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Navy Yard shooting suspect reached out to vet hospitals for ‘psychological issues’

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:26 PM
Reading the article it doesn't mention whether or not he was given a drug screen. Just looking at what was said it seems more like he had a "Breaking Bad" substance psychotic break.

A friend and former housemate, Kristi Suthamtewakul, told CNN's "New Day" that she had noticed personality changes in Alexis over the last few months, but nothing indicating the potential for such violence.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Unless it was made up or perhaps relating to another condition wasn't it alluded to that he had VA visits concerning mental health?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by ArchaicDesigns

Humming or buzzing? Have you ever been scanned? Interesting you would mention that.

If this guy really was being monitored or manipulated in some way and it is connected to what he did we need to look at the victims and what they were working on or involved in. Who did he kill and what was their position and job responsibility? Another possibility is it was a diversion of some sort and another op was underway during all the confusion and chaos following the shooting. It happened right at the start of the workday so there was a lot of coming and going at the time. What kind of sensitive activities occur or what kind of sensitive records are kept in that building? These are just two possibilities and the real likelihood is we will never know the truth.

It is also very possible the guy was having a psychotic break and acting out his FPS gaming fantasies.

Nothing is ever as it seems.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by unphased

Speaking of 1985....

If you go to 1:45 or so in the video the physicist guy goes on to explain that the US is way behind the Russians when it came to this technology. That was 20 years go. What the hell do they have now? That's the scary part.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by unphased

I havent read through all of the replies, but this reminds me of the episode of "conspiracy theory" with Ventura, where several people were hearing things and getting painful vibrations sent through their body, and their apparent connection to HAARP and /or radio wave transmissions. Just a thought to consider?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by occrest

There's more powerful technology than that available. 6 years ago Paranormal State used Holosonic's audio spotlight to beam audio directly at people. So only people within it's very narrow beam could hear it. It's not impossible that a more powerful version of this could easily pass through a wall.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by AlliumIslelily

Great assessment.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:55 PM
i would just like to point out this is not beyond the realms of current known technology...

Microwave auditory effect

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by unphased

Are we very sure that Alexis wasn't a member of ATS?

I remember a guy from awhile back posted a thread saying that people were messing with him with microwave thechnology....
edit on 9/17/2013 by ItCameFromOuterSpace because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:00 PM
this event is Too New to Review...meaning there is no investigation results yet

but there are factors that can be associa ted with the latest mass shooting...

under 0bama... there have been 16 such episodes of mass killings/shootings (is this average for presidential terms)

the jury is still out on mental disease or the clever defense tactic of blaming "voices" on targeted microwave frequencies on a targeted subjects brain

i would leave investigative team come up with an analysis first (but we all know that will be a white-wash of the real causes for this man's flip-out homocide spree)

but before any of the BS starts flowing downstream.... if i were in authority the DARPA Agency would be investigated on their dealings with mind-control start-ups that got funded by that questionable agency--last run by militant neocon former Generals...DARPA is just a clearing-house & money laundering government org that loves the NAZI toys of control that weird sociopaths can bring into play to our normal society thru
Defense/Business venues as a cover


don't ya'll think it weird that the same day the Navy Yard massacre happens...
0bama pushes new executive orders about gun control...with Feinstein equally haggish

BUT. 0bama also suspends the rule-of-law which denies the sale or giving of ArmsWeapons to Terror organizations like the AQ & Jihadists in Syria who are barbarians in the worlds view

talk about speaking out of both sides on ones mouth...0bama is a gun schizo...

Oh yeah support the trucker convoy to DC on Oct 11-13th

edit on 17-9-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

The military has been all over it for a while.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:07 PM


Fox News fails to mention any kind of microwave weapons and vibrations...

Probably because what this fella is displaying is typical paranoid psychotic behavior.
No mystery. He had mental health issues as well as anger issues. To top it off ...
he had (according to neighbors) an attitude of hate towards America because his
life wasn't turning out the way he wanted it to. He thought America owed him.

This could describe all the shooters over the last few years it seems.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Every society creates has of it inception the causes for its own downfall and a sic society generates sic individuals it can't work the other way around. It will become apparent to all that we have indeed lived in a single society for some centuries now, the main differences from nation to nation are becoming increasingly cosmetical. Mental deceases classification also fallow this path things that had been peculiarly centered on one nation starts to spread and even Indians in the Amazon floret are now stressed out.

The principal problem is that with this uniformity of societies, brings about the realization that there is an escape and alternative to this mostly artificial system of restrains and as all realize that there is no way out, that one is born and dies in a system that he often has no voice or control over... this should drive most people not only to get mad but to act mad. We don't need to fix people we need to fix society.

edit on 17-9-2013 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

Those are some very valid points. To add on to that, apparently when people have mental breakdowns or psychotic episodes or whatever you want to call them, they tend to act out what has been established within their society as the proper "crazy" behavior.

Now, this was just from a documentary called Human Resources and I can't prove that this idea is true, but it would explain why the events are always the same. (i.e. mass shootings)

This pattern was supposedly followed in other cultures too, such as tribes where it was understood that crazy people ate the hearts of others. Every time somebody snapped, they'd start eating hearts. It would happen repeatedly like our shootings do now.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:28 PM
It seems like the man was frustrated with life, erratic jobs, no girlfriend, no much touch with family.

Extreme anger problems relate to him trying to take control of things and not been able to for years and years. In that situation the person sees retreat everywhere, job, women, family, inner circle etc. etc. That he was not on any pacifying pills confirms that his anger was peaking at every new 'defeated' episode in life.

Also he did not have GOD in his life. Absence of help from the Allmighty source results in very fast drain out of HOPE and look to the future attitude.

The decision he took was well thought and planned over few months atleast. He wanted to go out with a big bang and have his name remembered for decades to come.

Will the gun control help? may be by 10-20%.

But real help will be finding out such individuals and getting them help. Free pusssies if needed

edit on 17-9-2013 by victor7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

Well, the separation of different societies has always been cosmetic. The "powers that be" know this, have always known this. As I always say, it is not the New World Order I fear but the current. It's interesting to try and think of what an mental illness is and what rational explanations can be attributed to different aspects of the human condition. After all, before there was psychiatrists there were priests who performed exorcisms.

There is an author named Lloyed Demause that has a book "The Origin of War and Child Abuse".

I think you will find this interesting:

He's one of the very few psychologists I respect. It's interesting and I would recommend reading the book I titled, it's down near bottom of page broken into links/chapters. There's also lots of other very interesting articles in relation to this.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:34 PM
Every single time a bad thing happens, these threads appear.. every single time..

I think the largest conspiracy to rock ATS is the day that never happens.. when something major happens and ATS doesn't think the opposite... I was betting a friend of mine a $20.00 that this very kind of thing would appear... guess who won? .. the shooter also said he heard voices in his closet, he shot through his apartment floor a few years back.. he has admitted blackout rages and he's had a disagreement with his employers about pay... but no.. this is much more interesting run with it ATS

And if I remember right, his family said he had anger management issues, he also shot at a construction worker in the past...
edit on 9/17/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by miniatus

No offense meant but, you are on a conspiracy website. Seems the expected reaction to most everything would be a mix of rationality, logic, theory, and open-mindedness.

There are many people here who have no theories of possible ulterior solutions to events that have official stories from governments who have in the past been caught with pants down.

My opinion is that if a government has lied to you multiple times in past on most every type of issue then believing their story in the future is the same as taking a girlfriend back who has cheated multiple times. Don't expect fidelity from the unfaithful in the future.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:48 PM

reply to post by miniatus

No offense meant but, you are on a conspiracy website. Seems the expected reaction to most everything would be a mix of rationality, logic, theory, and open-mindedness.

There are many people here who have no theories of possible ulterior solutions to events that have official stories from governments who have in the past been caught with pants down.

My opinion is that if a government has lied to you multiple times in past on most every type of issue then believing their story in the future is the same as taking a girlfriend back who has cheated multiple times. Don't expect fidelity from the unfaithful in the future.

Seems if we are to deny ignorance, which is the motto of the site.. we WOULD expect all of those things.. and I do expect them, but the position so far is to deny every logical explanation and create one .. but I won't debate it.. that absolutely happens here, and is happening now... I don't pretend to know the facts I was just pointing out the consistent pattern.. which is that nothing that is presented is ever accepted.. there's ALWAYS this..
it's predictable..
edit on 9/17/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by ItCameFromOuterSpace

Yeah that's what I was saying. There have been several threads on this topic and hundreds of people who posted in support of his delusions.

I wonder if they looked, would they find any blood on their hands?

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