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This is the picture Phil Schneider presented showing a humanoid alien with his father.

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posted on Oct, 3 2015 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

yep..still see the bumps!
your right.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
Well, its a bit odd that he died not that long after he went live with that video feed and "came out" with all of this Dulce stuff. Do I believe it though? Nah, at least not a lot of it. But I think there is truth in it.

Dis Info Dis Infomation.

80% Truth 20% False .

20% Truth 80% False.

just have to weed out the bull#

look for signs ... Emotional Disruption & Body Lanquage.

Schnider is Flat Line, Mostly all Monotone.. Speaker

which is hard to tell.. as Monotone's isnt much of a story teller
Ive known a few.. teacher's like that, the one's that puts you to Sleep.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 12:27 AM
one of the thing's that stands out about Phil Schneider for me is....

Watch this Video at 34:30 min Mark.. to 36:34 Mark

This is what really blows my mind.

the same thing that Phil has mentioned about the WTC
Bombing in 1993 is what some have mentioned about the
molted Steel in the 911 Attack of 2001
of the World Trade Center Towers when they came down.

Phil Mentioned about Construction ed Nuclear Weapons
in the 1993 bombing of the WTC , 6 years before the 911
WTC event ..

He also said, the Concrete was Puddled and Melted ,
The Re-bar extruded 6 feet longer then its length
of the WTC Bombing in 1993

Sound like the Same Strangeness of 911

Obviously he knew about something.

edit on 02015SundayfAmerica/Chicago10276 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Wolfenz

I think you are letting your imagination get the best of you.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Mads1987
Took me about 5 minutes on google to find the same picture in much better quality.

Gotta be honest - he look pretty normal to me. I am even tempted to say that his nose and perhaps his entire face has been photoshop in the picture from the OP.

LINK - for a slightly bigger version.

The alien looks alot like the guy himself to me.

edit on 4-10-2015 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Wolfenz

I think you are letting your imagination get the best of you.

Really ..

do some research .. of what some legit "risking their reputation" Professors , Scientist's , of metallurgist , Well known Architect's, have found , and who calling its Bluff..

well what did the Fire Fighters and rescuers had to say ?

9/11 Molten Steel At World Trade Center Site For Weeks After The 1 Hour Fires

Scientists Examine the Molten Steel that Lingered for Weeks Underneath WTC 1, 2 & 7 on 9/11 - Many Surprises Found

as i said Phil knew about something

Especially being a Geologist, and Underground Base Engineer.

and Claimed to Worked With Nuclear Powered Heat Generated Rock Melting Tunnelers .
that also coated the walls by slightly melting the Walls of a newly formed Tunnel . also it Melted
Iron ore Veins ..

and about the Rock Melting Tunneler.

JPL has been playing with a Device since the mid 60s
for the Sole Purpose of Tunneling Bases on the Moon

all on the site called information Bridge now formally Dept of Energy : OSTI.GOV

( well this one is in 1973 ) but it goes back much earlier !
Rapid excavation by rock melting. LASL subterrene program, December 31, 1972--September 1, 1973

Research is continuing on establishing the technical and economic feasibility of excavation systems based upon the rockmelting (Subterrene) concept. A series of electrically powered, small-diameter prototype melting penetrators have been developed and tested. Research activities include optimizing penetrator configurations, designing high-performance heater systems, and improving refractory-metals technology. The properties of the glass linings that are automatically formed on the melted holes are being investigated for a wide variety of rocks and soils. Thermal and fluid-mechanics analyses of the melt flows are being conducted with the objective of optimizing penetraton designs. Initial economic models of the rock-melting concept extended to large tunnelers are being developed. Field tests and demonstrations of the prototype devices continue to be performed in a wide range of rock and soil types. The conceptual design of the electrically powered, self-propelled, remotely guided, horizontal tunnel-alignment prospecting system (Geoprospector) has been initiated. Such a device will also find applications in energy transmission, i.e., utility and pipeline installations. The long-term goal of the research is to develop the technology and prototype hardware that will ultimately lead to large tunneling devices, with improved advance rates and reduced tunnel project costs. The rockmelting concept includes elements that will result in innovative solutions to the three major functional areas of tunneling: rock disintegration, materials handling, and hole-support linings. The proposed excavation method, which is relatively insensitive to variations in rock formation, produces a liquid melt that can be chilled to a glass and formed into a dense, strong, firmly attached hole lining. Unique applications to large automated tunneling systems, ultradeep coring for geoscience research, and hot-rock penetration for geothermal energy development are being investigated,

In case you missed it People ...

The properties of the glass linings that are automatically formed on the melted holes are being investigated for a wide variety of rocks and soils. Thermal and fluid-mechanics analyses of the melt flows are being conducted with the objective of optimizing penetraton designs. Initial economic models of the rock-melting concept extended to large tunnelers are being developed

let that sink in...

glass linings aka Melting a coat of Rock

Initial economic models of the rock-melting concept extended to large tunnelers are being developed

Hmm to Large Tunnelers yup... being developed in 1973 or
they already have them jut not into perfection as they want it to be.

ok let go on to the topic :

The Alien .. called Thor ..

the Bull Neck, Long fingered, bumpy on the side of his head, chisel chin
Norse Aryan Alien.

edit on 02015SundayfAmerica/Chicago10276 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Wolfenz

911?? This thread is about a picture, and it is a picture of a human. If you see anything non human you are just being imaginative. Focus guy.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Wolfenz

911?? This thread is about a picture, and it is a picture of a human. If you see anything non human you are just being imaginative. Focus guy.

What Really it is ???

I Know it is ...

if you care to look back in the thread

.. I made a Statement about about his Lectures on Video.

and one of the things of what he mentioned WTC 1993 Bombing .
and what was said in the 911 Attack of the Towers of Melted Concrete and Metal
the Same thing He mention in 1995 about the 1993 wtc bombing

I hope you under stand this ..

but the other poster continued about it ..

I made a Statement as why i believes in some of the things
he has said.

Now about the Norse looking Alien, The Philadelphia Experiment
with his father involvement .., is kind of far fetched ,
although someone claimed that they can identify Nuclear Scientist
in that picture..

and if you continue to look back
i posted about the Strangeness anomalies of that Alien called
Valiant Thor in that Photo..
and some also mention that's Phil's father behind the Alien.

now, is his Career Background check, legit
where he was , who he worked for , payments,
in all, what about his collage , does
Phil have any degrees , credentials ?
you would think , the government would expose him
as a fraud , a Faker, I haven't see that.. have you?

well 2 lecture pics phil holding the Same Photo" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 05:18 PM
HI! ATS newbie here! Looks like I've inadvertently stumbled upon an interesting community!

After spending quite awhile watching and reading Phil's material, I found this thread regarding Valthor (after sifting thorugh 20 pages of this thread's posts). I appreciate all the good information provided and wanted to revive the thread with some tidbits that I took away from the material that weren't noted here, as I respect Phil for his courage and sacrifice for the American people.

He allegedly fought the gov't in court regarding his father's pictures being left to him in his will. This says to me the pictures were of enough concern to try and get them from his possession, and he won. (Now that he is dead, where are the pictures?)

Going back through the audio, He begins talking about the pictures with :
"my father left me these pictures, of what he took at Bikini Island, Operation Crossroads."...."Taken 12 of July 1946"
(Holds up the Bikini Atoll picture and mentions the UFO in the picture) ..."They knew then" ...

He introduces Al Bielek as the next speaker then says:

"I also have a picture of a supposed non human ..alien.. called Valthor that worked for the pentagon ..he still works for the pentagon, in 56/58 years hes not changed, he still looks young.... Don't know what kind of alien he is, hes a few inches shy of 8 feet tall."

*At this point he moves on from the photos. I believe the "pictures" he is alleging his father took, were literally taken from files. While he mentions his father developed a high speed camera used to capture the UFO in the Bikini photo, that doesn't explicitly imply he took the photographs himself. -- Nor does it imply that the Valthor photo was taken July 12, 1946.

And Finally - He says later in the audio:

"I spent $78,000 getting these kinds of pictures away from the gov't after my father willed them to me."
He then Claims: he has 7000 pictures, detailed files, Alien artifacts and metals.

If you study the way he speaks of that photo, he isn't claiming much in the way of his knowledge of Valthor. In fact the way he words the Valthor picture's summary is suspect of hearsay. As if he was connecting dots from other information he obtained from others like him. This could be the discrepancy of his allegations about Valthor, As well as the misunderstanding that July 12 1946 was the date the Valthor picture was taken.

This could also explain why he could have "lied" as he might have not known this was wrong information at the time OR that this particular individual was not Valthor at all, and his father might have lied or misinformed him.

I believe this man to be a genuine patriot, and I admire his courage in the face of fear and persecution.

Here is the video I used to provide Phil's insight regarding Valthor, and his other photos - for reference.

edit on 12-1-2016 by boonfusor because: FIRST POST ! Great site!

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: boonfusor

"my father left me these pictures, of what he took at Bikini Island, Operation Crossroads."...."Taken 12 of July 1946"

Yes, the photograph in the OP appears to be a briefing aboard a carrier. The man who looks like Robert Shaw is presumably someone from OSS.

posted on Jan, 12 2016 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: SixX18
reply to post by FearYourMind

And how are we supposed to know if he is an alien? He looks human to me. If they were really here with 1 lung and larger vessels, would not one or many of them by chance ended up in a weird circumstance where they may end up in a hospital or dead, and examiners find this, in the past hundreds or recent years?

Although I just noticed his unusually large fingers, which fingers are those? Thumb and pointer?

Unlike some of you reviewing this is not the photograph of the humans that they are talking about.

It is the held photograph....something you obviously cannot see yourselves for your own brain chemicals have not been burnt like mine. In the photograph he is holding, if you could see what I would be taking action to murder the occult scientists causing it.

This is the reason why the human beings who get chemical brain burnt in the ground wavelength radiation attack are ridiculed...for the image is removed when the ice melts and replaces the cold streams and oxygen missing from out of the attacking wavelength.

The reason why most UFO attacks have been ignored....until you get attacked like I did and have placed my life in the public ridicule of the occultists themselves.

Trying to inform our family about occultism itself is ignored.....yet the victims advise the public for the sake of saving their own selves from the illegal science that is destroying life on Earth. We do not place ourselves in public ridicule for the sake of being ridiculed...we share our experiences hoping that you yourself will not suffer the same consequences.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 06:38 AM
Just some thought on the differences between the pictures.

On these pictures the man seems to have longer hair with hair jelly that makes it shine and look darker on the photograph.

On this picture the hair look shorter and more natural and we can see his real hair color. If he truly has different hair colors then its two different persons.

Well we only have one picture on the light haired one. So it's hard to say if they have the same face or not.

Just some thoughts

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 06:46 AM
Did someone just find a Picture of Steve Rogers???

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:34 PM
IT would be interesting to do a pool on what people thing on this Dulce base incident and Phil Shneider. I think it is disinformation, but he got some weird # scars and also there is his death... And of course this whole UFO phenomena is filled up with high strangeness, so we never know, but my vote would be for disinfo.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: boonfusor
He allegedly fought the gov't in court regarding his father's pictures being left to him in his will. This says to me the pictures were of enough concern to try and get them from his possession, and he won. (Now that he is dead, where are the pictures?)

So where are the details of that "court case"?
Which court, what date, what court case number?

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

Woah bro, don't let fact ruin this awesome story!!

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 10:31 AM

edit on 19-8-2016 by joemoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 10:32 AM

edit on 19-8-2016 by joemoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 11:07 PM


posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

I think we'd learn a lot more if techniques are available for zooming in to the words on the front of the booklet that the "alien" is holding in his hands. The writing looks otherworldly.

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