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Truckers to shut down US, protesting the trampling of the Constitution, viral, 50k likes in 4 days.

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posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 02:21 AM
The only thing I find funny is, when people in the US complain about the gas prices... look at Europe.
We pay arround 8$ per gallon, possible more. Depends where you live.

Btw. in Germany the taxpart of the price is arround 60%
edit on 21-9-2013 by aLLeKs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 02:41 AM


reply to post by Pinkorchid

The majority of voters voted for Obama TWICE...I'm sorry to say, he does represent the majority of the voters...your side with it.

You're right... the majority of voters voted for Obama TWICE... some even voted four and five times... and even others voted from the grave.

He definitely represents. (everything America shouldn't be...)

I think our current president is a criminal. That being said what would have been the difference if the other scum bag was elected...............NOTHING.

The lesser of two evils. This is what we have become as a nation. And yet the sheep still buy into it.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 02:46 AM

The only thing I find funny is, when people in the US complain about the gas prices... look at Europe.
We pay arround 8$ per gallon, possible more. Depends where you live.

Btw. in Germany the taxpart of the price is arround 60%
edit on 21-9-2013 by aLLeKs because: (no reason given)

Maybe you guys over in Germany should also stop buying into the progressive pipe dream. It is what it is. The world will eventually wake up to this scam once again and fight it back into the scum pit it crawled out of. And after that time will pass we will grow fat and apathetic again and the progressive dream will rise up again.

I love the new battlestar galactica it has a saying in the series.......This has happened before and it will happen again.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Great job! My step father was a trucker for Werner, one tough son of a gun. Doesn't surprise me that this many truckers showed up!

I'm just here to show my support. We had motorcyclists and Occupy Wall street, let's keep the trend going.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:06 AM



We need this. I hope it’s a huge turnout and inconvenience many Americans to the point where they open there eyes and understand how dire the situation is in America.

How will that help?
Seriously, how will stopping other Americans who are suffering from being able to get things they need help?

I know this question isn't directed at me but I understand it to be an attempt to also stir American's to speak up more - not as a punishment but to realize how much everything is dependent upon everything else and what the government is doing is causing harm to the balance of it all. Correct me it I'm wrong in here someone.

For them most part, yes. I do not understand how this will help and I want to.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:16 AM
Do people seriously think a million truckers are actually going to walk off the job, shell out for the same fuel they're threatening to protest over? To drive from all corners of the country (not cheap) and therefore miss out on their wages, while running the possibility of losing their job to the next eager trucker waiting for a badly needed paycheck?

That's a mass protest pipe dream if ever I saw one. You'd be lucky if a few dozen or hundred show up if it meshes with their downtime.

Even if a million truckers did do that, I can't support it. It's fine & dandy to think they're being "heros" by protesting in such a large number, but when it effects the warehouse workers on the loading & unloading ends, the workers at the store ends, those are the lower paid people who are going to get their hours cut because there's a huge lack of goods moving around. What good does it do Billy the forklift operator if there's nothing to pay him to load or unload? Why bother paying Suzie to stock the shelves from the back room if the back room is empty?

Unless there's a massive amount of cooperation between truckers, companies willing to keep paying the employees, or employees willing to take a financial hit, then I don't ever see anything like this doing anything but seriously hurting the poorer workers. At most, a full-on truckers-only strike like that would generate a backlash from the people on the loading/unloading end of the shipments.
edit on 9/21/2013 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 03:54 AM

I'm not sure it really will hurt us unless someone out there goes to the store each day for their groceries, never planning in advance. If taking a road trip there will still be gas. It's not meant to greatly disrupt peoples lives but rather to let government know the middle class is hurting - in fact people on welfare are better off in some cases it seems. It is my understanding they have tried to be heard in other ways and it has made no impact. I believe this is to drive home the idea - if it costs too much to work this is what will happen: please America, support us. If you don't the end result may be worse than just 3 days.

People on welfare are better off? Are you trying to get on welfare to be better off? I have been on welfare and it is no picnic. It is not a good life. It is a life of constantly checking in, reporting to someone, and making sure the things you buy at the store are the best you can get for what turns out to be very Little money.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 04:01 AM

reply to post by gladtobehere

I am just curious what trucking and the ACA have to do with each other.

I think EVERTHING! to be fair..
No shops getting re-filled, no gas/petrol stations being re-filled and more. No trucking, no nothing.

I am in Scotland as many know, but would I be close?


posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 04:09 AM
I was gonna buy a truck. A ford f150, and use it to make extra money by doing junk removal. But then I realized that that would be a lot of work. So I was like screw it.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

They need to hold d.c. captive MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE style!

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Nyiah

Perhaps you require enlightenment

If it's not stopped now , you will have none of those things you protest about.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by 1104light

Strange , you have replied to 239 posts and yet you have not started your own thread ?

You stats sheet is percularly blank.

I do not understand that. You do not think people could see these things before the NSA was spying on you? Do you understand how the internet works? Do you know what happens when you post things on social networking sites? Spies do not need to spy on them. We can all just look and always could. See my confusion?

Interesting that you said "We" and not they.

What gives?
edit on 21-9-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Fuel should be expensive. Relying on fossil fuels is a dinosaur. The fuel prices in the US are far lower than the UK. The US needs to kerb its addiction on petro fuels. Maybe if they used more bicycles like the Chinese the world would a little bit cleaner.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 08:44 AM
Great.. nothing like a completely unfocused protest to make things right.

How about they protest something meaningful and stick with that. Instead of trying to jump on the bandwagon of anything gone wrong in the past 6 or 10 years, and claim it's their "cause." How can someone really be invested in something that they actually have little or even no knowledge about? It's like Anonymous - a cause that could actually have some decent results, except for the immature and pointless way they take a shotgun approach with anything they can think of to try and fuel their "protest."

If you are a trucker and want to protest fuel prices.. ok, great. Don't lump in 10 other issues or causes and try to act as if it gives you more weight, because it will produce the opposite effect.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 09:47 AM
Fricking awesome...almost make me want to suffer through this movie...gotta love the song !

edit on 21-9-2013 by Hr2burn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 10:38 AM


From their facebook page:

I would like everyone to know that their are some copycat FB pages circulating that have no affiliation to this page or event. This event is about upholding the Constitution, Fuel policy's and Obamacare that will bankrupt every American trucker. This is a event is a three day shut down either park it or roll to DC. The American people are in full support with no commerce for those three days.

There are some spelling and grammatical errors but you know what, WHO CARES!?

This is what America needs. MASS civil disobedience.

On October 11, truckers are going to roll into DC. If you cant make it to DC, park your rig.

They are asking that everyone support this protest even if you arent a truck driver. Stay home from work maybe?

IMHO, the focus should be on shutting down DC.

In honor of this potentially monumental event, its only appropriate to watch the trailer from BLACK DOG:

"You can drive. Its comin' back to me", [down shift and hornnnnnnnn].

And of-course, Ron Paul's BIG DOG ad:

edit on 19-9-2013 by gladtobehere because: thread title

Great idea but the government will just say it is the national interest for them to keep working , arrest a few and that will be that.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

I dunno about this. In these rough times too many people in one area in the US may sometimes end with catastrophic effects. If any of you do participate, be on guard/high alert and report any suspicious activity

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 01:16 PM


reply to post by gladtobehere

I am just curious what trucking and the ACA have to do with each other.

I think EVERTHING! to be fair..
No shops getting re-filled, no gas/petrol stations being re-filled and more. No trucking, no nothing.

I am in Scotland as many know, but would I be close?


I do not think you even attempted to actually give me an answer. I am having trouble figuring out what you are saying this has to do with ACA. Close to what? I am not even sure how the thoughts you presented come together to form a single message. Please try again.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 01:20 PM

reply to post by 1104light

Strange , you have replied to 239 posts and yet you have not started your own thread ?

You stats sheet is percularly blank.

How is that strange? There are lots of members here who have not started any threads. What does that have to do with anything?

I do not understand that. You do not think people could see these things before the NSA was spying on you? Do you understand how the internet works? Do you know what happens when you post things on social networking sites? Spies do not need to spy on them. We can all just look and always could. See my confusion?

Interesting that you said "We" and not they.

What gives?
edit on 21-9-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

Because ALL OF US have access to facebook. Sorry that was so complicated for you to figure out that you have to come to a completely different thread to ask about it. Who do you think looks at facebook? Most of them or most of us? Well, I look at facebook so that makes it US. Simple concept.

Now, care to address the topic of this thread and the post of mine you hit reply on but did not reply to?
edit on 21-9-2013 by 1104light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 01:23 PM


reply to post by Pinkorchid

The majority of voters voted for Obama TWICE...I'm sorry to say, he does represent the majority of the voters...your side with it.

You're right... the majority of voters voted for Obama TWICE... some even voted four and five times... and even others voted from the grave.

He definitely represents. (everything America shouldn't be...)

Why does your kind need to use lies to argue?
Is it because the truth is going to ruin it for you?
I am just curious. I would also love to see this thread be on topic for more than two posts in a row. Still no one has answered the question I keep asking in this thread about the topic of this thread.

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