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Sen. Lindsey Graham to Congress: ‘Let’s Just Blow Up Iran’

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:23 AM
OK..... Senator Lindsey , why bother even calling it the "United States of America ", I'm sure you would prefer the "United States of Israel ". Why be so coy about it , now that you have finally declared your true intent.....< ....Rant.

Now to the article , seems that all that fussing about Syria was a practice run , what Senator Lindsey's real objective all along has been is Iran. He's tired of all the pussy footing around and wants to bring the world to WW3 and kill thousands of Iranians and a few Syrians , so that he can please his masters and get a big pat on the head ( Who's a good little boy then ).

The Republican Senator from South Carolina announced on Saturday that he is going to officially approach Congress to seek military authorization for a strike on Iran to destroy the nation’s nuclear program. _campaign=Feed%3A+pakalert+%28Pak+Alert+Press%29

Seems the poor man has been troubled by this for some time.

Graham has a long history of warmongering, especially when it comes to Iran. Back in 2010 at an AIPAC meeting, the Senator told the pro-Israel lobby that, “The Congress has your back” and Israel is “our best friend in the world.” He went on to say “all options must be on the table” and “you know exactly what I’m talking about” when it comes to potentially bombing Iran.

Now there are several methods that he's thought of , to get those almost Israel citizens or his constitutes , to come to the WW3 blood bath fest and that is to scare the living daylights out of them.

“He [Graham] says if there is no U.S. response [to Syria], Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.”

I may be wrong here but sure looks like something a sociopath might think up.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:58 AM
Graham is one of the biggest Israeli butt kissers in congress who is more than happy to get Americans killed for Israel. Kind of makes you wonder how gets reelected seeing how he is so anti American. Graham, McCain and Feinstein are all Israel before America so let's do them a favor and deport them to Israel.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Senator Graham referred directly to a nuclear device being detonated in the United States (S.C.) as a result of inaction toward a diclosed external threat.
Really? Where did he you get your information, Senator? It didn't play the last time either... and I've got a great memory. Did somebody tell you about a stray from Minot parked on the Beltway somewhere-- and you had to publicly spill it for us first in a breach of FBI protocol? If that info wasn't cleared first, and you didn't tell Foggy Bottom about it beforehand (which would have put tighter screws on it than my '56 BelAir glove compartment), and it's for real you're complicit.
The last statement the Senator made was of itself and on its face an act of domestic terrorism; whether in reference to a real or perceived threat is now irrelevant. OK boys, arrest him. Didn't think so.

And just for a sidebar, any lobbying group that attempts to influence another country's legislature for it's own interests is engaged in an act of quiet war. Arrest AIPAC too, all of them. Nope, I guess not: sucks to be an Amerikan right now.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:00 AM


I may be wrong here but sure looks like something a sociopath might think up.

You're not wrong, you're absolutely spot on, right as rain.

The man is a bonafide nut-job of the highest order and how the hell he continues to get re-elected, is beyond me. On the other hand, I hear that he feels threatened in the upcoming 2014 midterms. The really bad part is, his biggest threat is coming from the neo-con right-wing element of his own party. Go figure! Apparently, he's not far right enough for them.

Anymore, it almost makes me nauseous just to listen to Lindsey Graham or John McCain speak on foreign policy. It has become more than apparent that these two "sociopaths," will not be happy until they drag us into another useless war and IMO, it's time for both of them to step down from office.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 11:03 AM
This nut along with McCain were the two that tried to get Muslim Brotherhood people out of jail in Egypt.

Now he wants to bomb Iran ?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

First, we should and always will be an ally of Israel. That will not ever change. Second Iran deserves whatever it gets and frankly I am surprised Israel did not nuke them already. When that country's public policy is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

We have allies that we are tied to, Israel, south Korea, UK, etc, we would go to war for any of them. Israel is just one of them. Iran is a terrorist state that is actively trying to kill Americans on a daily basis. I am honestly surprised they are not reduced to a parking lot.

Unless the iranian people rise up and change things their outcome is clear.

The Bot

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM

reply to post by Pinkorchid

First, we should and always will be an ally of Israel. That will not ever change. Second Iran deserves whatever it gets and frankly I am surprised Israel did not nuke them already. When that country's public policy is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

We have allies that we are tied to, Israel, south Korea, UK, etc, we would go to war for any of them. Israel is just one of them. Iran is a terrorist state that is actively trying to kill Americans on a daily basis. I am honestly surprised they are not reduced to a parking lot.

Unless the iranian people rise up and change things their outcome is clear.

The Bot
This is one of the most disturbing posts I've ever read. You seriously think it within the realm of acceptability for a sovereign nation on this planet (Iran) to be reduced to a parking lot (aka: nuked) ??? And you think THEY have bad intentions?! Dude, people/humans live in that land. People like you and me just trying to eke out a living. You would feel safe and happy if they were just obliterated? Right now I miss that vomit emoticon!!!

You say Iran is a terrorist state trying to kill Americans on a daily basis? How many Americans have they killed today? Yesterday? The past year? Link/Source please?

I just really can't understand your mindset.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Unless the iranian people rise up and change things their outcome is clear.

How about we put the shoe on the other foot:

The US government has tyrannical foreign policies where they stick their noses into other country's business whether it belongs there or not. They're quick to jump into a military strategic bombing scenario with no regard for what their American citizens may or may not want, and no regard for collateral damage. Because of these ridiculous foreign policies, the US government is pissing off a lot of other countries and are being viewed as terrorists themselves by a growing number of them.


"Unless the American people rise up and change things, their outcome is clear."

See what I did there ?!

Another words:
Think before you type such mindless, arrogant drivel.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:09 PM
I hope this is not seen as derailment:

Paul Shenklin (as John McCain) - Bomb Iran

For the record, I think it would be a mistake to engage in ANY war let alone another one.


posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:21 PM

reply to post by Pinkorchid

First, we should and always will be an ally of Israel. That will not ever change. Second Iran deserves whatever it gets and frankly I am surprised Israel did not nuke them already. When that country's public policy is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

We have allies that we are tied to, Israel, south Korea, UK, etc, we would go to war for any of them. Israel is just one of them. Iran is a terrorist state that is actively trying to kill Americans on a daily basis. I am honestly surprised they are not reduced to a parking lot.

Unless the iranian people rise up and change things their outcome is clear.

The Bot

Wow talk about buying into the propaganda. First of all America is not an ally of Israel America is being used by Israel. This is apparent by the way Israel is constantly begging America to go to war for them. Not to mention Israels constant spying on America and theft of technology and selling weapons that we give to them on the black market. These were weapons that they wanted for their "defense". Israel is no better than Iran and admits to supplying weapons to terrorist cells. So if America does go to bomb Iran we might as well do Israel too because they are no better.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Thanks for the response's , I have starred all those I agree with (99 %) , isn't that interesting. I will not be responding to individual posts , this is your Story America , go for it.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by buster2010

"Graham, McCain and Feinstein are all Israel before America so let's do them a favor and deport them to Israel".

YEA! YEA! YEA! Lets doo it.

Let them terrorize someone else for a change. Too bad we cant give them all of our political leaders.

That goes for anyone who operates in someone elses interests before their own peoples.

If you are not with the people- you are with the terrorists.

The govt has more influence and ties to these international terrorists then the people could ever realize.
If you ask me- if it wasnt for our govts around the world- most of these terrorists wouldnt even have a job.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:20 PM
"buying into BS" was used above along with all sorts of other words.

Sure Israel is always looking for our support, but realistically Islam is a nightmare religion. At least in the region, the Jihadis we are supporting are holding children over their heads dead, the guy we are against in Syria did use chemical weapons, it Is a culture of rape, Iran is a theocracy which NO is not safe to have around with Nukes, the Saudis are nothing but trouble and manipulation, the religion is huge and practices conversion with a policy of "kill the infidel" it's just weird and no one anywhere wants to live that way.

For all this bash Israel and Bash America, NO ONE else wants that region intact either, realistically the Russians are just partial to not destroying them all and leaving the Jews around and everyone wants to sell as much arms as possible before it happens and try their best to not destroy or disrupt the oil... Russia doesn't want Islam around neither does China. The region is useful as a hedge against America aside from that but these nations have the same ideas just want it to play better for them...

So... some in America wish to save Israel from the frackus

But it doesn't change the outcome.

Opinion worldwide has gone to "Throw Israel Under the Bus"

But WHY is that? There isn't a person who is involved that doesn't know the outcome. Either Israel Attacks it's neighbors or they attack Israel and Israel has enough Nukes for the rest of the world to see this over for ever.

Putin... NO LOVE for Jews or Muslims, some here do like Jews, just like some like Muslims... both are human beings when not entrenched in retarded religious dogma...

But we all know what happens... No one wants to risk a WW3 over it is all having to take sides.

However it starts, Mecca is Gone, Baghdad is Gone, Damascus is Gone, Tehran is gone, Cairo is Gone...

And yeah, you guys are right, the US should step back the world is asking us to, everyone knows the ONLY outcome there will be here and some of our politicians are trying to save the jews...but honestly even that is futile, normal non secular Jews should do like the smart Arabs in Europe and Get Out Now.

But let's not kid ourselves... the region is going up in flames. You ARE dealing with psychos, even Israel is as little as a vote away from truly being in the psycho category, this isn't the cold war, the button WILL be pushed and it is.... sadly it is best if the rest of us stay out of it and clean up afterwards...

What we are doing selling arms on any side here EU, America, Russia, China is just ....sickening. We all KNOW this ends badly no matter what.

In fact, that's what MOST world leaders are aiming for.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by penninja

Sure Israel is always looking for our support, but realistically Islam is a nightmare religion.

No Islam is not a nightmare religion because if it is then Christianity will give you dreams that will kill you when you sleep. Don't blame the religion because a few people do crazy stuff in it's name.

At least in the region, the Jihadis we are supporting are holding children over their heads dead, the guy we are against in Syria did use chemical weapons, it Is a culture of rape

These terrorist we are supporting show videos of them eating hearts and testing CW's on animals. These are the people you want in place of Assad?

Iran is a theocracy which NO is not safe to have around with Nukes

There is NO PROOF of nukes in Iran or any proof of them trying to build one. That nutjob Netanyahu has been crying this for thirty years and guess what? Still no bomb. So it's time to drop it.

So... some in America wish to save Israel from the frackus

And they are more than welcome to move there and help. Because Israel isn't worth an American life.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Funny, if I went up to a cop and said, hey, let's bomb so and so's business, he'd likely arrest me.

If I was in a school and said, hey, let's bomb our rival's school, even if a joke, there'd by problems.

If at work I stood up and said, you know, this would be a helluva lot easier if we just bombed our competition and appeared even halfway serious about it, again, there'd be problems.

But get up and say it in Washington DC and you'll be congratulated by certain politicians/special interests and it will largely go unnoticed.

When we heard a couple years ago Iran saying Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth, everyone was up in arms about such a statement. Yet say practically the same thing about Iran and it's considered fine by many of the same people who had an issue with Iran saying something similar.

I am so sick a goddamn tired of the hypocrisy.
edit on 17-9-2013 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:48 PM

"buying into BS" was used above along with all sorts of other words.

Sure Israel is always looking for our support, but realistically Islam is a nightmare religion. At least in the region, the Jihadis we are supporting are holding children over their heads dead, the guy we are against in Syria did use chemical weapons, it Is a culture of rape, Iran is a theocracy which NO is not safe to have around with Nukes, the Saudis are nothing but trouble and manipulation, the religion is huge and practices conversion with a policy of "kill the infidel" it's just weird and no one anywhere wants to live that way.

For all this bash Israel and Bash America, NO ONE else wants that region intact either, realistically the Russians are just partial to not destroying them all and leaving the Jews around and everyone wants to sell as much arms as possible before it happens and try their best to not destroy or disrupt the oil... Russia doesn't want Islam around neither does China. The region is useful as a hedge against America aside from that but these nations have the same ideas just want it to play better for them...

So... some in America wish to save Israel from the frackus

But it doesn't change the outcome.

Opinion worldwide has gone to "Throw Israel Under the Bus"

But WHY is that? There isn't a person who is involved that doesn't know the outcome. Either Israel Attacks it's neighbors or they attack Israel and Israel has enough Nukes for the rest of the world to see this over for ever.

Putin... NO LOVE for Jews or Muslims, some here do like Jews, just like some like Muslims... both are human beings when not entrenched in retarded religious dogma...

But we all know what happens... No one wants to risk a WW3 over it is all having to take sides.

However it starts, Mecca is Gone, Baghdad is Gone, Damascus is Gone, Tehran is gone, Cairo is Gone...

And yeah, you guys are right, the US should step back the world is asking us to, everyone knows the ONLY outcome there will be here and some of our politicians are trying to save the jews...but honestly even that is futile, normal non secular Jews should do like the smart Arabs in Europe and Get Out Now.

But let's not kid ourselves... the region is going up in flames. You ARE dealing with psychos, even Israel is as little as a vote away from truly being in the psycho category, this isn't the cold war, the button WILL be pushed and it is.... sadly it is best if the rest of us stay out of it and clean up afterwards...

What we are doing selling arms on any side here EU, America, Russia, China is just ....sickening. We all KNOW this ends badly no matter what.
In fact, that's what MOST world leaders are aiming for.

I agree, I knew my statements would shake the tree, but reality is reality and I spoke the truth. As for Iran, look it is simple, when you as a country say you want to wipe Israel off the map and kill all Americans you will get what you have coming. There are no innocent there.... Not when you support that. Those who didn't and were smart got out. I am sick of it being OK for them to kill Americans and threaten the whole world with their radical religion. It is not OK.

Seriously, if you were any country and another said they want to wipe you from the face of the earth so it is as you never existed what would you do, give me a bleeding heart break. They get what they deserve.

Yes, it is also very true Russia does not care about or for the muslims. Most muslims learned that lesson well in Afghanistan and in chechnia today. They are just a means to an end for them. Syria is all strategic and economics for them. They sell them arms, including chemical weapons technology, and they keep possible pipeline through Syria from happening.

Look, until muslims as a whole stand up and take control of the fanatics then they will all be judged the same way. As stated in the above post so eloquently we all know the outcome anyway. It is only a matter of time.

I only disagree in that we are Israel ally, they not using us, we using them. The end revolves around them not us.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by buster2010

Cut your crap please, don't be a hypocrite.

Islam IS a nightmare religion, the only thing that keeps Judaism off that list imho is the fact that it is NON Converting and when you're talking about Christianity you're talking about the past it's held in check in both the West and the East by Government and the right of a populace to condemn it's more insane moments.

If you're not Muslim you'd never want to live in a society where Sharia law exists, don't be a liar and a follower any Western "care" for this religion is in vogue to be "cultural" if your neighborhood started turning to a place that operated under such structures you'd either move or fight back as would 95% of Europeans, Asians and North Americans

There ARE exceptions, places like India where the religion is mellowed but I am referring specifically to the Middle East and parts of Africa which are complete dung holes because of it.

And let me be very clear

All of the Mono religions should be brought in check if they aren't. It's not a Horror religion? Belief in an imaginary set of rules over science and sanity will be the death of the rest of us, to hell with this nonsense, There are Hindus and Buddhists and Agnostics and Spiritualists and Atheists all who ACT sanely and won't throw a damn mask on you and actually SEEK the Truth about our Universe... Once you have been Brain washed your screwed.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

All I can say is unlimited term limits for Senators and Congress should be reconsidered.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:34 PM

reply to post by Pinkorchid

All I can say is unlimited term limits for Senators and Congress should be reconsidered.

Oh gosh, allow this agnostic hater of the ideologies give a big AMEN to that statement...

well said, you can end every thread with that line realistically lol

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 11:48 PM
I've got a rifle you can borrow, pal. I'll even hook you up with some ammo.

Hell, I'll even pay for your airfare. First class? You got it.

Now, go get 'em, Lindsey.

Oh, wait... what? You thought we would be the ones to do this, while you sit at home in the lap of luxury? Forgive my saying so, but that sounds a little, how do I put this, cowardly. The term chicken-hawk comes to mind...

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