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What will you do tomorrow on the anniversary of 9/11?

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Sorry Admin. if I posted this in the wrong forum, please move if you see fit.

Please no negative comments please. A lot of people died that day, we should remember them with honor.
For me.... I knew a couple of NYFD Firefighters that died and I know a couple of families that lived across the river where they had like a inch of dust in their yard and a lot in there homes.
Get this DEP told them they had nothing to worry about cleaning it up themselves...The result...both families and there small children all have %50 lung capacity. Huge medical bills..can not get any federal money to help them . Do to this some can not work.

For me I spent a week as a Volunteer Firefighter working at the pile..yes I used a respirator, where many did not. Since that day 73 NYPD Firefighters have died do to the crap they breathed in. Some very young!

Then after that it was going to the funerals.

I went to five of them

The days I went I would board the train to NY city....there would many us on the train.. we all the same uniform, just different patches. It did not matter if you were a paid firefighter or volunteer we are all brothers and sisters. On the train we would figure out which funeral we were going to and go together.

Normally there would be a Thousand NYFD there , but do to the work that had to be done and the deaths there were very few.

The families were very grateful we were there ...never a dry eye.

On the first year anniversary of 9/11 my daughter 8 at the time..she says Daddy we have to do something to remember and never forget , so what we did and still do every year. I take my fire gear and I put in a wooden chair ,with the helmet so it looks like a fireman bow his head and my daughter made a sign in glitter, red silver and blue and the fireman is holding the sign and I have a spotlight on it so it shines.
Beside the chair I have two matching tables with long sheltered candles representing the two towers.

My daughter use to hang with me at the firehouse on Saturday afternoons. I always taught her to be a leader! And she has become one!

She is in the Police Cadets in our town , use to under the Explorer program/Boy scouts 14 to 21. They have a week of Academy every year wear Cadet come from all over New England..6 phases one week camp.
They do the same training as police officers do ,a lot of PT and respect She was top Cadet last year above all 600 Cadets and has won many other award. She is now a LT. and has 2 squads under her leadership /she is '5.3" tall 110 pounds and has the respect.

She organizes every year where the Cadets, police firefighters pay their respect. They go down to Sherwood Island beach in Westport , thats were Connecticut's memorial is for the people of state that died that day.

Please pray tomorrow for all the families that lost a loved I will!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:09 PM
I cry.

edit on 063030p://bTuesday2013 by stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:13 PM
My daughters flying home from Texas tomorrow.
What a day to travel....I suppose it might be a safer day actually since security will be up.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:46 PM

I cry.

edit on 063030p://bTuesday2013 by stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

I am with ya Brother!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:47 PM

My daughters flying home from Texas tomorrow.
What a day to travel....I suppose it might be a safer day actually since security will be up.

I truly believe she be just fine!

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:47 PM
I have a collection of music I keep for 9/11 in particular. It's a mix of memorial, remix and tribute but it's the only day I listen to things from that set and it's been that way for years now. One day of the year, I figure, I can give real thought and memory to those who were lost, as well as what we all lost as a nation.

Beyond that? I'll be waiting for Thursday to come with as little happening as possible, being my sincere hope.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:15 PM
Every 9/11 is rough for me .. I remember precisely where I was, I was at work still in the earlier morning of the day checking on tickets that were open ( tech support guy at the time ) .. and I had yahoo messenger open, my friend from Australia saw the news first and asked me about the first plane.. so I pulled out my portable black and white tv.. saw it, didn't know anything about it .. I went to my boss's room.. we turned on his tv and we saw the second plane collide... at that point we all congregated to his office and watched the entire day unfold.. at one point after both towers collapsed.. he dismissed the entire company..

I remember the quiet and unnerved feel the entire drive home.. and then plastering to the news.. not long after we had jets breaking the sound barrier over my home which shattered neighbors windows.. ( I live near wright patterson afb )

I think for me it was the noise of all of the jets ... but when I left my area to return to work it was the eerie silence .. I also had a car accident the day after which doesn't help .. a 15yo kid road his bike right out in front of me from out of an alley.. thank god he is ok.. but for me it was a 1-2 punch.. I think it's impossible for me to forget this time of year.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:21 PM

My daughters flying home from Texas tomorrow.
What a day to travel....I suppose it might be a safer day actually since security will be up.

It's safer now than ever to travel.. you have air marshals .. I'd worry more about the TSA

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:22 PM
I don't know about the others , but I would love it to be a safe day to travel because my wife and I are flying back home from Munich , I hope that we won't be traveling in a missile .

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:31 PM
I still remember someone saying to change the tv channel, and I put on the local abc station (australia) and it was surreal. This was our night time, and to see the vision felt staggering.

I don't really consider it every year tho, as it obviously doesn't affect me or us in the same way it does you guys. It's not any less shocking, and I did feel it on the 10'th year. But not every one.

Sadly the struggle between every day common folk still rages within the context of the event. Even though it happened so long ago now, the ramifications of it, reach out to today.

No matter who you blame. The embodiment of evil dared to act that day.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:38 PM
28 local guys left for DC this morning because they couldn't get a permit to march so they will just ride around very slowly

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:59 PM
I had already been through a rough time, a family tragedy earlier that year. When there was a knock on my door to turn on the news, seeing at first sight the 2nd plane on TV-was on the internet and getting ready at the time that morning but did not see talk about what was going on yet-, everything added up to being even more surreal as if I thought things couldn't be worse. Was in shock, and in disbelief.

Each year I reflect and grieve the losses, not only of innocent people but for what once was and how this should not be.

30KFT - Assemblage 23

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by miniatus

She often brings some locally produced specialty foods when she comes back. So far it has always made it through TSA. I think she is bringing some really good Soft shell tostada shells when she is coming back this time. A small factory there makes them and sells them around the area. Hopefully TSA employees aren't planning tacos tomorrow night

The lol icon just doesn't have character like the old one
Neither does the sad face.
edit on 10-9-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

I will take time to remember those who died, and hope that one day we will find out what really happened. I will also take time to hope that we have nothing this horrible ever happen again, anywhere in the world.

I still remember that day, just like it was yesterday.
edit on 10-9-2013 by Catacomb because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

My memory of the day: I was up early and it was an absolutely beautiful Fall day. The sky was bright blue and and the sun was shining; it was a crisp, clear day. I was sitting on my couch holding my daughter, who was a year old at the time and watching the news. It was Bryant Gumble on and I still see clearly in my mind the tv screen and the first plane and the smoke. The image is something I will never forget. My two older boys were in school that day and I don't know why but I felt the need to go to their school and I picked them up and brought them home. Maybe I wanted to feel "safe" and have them with me in case something else happened. I suppose for me that was my "Pearl Harbor" because I'd never experienced anything like it in my life. Sure, I'd heard the stories from my parents about the wars but I had lived a pretty innocent life up until then. It was a reality check for me because I'd grown up in the 70's and 80's and had it pretty good and never knew anything else. I lost a bit of innocence that day and no, I will never forget it.

What will I do tomorrow: Enjoy all that I have right now and not wait on tomorrow.
edit on 10-9-2013 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:45 PM
Avoid endless TV re-runs and just quietly remember.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:53 PM
I will think about how I helped beat the war drum not realizing how it would bring us to where we are today. Still in a war, still fighting terrorism, still wasting trillions, and very little to show for why we went to war in the first place.

No doubt my thoughts go out to victim and relatives and all those who have sacrificed in the wars because of 9-11.


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