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The Return of the Feudal System, the Ancient Ruling Class and the NWO

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posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 06:48 PM

NOTES For discussion -

The USA is facing 3 major emergencies. All are clear and present dangers, yet each is invisible to most Americans. These crises are escalating, and about to converge and explode in catastrophic upheaval. The crises and looming upheaval provide the final justification for a long planned eugenics �depopulation program,� and the opportunity to reinstate the ancient ruling class (NWO).

Immediate impacts of the crises include economic and social destabilization; the results are already apparent. Other anticipated effects include widespread deaths from disease and starvation, and rapid depopulation. The three crises are:

1. Disease.

Several incurable debilitating and deadly diseases are now endemic in the USA, transmitted via food and water. New strains evolve almost daily. Historically, most of these diseases took decades to cause dysfunction and fatality, but newer strains are more fast-acting.

At present, 1 in 2 American males will get cancer in their lifetimes, and 1 in 3 females will. 60% of Americans have or are at risk for high blood pressure � which causes episodes of memory loss and mood swings in the short term, then death by stroke, heart attack or other organ failure. The new H5N1 bird flu is expected to decimate the world�s population. Other virulent new diseases are already in the world and more coming down the pike will kill even more people.

All of today�s diseases are related. The most familiar result from underlying chronic infections that are spread in food and water and exacerbated by exposure to environmental contamination. There are no controls to prevent continued transmission, spread or progression, or to curb the development of new mutations.

Multi-million dollar �health promotions� distract attention from the real problem, blame the victims, promote �Personal Responsibility in Health� legislation, and support revised insurance policy terms that dodge liability.

Funds for vaccine development are directed to fiscally and scientifically questionable bioterrorism programs. Current legislation blocks research to create effective treatments for established and new diseases.

2. Fresh water depletion.

Most important, the Ogallala/High Plains aquifer supplying the US �breadbasket� is about to run dry. Efforts to create sustainable land and water use in the breadbasket came too little too late.

Loss of Ogallala water supplies will decimate populations and industry in 8 states as well as agriculture in the breadbasket and thus, the nation�s food supply. Conservative analysis says the water crisis is exacerbated by overpopulation, while the statistics say corporate industry uses most fresh water supplies.

The most notable recommendation for �Ogallala aquifer renewal� involves refilling the aquifer from Canada�s water sources � an unsustainable and scientifically dubious solution with great potential to create an international incident. Unlike Americans, Canadians are aware that current water use simply supports multinational corporate rule. They likely won�t agree to a continental merger that strengthens the corporate imperative.

3. Climate change. The effects of climate change are many and far reaching.

Climate change affects human health by causing infectious microbes to mutate faster than humans can develop immunities, and results in diseases that cannot be cured or treated. Of all life on earth, microbes adapt the most quickly � some can mutate into new, viable strains in 9 minutes. In combination with chemical and radiation contamination, new infectious diseases are triggering a 6th mass extinctionthat affects virtually every form of life on earth.

Climate change is hastening the loss of fresh water supplies, and threatening food supplies, through shifting weather patterns, drought etc.

Soon, the earth�s �balancing response� will flip global warming to abrupt cooling. This will cause an ice age to redefine geography and life as we know it.

4. A fourth anticipated crisis is geophysical �instability� � a complete wildcard.

It involves the shifting poles, the coming reversal of the earth�s magnetic poles and geophysical activity. Factors causing geophysical instability are not well understood. However, besides the random effects of asteroids actually striking the earth, the dynamics involve larger cosmic cycles, and minute shifts in gravitational pull from closer passing bodies.

Predictably, even minute shifts cause geophysical reactions in the form of earthquakes and volcanoes. Underground deposits of oil, water and gas served historically as �shock absorbers� to contain the effects of geophysical upheaval, and limited its impact to geographic regions. Now the earth�s shock absorbers are gone. The impacts of this loss can be calculated mathematically but the calculations are not available to the public. However, the most stable continent left on the planet is likely South America, followed by Australia.

Again, the process affects weather, causing cataclysmic meteorological events. Poles not only shift and reverse polarity, but seem to relocate entirely. The Bermuda triangle come to mind as a possible location for a new pole.


At present, only multinational corporate interests are dealing with the crises comprehensively, on a broad global basis. All efforts at global cooperation by democratically functioning nations have been blocked and sabotaged.

Authorities justify suppressing awareness and public dialogue on the grounds that a) identifiable solutions are too costly to implement, and b) public knowledge would cause panic and chaos, thus creating �economic instability.�

In fact, the status quo is too costly to maintain, and the US is already economically unstable. Current manipulation of information, politics and dynamics works only to prevent the development of more creative solutions and alternative agendas. More importantly, suppression of this information secures economic power for the informed select few, protects their investment strategies, and allows them to proceed with their depopulation program. The objective is to reduce the population, make it more controllable and dependent, and return to a feudalistic structure of government.

[The strategy originated as a response to the establishment of American democracy, and is rooted in the ancient orders. The underlying goal has always been the same: preserve/regain power for the old rulers. American democracy threatened that power, but in the larger scheme of things, was only a glitch. Various trends, movements, organizations, and institutions have been developed and appropriated to neutralize democracy in America and around the world. In addition to having very effective mass manipulation techniques (and resources), knowledge of ancient cycles and processes provided the needed edge. We are now at the culmination. The only question remaining is, �Who will hold power when the dust settles?�]


Much can be done, on a personal and global scale... Personally, I don't find the information or analysis overwhelming anymore. Creative problem-solving follows resistance, denial and final acceptance ...

NOTE: References provided on request. The post is already long and the references are everywhere - hidden in plain sight.

[edit on 13-11-2004 by soficrow]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:13 PM

only multinational corporate interests are dealing with the crises comprehensively

Yeah, at the level in which to exploit the situation and make you complete slaves. Look at the world around you now. Whatever limited freedom you have isn't because of corporations, which have always worked to enslave man. Your freedoms come from a higher being, and corporations are against this being. Just look around you, and you will see.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:47 PM
Wow. Good post. Wish I coud disagree with what you are saying, but I fear you are right. Just give us enough distractions and a long enough rope, and Americans will "depopulate" themselves. It's super scary becuase most of my friends have or are having babies right now - what a world to be born into. I will add this post to my arsenal of explanatory materials that I attempt to thrust into the face of those who insist on calling me chicken little.

As for what to do, I guess I should check in at the NWO: Survival Planning thread, but man, that gets really frightening. Oh well. I guess life really takes on a new meaning when you're forced to fight for it.

Anyway, thanks for the intelligent post, and I'm glad it got bumped, cause I missed it the first time around.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:16 PM
They are trying to "enslave" us. But shouldn't we use their own dis/misinformation and legislation against them, and go Thomas Paine on their butt, instead of just complaining about it?

Ya' know somehow go public, with no way of them "blocking" us, and no VIOLENCE, until they take away all the RIGHTS on The Bill Of Rights!
Especially #1 and #2!

What do you guys think?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 07:20 PM
Forgot about this one - thanks for bringing it back up. ...Have modified my theory. Now think that the NWO is just an ongoing power play by the 'ancient ruling class' (banker-financier families) - and that the current strategy started at the end of the 1700's.

...We're at a turning point - not to say if they pull it off it's game over. ...But these are interesting times for sure.

...Re: Solutions and counter-strategies. Education... ya ya. But necessary. Up the Internet. Yea Open Source. Then there's the legal system, and certain still intact civil rights. Some movements are creating alternate money systems...

...any other ideas?


posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 08:48 PM
You know, think "The Simpsons", when Mr. Burns takes all of Springfield's media, we could do that for non-members, and viewers if their interested, and update on stuff like "Contridictions in The War On Terror", "Symbolism in 9/11! Was It Really Extermeists?", "Supress Sciences", "The NWO, Ideas People On ATS Can Fight It W/O VIOLENCE!",etc.
Any other ideas? I always wanted to be a journalist or novelist.

[edit on 1/24/05 by BSB2005]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by BSB2005
You know, think "The Simpsons", when Mr. Burns takes all of Springfield's media, we could do that for non-members, and viewers if their interested, and update on stuff like "Contridictions in The War On Terror", "Symbolism in 9/11! Was It Really Extermeists?", "Supress Sciences", "The NWO, Ideas People On ATS Can Fight It W/O VIOLENCE!",etc.
Any other ideas? I always wanted to be a journalist or novelist.

[edit on 1/24/05 by BSB2005]

Some good ideas here. ...The press has always been the main part of any revolution - that's why our corporate masters now control the media and try to control the net...

atsnn already has a news site - can you develop your idea a bit more? ...It got my wheels turning - and now I'm thinking I'd like to write a regular column...


posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:36 PM
I was thinking, Gazok(sp?) could be the editior, since he's in the media anyway. And those who are interested and have taken journalism, could give us a mini-chorse in Journalism, by any other memebers who are interested and are then U2Ued or e-mailed, if you can't type your column, these are the "replacement"s for banned or fighter memebers on ATS. We would have a little subscribution thing- like you see on,, etc. for news and the already regular updates on ATSNN and the updates to ATS itself.
These columns would be for more of the discussed topics on ATS. Do you think they would actually let us do it?

P.S. if you don't understand anything on this. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by BSB2005
Do you think they would actually let us do it?


....Hmmm. In a way - we already are doing it... and it's pretty effective too - like if someone does a google search on something, they often end up here - so our voice does count.

But what exactly would you do differently if you could?

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 09:50 AM
Scientists have predicted four major disasters as 'imminent' - radical weather from climate change, like Katrina; geophysical changes like the Indonesian tsunami, and massive earthquakes in North America; and the appearance of virulent new disease mutations, like bird flu and community-acquired MRSA, for example. EDIT to add - fresh water depletion (see above).

The US response to Katrina establishes legal precedents for government policy to deal with such disasters - and should be evaluated as such.

By the people, if not the Senate.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by soficrow]
oops - posting on the fly, dumb mistakes

[edit on 15-9-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:44 AM
How do you know global warming isn't just a big hoax?
I mean, it's all over the media, the big corps control the media, the NWO controls the big corps.

BTW, there are a few category 5 hurricanes every year, most of them just don't reach land

[edit on 15/9/2005 by SwearBear]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:45 AM
You said "At present, 1 in 2 American males will get cancer in their lifetimes..."

Doesnt this include your NWO too? Are they any less susceptible to these same things you presented?

The NWO may be elite and privilaged, but they bleed just like you and me.


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:54 AM
As usual Sofi great material and a good point made.

I feel that most governments around the world knows all these facts but they had manage to make the populations in their countries complaint and brainwashed into believing that everything the government do is for their well being.

Yes is always a few that rebel and try to bring the truth but they are readily squash by an army of misinformation and demoralization.

US is at the top of how to squash such trouble makers.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Serum39
You said "At present, 1 in 2 American males will get cancer in their lifetimes..."

Doesnt this include your NWO too? Are they any less susceptible to these same things you presented?

The NWO may be elite and privilaged, but they bleed just like you and me.


True - but they have access to treatments like stem cell therapy that insurance doesn't cover. ...They think they've got it all handled, but IMO - they don't. It's all illusion but they're taking us down with them in their overwhelming overweening IGNORANCE!

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