Back in the nineties, there were a couple of serial killers languishing in the death rows of Texas and Florida. They were Henry Lee Lucas, and Ottis
Toole. They claimed to have body counts in the hundreds, if you'd believe them. Toole had killed Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh, of America's Most
Wanted. That's why he started doing the show, believe it or not.
Now, these were sick, evil men. They were partners who killed for pleasure, to rob you, if you looked at them funny, or if they were just in the mood
to kill for killing's sake. But the law caught them, and locked them up for the good of society. The courts gave them each the death sentence, and so,
they were set to die.But they'd go on to cheat the gallows man.
There was a young governor some of you might recognize today, who commuted Lucas' sentence to life. And then, his brother commuted Ottis Toole. It
seemed a tad unusual, but the governors were within their rights to use their power of commutation. And so, they lived for a while longer, growing old
in prison cells with such normal prison amenities as a color television.
Why were these men spared, when they spared no one? Why were they allowed to live out their lifespans when they slaughtered uncounted masses of
Lucas made reference to a death cult he and Toole worked for. That they had trained out in the Florida everglades, studying the finer aspects of
assassination, arson, and kidnapping. He made reference to another group of death cultists out in Juarez, Mexico who practiced similarly. A couple
years later, the actions of the Matamoros death cult bear a chilling resemblance to his claims.
Lucas claimed that this cult, or group, or whatever you want to call it, had high ranking members in the government. It's a little bit spooky to
consider the implications of how Lucas and Toole were both commuted by two members of the Bush family. Future president, George W. Bush, and brother
and hope to god never president, Jeb Bush. Now, there were around a hundred and fifty death sentences that George had the opportunity to commute, but
the only one he signed while in office? That of Henry Lee Lucas. Why?
It seems like something is rotten in Denmark here.
edit on 18-9-2013 by Grifter42 because: Expanded