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This is the picture Phil Schneider presented showing a humanoid alien with his father.

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 12:36 PM
The original OP photo was supposedly taken on the USS Eldridge during WWII as part of the "invisibility" or Philadelphia experiment. It looks like the ship's mess room to me because of the tables:

The USS Eldridge was a Cannon-class destroyer escort. There is still one preserved today as a floating museum, the USS SLATER.

The mess room of the USS Slater during WWII looked like this:


Notice that the OP picture has fluorescent or neon lighting, while the USS Slater has incandescent lighting.

Another blogger on this very picture actually contacted the USS Slater museum and asked if there was any such lighting anywhere on this class of ship during WWII. The response was:

we were told by the Navy experts, Neon lights were not built into Navy ships before the early 1960s ! So how can the photo "Final Briefing" show the test crew of 1943 onboard of a DE-class ship ?


It would be amazing to have proof of Venusians or Vril astronauts returning from Aldebaran, but there are some holes in this story.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ionwind

The clothing of the civilians present in the meeting also appear to be early 1950's style

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 12:57 PM
This is what a true expert says about that photo from Tim Rizzuto, ship restorer of the museum ship DE 766, USS Slater, Albany:

"No way was it taken on a DE. There is no space that big. I'd guess it's on a carrier or cruiser because of the size of the space and the false bulkhead particians. My guess is that it was taken in the sixties based on the fluorescent lights (modern) in the overhead, but the old RBO radio on the shelf in the bulkhead. It appears to be a messing or lounge space. Note that it is also a battle dressing station because the mounting brackets for surgical lights are in the overhead."
reply to post by ionwind

The Final Briefing on board of the USS Eldridge

"Another photograph very much in doubt can be found on the web page "The Life of Ed Cameron" . Next to the description "Final briefing inside the USS Eldridge August 9, 1943 we read: Lecturer - A. Yaglu, Don Thor, Oscar Schneider, Lawrence Schmidt (Maxon Electronics Corp.), Morris Hablagnian, Dr. Vannevar Bush." A 'ready room' onboard the USS Eldridge is shown. Allegedly this picture was taken on August 9, 1943 and shows the test crew of the USS Eldridge inside the ship, assembled for a briefing.

We sent this picture to some people, who would be able to distinguish what the insides of this class of ship looked like. Nobody else could this do better than these people who actually take care of one of the last three remaining Destroyer Escort vessels of the Cannon Class that is left in the USA. In Albany, N.Y. you can still locate the USS Slater (DE 766), now preserved as a wartime memorial, which is open to public visits. Mr. Tim Rizzuto, who is taking care about the ship, received that photo from Bielek's web site from me and with that photo in his hands he walked through the whole ship [the Slater] from bow to stern, and couldn't find a room, which in any way matches the room shown on the photograph either by size, shape or fittings. Have a look yourself, the people of the Slater provide an Electronic Tour through their ship. The biggest rooms are the Ward Room and the Crew Mess, which are still much smaller than the room shown on the photograph 'The Final Briefing'. To get additional opinions, I sent the photograph of the alleged test crew to two US navy vets, who were doing duty onboard a Destroyer Escort of the Cannon Class during WW II. Both took a look at the photograph and replied that it in no way was this photograph taken onboard a Cannon Class Destroyer Escort. Remember that the USS Eldridge was of this class.
The Final Briefing ?

This is what a true expert says about that photo from Tim Rizzuto, ship restorer of the museum ship DE 766, USS Slater, Albany:

"No way was it taken on a DE. There is no space that big. I'd guess it's on a carrier or cruiser because of the size of the space and the false bulkhead particians. My guess is that it was taken in the sixties based on the fluorescent lights (modern) in the overhead, but the old RBO radio on the shelf in the bulkhead. It appears to be a messing or lounge space. Note that it is also a battle dressing station because the mounting brackets for surgical lights are in the overhead."
edit on 15-9-2013 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:08 PM
Derrrrrrrrrr thick neck and long fingers derrrrrrrr alien derrrrrrrr

The replies to this thread are absolutely ridiculous lol.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:13 PM
I've loved this thread...but I'm inclined to say that Schneider's photo is a "HOAX" ...based upon the recent evidence cited.

Did anyone realize that Author BRAD THOR wrote a novel about the Philadelphia Experiment?
I wonder if author Thor's father was named DON THOR (aka VALIANT THOR).

"The Philadelphia Experiment" is referenced in Brad Thor's The Athena Project. The novel suggests that the U.S. Navy was trying to recreate matter teleportation experiments originally conducted by Hans Kammler and the Nazi German SS Wunderwaffen group.
edit on 15-9-2013 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by jordan77

im with you on this seriously ! the guy seems a bit of a whack job quoting 911 to get people on his side it must be true he pointed out the obvious on something else lol!

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:16 PM
I see a picture of a guy, and I'm told it's an alien.. why is it I'm not even remotely impressed?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:43 PM
I'm not too sure what the physiological advantage of one huge lung would be. I would rather have my two small ones in case of damage to one. Just doesn't seem like an alien race that is "superior" would have a disadvantage like that and live a longer life. I'm no expert of course.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:49 PM
Ive heard about this Alien by other names and I herd he was there A human like ALIEN but as i see it there are many Alien Humanoids out there in the Galaxy... humm large hands eats slightly pointed and narrow elongated under chin resemblance of the Peruvian elongated skulls large jaw bone aka Aryan Norse.. Alien.. may which has the name of a norse deity ..?? but from the photo the rest of the militants in this briefing as it looks dont look like they are disturbed to they.. unless they dont know .. The Breifing room resembles much like an Aircraft carrier Flight briefing Room ... Not sure maybe early 50s as it looks .. Well if he is and Off World Alien.. he Could be ... Octopus like Blood ? Large Blood Vessels hmm thinking as to Why .. thicker Blood One Lung .. hmm interesting Both squids and octopuses have blue blood.Their blood is this colour because they use an oxygen-carrying molecule in their blood that contains

Octopus' blue blood allows them to rule the waves

Worldwide colonization by octopods is in their blood! They manage to survive temperature habitats ranging from as low as -1.8°C to more than 30°C due to their ability to keep supplying oxygen to their body tissues. A new study, to be presented at the Society for Experimental Biology meeting on July 5, shows that a blue colored pigment, hemocyanin, in their blood, responsible for oxygen transport, crucially allows octopods to live in freezing temperatures.

Octopods pump their blue blood (the colour is due to the copper containing blood pigment haemocyanin) within a closed circulatory system by means of one powerful systemic heart and two additional hearts located before the gills. Octopods inhabit virtually any marine habitat, from tropical reefs at more than 30°C to temperate rocky or sandy grounds and in both the Southern and the Arctic oceans at -1.9°C. They not only inhabit the shallow sea grounds but also the deep sea, where they can be even found around hydrothermal vents.
Interesting HUH!

Well seeing this alien is Nord Like which the Caucasian Norse.. as Swedes Norwegian Danes Germanic Scotts are adapted to Cold as the Barrel Chest they do have Adapt to the Freezing Cold among skin color pale skin One Lung sounds kinda strange as there is no back up a 2nd lung if it fails from injury or disease well my 2 cents .. of thought ...
edit on 15-9-2013 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by miniatus

Exactly. You've got to love the shifting standard of proof around here. Want badly to believe that something's true? Meh, a photograph showing absolutely nothing even remotely supporting the allegation or assertion at hand will do. Want to "buy into" the official story on 9/11? Too bad, because no number of eye witnesses, no amount of video evidence, no amount of expert testimony will suffice to prove your point. Deny ignorance indeed. This is a picture of a bunch of guys in a meeting. Trying to take anything else at all from it is beyond conjecture and wishful thinking.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:29 PM
This is quite a misleading thread title for a start, secondly the picture doesn't really show any abnormalities and certainly no alien presence at first glance it appears to be a man with a very big thumb and finger sitting on a bench. I haven't really investigated a lot of Phil Schneider's claims however I am interested in the alleged 'assassination' and the Dulce conspiracy. Looks like we are still waiting for that definitive picture of a real alien!

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:31 PM
I typed in 'Stranger at the pentagon' into Google and found that it has been remade in to a movie this year.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:36 PM


Enthusiasm 10/10

Proof 0/10

He's as human as you or I, so he has a thick neck that's hardly proof now is it ?

Aliens ?

As for his thumb and finger if he were to close his hand his thumb would come to just below his index finger knuckle, just the same as you or I.

The rest of the proof is just "I said it so it must be so.

Sorry OP really don't see it here.

Just my 2 cents


reply to post by cody599

Sorry, but you have PROVEN NOTHING...

You've shown images of athletes...
News Flash... Athletes often strength train their necks so as to avert injury

Lets not forget that the use of muscle enhancing compounds in athletes of all levels is always a possibility,IS IT NOT ?

I see no mention of this Val being of the Galactic Football Federation

edit on 14-9-2013 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

Who's to say he didn't play football or work out ?

He's in a position where fitness would be important or maybe he just likes to go to the gym

It's a lot more plausible than the guy in that photo being an alien wouldn't you say ?

Bit of a duh moment thinly disguised as humour but thanks for your reply.


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by AutOmatIc

I don't get what sucker things are and can't see very well.
Are they folds of skin you are seeing? Guys with big fat necks have that when their hair is shaved down too short. His neck looks like he's on steroids. He looks gay.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:54 PM
I don't recall what i read about Phil Schneiderr.
Overall I think it's rubbish but its still interesting. I do think its possible, anything is really.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:54 PM
I think this whole thing ties into the Quebec Conference, 1943.

And it did not have to do with aliens. It brought the scientist of different countries together to build the bomb. All of the secret projects started with this meeting.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 04:36 PM

I'm not too sure what the physiological advantage of one huge lung would be. I would rather have my two small ones in case of damage to one. Just doesn't seem like an alien race that is "superior" would have a disadvantage like that and live a longer life. I'm no expert of course.

Agreed. Oh and while we are talking about one huge lung, I want to see his chest x-ray. Don't tell me they didn't get one when they found out about that 'one huge lung'. Nah, they wouldn't want to see that would they? And before anyone says it, if he was afraid of the radiation, I'm sure being technologically advanced and all, he would be able to provide some type of medical imaging that is safe? And let's look at that huge neck while we are at it. Have you ever tried to x-ray the cervical spine of a football player or military person? I have done it numerous times during my career. I've seen 'thicker' necks. The hands look normal but if you want to argue the point, Marfan syndrome is the simplest explanation, as someone already pointed out. Just google Marfan syndrome and look at the images for the hands.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:11 PM
Your title says alien with Phil's father in the photo. where is the alien?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Mads1987

I don't know if you noticed, but the seated guy in the very back right side appears to only have one lung. You can tell by the slight raise in his chin. This helps him to slowly fill his lung with fresh oxigen while simultaneously exhailing- circular breathing. This special way of breathing was actually taught to humans by these aliens, as was basic mathematics, language, and even walking.
With that said, the main subject does look a bit out of place.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Thorneblood

reading the link about Valiant Thor, it strikes me very suspect that he praises Christ/Christianity. Usually isn't it that an alien race could be more advanced if not to be bogged down by organized religion?

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