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Think On This

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posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Night Star

S+f NightStar,this is such a Truth-no one can change the world all by themselves,but I do know that just as bad actions/negative influencing toward others ripple out like circles in a pond-so does the good +the positive+the uplifting.There are always all these billions of little subtle chain reactions,occuring all over the world everyday.
A goodly day to you NightStar-or restful sleep,I usually forget the time difference

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Yeah, I guess man. Whatever it takes to get through I suppose.
I always wonder why some people feed off of stuff like this while others seem to be able to grasp such a simple concept minus the cheesy story. But, whatever floats your boat I guess.
In the end, we are all fighting the same fight.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

So very true my friend! Thanks for stopping in! Wow, it is 3:27am here and I can't sleep yet. LOL

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Thank you. A lovely little story - and the right way to live I suspect. One question though. If we can't save all the starfish, how do we choose which ones to help? Should we pick the prettiest ones? The smartest? The strongest? The most sparkly? The ones we notice first? Or the ones we trip over?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Night Star

I love this story, it's a simple philosophy really. While it's true we can't save everyone, we can always help someone. Even what might seem to ourselves to be the smallest of gesture might be to the recipient life saving. Never be afraid to show a gesture of kindness to a stranger, it may not save their life but it may very well help brighten their day.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 03:17 PM
People often think that they don't say or do enough, that they don't make a difference in any way when in actuality the simplest of things can make all the difference in the world. A little reminder and a sweet, simple yet profound little story goes a long way. A change from the constant bombardment of doom and gloom is like a breath of fresh air to some of us. I don't care if it comes from a childrens book or how basic it is.

THIS! Reminds me of a Dave Grohl quote from Nirvana's Live Tonight Sold Out! I searched for the actual quote, but after 7 mins of ardent searching, nada. So I'll paraphrase.

Dave was commenting on the simplicity and accessibility of Nirvana's tunes and said something to the effect of "It's like a children's song. Its simple, but you remember it all your life"

He also said "I mean, My Sherona. What the hell is My Sherona? But it changed my life" (goofy grin).


posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:17 PM
Love your story. It reminds me how children are so much closer to "the other side". They still have much wisdom, simple as it is. I am always amazed at how they view and break down information. They prove that a big situation can be put elegantly into a few words that are just perfect.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by Night Star

Thank you. A lovely little story - and the right way to live I suspect. One question though. If we can't save all the starfish, how do we choose which ones to help? Should we pick the prettiest ones? The smartest? The strongest? The most sparkly? The ones we notice first? Or the ones we trip over?

You choose simply in your day to day experiences. Who do you come across? Would a simple smile to a stranger crossing your path help that person? Are you at work with co-workers all tearing down another co-worker when that co-worker doesn't deserve to be torn down? Did you stick up for them and go against the crowd?

Do you have a friend or or family member who is stressed and down? Did you say anything to help them rise above their emotional issues? Maybe you just went to visit and brought a cup of coffee and lent an ear.

Maybe you know someone who is dying and are lost for words but you are there with a hand to hold, a hug and or a kiss. Sometimes words arn't even necessary, just being there is enough.

There are people or animals that come into your life and if you have an opportunity to help in whatever way that you can, then that's all there is to it.

No, we cannot save the world, but if each of us helps a small part and sends our love and light into the world, it is better than not doing anything at all.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:25 PM

reply to post by Night Star

I love this story, it's a simple philosophy really. While it's true we can't save everyone, we can always help someone. Even what might seem to ourselves to be the smallest of gesture might be to the recipient life saving. Never be afraid to show a gesture of kindness to a stranger, it may not save their life but it may very well help brighten their day.

So true. I have often found years later how just my being humerous when someone was in a dark place brightened their life, how kind words and a different insight offered made a deep impact, how just being there meant everything in the world to someone etc. You may not think you're helping much at all and find later that you did and in a big way.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by MJMEochaid7

Dave was commenting on the simplicity and accessibility of Nirvana's tunes and said something to the effect of "It's like a children's song. Its simple, but you remember it all your life"

I like that!

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Love your story. It reminds me how children are so much closer to "the other side". They still have much wisdom, simple as it is. I am always amazed at how they view and break down information. They prove that a big situation can be put elegantly into a few words that are just perfect.

Indeed. How many times do we hear a child come out with something and we sit there in awe thinking wow did that just come out of him/her?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Night Star

We all need a reminder now and again to be helpful and kind. It can never hurt.

I've heard this story before and I've noticed your one of the positive posters here. As I try to be.


posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Awwww, thanks so much!!! Good to see you here!

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:53 PM
I couldn't help but think that throwing the starfish back into the ocean would harm them on the way down, killing them anyway.. Then I can't help but wonder how many of those starfish on the beach are already dead anyway.. Man, I'm all messed up.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

LOL Don't worry, some of them made it just fine and are making more starfish as we speak.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:53 PM

reply to post by Night Star

"Kindly let me help you or you will drown, said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree.”

Out of curiosity... have you ever read Speaker For The Dead?

After listening to a little on youtube audiobook, I remembered! Yes I did indeed read this book. Wild and fascinating!

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Very beautiful, it's wondrous what we are like tell we turn into what we are meant to be.


posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:21 AM
whats' the meaning behind it?

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 01:56 AM
I did think on this. In this country, in this day and age, if the little boy was on a beach in the good ole U.S.A., A park ranger would TASE him on the spot! I get that "one" person can make a difference, possibly, on a planet far, far away. But not here. Those times are gone. Besides, maybe the starfish wanted to commit suicide! What right do we have to interfere with nature since there is very little left that is "natural" about the human experience. Do as you will and harm you none right? think that applies to starfish too!

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Night Star
I heard that story years ago, but it's been tucked away under life's fast-paced urgencies. Thanks for bringing it back to the forefront of my mind, Night Star! Such wisdom in that tale.

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