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Sandy Hook - A final thought.

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posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Greetings ATS,

I know that the ATS admins, mods and some members hate this subject down to the very bone so I will try to keep this very short and to the point out of respect for everyone in a community I am a part of and have a lot of respect for.

The appropriate time has passed where the questions we all had about this event should have been answered. In fact, most dissenters said months ago, wait, just wait, the reporters got it all wrong in the heat of the moment but it will be explained.

It hasn't been explained. If anything, the amount of time that has gone by and given the amount of factual evidence that is quite frankly just missing is troubling. I'm going to approach this in a very rational fashion because I don't really have to be irate to state that this entire story is a complete and total farce from start to finish.

Maybe kids died that day, if they did, my heart goes out but what I can say for sure is that if kids did die that day, it wasn't Adam Lanza that killed them. Who was it then? Good question, somebody should ask the "off duty" tactical officer chased down in the woods that fled the scene. Chances are, he may have some answers right? Well, that would be a problem because even though we have video evidence of it happening and confirmation through media of who he was, nobody has said anything from that day to this about why he was at the school or why he would be running from the police through the woods at the exact same time as the shooting..... Hmmmmm

Gene Rosen is a proven liar. I can prove that he lied about everything he has said. Not once in this whole situation has any official source came out to back Gene Rosen's accounts of the event, thats strange, is it not? Should not the government, those in charge herald Gene Rosen as the greatest thing since sliced bread? Perhaps they should but because his story and the way he choose to tell it is so outrageous and is so easily proven to be false, they just ignore that part of the story all together..... Why is that? lol

The major news networks posted children that were not dead, that did not go to Sandy hook on their website as the children that were killed, how did that happen? The principle was reported to make a statement when she was reported to be a casualty. Not one child talking about the event has cried or been traumatized, instead of crying, parents on television stroke their significant other in a strange way, smile, laugh or state an anti gun measure they would like to see. They introduce their childrens absence with a letter that advocates and begs for gun control and asks they only be available to law enforcement.

This whole Sandy Hook scenario is such a farce, I actually laugh when people try to argue and ask for "proof" or evidence. It is so completely bogus that it becomes "indefensible". You know what though, I'm a good sport and I in many cases WANT to be wrong. I wish my government wasn't full of a bunch off asshats that does this to their own constituents but I know better.

So, in fairness, If you dispute my claims about Sandy Hook, please tell me why. I will be happy to educate you on the evidence.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:26 PM
We think the must be well rounded in experience and really friggin smart....
We can spot when things don't add up like the TRUTH would.....a mile away

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:39 PM
I will say this. The answers promised by court ordered deadline came and went with a little out and most to be the subject of more games than the London Olympics. Whether there IS or is NOT something to hide, the game playing means no one will believe anything they say which suggests there is an innocent reason for it all. Not at this point.

There should never, on ANY official level, have been exceptions or special rulings made in relation to this case. Nothing that other crimes like it, back to the Stockton, California school yard shootings which really gave birth to the public, vicious anti-gun movement over 20 years ago, haven't ALSO received.

By what I have seen, this whole case has gotten exceptional treatment at every turn ..and there is a fine fine line between positively exceptional and detestable. After recent things like the White House scandals, fabrication of testimony before Congress (When people contradict, someone is fabricating..take your pick), and the NSA 'looking out for our best interests'? I don't feel much like giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone, anymore.

Cough it up, for what any murder case would have into the public record. No more. No less....and then, maybe, we can at least say we have an official story to work on debunking. They don't figure we even need that in any depth, it seems.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:42 PM
That guy who appeared on tv who was laughing, and then got into character as a parent who'd lost a child! That for me was just too much. From that point on I didn't believe a word of the OS.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:42 PM
edit on 18-9-2013 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

They lied, they didn't lie about a few thing regarding Sandy Hook, they lied about everything. Never in the history of America can more evidence be presented to prove a mass shooting DIDN'T happen or happen like they say it did, much more evidence supports a comical false flag.

Sounds harsh, am I being insensitive? Well, look at the evidence, it's a joke. You have a state of the art camera system without one picture of Lanza. You have have kids in the school describing the incident as the janitor. You have not ONE not ONE child on camera saying they seen anyone shot or dead or even looking traumatized.

You have parents who lost a kid to "gunshots" a day earlier advocating for gun control without one tear. I have a 3 year old daughter and I can tell you one thing, if I was speaking about my 3 year old daughter that was dead because of gunshots the day before you would not be able to soak up my tears with a dozen beach towels. Don't discount this, it's important.

Why is there absolutely no proof of an evacuation of 600+ kids? Why despite multiple media outlets stalking the area all day do they not see any kids coming in or out of the school? Why do so many people within the school make statements that can only be described as outright lies....? The nurse, the one who said she spent five hours in a closet, the one who said she knew Nancy Lanza? Stop it.

Everything about this situation has been a lie, they threatened people who would tell the truth when Lt. Vance spoke because they knew they were full of #. They story is a joke and what I wrote is just the very tip of the Iceberg. Most people know this that use their brain but It had to brought up when there is a shooting in a "gun free" naval zone. ROFLMA.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Helious

I am surprised that this thread hasn't been hacked and taken down yet? Go figure?!

I try NOT to think about Sandy Hook Scam as well as the Boston Marathon Sham because it boils my blood because of the Complete fraud it is.

When events like these are brought up in the news or in conversation, I want to throw up! Fake,Fake,Fake,Fake,Fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they make these career Liars into Fake Hero's and victims, Then Profiting On It!!!

They will be punished and I look forward to the day.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Helious

Absolutely agree. It's the most blatent bunch of lies televised over and over again, that I've ever seen.

How anyone who looks into this in any detail, can swallow that story is beyond my belief

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Nobody on Earth can defend the utter and complete BS that was leaked out, distributed and claimed as "official" for Sandy Hook. It's a sham from start to finish and all available evidence points to multiple shooters and government on a local or state level being involved.

With that being the case and being a probable scenario, why would anyone want to look so stupid to send condolences to Navy families? Why would people who know for a fact that the US government kills people to push agenda get choked up about murders they have helped create?

Get your mind right. Don't be a lamb among sheep.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:39 PM

That guy who appeared on tv who was laughing, and then got into character as a parent who'd lost a child! That for me was just too much. From that point on I didn't believe a word of the OS.

Agreed. I just figured it was another school shooting at first, nothing unusual about it. I mean these things have happened before. But then I saw the Robbie Parker footage and changed my mind. It's almost like he didn't know the camera was on at first, having a laugh with the people around him. Then he notices he's on the air and the crocodile tears start.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Helious

Most people know this that use their brain but It had to brought up when there is a shooting in a "gun free" naval zone. ROFLMA.


this is the first thing I thought of when I heard it..

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

Robbie parker got me too..I know a lot of people will say that people deal with grief in a different ways..while this may be true if you lose a uncle or sister or brother or parent..IT IS NEVER THIS WAY WHEN YOU LOSE A CHILD!!!! I don't care---if you lose a child there is nothing but utter sadness..sadness so deep it's unbearable. You don't laugh at anything..

My parents lost a child. My brother was 12 when he drowned in our swimming pool. It was unimaginable the pain and grief my mother and father went through. They couldn't eat..couldn't sleep..nothing...they sobbed for weeks after that..they didn't even want to be around the people that stopped by. The news (we live in a small town) came out..and neither of my parents were in any shape to be on tv..they sent my uncle out to talk with them. Even at the inquest about a month after it happened..they were still just as grief stricken as the day it happened. It took almost 2 years before I noticed them enjoying themselves again.

I have known a few people that have lost children..and I know that the way that robbie parker acted..along with the other parents interviewed..this is NOT the way parents act. Not one of them showed an oz. of grief. I just don't believe anything about sandy hook..As a parent myself..I would have to be heavily sedated if I lost my either of my girls..I think I cried more for those children at sandy hook than any of those horrid parents did...I didn't even know any of them! When I see a child that has been injured or killed it's like a little part of me is destroyed..even if I have never met when I see a parent laughing right after an event like sandy really makes me question things..
edit on 19-9-2013 by Neopan100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Helious

I think I'll stop well short of declaring anything about the CT shooting to be fake. Perhaps it is. I don't know, and that is really the problem at the heart of it. No citizen should have to entertain any level of doubts on a thing like this.

While I don't believe anything core to the event itself was faked or staged (Mental illness happens...daily..and sometimes with a high body count. Life's a real bitch in that way), I do think they screwed the case up from the first hours, right into the present day. Manipulation and control..always control of information just led to ENORMOUS problems far beyond anything which likely would have happened if they'd just been straight forward about the whole least at the level of any similar thing, eh?

I know some are convinced it was faked. So be it....and again, I can't say 100% some of it wasn't. So much has been done to muddy the waters at this point, it'll likely never be entirely clear now. There should be accountability on some of the Power Trippers that just HAD to "run the show" on the whole event as if a personal fiefdom to control. That was obscene. Not the first time a major event has had very small minded men with petty little agendas running things from the top, but it was one of the most atrocious examples for the nature of things.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Maybe kids died that day, ...

Stop it. Just stop it. Comeon people .... two dozen people were murdered that day.
The shooter stole weapons from his mother, killed her, and then killed those people
in the school. Mental illness happens. Shootings happen.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:24 AM
Very strange events indeed.

I've seen a lot of images from that day, but strange enough no blood anywere...
With al that shooting, running around , bringing kids to ambulances ettc.. No blood at all ?
Very strange.

If people do have seen it, please tell, but don't post the pictures. I take youre word.

I find the world stranger, scarier and more surrealistic everyday.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:24 AM

reply to post by Helious

I think I'll stop well short of declaring anything about the CT shooting to be fake. Perhaps it is. I don't know, and that is really the problem at the heart of it. No citizen should have to entertain any level of doubts on a thing like this.

While I don't believe anything core to the event itself was faked or staged (Mental illness happens...daily..and sometimes with a high body count. Life's a real bitch in that way), I do think they screwed the case up from the first hours, right into the present day. Manipulation and control..always control of information just led to ENORMOUS problems far beyond anything which likely would have happened if they'd just been straight forward about the whole least at the level of any similar thing, eh?

I know some are convinced it was faked. So be it....and again, I can't say 100% some of it wasn't. So much has been done to muddy the waters at this point, it'll likely never be entirely clear now. There should be accountability on some of the Power Trippers that just HAD to "run the show" on the whole event as if a personal fiefdom to control. That was obscene. Not the first time a major event has had very small minded men with petty little agendas running things from the top, but it was one of the most atrocious examples for the nature of things.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:28 AM


reply to post by Helious

I think I'll stop well short of declaring anything about the CT shooting to be fake. Perhaps it is. I don't know, and that is really the problem at the heart of it. No citizen should have to entertain any level of doubts on a thing like this.

While I don't believe anything core to the event itself was faked or staged (Mental illness happens...daily..and sometimes with a high body count. Life's a real bitch in that way), I do think they screwed the case up from the first hours, right into the present day. Manipulation and control..always control of information just led to ENORMOUS problems far beyond anything which likely would have happened if they'd just been straight forward about the whole least at the level of any similar thing, eh?

I know some are convinced it was faked. So be it....and again, I can't say 100% some of it wasn't. So much has been done to muddy the waters at this point, it'll likely never be entirely clear now. There should be accountability on some of the Power Trippers that just HAD to "run the show" on the whole event as if a personal fiefdom to control. That was obscene. Not the first time a major event has had very small minded men with petty little agendas running things from the top, but it was one of the most atrocious examples for the nature of things.

Your right it did happen ,I have posted this many times.
I went to 3 wakes and funerals, 2 of my friends kids were killed amy friend lost his wife.
I know some of the first responders as I am also a Vol. Firefighter.
Some of these first responders to this day have not returned to work.
Simple...It did happen!

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:57 AM
It's the lack of surveillance footage that gets me. I'm obviously not requesting to see a video of the actual thing, just something showing the shooter(s) entering the building or walking through the hallways. The inhabitants of the town are adamant that nothing of the sort be revealed to the outside world, ever.

As an aside, which I mention with full acknowledgement that I am no psychologist... I wonder at those who debunk the 'they're not acting sad enough' claim with the fact that not everyone handles grief in the same way. Every irregular element in the whole story can be logically explained as exceptions to the rule. (Maybe it's just a weird town, bordering on creepy, from the way it sounds on paper). But all of them occurring at the same time...

In this particular element, the 'not everyone' explanation has become 'everyone', just in the opposite direction. What are the odds, I ask?

edit on 19-9-2013 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Helious

Maybe kids died that day, if they did, my heart goes out but what I can say for sure is that if kids did die that day, it wasn't Adam Lanza that killed them.

OP: There really is no need to dilute your well grounded position on this matter. Just stick to your guns and please do not allow anyone here to intimidate you about this topic. NO kids died that day. What's more we aren't even sure there was an Adam Lanza let alone the 'fact' of his alleged killing at the hands of ???

edit on 19-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:59 PM
There are things about the shooting that makes no sense.
1. Why does Adam Lanza's death certificate say he died the day before the shooting?

2. What happened to the police officer who was from another city found armed and dressed exactly like Lanza outside the school in the woods. What happened to him?

3. Several children from the school says that it was a drill why would these children be saying this? Were they told it was a drill?

4. Why were only two ambulances allowed in the school while others were held back with the rest of the people? Wouldn't you need more than two for over two dozen victims?

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