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Cell phone calling the beyond?

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:15 PM
Some interesting things have been happening in Psychic land. Paranormal investigators are finding that the Cell phone is being used by the departed to contact the living. In fact the incidence has gone up significantly, some report 60%. The calls from the beyond fall into a few categories. But the interesting thing is that many of the callers claim that certain restrictions are placed on them, but don't want to go into details. Electrical Universe comes to mind, plus some pretty hi tech amplifiers comes to mind. Come to think of it, i wonder if Stonehenge was a stone age amplifiers for contacting the ancestors mmm.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by anonentity

It's all part of the obamaphone scandal.

Dead people can already vote democrat do they really need free cellphones too?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by anonentity

Before a cell phone can receive a text or even a call it needs to be able to talk to the providers hardware. When the providers hardware establishes a connection between both sender and receiver it will then pass the data between the two.

I find it hard to believe that someone...some place else! can make those connections, especially when I have to walk around trying to find a connection here on this earth.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:26 PM
This is pretty interesting really.. I remember an old "Celebrity Ghost Stories" where the actor (Bubba from Forest Gump) had a friend that was always hanging with the bad kids and getting in trouble, and one day he shot and killed by a gang member.. Later that night the dead friend called him on the phone and was pleading for help, there were 2 people that actually heard the voice on the phone, and it was his friend "Darell" He said they were taking him to a place he didn't want to go to (Hell) ..

As the veil becomes thinner, stuff is going to get exceedingly creepier... The deniers will eventually be eating crow. These things can be real. Ghosts seem to be able to do very strange things.. I can't even fathom how a ghost could call someone on the phone from the other side, but anything is possible.

@Greencmp HAHA, epic response..

edit on 10-9-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:36 PM

reply to post by anonentity

Before a cell phone can receive a text or even a call it needs to be able to talk to the providers hardware. When the providers hardware establishes a connection between both sender and receiver it will then pass the data between the two.

I find it hard to believe that someone...some place else! can make those connections, especially when I have to walk around trying to find a connection here on this earth.

What is this? Sounds like hogwash. You're obviously a shill.

It's obvious to me that this means that when we die, we do not actually die. We are transported in time, either to the future or sometimes to the past. This has been proven by the time travellers with mobile phones. We know they are mobile phones because there is no other reasonable explanation to explain why they appear on camera with a device to their head. In footage from the 40's. etc.

So, given that we know they are using mobile phones in the past, and as this is the reality of it, therefore it is likely they are also in the future, we can determine that since we now have deceased people using 'phantom' mobile phones, that the dead are actually transported into time rifts.

It all makes sense.

When you die, you go to the future. Sometimes it breaks and you go to the past, and we have people in the past, frantically using phantom phones to call their loved ones... and sometimes, they call collect!

I'm glad I only use esp and sign language to communicate......

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:40 PM

As the veil becomes thinner,

Is it?

In history, magic was real. Witches summoned demons and spirits to do their bidding. Super natural entities roamed the woodlands taking their pleasure on the unsuspecting villages. Covens and cults had real power.

Now they are myths and what is left use karma as a weapon.

If it is becoming thinner, then it is removing the old ways and introducing technology as a new way.

I think that makes it denser, not thinner.

Or... perhaps, it's all merely the human imagination...

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:47 PM

This is pretty interesting really.. I remember an old "Celebrity Ghost Stories" where the actor (Bubba from Forest Gump) had a friend that was always hanging with the bad kids and getting in trouble, and one day he shot and killed by a gang member.. Later that night the dead friend called him on the phone and was pleading for help, there were 2 people that actually heard the voice on the phone, and it was his friend "Darell" He said they were taking him to a place he didn't want to go to (Hell) ..

As the veil becomes thinner, stuff is going to get exceedingly creepier... The deniers will eventually be eating crow. These things can be real. Ghosts seem to be able to do very strange things.. I can't even fathom how a ghost could call someone on the phone from the other side, but anything is possible.

@Greencmp HAHA, epic response..

edit on 10-9-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

If you do a bit of research on it, there have been some pretty spooky reports. The one that got me was .On a Monday morning a social security clerk had just written a beneficiary a check for a hundred pounds to pay the utilities. immiediatly after shed filled it the phone on her desk rang, it was the Benificiary saying that she no longer needed the money, as where she was money was of no use. Later on the Clerk reads her name in the Obituaries stating she was buried on the Friday.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:47 PM
i have heard of a radio at a old royal air force base that was unplugged playing war time music but this is the first time i have heard about cellphones doing this

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:52 PM


reply to post by anonentity

Before a cell phone can receive a text or even a call it needs to be able to talk to the providers hardware. When the providers hardware establishes a connection between both sender and receiver it will then pass the data between the two.

I find it hard to believe that someone...some place else! can make those connections, especially when I have to walk around trying to find a connection here on this earth.

What is this? Sounds like hogwash. You're obviously a shill.

It's obvious to me that this means that when we die, we do not actually die. We are transported in time, either to the future or sometimes to the past. This has been proven by the time travellers with mobile phones. We know they are mobile phones because there is no other reasonable explanation to explain why they appear on camera with a device to their head. In footage from the 40's. etc.

So, given that we know they are using mobile phones in the past, and as this is the reality of it, therefore it is likely they are also in the future, we can determine that since we now have deceased people using 'phantom' mobile phones, that the dead are actually transported into time rifts.

It all makes sense.

When you die, you go to the future. Sometimes it breaks and you go to the past, and we have people in the past, frantically using phantom phones to call their loved ones... and sometimes, they call collect!

I'm glad I only use esp and sign language to communicate......

What's a "Shill" if its what I think it is don't shoot the messenger? If you think about it , its all to do with electro magnetic waves and electrons, I was doing the vacuuming one day, and when I switched the vacuum cleaner off, it started to play music.Ive never heard it before or since, but it happened.
Weird things happen, like a guy in the states with an old radio decides to whack a nail into a tree, and uses it as an ariel, he hears a taxi driver talking on his car radio in Damascus. Go figure.
edit on 10-9-2013 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:08 PM
About six months after my grandfather passed away, I was moving into a new apartment and stumbled upon a book he gave me when he was dying. The book was called "90 Minutes in Heaven." He had asked me to read it and said the book touched his heart. Because I had yet to experience the death of a close loved one, I couldn't bear the thought of reading it when he was still alive. So I stopped unpacking and read the book cover to cover in two days. After I finished the book, I drove to my brother's house to tell him about it. When I got home, I was in the bathroom washing my face and heard my phone ringing. It was about 12:45 am. Upon hearing my phone ring over the sound of the rushing water, I ran into my room and got my phone out of my purse. I was receiving a call from "Dee & Poppy's House." This was their landline in Dallas. Dee is my grandmother and I called my grandfather poppy. As soon as I pressed the green answer button, the call ended.

At first, I was worried because my grandmother has gone to bed between 9-10 pm for the last 20 years. I was concerned that something may be wrong. So, I immediately called "Dee & Poppy's House" back, but got no answer. I called again, but no answer. I called my mother's cell phone, but no answer. Not living in the same city as the aforementioned family members at the time, I had no choice but to go to bed.

I reached my mom by phone the next morning and told her I was worried about Dee because she called me from her house in Dallas late at night and I couldn't reach her. My mom told me Dee wasn't home and had not been home for a few days. Dee was in Austin with my mom.

You never know for sure, but I feel pretty confident my grandfather was reaching out to me that night, perhaps to say he was happy I had finally read the book he gave me.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:34 PM

About six months after my grandfather passed away, I was moving into a new apartment and stumbled upon a book he gave me when he was dying. The book was called "90 Minutes in Heaven." He had asked me to read it and said the book touched his heart. Because I had yet to experience the death of a close loved one, I couldn't bear the thought of reading it when he was still alive. So I stopped unpacking and read the book cover to cover in two days. After I finished the book, I drove to my brother's house to tell him about it. When I got home, I was in the bathroom washing my face and heard my phone ringing. It was about 12:45 am. Upon hearing my phone ring over the sound of the rushing water, I ran into my room and got my phone out of my purse. I was receiving a call from "Dee & Poppy's House." This was their landline in Dallas. Dee is my grandmother and I called my grandfather poppy. As soon as I pressed the green answer button, the call ended.

At first, I was worried because my grandmother has gone to bed between 9-10 pm for the last 20 years. I was concerned that something may be wrong. So, I immediately called "Dee & Poppy's House" back, but got no answer. I called again, but no answer. I called my mother's cell phone, but no answer. Not living in the same city as the aforementioned family members at the time, I had no choice but to go to bed.

I reached my mom by phone the next morning and told her I was worried about Dee because she called me from her house in Dallas late at night and I couldn't reach her. My mom told me Dee wasn't home and had not been home for a few days. Dee was in Austin with my mom.

You never know for sure, but I feel pretty confident my grandfather was reaching out to me that night, perhaps to say he was happy I had finally read the book he gave me.

I'm sure it was, there are so many of this type of phenomenon happening that a great many have only one explanation. That being something paranormal is occurring. But only if you are open to it, and mentally prepared to accept it as a fact. Where more than one person hear the deceased, i kinda think something is going on. Logic and reason seem to be involved. When the recall button is pressed they all come up 0000000 no such number no such phone. Not in this world anyway.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:35 PM

What is this? Sounds like hogwash. You're obviously a shill.

Lets just hope that those who pay our salaries dont realize we're the only buggers left on this site.

edit on 10-9-2013 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by anonentity

This happened to me...twice and one keeps happening.

1. Brother passed away and he ALWAYS used to say "Number 9.Number 9. Num-ber 9!" From the Beatles Revolution #9. I was asleep, found my cell blinking when I woke up...but I didnt hear any incoming and it was right by my ear. Looking at it...the call was placed from 9999999999. Im sure it was my late bro!

2. Right now, we get calls at least twice a month or so from the cemetary office. Just an incoming on our answering machine. I call it back, and the cemetary rep always says they did not call.

How many cemetaries call families of deceased folks just to say hi? None I know of. But, I think its my late mother...just checking in on me. We were very close.

Maybe it was because I was my bro and mom's caregiver till the end...????

edit on 2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:22 PM
Geeze, I'm jealous. The departed must have better cell coverage. Out here, you have to go stand by the patio door if you want to make a call.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:32 PM

Geeze, I'm jealous. The departed must have better cell coverage. Out here, you have to go stand by the patio door if you want to make a call.

Falling out of my chair, and so amused.

Maybe they triangulate the towers better than those of us supposedly "alive?"
edit on 10-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:37 PM

reply to post by anonentity

This happened to me...twice and one keeps happening.

1. Brother passed away and he ALWAYS used to say "Number 9.Number 9. Num-ber 9!" From the Beatles Revolution #9. I was asleep, found my cell blinking when I woke up...but I didnt hear any incoming and it was right by my ear. Looking at it...the call was placed from 9999999999. Im sure it was my late bro!

2. Right now, we get calls at least twice a month or so from the cemetary office. Just an incoming on our answering machine. I call it back, and the cemetary rep always says they did not call.

How many cemetaries call families of deceased folks just to say hi? None I know of. But, I think its my late mother...just checking in on me. We were very close.

Maybe it was because I was my bro and mom's caregiver till the end...????

edit on 2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

The more of these incidences you look for the more you find. I used to go to séances held in the evenings once a week by members of the Spiritualist church, the lady that used to go into the trances, always maintained that the "Other side" were working on some machines to make contact with the living. Mabey she was not that far off the truth. Its certainly a lot weirder than we can imagine. If you think of the body as a electro Biological machine, which it is. It makes a lot of sense that whatever animates it is remote.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:38 PM

reply to post by anonentity

I find it hard to believe that someone...some place else! can make those connections, especially when I have to walk around trying to find a connection here on this earth.

Well stated!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:53 PM


It all makes sense.

When you die, you go to the future. Sometimes it breaks and you go to the past, and we have people in the past, frantically using phantom phones to call their loved ones... and sometimes, they call collect!

I'm glad I only use esp and sign language to communicate......

The more of these incidences you look for the more you find. I used to go to séances held in the evenings once a week by members of the Spiritualist church, the lady that used to go into the trances, always maintained that the "Other side" were working on some machines to make contact with the living. Mabey she was not that far off the truth. Its certainly a lot weirder than we can imagine. If you think of the body as a electro Biological machine, which it is. It makes a lot of sense that whatever animates it is remote.

Yes. These posts go together. It all makes sense. I get a few calls a week from numbers not programmed into my phone. I don't answer numbers I don't know. Never seen 999-999-9999 though.
edit on 9-10-13 by Mugen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

I find it hard to believe that someone...some place else! can make those connections, especially when I have to walk around trying to find a connection here on this earth.

If you receive one of these calls, I think you'll find it all quite easy to believe.

On a side note, you probably need a new cell phone carrier.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by TruthLover557 This is another of the many sites that seem to be recording this activity. Sometimes its as if a living person receives a phone call that the other party hasn't sent. So it dosn't matter if its between the living or the dead the activity still happens.

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