I have a scenario for you....well it's a survival contest, but just for fun....(please read)
You have a job interview with a powerful Billionaire businessman. It's kinda like Richard Brandson's Quest For The Best - Revisited! The job is to
be a key player in his organization, handling a variety of business matters, hob nobing with the worlds elite, jet setting around the world, and being
paid 1 million per year with a 10 year contract on the table, with the option to renew for a second term at the end of the time. You've passed all
the interviews. They've accepted and you've accepted, and to prove they're sincerity they've placed a signing bonus of 1 million in your bank
So you just agreed to work for them. Now you're flying in there private helicopter in a remote stretch of the Siberian Artic. Nothing below but snow
and ice. But without your prior knowledge, they have 1 final challenge for you to prove you can handle most any scenario that life throws your
With guns drawn on you, you're told if you don't take the final challenge that they're gonna drop you off naked, 200 miles north of the coast in
the artic ocean. So you have no choice, you say "okay I'll take the challenge" (at least hoping not to end up dead)
You're to be dropped off in the artic in near winter NAKED with nothing what so ever! There's only small rolling hills around and snow and ice. The
only thing you remember is seeing out the helicopter window, an decrepit old abandon destroyed gulag (work camp) you passed over, which you think is
about 60kms back the way you were flying. So you think it might offer a chance, but you're sure at best you'll only find some old rags at best.
You're also told that the russian authorities have an APB out on you, and are also going to be told of your location of drop off in 1 hour.
(You're here:
farm6.staticflickr.com... )
(the gulag:
www.krohn-photos.com... )
You're told that in order to get the job you have to make it to the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Sydney Australia in 7 days. And if you don't arrive
evidence to a murder that you didn't commit with your finger prints will be sent to Interpol and the Russian Police. If you arrive safely in Sydney
you will be given the evidence and you're assured you will never be put threw any such similar initiation again.
But when you arrive in Sydney you must have:
1) Reservations in your name for their penthouse suite (which is currently booked solid til the year 2023).
2) You must have two very sexy female companions by your side that only speak Russian.
(or if you're female, then male companions).
3) You must be dressed in an expensive Armani Suit (or if you're female a Armani dress or equivalent)
4) 20k dollars in your wallet and more than one passport and ID.
5) Also if you can produce a one of a kind Mont Blanc Limited Edition Pen used by the former President of Zambia currently known to be located in
Lusaka national museum in Zambia Africa, (under minimal security) , and are able to sign the final contract with that pen, then you will receive a
signing bonus of 10 million dollars. (but if you don't have that pen then you still need a Bic Pen.)
Then at that point you will meet this billionaire who's sort of like Richard Brandson and sign to be his employee.
Now you're job is to explain your strategy from getting from your location in the Russian artic to Sydney in 7 days. And if someone posts a post no
one can copy their ideas. The best post will be choosen and be the winner of the contest and be the "Sole Survivor" and we will all be in awehh of
your brilliant james bond like survival prowis!
OKAY THERE.....So explain what you'd do to pull this off ?????,
and we'll see who has the best explaination ha ha ....