reply to post by CirqueDeTruth
Nibiru's debris tail is now hitting us. The debris tail is made up of trillions of asteroids (brimstone)! Look at the timing.
Niburu is a myth, a hoax, there is no evidence to support the claims.
The "debris tail" is nothing more than gas and dust, it might make for a pretty shower should we pass throughit, nothing more. You are talking about
pieces the size of a grain of sand, maybe a pebble at a push.
1.) Sin (homosexuality) was just signed into law (sodom and g...)
2.) Fukushima
3.) Famine
4.) Wars
5.) Earthquakes under yellowstone
6.) The Pope just said you don't need to believe in God
7.) Everyone old and young is having crazy visions of disasters
8.) Dimensional shift
9.) Polar Shift
10.) Years of mass animal die offs now
11.) All the UFO sightings
12.) Media - Everything in music and movies has gotten so dark with so much preview magic and thought control
13.) Race baiting (divide and conquer techniques)
14.) Everyone lives after their own lusts and desires
1. Freedom of sexuality is more widely accepted, this is a good thing, to each their own.
2. Fukushima was the result of bad planning, incompetence and a natural disaster.
3. Famine has always affected humans globally, if anything, this is improving thanks to various charities.
4. There has always been war. With the advent of modern technology it is just reported more and they happen a lot faster.
5. It is a supervolcano on a geologically active region...there will always be earthquakes.
6. The pope is trying to save Catholicism from all the crap that has been going on the past few years.
7. The members of ATS do not make up everyone, I for one have not had any, neither has anyone I know.
8. What?
9. The magnetic poles do shift periodically, it is a known scientific fact, has happened before, will happen again, we (mankind) survived the last
10. With all the crap we put into the oceans and atmosphere, hardly surprising...although the methane theory is intriguing, but naturally occurring if
11. Most of which have perfectly logical explanations, from Jupiter/Venus to the ISS, I have yet to see any concrete evidence of (ET)UFO sightings.
12. Styles change throughout the years, there have been dark periods in history before with the arts, it's what people want, so the companies cash
13. Where has the race baiting took place? Do you mean religious bigotry? That's just something which has always happened, nothing to do with
14. Not everyone does, but a lot do, and to be honest, that's the way it has always been throughout the history of the human race.
Look at all the signs folks! Looks like Jesus wants his Children...Anything without fruit always ends up getting burned. The earth has been
polluted in every way, probably time for an ELE.
Nothing on this earth can compare to his eternal judgement which the bible has more verses about than anything else. Yes you have to be a slave to
Jesus; It's infinitely more life and amazing than being a slave to Satan will be for eternity. The choice is yours. Jesus already paid the stripes.
Are you going to confess and make Jesus your Lord? He'll forgive you right now. Start reading the Epistles and you'll feel the Holy Spirit which is
GOD in the Spirit; nothing else compares. Whether it's in this life or in the eternal pit (4th dimension pain hurts 1000x more than any pain on
earth) Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
I believe in God (I also believe in science), and even I think that is just utter rubbish.
Yes, the world will most likely be faced with an ELE at some point, whether an asteroid, a supervolcano or just simply the sun dying in a few billion
years. I highly doubt it was prophesied in some book(s) a long time ago, the future isn't certain.
Our role, our future and whether we live or become extinct (barring some fatal disease) is entirely in our hands, or the hands of our leaders I guess.