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Bill Maher: "America must stop asking, "Why do they hate us?'"

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:06 PM
Bill Maher should know what it is like to be hated.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:31 PM

From time to time he does get things right and this he nailed. America has no business telling other countries what to do or who can rule them.

He didn't nail it very well. We are more like someone with split personality disorder......we bomb muslins one day and then bomb their enemies the next.....who may or may not be muslins of some sort.

We bombed the Serbs to protect the muslins there, then kissed the Koran in Iraq to make the Muslims happy, then bombed the muslin fundamentalists in Afghanistan, then helped the muslins in Libya by bombing Kaddafi, now we are about to help the muslins again by bombing a small group of sect Alawites in Assad. We have only been at war with radicals in Afghanistan and radicals in Iraq who are not liked very much by muslins at large in those countries. That's a clearer picture.

Bombing Assad would be consistent with what we have been doing for the most part.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:50 PM



reply to post by snapperski

As a non-American, I can confirm that everyone I have ever spoken to about the US pretty much agrees with everything he has said.

How many of these people know actual Americans and have been to America? It's not like it is on t.v.

None of us need to visit the US to know that several successive administrations have arrogantly, aggressively and psychotically stomped their way round the planet like a spoiled child.
And whether you like it or not, not many non-Americans admire the US's self deluded, hypocritical moral superiority.

No so much spoiled. After having to spend ourselves, not as bad as some in lives lost, in two world wars and then do most of the heavy lifting in the rebuild afterwards, we decided that for our own personal protection we needed to stay geared up for the next mess we had to bail the rest of you incompetents out of. Granted this always didn't work out like we had hoped but then we are talking about the rest of the world that cant get along. Oh and we have gotten used to helping folks out only to have them stab us in the back starting with Russia when they ended up with much of the land that Hitler and the whole dimwit nation that followed him had wanted in the first place. So we have know for a long time that no matter who we help we might get stabbed in the back but do it anyway. And lastly it would seem no matter who gets into a major foreign policy fiasco its going to end up washing up on our shores anyway.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:02 PM




reply to post by snapperski

As a non-American, I can confirm that everyone I have ever spoken to about the US pretty much agrees with everything he has said.

How many of these people know actual Americans and have been to America? It's not like it is on t.v.

None of us need to visit the US to know that several successive administrations have arrogantly, aggressively and psychotically stomped their way round the planet like a spoiled child.
And whether you like it or not, not many non-Americans admire the US's self deluded, hypocritical moral superiority.

No so much spoiled. After having to spend ourselves, not as bad as some in lives lost, in two world wars and then do most of the heavy lifting in the rebuild afterwards, we decided that for our own personal protection we needed to stay geared up for the next mess we had to bail the rest of you incompetents out of. Granted this always didn't work out like we had hoped but then we are talking about the rest of the world that cant get along. Oh and we have gotten used to helping folks out only to have them stab us in the back starting with Russia when they ended up with much of the land that Hitler and the whole dimwit nation that followed him had wanted in the first place. So we have know for a long time that no matter who we help we might get stabbed in the back but do it anyway. And lastly it would seem no matter who gets into a major foreign policy fiasco its going to end up washing up on our shores anyway.

Yes it washes up on our shore because we keep sticking our noses in where it doesn't belong. What happens in a country thousands of miles away from America is none of our business. This should be our foreign policy. Trade with all nations allied with none.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by buster2010

We had a policy like that after WWI. Our foot dragging to abandon it helped Hitler rise to power. In fact our foreign policy has developed over the decades in large part because the rest of the world cant keep their problems confined to their own business.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:33 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Maybe Bill is an ATS poster/lurker and a Beezer fan............

After 911 I was all rah rah war and let's kick some ass, I realize now I was a combination of brainwashed and ignorant. It's nice to see so many more people waking up.

I feel sorry for those still in the ignorant/brainwashed state, obviously there are still a few on here.

I remember playing "CS" counterstrike. Where you plays as the good Counterterrorist. CT vs. T the evil Terrorist. But i was like allready brianwashed a little of the game. But 911 made mé Wantet to bomb all the ME to
but what 3-4years later i Waked up. 2008 joined ATS

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 04:39 PM


I would think a political satirist slams both sides not just the right side.

Did you even watch the video that opens this thread........?

Do you see anything in the video or in the text of the OP's post insertions that refers the reader/listener to the "right"? Seems to me that Maher went after the left.

As a a "political satirist" Bill Maher has the right to go after whomever he chooses - left or right - fair and balanced or not - that's his business and to tell you the truth there is no room for criticism of him on that account.

Given that - your post stretches the bounds of logic - sorry, but it looks as though you never did look at the video. Don't feel too upset about it though - you have plenty of company inasmuch as there are several here who have made critical comments for and against BM without having opened YouTube.
edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 04:49 PM

reply to post by buster2010

We had a policy like that after WWI. Our foot dragging to abandon it helped Hitler rise to power. In fact our foreign policy has developed over the decades in large part because the rest of the world cant keep their problems confined to their own business.

Yes, you're right, it's the whole rest of the world that's to blame, every conflict that the US has been involved in was brought to their door and they had no choice but to selflessly save everyone involved.

God Bless America!

Hitler's rise to power was an issue for the German people, not the US.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:14 PM



I would think a political satirist slams both sides not just the right side.

Did you even watch the video that opens this thread........?

Do you see anything in the video or in the text of the OP's post insertions that refers the reader/listener to the "right"? Seems to me that Maher went after the left.

As a a "political satirist" Bill Maher has the right to go after whomever he chooses - left or right - fair and balanced or not - that's his business and to tell you the truth there is no room for criticism of him on that account.

Given that - your post stretches the bounds of logic - sorry, but it looks as though you never did look at the video. Don't feel too upset about it though - you have plenty of company inasmuch as there are several here who have made critical comments for and against BM without having opened YouTube.
edit on 15-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

I have watched his show several times and if he leaned any farther left he would not need a right leg. Just because you pick one little piece of his work and say look, doesnt discount the rest of his normal ranting commentary. Rush Limbaugh slams the GOP daily but nobody would call him anything but right leaning. And yes I watched the video.
He might be trying to make a point and he might be correct, but you also have to consider the source.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by snapperski

I'm not much of a Bill Maher fan, but he sums things up so well in this video.

I just wanted to take a moment to say something about Bill many folks don't like him because they consider him to be a "liberal"; whereas, in reality, he is a Libertarian. Yeah, so he bashes on the Conservatives a lot, but he bashes on Liberals too. If his comentary seems lopsided, it's because the D's are closer to being Libertatian than the R's. It's just that simple.

Bill Maher always tells it like it is....conservative translation: he's a hippie liberal scum bag.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:23 PM

reply to post by buster2010

We had a policy like that after WWI. Our foot dragging to abandon it helped Hitler rise to power. In fact our foreign policy has developed over the decades in large part because the rest of the world cant keep their problems confined to their own business.

Oh please Americas foreign policy had nothing to do with Hitlers rise to power. In fact Hitler was extremely popular on the world scene until WW2. Complain to the money men that backed Hitler they were responsible for Hitlers rise to power. Our foreign policy has developed over the decades this way because there is money in it for the people that buy politicians. Show one nation where the government has said please involve yourself in our internal affairs.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 06:26 PM

reply to post by snapperski

I'm not much of a Bill Maher fan, but he sums things up so well in this video.

I just wanted to take a moment to say something about Bill many folks don't like him because they consider him to be a "liberal"; whereas, in reality, he is a Libertarian. Yeah, so he bashes on the Conservatives a lot, but he bashes on Liberals too. If his comentary seems lopsided, it's because the D's are closer to being Libertatian than the R's. It's just that simple.

Bill Maher always tells it like it is....conservative translation: he's a hippie liberal scum bag.

Glenn beck is a libertarian too. You are way off the mark calling ( D's) closer to libertarian.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:29 PM

reply to post by snapperski

As a non-American, I can confirm that everyone I have ever spoken to about the US pretty much agrees with everything he has said.

Is your comment supposed to hurt our feelings? I could give a flying hoot what anyone thinks of America.

You are all so quick to judge us, while you type on your laptops, use your Iphones, use the Internet, drive your cars, listen to our music and sit in your air conditioned homes.

Me thinks the haters are hypocrites.

America is part of who you are.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by TheOutcast

I think it would be prudent to point your fingers at our government and not at the American people.

It's not like we're German citizens here, blindly following a brutal dictator and willingly snuffing out millions of lives of our fellow men.

American citizens have had a strong record of anti-war sentiments for a very long time.

Conversely, we are sick and tired of having to deal with the Middle East----wars and protests and brutal killings and the mistreatment of women and children.

If you have to have a country to hate, there are certainly other candidates, are their not?

Have you ever taken a look at China's human rights record? The brutal killings by dictators in Africa?

Perhaps your hatred would be better placed in one of those countries. They certainly need the world's attention much more than we do.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by MRuss

If most of the US was like New England, or other small aware/enlightened enclaves around the US, we probably wouldn't have the problems we have today. New England is definitely not representative of the rest of the US, I shouldn't have to point that out to a New Englander.

Also, the last time I checked, China didn't have over 700 overseas military bases around the world.

edit on 15-9-2013 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by snapperski

I was saying just the other day, having the world's largest military, stockpiles of chemical and nuclear weapons and nearly the world's worst education system for critical thinking is way too dangerous of a combination.

We aren't just the schoolyard bully, we aren't just terrorists, we aren't just an evil villain, we are a completely insane and delusional evil villain with the capability to attack people with weapons for no reason whatsoever.

There is no rhyme or reason about who we are going to attack next, it is completely unpredictable. I don't understand how people don't see that...

If Iran was acting like that, we would have already wiped them out - but Iran hasn't attacked anyone for centuries.
edit on 16-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:07 AM

It's not like we're German citizens here, blindly following a brutal dictator and willingly snuffing out millions of lives of our fellow men.

American citizens have had a strong record of anti-war sentiments for a very long time.

Actually, we have switched from being America to being The Homeland, which takes its roots directly from Nazi Germany - so we are kind of all Nazi German citizens at the moment.

I'm sure there are some people who disagree with this whole situation, like me, but if you are talking about labels -

Well, we haven't started killing off millions of our fellow citizens yet, but there are a lot of totalitarian movements out there, especially with the bad economy, so peer pressure is higher than I've ever seen it, especially for adults, who have to fit in in order to get enough money for food or rent.
edit on 16-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:58 AM

Zanti Misfit
reply to post by snapperski

Why would any Logical Thinking Person give a Rats Rear End what Mr.Bill thinks about anything ? The Man is Mentally Unstable , has a T.V. Show , and makes a Pretty Penny Peddling his Personal Ravings from Soup to Nuts . Deny Ignorance is something Billy Boy could never Grasp as long as he Opens his Mouth and Opines to his hearts content to his Gullable Audience of Brain Dead Worthless Eaters......

Wow. Incredibly vague and unsubstantiated insults directed at Bill Maher. Clearly your opinion must be more well-informed and thought out than his. You've swayed me to change my opinion of Mr. Maher. Keep on denying ignorance.


posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 06:00 AM

reply to post by buster2010

We had a policy like that after WWI. Our foot dragging to abandon it helped Hitler rise to power. In fact our foreign policy has developed over the decades in large part because the rest of the world cant keep their problems confined to their own business.

Ah, the old "but Hitler! So we can do anything we want!" claim. If only it wasn't an utter logical fallacy.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:19 AM


reply to post by snapperski

As a non-American, I can confirm that everyone I have ever spoken to about the US pretty much agrees with everything he has said.

Is your comment supposed to hurt our feelings? I could give a flying hoot what anyone thinks of America.
This is not a discussion about is a discussion about how American foreign policy comes back and bites America in the arse. Americans are a great people, but their government lumbers around creating enemies so that a small percentage get richer. Can't understand why that is such a mystery to some.

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