posted on May, 18 2003 @ 04:28 PM
Cassini. Don't get the wrong idea. I think most of the human race aspires to the truth in one form or another. In my opinion though, honesty just
doesn't take into account human nature. Show me a man with a tongue and I'll show you a liar. It's impossible to live your life by not telling a
lie. OK, the lie you might have to tell may not necessarily be a big one but it's still a lie.
I sincerely respect you for trying to live your life as truthfully as you can but I'm sure you'll admit that it's impossible to be totally honest
with everyone.
The reason I have the view that I do about politicians and lying is because of my view of human beings in general. Politics is a game where spoken
words or written words are the main weapon of choice. There are hardly any other professions that rely on the use of communication as strongly as
politics does. Because we're talking about people communicating with each other, we're talking about them using thier natural skills. Lying is one
of those skills. It just comes out into the open more in politics.
I've also got to admit to being one of those people who doesn't mind being lied to now and again if that lie serves my own interest. There are good
lies and bad lies and I don't think the report really took that into account either.
Of course, I could also be lying to you about my above opinion but that's the beauty of it!!! Unless you can prove otherwise, I'm telling the truth
and it works pretty much the same way for politicians. In the words of Jack Nicholson - "You can't handle the truth!!!"