reply to post by vidiot36
I think vidiot36 does have a point.
It costs a -lot- of money to do all that stuff.
No one here gets mad at corporations for crazy exaggerated advertisements. As well no one should, because it's obvious what they are doing.
So then the people that are running these shows have no illusion to the fact that everyone knows what they are doing.
As well, most of the people who judge these people perform much worse than that which they judge.
I have seen these programs before, and sometimes I do indeed dislike the con-artist vibe that I get from them. That vibe goes with the personality
though. Just because I get the vibe, it doesn't mean someone is actually a con-artist; but they have the personality.
People think I'm always angry because of my countenance and my eyes are sharp. But I'm not angry at all. I'm extremely happy.
I'm displeased with the world in general, but that doesn't rule my heart.
Just like one can come off as a con-artist, and you, because you are already judgmental about Christianity (while knowing nothing about it, and yet,
thinking you do, because you judge that which you've never actually experienced) are also a con-artist; it is within your personality. You are
selling your version of what is going on.
That is what communication is. It's selling yourself. 100% of the time. There is no communication that is not selling yourself.
Who you are resides completely in every word you utter, and everything thing you do. And the world receives what you do and tastes you and judges you
for it.
Now just like little whiny babies will taste with their eyes, then with their tongues, and will choose to not eat green peas; which when they become
mature, they eat, because they realized the acquired taste and realize just how incredibly good the food is for you.
So you have tasted with your eyes, and it wasn't appealing. And you have tasted with your tongue, and the texture was off.
But if you had ingested and tested the spirit of that which you judge, you would have found you woke up the next day more alert, stronger, and your
rectum wouldn't be choking on crap.
There are indeed con-artists. But you didn't notice that the peas are set next to other food, and the peas are set on a plate that had to be made,
and that plate was served, and all the food was cooked on many expensive appliances, and the appliances were fashioned, and the fuel for those
appliances provided, and the machines which provide that fuel, and their maintenance, back to the people which drive those machines and those people
also must eat; and the nature which produces the food which must be harvested and gleaned and stored and packaged and shipped and quality checks must
be enforced at every step; and this is only one narrow point to the entire process. This does not include so many other aspects just to get those
peas to you, whiny babies, which you rejected because you don't like the color or its texture, being ignorant of its wealth of health to you.
And so sometimes parents do indeed try to con their little babies into taking in what they know is good for them. But it's not a con; it's just a
much sweeter version of the truth so that they are willing to ingest and then to understand the reality; which directly matches the sweeter version of
the truth, but only maturity is able to understand the sweetness; just like children do not taste the sweetness of corn because they are accustomed to
the strong sugars, but adults do.
So we mash up the peas, and we add a little spice and a little sugar and we mix it with some sweet potatoes, and we spoon feed it to the babies and
the babies eat it up. Now the teenagers are standing by saying, "You are so evil, you made little brother eat something he didn't like, just like
you make me do things I don't like. You're just out to make sure we're uncomfortable. I hate you." As the teenager walks to their bedroom,
which is inside, away from the elements, to play on their electronic toys, which are not necessary, but are for the comfort of the rebellious fool.
A teenager is supposed to be mature enough to start developing their tastes. But if they are constantly rebellious and whiny and too afraid to put
food into themselves that doesn't taste good at first, so that they might be stronger, then they will grow weak, more rebellious, more foolish, and
they will spend the rest of their lives being on top only if they continue to manipulate, lie, and take for granted all the things which they could
never do for themselves.
For it is these foolish kids that think to themselves, "I can do all of this by myself." When they haven't yet been faced with the reality of
sleeping in a ditch.
And so you are sleeping in a ditch, the whiny babies that judge only by sight, and are not even honest enough to judge all the angles of that which
you see, so that you are better able to make an accurate assessment of the situation.
Because it is true that there are some false prophets, but if you do not believe in the Lord, you certainly have no say in the matter; and at that,
because you don't have the truth in you yet, then how could you know if someone was doing good in the first place?
Because the Lord works in very mysterious ways. Those who shine a little light in the darkness try to reveal what they want you to see; but those
that shine brighter than the sun will blind you and you will understand nothing.
If something is so offensive to your eyes, then take your own advice: Just like you judge those (and you judge accurately) that claim to be Christian
and yet yell and scream and throw fits at homosexuals and the like, do you not say, "Well, they must have a hidden issue of attraction for them to be
fighting this thing so hard, because it's obvious they are not right." -- Don't be so hypocritical, but learn to judge yourselves the same way. If
something becomes so offensive to you, ask yourself, "Is that because there is something there to which I actually relate?"
Because it is my firm belief, especially for you supposed atheists, that you genuinely know God exists and I think you prove it with your attraction
to the topics and your boldness in opposition.
But how can you be violently opposed to that which does not exist? Then you would be a HUGE fool, and completely insane at that.
So therefore you are being called to better things. But you strive against the calling because you believe you will lose your identity and you will
lose your freedom and your choices.
But that is completely and utterly wrong. And that error does exist within the church, and that is not how things work.
For God gave you the spirit that He willed for you. Therefore your desire belongs to Him. Now some things may not be right, but if they are not
right, and you believe yourself to be honest, then are you afraid to face those few things that might not be right? And then you might not have
desires that are not right; you might just be kicking against the pricks and judging YOURSELF too harshly, based upon the supposed ideas of other
people that claim to be children of God, but yet they are not; and you wouldn't know it, because you perceive that they are, but your vision is
clouded by your hypocritical judgment.
Now if you will give your desires to God, who is greater than the name which we give Him in our limited human languages; and you will understand the
truth about what has been said, and this only by first taking in the baby's milk, and then by learning to eat that which is good for you, and then
learning to develop your tastes, and then learning to love the tastes; then, in this way, you will be able to grow strong and be who you are and yet
also belong to God, because you cannot be who you truly are until you give yourself to the one who formed every fiber; no, every quark of your body,
your mind, and every facet of your spirit, which is a diamond requiring much time and effort in shaping so that the light is broken up into perfect
colors and sparkles; instead of being absorbed into a novelty piece of old hard coal.
Enjoy your consideration, for the few of you that will actually sit in silence for a few seconds, have integrity, and contemplate these words.