posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 07:06 PM
Is there a way out??? For Sure!!!
Thank you all for those that participated. It appears this thread may have run its' course. However, as we see our government working......or perhaps
not working as we reach another milestone, Oct 17th deadline to raise our debt level and no apparent compromise in sight, what happens???
Personally, I believe Congress will cave and give into some small but highly time limited debt increase......all the while kicking the can down the
road a bit.
In other words, we are screwed. Nothing is going to get fixed. Fingers are continuing to be pointed.....but remember when that happens at least 4
fingers are pointed back a the pointer!!!
What a disgrace!
....and the sad part, there really doesn't seem to be a logical solution. Although I do find it interesting that parts of the government can be shut
down and not many problems are resulting of significance. Sure, some inconveniences are happening. National parks, monuments to our War Vets are
impacted and what a disgrace that is.
IMHO, what I would love to see happen, but Obama has already said he would veto, is for Congress to start putting forth piecemeal bills passing
singular pieces of budgets for singular pieces of legislation such as, defense, Parks, NIH, Homeland Security, NSA, etc., piece by piece. Only fund
the essential pieces....we could cut out trillions of waste. The real fear, the public would see the pure waste that has been pulled over our eyes
for decades.