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Originally posted by Ausar
from here: i hear foolishness on the part of your preconceptions;
yet, from there: i comprehend frustrations, when attempting to comprehend the ineffable.
i suppose i have expresed my opinion quite much so can i ask a question to you and the other poster?
what do you think of jesus?
Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
Jesus was a prophet, who was incarnated to fulfill old testament law etc, his powers where the gift of the 100,000 thousands (if not millions)of religious spirits that channeled through and around him, it was not god but power from like mind mid realm spirit collectives, though of course there is a lot of wisdom in there teachings.
[edit on 23-11-2004 by MysticOfRadiance]
By James Scott Kimball
on this page
here are a few topics covered on the -"THE THIRTEEN FIELD-HARMONICS
"12. Astral Dimensional Reality
Elementary Process"
"The next higher array of dimensional reality explications, which field-harmonize with our dimensional level of reality explication, can best be described as a series of "parallel universes" or "dream worlds." Hidden in nonlocality, relative to our waking perspective, they unfold experientially (one per dream) and become local relative to our perspective when our perception tunes to this higher frequency field-harmonic and our physical body sleeps in it's own home-dimension. To experientially confirm this, an individual can attempt to remain alert while the physical body "falls" asleep. This discipline requires persistence to produce reliable results, but with results one can confirm that the Astral dimensional array of realities actually exist and in a seemingly endless variety of formative explications. The subconscious mind spans several dimensions, and I hold the opinion that when we perceptually tune into our field-harmonically relative "Inner Light" dimensional level of reality explication, usually during shamantic discipline induced altered states of consciousness, we experience ourselves as stars."
"The Lie"
"This level of reality operates, relative to our perspective, as a variety of higher dimensional life forms that may, if they know how, interact with our level of reality from a field-harmonically advantageous perspective. The majority of higher dimensional influences exercise commonsense enough to influence our level of reality on a consentual basis, respecting the natural law of freewill. Unfortunately some choose to abuse, and learn to do so to a high degree of affect. The various vengeful "gods" associated with the various "religions" that emerge throughout world-history, especially in the Middle-East, probably originate as a result of the influence of Astral dimensional entities that choose to affect a mind controlling influence upon some field-harmonic spectrally susceptible human vessel, who then becomes a "prophet" and starts a bloody mob-rampage in the name of "the" new "GOD."
"I chose to utilize Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot for this paper because it seems to me that he really did publish some of "the secrets" in his works in coded fashion, and this code became easy to understand once I discovered how the field-harmonic relative Kabbalah actually worked. I feel that the only cards available that actually reveal a complete reality-explicative system of thought, that mirrors accurately a complete reality explication in nature, have been designed by black-magi (the "good guys" at this level of "know-how" were purged out of our reality long ago)." - James Scott Kimball
Originally posted by Scorpio Shaping Flow
Astral projection is itself a complex issue, and those I speak of are the champions in ragards the ability to project. They do it powerfully, even to the point fo being able to make crop circles using astral ritual. Accidental projection might send you anywhere, or you might stick around here in the astral dimension which alows one to interact with our reality.
Arcanum 1: The Magician
Now then, to overcome by means of these requirements the risks per se of every astral experience and thus to obtain a fast and also perfect astral projection is more than enough reason, among other things, in order for the Sacred Order of Tibet to affirm in its motto: “Nothing can resist our power.”
Originally posted by Scorpio Shaping Flow
Their monopoly on the world's illumination makes it easy for them to astral project. It is much more difficult for us "darkened down" folk. But the cool thing is, practice will still build talent, and talent is catalytic in nature, therefore it attracts illumination.
Logos, Mantra, Theurgy: Astral Travel Experiences
"Master Huiracocha mentions in his “Rosicrucian Novel,” that a prodigious cactus named Peyotl or Jiculi exists in Mexico. He states that this cactus has the power of awakening Clairvoyance instantaneously to whosoever masticates it. The Peyotl allows the conscious projection of the Astral Body.
"This is a sacred plant of the grand White Lodge.
"Unfortunately, in the capital of the Mexican Republic, it is absolutely impossible to find the authentic Peyotl. It can only be found in San Luis Potosi or among the Tarahuamara Indians of La Sierra in Chihuahua. The Masters of the Temple of Chapultepec use this cactus for their instant and urgent astral journeys (all they need is to chew it).
[Editor’s Note: The following is from Aztec, Christic Magic , by the same author:
“The Aztec Masters utilized the Peyote (Peyotl) in order to teach the neophytes to travel in their Astral Bodies. However, we do not recommend the use of this marvelous cactus which makes the Astral Body separate itself from the Physical Body and preserves the lucidity of consciousness while acting in the Astral world.
“Indeed, what we recommend is practice, much practice and soon you will act and travel within the Astral Body."]
"The Memory Of Water and it's implications on Spiritual & Religious Beliefs"
"Because water stores energy/emotion/information from ALL sources, therefore our emotions, thoughts, beliefs etc., ARE automatically stored externally in the watery environment (consciousness) of the Earth and beyond! Therefore, by looking externally outside of oneself for the answers to religion/spirituality and so forth, coupled with opening up our protective energy field (auric/biophysical field) as is taught in many religious/spiritual/new age beliefs and healing modalities today, we are not doing ourselves any favours at all. All we are doing is allowing the external imbalance in consciousness – memory/information – that we have created over time to enter our otherwise protective energy field and thus affect our own consciousness according to the level of imbalance taken on board. This external ego-consciousness, as I call it, is what many people today would understand better as being the Astral Reality; it is the Veil, Shadow or Darkness that we have created over time which sits between our inner spiritual light and our conscious awareness of who and what we truly are."
Remember your basic science class in high school? When they talked about the brain in my class - way back when - they said that brain tissue is 85% water. Now that is interesting because they also said the brain is only 1/50th of the total body weight and it uses 1/20th of the blood supply. Hmmm, logically, that tells me for optimum brain function, we need water. I'm wondering if students get enough water.
The human body is composed of over three-gallons of water and so we humans are highly emotional too, and therefore, very receptive to other external influences and energies! [Conspiracy theorists please note the possibility of microwave mind-control through the plethora of phone masts being erected around the world] The Earth and its atmosphere is made up of around 70-80% water too, and so the Earth (its consciousness) is one huge ‘memory bank’ of stored information and emotion from the beginnings of time. In this respect the Earth is the Akashic Records and we can tap into this ‘memory’ at any time because it is all around us. The Universe too is replete with water which is how we can extend our consciousness (soul/awareness) anywhere we choose to – as some people do when remote viewing a distant entity for example. However, I must point out that from my own experiences I believe that this external travelling puts our soul/consciousness at great risk of possession by lost souls and these external imbalanced entities/though-forms we have created over time.