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Syrian Rebels Furious At U.S.-Russian Deal

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:18 PM

So that begs the question, if the UN sends in international forces to deal with the chemical weapons and the Syrian rebels start shooting at them will the US end up allied with Russia in fighting them?

I beleive we said if this joint effort fails, we will seek a UN security resolution. Whether that means we will start supporting Assad, I have no idea.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:02 PM


So that begs the question, if the UN sends in international forces to deal with the chemical weapons and the Syrian rebels start shooting at them will the US end up allied with Russia in fighting them?

I beleive we said if this joint effort fails, we will seek a UN security resolution. Whether that means we will start supporting Assad, I have no idea.

Maybe so but that's not really the point I was getting at. If we go along with the UN and Russia now and join them in securing Assad's chemical weapons the rebels have said plainly they are going to have none of that. That means they are going to be shooting at us. We will shoot back. We end up supporting Assad simply by fighting the rebels.

Of course we may not join with the UN securing the CM's but I doubt that will happen.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Bassago

What a total cluster-f__ way to go CIA for placing the US between a rock and a hard place, what an abysmal FAIL the entire policy has been, what a crying shame, what a disgrace.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 07:47 PM
Snowden's got something a lot bigger than anyone knows yet, and the Russians are enjoying a little gesticulating; getting the usa to heel on the world stage...

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:32 AM

St Udio
reply to post by Bassago

i guarantee that 0bama will ratchet up the arms supplies and the increased manpower to be paid to wreak destruction on the Syrian regime despite (or as a result of...) the delayed missile & bombing attacks on that nation

in the long run, the USA will be more-so on the sidelines as the 0bama tactic of hired FSA assassins & various beheaders is ramped up to the point of insanity... which will make all those rebel factions even more powerful & better armed.....


As the days unfold... there are a few of us that see the hidden plots & schemes by the current WH occupant

just as the excerpt above states...the cruise missile strikes against Syria has been 'set aside' for now...

and here's how Øbama has manipulated the access to even more arms to the anti-Assad groups of AQ & others and now even the Jihadists that were never vetted to recieve arms, ammo, money from the USA. ~Are Now Receiving Arms & Ammo by Executive Decision that suspends the law ~ !!

It seems that Øbama has set-aside the law which specifically denied arms deliveries to terrorist orgs.

But, in the same breath is once again touting anti-gun measures for the USA general population, found on this thread:

that's just the first point that shows that the secret agenda of Øbama is to very sneekily assist the Islamic/Muslim world to the displeasure of the present Shadow Government-(neocon-zionist-banker-corporate cabal in charge since Before Clinton , BC)
((see the SG want's Syria as a whole nation as a puppet regime, 0bama wants the Muslim factions to cut up the nation into a dozen States (balkenized)))

the next major point, Which is going under reported is that Øbama and the Supreme Leader in Iran cut a secret deal
Obama softens on nuclear Iran: Keep components, just promise not to weaponise them
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis September 18, 2013, 8:55 AM (IDT)

Talk about a death blow to the neocon-zionists (who formed the nuke Iran strategy...)
0bama now is trusting the Iranian Supreme Leader, Khamenei on a good-faith gesture rather than the past policy of Trust But Verify...

Is the 0bama love-fest with theMuslim world becoming evident to youse ?

I'm no fan of Netenyahoo of Israel...but he has sure been thrown-under-the-bus, eh
wake up to Øbama...sitting in secret and manipulating the geopolitical turnings of the world & the USA without representation

edit on 18-9-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 03:52 PM

St Udio

As the days unfold... there are a few of us that see the hidden plots & schemes by the current WH occupant

that's just the first point that shows that the secret agenda of Øbama is to very sneekily assist the Islamic/Muslim world to the displeasure of the present Shadow Government-(neocon-zionist-banker-corporate cabal in charge since Before Clinton , BC)
((see the SG want's Syria as a whole nation as a puppet regime, 0bama wants the Muslim factions to cut up the nation into a dozen States (balkenized)))

I'm no fan of Netenyahoo of Israel...but he has sure been thrown-under-the-bus, eh
wake up to Øbama...sitting in secret and manipulating the geopolitical turnings of the world & the USA without representation

I'm no fan of Obama's or the shadow government as you pointed them out above but there appears to be a power struggle within the SG. I don't think Obama has either the brains or the influence to be doing this on his own. Not even partially.

He's getting his marching orders from somewhere and I don't think it's the zionist-neocon faction. My guess is the banker-corporate faction has him completely under control. Follow the money interests in controlling Syria's pipelines and resources. Haven't they already bought him a 10 million dollar home in Hawaii for when he leaves office and who knows what else? Wouldn't want to lose all that now would we?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by St Udio

linking to my worldview about the Øbama dark-schemes...(just for reference)

there is an article today (18 Sept) that almost 'sees' the actions by 0bama as being focused on Socialism rather than focused on radical Islam

compare the points and trend from this article :

the author says to us that Øbama has morphed the pre-existing policies of regime-change/occupying Power NeoCons-Zionists-Banker-Corporate cartel (Shadow Government) from a GWBush Axis-of-Evil to an Øbama-Axis....

it escapes this author that the Øbama doctrine/Paradigm is to enable radical Muslims & the Muslim Brotherhood as a moderate force-of-change ... to openly deceive the public as to the real intentions of his actions

it is almost as Øbama is both destroying the foundations of America (as opposed to the USA...which is his vehicle for his promised " Transformation ")...
and creating the Chaos conditions needed for the Mahdi/12th Imam (the Divinely Guided One) to return to the World

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:42 PM


I'm no fan of Obama's or the shadow government as you pointed them out above but there appears to be a power struggle within the SG. I don't think Obama has either the brains or the influence to be doing this on his own. Not even partially.

He's getting his marching orders from somewhere and I don't think it's the zionist-neocon faction. My guess is the banker-corporate faction has him completely under control. Follow the money interests in controlling Syria's pipelines and resources. Haven't they already bought him a 10 million dollar home in Hawaii for when he leaves office and who knows what else? Wouldn't want to lose all that now would we?

You are exactly correct...0bama has a minor input as to fighting against the SG for doctrine/policy power,,,
someone or some cabal of Globalists wants to de-fang the existing big-dog-on-the-porch (i.e.; neocon led SG)

0bama does have a lifelong revolutionary./reactionary longing for decimating the USA government Powers-that-be
It is in his upbringing, higher education and personal core belief system

but he is on-board with the Puppet Masters instructing 0bama to give the Muslims & Islam the force and authority of the USA War Machine ...and taking away the power of the NeoCons-Zionists who have led this nations policies since Clinton at least....

there is indeed a 'Change" going on... a Paradigm Shift that favors the Muslims...but disguised as something like Political Correctness instead of something which could be considered a high-crime...
he is walking a very narrow p[ath that requires a deft style of gait

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:55 PM
Well we knew the time would come when the FSA and Al Quaida backed groups would start fighting. I thought that Western airstrikes giving the rebels the upper hand would do it but, it seems that just the flow of US aid has started it. It will be interesting to watch is the radical groups split their efforts between the FSA and Assad or focus soley on the FSA.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:59 PM

What a total cluster-f__ way to go CIA for placing the US between a rock and a hard place, what an abysmal FAIL the entire policy has been, what a crying shame, what a disgrace.

This cluster # come squarely from the oval office *No pun imho. How else could all this go this bad unless it wasn't?

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You know they say... "When things hit bottom the only way left is up."

Opps looks like we haven't hit bottom yet.

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria

Is it at the bottom yet? Somehow I doubt it.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Bassago

i guarantee that 0bama will ratchet up the arms supplies and the increased manpower to be paid to wreak destruction on the Syrian regime despite (or as a result of...) the delayed missile & bombing attacks on that nation

in the long run, the USA will be more-so on the sidelines as the 0bama tactic of hired FSA assassins & various beheaders is ramped up to the point of insanity... which will make all those rebel factions even more powerful & better armed.....


As the days unfold... there are a few of us that see the hidden plots & schemes by the current WH occupant

just as the excerpt above states...the cruise missile strikes against Syria has been 'set aside' for now...

and here's how Øbama has manipulated the access to even more arms to the anti-Assad groups of AQ & others and now even the Jihadists that were never vetted to recieve arms, ammo, money from the USA. ~Are Now Receiving Arms & Ammo by Executive Decision that suspends the law ~ !!

It seems that Øbama has set-aside the law which specifically denied arms deliveries to terrorist orgs.

But, in the same breath is once again touting anti-gun measures for the USA general population, found on this thread:

that's just the first point that shows that the secret agenda of Øbama is to very sneekily assist the Islamic/Muslim world to the displeasure of the present Shadow Government-(neocon-zionist-banker-corporate cabal in charge since Before Clinton , BC)
((see the SG want's Syria as a whole nation as a puppet regime, 0bama wants the Muslim factions to cut up the nation into a dozen States (balkenized)))

the next major point, Which is going under reported is that Øbama and the Supreme Leader in Iran cut a secret deal
Obama softens on nuclear Iran: Keep components, just promise not to weaponise them
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis September 18, 2013, 8:55 AM (IDT)

Talk about a death blow to the neocon-zionists (who formed the nuke Iran strategy...)
0bama now is trusting the Iranian Supreme Leader, Khamenei on a good-faith gesture rather than the past policy of Trust But Verify...

Is the 0bama love-fest with theMuslim world becoming evident to youse ?

I'm no fan of Netenyahoo of Israel...but he has sure been thrown-under-the-bus, eh
wake up to Øbama...sitting in secret and manipulating the geopolitical turnings of the world & the USA without representation


earlier in this thread i spoke of the 0bama hidden scheme of displacing the neocon-zionists that have controlled war policies since 2001 at least...
and the 0bama self delusion drivfe of being the force for Muslims that causes the chaos necessary for the Mahdi to appear & conquer the world for Islam...

well tune in to Info Wars .com and hear Alex talk of the 'breaking news'
that Obama is in a secret conspitracy with his brother in Kenya to fund/support/ give unlimited status & support to ALL Muslim radicals in the world for the purpose of creating a bloc against Russia-China & the USA-NATO-EU empire

syria is just a model for total domination and fragementation of the former nation into warlord territories instead of recognized borders of governmental entities that western culture recognizes

the radicals under the Saudi shield of protection and the might of 0bama's god-of-forces in support are the new geopolitical paradigm being brought into existance & might result in a caliphate with a retired US president as one of the founding-fathers
edit on 23-9-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:41 PM
It's beginning to look like the U.S., Russia, and Saudi Arabia are going to be the next axis powers . . .
Along with the jihad, global terrorism organizations they are now supporting.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:24 AM
If US is secretly aligned with AQ, how is it that "enemy" detainees of both high and low value found themselves the target of alleged torture by CIA? Guantanamo and Abu-gr ome to mind.

It makes sense that the US could have used it's assets in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as moles to draw in or (draw out) true extremists....and set them up for a fall. KSM was captured quite rapidly, as I recall.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 09:13 PM

If US is secretly aligned with AQ, how is it that "enemy" detainees of both high and low value found themselves the target of alleged torture by CIA? Guantanamo and Abu-gr ome to mind.

Perhaps this is just public theater for the US sheep. We have to look tough on AQ right? *Presto* Guantanamo = Instant USA tough guy.

Honestly that's just a guess, probably wrong at that. Maybe things are just such a mess now nobody is safe.

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