reply to post by pavil
My apologies for coming across as militant, you my friend are adding to your community and I applaud you for it.
You are helping people get ahead by providing a proven method of income making, and those people are in turn helping others by providing jobs.
As long as the profits remain with you and your employees I think its fantastic what your doing.
From here the next step will be selling the Franchise entirely for quick and big bucks, this is where problems start.
Once you sell the whole shebang some corporation will need to get its capital back, they will list the company and then be beholden to shareholders.
Shareholders want to see returns so the franchise will look to cut costs.
Some of the things they will do will include, manipulating staff working hours so they dont have to pay medical or superannuation (or whatever you
guys call it, basically retirement funds).
They will start looking for the cheapest possible raw goods for whatever your franchise needs driving prices down due to their buying power and
pushing those who supply the goods further down the economic food chain.
Eventually they will conclude that its easier and cheaper to move everything they can offshore, when this happens everyone except those at the very
top suffer. Theres no jobs so people have no money, people have no money so they are unable to buy things, people who own businesses have no money
because their customers have no jobs and therefore no money to spend. The people whop previously supplied to businesses now have no money as the
businesses have no money.
Then the big corporations move in and because everyone has no money and no way of making money they buy everything at a cut rate and continue on their
merry way.
From what you say it seems like you are one of the good guys, when you sell off your blood, sweat and tears (business model)for a quick and easy buck
is when you become one of the bad guys.
Much respect for being in a position to help others get ahead