posted on May, 18 2003 @ 06:36 PM
Yet I don't agree that Iraq will transform into a democracy. It would if the Fundamentalists of Islam were not lurking over the Iraqi people. The
Iraqi people have been secular for many years, and in the eyes of many Arabs and Muslims, the Iraqi State has become a huge heretical wedge of Satan
against the goodwill of Allah. Even non-Fudamentalists agree. They think that Iraq is not Islamic. Islamic idealism is very important to Muslims. Now
that is just one wedge.
There are other wedges being driven into the Middle East. The other wedge is the State of Israel. This is where you conspiracies fall in place. Yet I
want to avoid that Zionist crap and move on. Look, Israel is a criminal state. They have done some of the worst things to people and foreign nations
that the world has seen. Not only is the State of Israel criminal, but the creation of Israel was criminal. Any state carved up because of a war is
criminal. There are many criminal states out there, Israel is just one of them.
Now the reason Israel is more publicized than the other criminal states out there is because of the history that is in the land of Palestine/Israel.
That is where you find your other wedge. That wedge being, the religious faiths. We saw how this wedge destroyed the sanity of the Regions people, and
we are begining to see how the Iraqi wedge is, and was doing so. Now we must realize that another wedge is now being driven into the Middle East. That
wedge is the foreign occupation. That wedge is the invaders or the so-called liberators from the Western World.
The liberators from the West have been deplored by the average Muslim as Satan, due to the teachings of the radical Muslim sects out there that
control the Mosques in the Muslim World like the Jews control Hollywood.
The Western ways are not accepted by the masses in the Middle East and because of that you have yourself a huge unwanted wedge. That wedge is just as
harmful to the US as the Israeli wedge is. The reason for that is because of the first wedge. The first wedge is the radical teachings of Islam. That
wedge is fighting for it's ground with the wedge of the Western World in Iraq.
Now that brings us to the last huge wedge. That wedge is the Bin Laden Group.
Bin Laden, like the radical sects of Islam, has tried to gain a position in this war aganist beliefs and ideals over the minds of the Arab and Muslim
World. He has been undermined many times. Each time the West invaded Iraq he was undermined. Yet, so too were the Iranian radicals that control the
high cabinets in Iran. That is where you find yet another wedge. That wedge is the Sunni/#te dispute. Bin Laden's core of fighters and followers are
usually Sunni. The radicals in Iran, the ones who house and fund HizbAllah, are usually #te.
The reason the Bin Laden Group gets it's own wedge is because it has thought about the strategy of all the other wedges and has seen what actions
should, or could be taken. Let me explain my theory.
Iraq is like a girl that someone just broke up with, that everyone wants to grab for the rebound. Iran wants Iraq so it can use it as a base for their
teachings, and the spread of their revolution.(Which is a wedge in it's self. Iran is split by Islam and Democracy. Most radicals of Islamic belief
don't except democracy, and for good reason.)
The Bin Laden Group want to control Iraq for the same reason, only they have a different ideal and a different message to preach. So basically the
Iranian-HizbAllah faction and the Sunni-Bin Laden faction are in agreement on one thing. That one thing is that they don't want the other wedges to
get any ground in Iraq. Those other wedges being Israel and the Western World.
So you have two wedges, the Iranian-HizbAllah Core and the Sunni-Bin Laden Core, and the American-Europeon Core and the Jewish-Zionist Core. Both
wedges have a purpose, but all Cores have a different agenda. So that is why Bin Laden has in my opinion, attempted to drive in another wedge. Let me
continue to explain.
Bin Laden can see that this war is between two ideals fought by several idealists. So he figures, instead of getting involved with this war, and being
undermined again, why not just make another wedge. What would that wedge be???? Well let me explain.
Bin Laden recently stated that he wanted to liberate 6 countries. Those countries are:
Saudi Arabia
Now those first three, Jordan/Saudi Arabia/and Yemen, are all bordering one another. So if one were to so-called liberate these countries then one
would have themselves another wedge. One big F#ck You.(Pardon my French)
Anyone agree with that???
[Edited on 18-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]