might find yourself on)

If a rifle is on safety, muzzle pointed down and secured across someone's back or shoulder, how is it going to kill someone?

It just sits there until someone puts it back in their gun safe.

The law abiding citizen does not purchase a gun with the intent to kill another human. People buy them for self defense, hunting, collectors items, competition shooting and for target practice at the local range.

It's a statistical fact that people kill more people with motor vehicles every year than criminals do with guns. Should we ban them and force people to take public transportation?
edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: spelling

Just a quick edit to illustrate a point:

Motor vehicle deaths in US in 2010 - 32,885

Total firearm deaths in US in 2010 - 31,672

of these, 19,392 deaths were to suicide and 11,078 deaths were to homicide.

We are nearly 3 times likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than we are from a nutcase with a gun. Banning firearms won't save those 11 thousand people either, people will still acquire them illegally. Unless things have changed in the past 20 years and I highly doubt they have, when I was a teen, it was far easier to get a gun on the black market than it was to score a bag of pot.

Sources: List_of_motor_vehicle_deaths_in_U.S._by_year
edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: Additional info

edit on 23-9-2013 by Kumo77 because: fixed links

Since the early 90s nearly. 1 milllion americans have been killed with guns of all types, 4000'americns have died from terrorism, gotta love facts.

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