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The Eye Diamond and Illumination

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posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 08:29 PM
The eye-in-triangle symbolizes the third eye chakra contained within the energy-body. It also symbolizes a ruling civil class which sits on top of a pyramidal civil hierarchy. The third eye is used for astral projection, and this practice is the basis for illuminatti activities, most of which involve astral vampirism which keeps illumination concentrated within the illuminated civil class. Illumination enhances occult abilities, especially astral projection which is easy amongst the Illuminatti, but much more difficult to begin practicing amongst the common civil classes. This practice is also the basis for their surveillance practices. This is the primary method Big Brother uses to watch us all.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 09:16 PM
The symbolism of the missing capstone on pyramids ties in with eye-in-triangle symbolism in that the presence of the illuminated class in the lives of the common classes is invisible, but sees all, including one's very thoughts. The astral Illuminatti presence is "cold," and absorbs "warmth" - illumination.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:35 PM
Interesting. Can you prvide some links for further reading, or is this your personal theory?

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:43 PM
The movie entitled The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a symbolic production relating to secret society influence, as well as the influence of the astral ritual variety of occult vampirism on one subject who is symbolized by the characters named Brad, Janet, Rocky, Dr. Scott, and Eddie. The castle is a symbol with a meaning which is analogous to that of the eye-in-triangle symbol. The secret society materializes around a bed or "slab" where someone sleeps, and his nature is shaped by the nightly ritual presence.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:56 PM
I've taken this study beyond theory. Anyone can do similarly by studying the system of symbolism encrypted into tarot and any occult system which has become a mass media, as well as studying into big budget cinema for the use of the same symbolism. The idea is to look for the real symbol system verses those published in books. Analogy is used extensively in this system, so symbols are often repeated in similar but superficially different form, like in Rocky Horror. Also, you have to have a broad grasp of nature, including human nature - psychology etc....

Also, it is possible to detect the astral presence, though not likely for anyone who isn't the subject intensive influence. Simply wear heavy bed clothing and sleep under heavy covers. If you become healthier over time then you are being visited upon in your sleep.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:35 AM
It is quite interesting that the name Illuminatti has stuck on a cultural level when designating the secret ruling class. Of course the name does name a now-defunct Bavarian society, but the name has been adapted into designating, and really describing, a larger presence which reaches back to the dawn of civilization. Could this be an example of cultural genre control on the part of this ruling class? The name is quite appropriate for its present use. It is not likely that the average conspiracy would make the connection and then coin the designation.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:00 AM

Do you believe that Astral Projection itself is a negative thing?

Are the Global Elite, World Bankers, etc. members of "The Black Lodge"?

Black Lodge: The diabolic intelligence which seeks to pull souls into attachment to desire-sensation and the awakening of the consciousness that is trapped within the ego. Excerpted from The Perfect Matrimony: "From the dawn of life, a great battle has raged between the powers of Light and the powers of Darkness. The secret root of that battle lies in sex. Gods and Demons live in eternal struggle. The Gods defend the doctrine of chastity. The Demons hate chastity. In sex is found the root of the conflict between Gods and Demons... There are Masters of the Great White Lodge. There are Masters of the Great Black Lodge. There are disciples of the Great White Lodge. There are disciples of the Great Black Lodge. The disciples of the Great White Lodge know how to move consciously and positively in the Astral Body. The disciples of the Great Black Lodge also know how to travel in the Astral Body... The White Magician worships the inner Christ. The Black Magician worships Satan. This is the �I,� the me, myself, the reincarnating ego. In fact, the �I� is the specter of the threshold itself. It continually reincarnates to satisfy desires. The �I� is memory. In the �I� are all the memories of our ancient personalities. The �I� is Ahriman, Lucifer, Satan."

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:28 PM
That sounds like more alchemical symbolism. It's encrypted into all forms of mass media to at least some degree. The symbolism itself is correct, but is encrypted into statements which are only partially correct at best. I always approach a book or movie as though there is a hidden symbolic message. One must possess the same key that they possess in order to decipher the symbolic encryption. Dark is the element of Fire and also God, while light is the element of Water or Goddess.

As far as I can tell, there is only one "lodge," and they play the role of darkness reaching out after the light via astral projection. Astral projection is not in and of itself negative, but like all natural processes taken under conscious control, it can be abused. They think using analogy quite a bit, so light might symbolize orgone energy (the energy in the energy-body) which the astral body naturally absorbs, or it might symbolize information, which can be acquired via ghostly surveillance.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:37 PM
Also, this astral vampirism very often involves sex and violence for technical reasons, which involves the transfer of darkness (negative karma) into the victim, a process which is ejaculatory. They symbolize this as drugs in movies like Girl Interrupted, or as sperm. They will also just get in bed with a victim to "stay warm." Illumination is often symbolized as warmth.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:47 PM
Hmmm,... is right.

Scorpio Shaping Flow,... no offense, but have you been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, or do you take '___'??? Your posts indicate a detatchment from reality, examples of which are found in tying together unrelated things... That type of cognition is indicative of someone either suffering from a psychosis or under the influence of halucinogens.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 09:29 PM
Well, no offense . . . but whenever people make these accusations of detachment from reality or relating the unrelatable, there are no specific examples cited, so I am left with explaining the nature of analogy as it applies to alchemical thought. Of course it is convenient not to have such a question answered in plain, specific anguage. One of the things I have learned in dealing with these conspiracy theory forums is that most actually fear any real answers which might actually come within their grasp, thus specific response is never invited, but rather generalized accusation is levied without any basis in genuine understanding in regards schizophrenia, etc.... Schizophrenics fear this kind of knowledge anyway, and can only express it in random-accidental terms.

What most conspiracy theorists consistently fail to understand is that those who rule do so because of superior intelligence, and a part of this superior thinking involves the use of analogy in a manner consistent with the way nature makes use of analogy in designing reality. These people live in a designed reality which is in many respects completely removed from our own, but they effectively encrypt their reality into ours via symbolism, thus symbolic presentations created by these people can be deciphered by those who are seriously after answers. These symbolic presentations are analogy based and also grounded in physical reality.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Scorpio Shaping Flow
Well, no offense . . . but whenever people make these accusations of detachment from reality or relating the unrelatable, there are no specific examples cited, so I am left with explaining the nature of analogy as it applies to alchemical thought.

Specific examples?!?! OK,... your response. "relating to the unrelatable"???,... "alchemical thought"??? They themselves are examples of what I am talking about...

Of course it is convenient not to have such a question answered in plain, specific anguage. One of the things I have learned in dealing with these conspiracy theory forums is that most actually fear any real answers which might actually come within their grasp, thus specific response is never invited, but rather generalized accusation is levied without any basis in genuine understanding in regards schizophrenia, etc.... Schizophrenics fear this kind of knowledge anyway, and can only express it in random-accidental terms.

Actually, I probably understand schizophrenics as well or better than any other in this forum, having been a psych major in my undergrad days, and also having been in a fraternity with a,... ahem,... healthy number of acid droppers...

Schizophrenics perceive connections where none exist, hear auditory hallucinations and often (but not always) exhibit paranoia. Users of '___' see visual hallucinations, but otherwise, their condition while under the influence closely resembles schizophrenia ('___' has been called "the perfect psychosis").

What concerns me is that your posts draw links where there are no obvious links (i.e.: obscure movies and a "ruling class", history and some sort of cultural observation, nature "designing" reality, etc.). It's almost as if you were reading Lao Tze's Tao Te Ching, while smoking hash,... and then trying to discuss things on this forum... Sorry for stating my opinion, but... it's spooky (not that what you are saying is "spooky", but the idea that you, as a person, are actually out there, believing this stuff,... THAT'S spooky).

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:24 PM
My statements on this forum are really just snapshots of a broad systematic understanding I acquired studying symbolic encryption, along with a range of other areas relating to nature, occultism,psychology, etc.... Movies have been rather heavily encrypted with this system which was also encrypted into classical architecture, Freemasonry, alchemy, etc.... The system relates the various seemingly unrelated ideas very effectively, though this will not be readily evident for most. The various systematic expressions of a base analogy array relate with great effect, but this only becomes evident once the base analogy system is understood as a key to reality, a key which can be used to create realities just as nature does. The snapshots are designed to promote thought more than provide easy answers. The system is too complex to present in detail here, but the tarot card layout and signature included with each of my posts is a general expression of this system.

The whole issue of schizophrenia is complex, but in a nutshell, shizophrenics suffer from a confusion which makes it difficult for them to express ideas in a systematic fashion. They are often capable of relating ideas in a true manner, but neither they nor, very often, their doctors are much capable of understanding the nature of these relations, thus they seem purely delusional at face value. This understanding has to be earned via the confrontation with and mastery over confusion. This is something most schizophrenics lack capability in regards. Of course the schizophrenic condition is not a simple matter of some confusion to deal with, and recovery from that condition is an exceedingly serious undertaking.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:30 PM
Belief by essential nature is a provisional condition, which should promise knowledge, and knowledge by nature is earned via "journey." My present understanding is knowledge based, and my present belief is the springboard kept continually under foot.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:39 PM
Who's your dealer and what's he charge?

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by USAWrestler
Who's your dealer and what's he charge?

lol . . . too precious.

Man, I needed that.

Anyway, back to the topic . . . . . . hehe . . .

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:44 PM
don't hold back, wrestler, tell us how you REALLY feel...

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Cheap shots are indicative of jealousy and little else. They are essentially lazy.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:46 PM
Scorpio, it may appear cheap and easy and fascile to you, but you have to understand how you are coming across... a zen student on drugs, is, I think, pretty much it... could you be a little less cryptic and just say what you mean?

Just a thought...

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Scorpio Shaping Flow
My statements on this forum are really just snapshots of a broad systematic understanding I acquired studying symbolic encryption, along with a range of other areas relating to nature, occultism,psychology, etc.... Movies have been rather heavily encrypted with this system which was also encrypted into classical architecture, Freemasonry, alchemy, etc.... The system relates the various seemingly unrelated ideas very effectively, though this will not be readily evident for most. The various systematic expressions of a base analogy array relate with great effect, but this only becomes evident once the base analogy system is understood as a key to reality, a key which can be used to create realities just as nature does. The snapshots are designed to promote thought more than provide easy answers. The system is too complex to present in detail here, but the tarot card layout and signature included with each of my posts is a general expression of this system.

Nature does not "create" realities... Nature is just the part of reality that man has not or cannot changed.

There is no "key" to reality... it simply just is. You accept it, or you don't. Believing that there is a "key" is part of delusional thinking that has created superstition and belief in the occult.

There is no "secret power" to be unlocked. Freemasons do not guard any "secrets" that people cannot find out for themselves. Our "secrets" are meant to allow us to identify like-minded individuals, those who believe in a Supreme Being and wish to leave the world a better place for their having been in it... Nothing secret about that. No snapshots, no "glimpses," no nothing.

The whole issue of schizophrenia is complex, but in a nutshell, shizophrenics suffer from a confusion which makes it difficult for them to express ideas in a systematic fashion. They are often capable of relating ideas in a true manner, but neither they nor, very often, their doctors are much capable of understanding the nature of these relations, thus they seem purely delusional at face value. This understanding has to be earned via the confrontation with and mastery over confusion. This is something most schizophrenics lack capability in regards. Of course the schizophrenic condition is not a simple matter of some confusion to deal with, and recovery from that condition is an exceedingly serious undertaking.

I like that,... "nutshell"...

Schizophrenics have no difficulty expressing,... they have difficulty with congnition. They are detached from reality by stray neural impulses, specifically those that take place in the auditory center of the brain. "Delusional at face value"??? No. just plain delusional. There is no seemingly about it. A classic example of a schizophrenic is the patient who walks around talking to himself, responding to the "voices" in his head. There is nothing "true" about that. He simply hears voices that are not there, but are generated by the mis-firing neurons in his brain. Anti-psychotics, like seroquel reduce the random firings and help the patient cope with the disorder. The only thing that is complex about it is the neurochemistry that defines the disorder and contrasts it against a normally functioning brain.

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