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Five Little Known Facts About The Pentagon

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posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 12:10 PM


reply to post by Asktheanimals

Considering that it was the only side of the building they could hit, then what other choice did they have?

Lots of other choices.. they could have hit the building from above for example..

In a dive bomber maybe. In an airliner that would be an amazing feat.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 03:33 PM
I knew about the geometry but hell's bottom is new to me. So it is fair to say that the Pentagon was built in the pits of hell, yes? I'd better not take this any further.

edit on 16-9-2013 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Even in a dive bomber it would be hard to do. Look at how many of them missed during WWII runs, and they were trained, and using dive flaps, had extra large tails, etc.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:05 AM
In addition, the site of the Pentagon prior to its construction was a hemp farm. Here is a link to a story in the WaPo about it.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:18 AM

And this is why Yahweh, or (the Gods of Egypt) is the enemy of these beings.

There are 2 factions of aliens. Each of them has left imprints, developed religious ideas.
Setting us up for pupetually worshipping them without even realizing it.

Many icons are used in context with the species you are trying to make praise to.
The Owls are the greys, Or Reptillians. Their Dna has been spliced by Pathogens. They can no longer Breed in their reptillian forms because they are scarce.
There are hybrids being created to reclaime their lost forms. But for now, the mass morjority of them look sick, Hairless(featherless,scaleless)

The tall Whites and other forms of these beings can attributed to the same *Force* of beings trying to fix their dna from the threatening pathogen that is wiping out their species and degrading their DNA.

When they come here and say they are a dying race, They mean it quite literally. They are running out of time.
That quote is far to often used in many contexts. Religious alligory says aspects such as they only have a window of oppertunity because of portals or some garbage.

Anyways, Point being. The Behemion Grove and washington DC are covetted monuments to Molech.
Baal, The Pleiadians.

That is why it is a Pentagram, Because the Pleiades looks like a Pentagram, The Pleiades is in the Torus constellation.
That is why the bull reference is used.

Where as the Egyptian gods, Are skin walkers. They are night animals. Read the pyramid texts, It glorifies darkness. And in the bible, Yahweh will blot the sky in Darkness.
The Lions are the gate keepers to the underworld. These Egyptian gods. Choose the forms of Jet black Humanlike dogs, Jet black Wolves, Jet black panthers( in places they don't belong obviously)
Bears, Horses, All being Jet black or having a Jet black-ish Gasoline rainbow shimmer.

All of these animal icons veriablly show 2 distinct sides.
One is the light bearer, The illuminati Baal worshippers. On the other side, We have the Egyptian (Atlantean) Covetted Night.

Baal flies in these.

Those are their carrier fleets. If you should ever see a ship that looks like this. You will expect to find Pleiadians abbord of all shapes and sizes. All of which will have Bulbious heads and large eyes.
Ranging from humanlike with blond hair and blue eyes to Fully Grey squat with big black eyes.

And the other Opposing factions Warclass Ships Look something like this. The Egyptian Gods also have carriers as well but they look slightly different. And the pods/war fleets aboard are quite different as well.

The Transportational Pods Look like UFOs where as the Weaponized Destroyer class Fleets look like a cresent Moon.
To attribute their Night power of Elipses, Their fleets are reprisented by stages of the Planetary solar block which is TIME PIN POINT and rare in the galaxy. It is rare that we have a moon that can cast a shadow over its surface and block the sun.

The whole city of Washinton DC was created for Molech, For Baal.

There are SOME egyptian monuments there to make both species happy but not many.
The US is fully under Pleiadian control, The larger half of it.

Believe it or not the military and secret sector of the US is actually divided because of these 2 species.
There are US bases that DO acommidate the Egyptian Gods. These Divisions in the *Elite* have caused many problems. This is why the Elites plans slip so easily and why they become so transparent.
Because one side is trying to expose the other, without triggering a mass wake up from the population.

They can't just disclose all their hidden knowlede because you would get Garbble from both sides.
Ontop of that, They have no idea how we humans would react. Would we all commit suicide or something? Or would the humans horde to one species or the other based on propaganda? This is why its a touchy subject that few have reguarded these issues because simply they are to nieve to believe they exist... but it does.
And that is why the system is crippling itself.

So who are you going to roll with? Im the the skin walkers, how about you

Anubis/Sphinexs for life

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Zaphod58

You may well have a point. I do not know anything about flying..

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:37 AM

reply to post by purplemer

Go get a flight simulator and try a dive bomb attack into something. It's not as easy as you think. During WWII dive bombers with special flaps and training missed constantly.

The other sides had trees and buildings along them that would have made it harder and possibly broken the plane apart before it hit, lessening the damage.

I have already posted the reason. The planes in New York as well as one in Washington DC were flown using remote control, like drones. The so called hijackers were not piloting the plane.

I believe all newer Boeing planes have built in capability to be flown remotely.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

You believe wrong. No plane has that capability built in. They have autopilot which is different, but no commercial airliner has any kind of remote control system built in.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:24 AM


And this is why Yahweh, or (the Gods of Egypt) is the enemy of these beings.

There are 2 factions of aliens. Each of them has left imprints, developed religious ideas.
Setting us up for pupetually worshipping them without even realizing it.

Many icons are used in context with the species you are trying to make praise to.
The Owls are the greys, Or Reptillians. Their Dna has been spliced by Pathogens. They can no longer Breed in their reptillian forms because they are scarce.
There are hybrids being created to reclaime their lost forms. But for now, the mass morjority of them look sick, Hairless(featherless,scaleless)

The tall Whites and other forms of these beings can attributed to the same *Force* of beings trying to fix their dna from the threatening pathogen that is wiping out their species and degrading their DNA.

When they come here and say they are a dying race, They mean it quite literally. They are running out of time.
That quote is far to often used in many contexts. Religious alligory says aspects such as they only have a window of oppertunity because of portals or some garbage.

Anyways, Point being. The Behemion Grove and washington DC are covetted monuments to Molech.
Baal, The Pleiadians.

That is why it is a Pentagram, Because the Pleiades looks like a Pentagram, The Pleiades is in the Torus constellation.
That is why the bull reference is used.

Where as the Egyptian gods, Are skin walkers. They are night animals. Read the pyramid texts, It glorifies darkness. And in the bible, Yahweh will blot the sky in Darkness.
The Lions are the gate keepers to the underworld. These Egyptian gods. Choose the forms of Jet black Humanlike dogs, Jet black Wolves, Jet black panthers( in places they don't belong obviously)
Bears, Horses, All being Jet black or having a Jet black-ish Gasoline rainbow shimmer.

All of these animal icons veriablly show 2 distinct sides.
One is the light bearer, The illuminati Baal worshippers. On the other side, We have the Egyptian (Atlantean) Covetted Night.

Baal flies in these.

Those are their carrier fleets. If you should ever see a ship that looks like this. You will expect to find Pleiadians abbord of all shapes and sizes. All of which will have Bulbious heads and large eyes.
Ranging from humanlike with blond hair and blue eyes to Fully Grey squat with big black eyes.

And the other Opposing factions Warclass Ships Look something like this. The Egyptian Gods also have carriers as well but they look slightly different. And the pods/war fleets aboard are quite different as well.

The Transportational Pods Look like UFOs where as the Weaponized Destroyer class Fleets look like a cresent Moon.
To attribute their Night power of Elipses, Their fleets are reprisented by stages of the Planetary solar block which is TIME PIN POINT and rare in the galaxy. It is rare that we have a moon that can cast a shadow over its surface and block the sun.

The whole city of Washinton DC was created for Molech, For Baal.

There are SOME egyptian monuments there to make both species happy but not many.
The US is fully under Pleiadian control, The larger half of it.

Believe it or not the military and secret sector of the US is actually divided because of these 2 species.
There are US bases that DO acommidate the Egyptian Gods. These Divisions in the *Elite* have caused many problems. This is why the Elites plans slip so easily and why they become so transparent.
Because one side is trying to expose the other, without triggering a mass wake up from the population.

They can't just disclose all their hidden knowlede because you would get Garbble from both sides.
Ontop of that, They have no idea how we humans would react. Would we all commit suicide or something? Or would the humans horde to one species or the other based on propaganda? This is why its a touchy subject that few have reguarded these issues because simply they are to nieve to believe they exist... but it does.
And that is why the system is crippling itself.

So who are you going to roll with? Im the the skin walkers, how about you

Anubis/Sphinexs for life

This is the most accurate post on this thread; this is the truth that the average person cant handle.

Because; when it comes to god worship, or devil worship, demonic entities and those elite bloodlines who carry specific genes (at least in their minds) .. People instantly start to fear, and their ignorance is the best defense mechanism to prevent that.

Fear is very powerful; it can control MASSES on a planetary scale, sounds familular? Fear comes from NOT knowing, from the Un-known. We fear what we do not understand, or have control/power over. To substitute the fear ew use ignorance and pretend in our small minds that it simply does not exist..

There is a spiritual war on this Earth. That is the bottom line. Your ancient ancestors were not crazy-dumb folks living in small villages. Look what they have created, and it still stands. Look at the twin towers, and how esily they fell. What does that tell you about intelligence?

The founders and CONSTRUCTORS of COUNTRIES; are very intelligent and spiritually EQUIPPED indiviudals. Geaorge Washington and Co. Had a very specific agenda, and they did their part. Where do you think the order of travelling to the Western World came from? Who do you think funds all those boats, militar men, food, weapons etc..? It comes from the Royal Bloodlines. That is where the founders of United States got the green light from.

These men are high degree masons. Presidents are usally high degree masons. Even those in contorl of the space agencies, are high degree masons, the astronauts who voyaged space, all masons. Judges, doctors, politicians, high-level lawyers.. All high degree masons.

What is mason? Someone who BUILDS. What do they build? They construct cities and nations via geometric design and energy lines. Meaning, energy grids that run through the Earth, jsut as you a human have energy points running through your body. This allows the structural building to act as a 'block' in the energy grid, which takes the energy and "keeps" or stores it within the structure itself. This has an effect on the surrounding enviroment, or city.

Churches are constructed by who? Masonic architects. Churches are very precise structures, all built on high-energy points on the earth. The Alter of the church is designed in such a way that the energy flows right to it. What are churches used for? Mass spiritual deception and control via spiritual hijack and energetic control.

The pentagon is a pentagram. The scary symbol for 'satanic worship' or witchcraft etc.. People fear anything that has "evil" resembled to it. And again, use ignorance and mental "la la la" defense tactics to prevent the fear from entering their minds, due to what they DONT understand.

Bottomline, as shown in the previous poster, Washingston DC is gemotric design, purposfully created for contorl over the masses who will inhabit the surrounding enviroment. Your on a PLANET, which ahs its OWN energy grid circulating, the contorllers KNOW this, and MANIPULATE that energy grid to energetical control the cities THEY construct. This is TRUE masonry.

What do you think Nikola Tesla figured out? Now add 2 and 2.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by exlibertateveritas

Thanks for all the information. I have some bed time YouTube to watch now..

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 02:03 PM

reply to post by Asktheanimals

Considering that it was the only side of the building they could hit, then what other choice did they have?

The terrorists shrewdly decided to attack the only side of the Pentagon where no ground effect occurs. Hey, what are the odds on that - 1 in 5 maybe? Light poles and a freeway overpass posed no problem for these pilots with mad skillz. They probably learned how to do it from playing video games like Adam Lanza did.

edit on 20-9-2013 by Asktheanimals because: amended statement

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

No, they shrewdly decided to attack the one side that didn't have buildings or trees or other obstacles.

Of course it had ground effect, but you know what? A trained pilot, like Hanjour was, knows what to expect when they hit ground effect.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:06 PM

reply to post by GargIndia

You believe wrong. No plane has that capability built in. They have autopilot which is different, but no commercial airliner has any kind of remote control system built in.

Your masters called NWO are very resourceful.

The key technologies are hidden from public view, and are used by special people in special circumstances.

It is not very difficult for them to choose a few planes and fit them with special devices.

I know what auto-pilot is. But do not assume you know the full capabilities of auto-pilot.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:12 PM
9/11 is suspect because USA knows that Al Qaida is financed by Saudis.

Al Qaida (bin Laden) was used as a conduit for sending Arabic fighters to Afghanistan.

The hitting of towers with pinpoint accuracy by very large airliners (by trainee pilots having no prior experience on that plane) is a miracle.

One can believe in miracles but the reality is typically different.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by GargIndia

I'm willing to bet I know a hell of a lot more about autopilot than you do.

But there's the typical "secret technology" argument.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:37 PM

Interestingly, this side of the Pentagon was the last side that was nearing completion of renovation. 60 years prior to the attacks, on September 11, 1941; construction began on the Pentagon

This is the area of the Pentagon that an investigation into the trillion-plus missing according to GAO was taking place...

You know, the press conference Rummy had the day before 9/11...would have been a HUGE story if not for the "terrorist attack"...

edit on 20-9-2013 by coastlinekid because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by coastlinekid

You mean the money that wasn't missing but hadn't been entered into the main budget for various programs, and the twenty different computer programs that didn't play together couldn't account for, so they were having to do an old fashioned pen and paper audit? That would have turned into a non story if the Pentagon hadn't been attacked?

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 10:35 PM

This is the area of the Pentagon that an investigation into the trillion-plus missing according to GAO was taking place...

The GAO never said there was missing trillion plus - care to provide a source for that claim?

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 10:44 PM

reply to post by GargIndia

I'm willing to bet I know a hell of a lot more about autopilot than you do.

But there's the typical "secret technology" argument.

The modern airliners are computer controlled, just like modern fighters.

What is a cruise missile? Auto pilot + radio control signals.

I agree that you know more than me about auto-pilot. So you cannot deny that an airliner can be converted into a cruise missile if the auto-pilot can receive radio control signals.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 10:47 PM

if the auto-pilot can receive radio control signals.

Well, as a autopilot cannot receive radio control signals.... care to explain how it does that?

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