posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:42 AM
This used to happen to me, maybe once or 2 times a month. But now i can somewhat control it. Atleast i can control when it happens but not the length
of it.
Ok, I lay down (fairly tired), then i try to stay awake with all that i can, even when my eyes shut i keep my mind going about trying to stay awake.
But then it is almost like my eyelids go transparent and i can see the room around me as if they were open but i can feel them closed.
I am not alseep (completely) because I am controling what is happening. While i was like this with my eyes closed but seeing, i moved my arm infront
of me and i could see it. it wasn't as if i was just dreaming the exact room i was in. It is the oddest feeling in the world.
I dunno it's weird but it only last for about 30 secs - 1 minute.
Anyone else have this happened to them?
[Edit: Spelling]
[edit on 13-11-2004 by _BLiND_]