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"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" It's not rocket science-COMMON SENSE!! VS DENIAL!!

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posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by amraks

So you are saying the bomb were in the building then the damage from the derbies from the collapse of the North Tower caused the building to be damaged just enough to off-set the demolition itself.

That is a interesting idea and i commend you for it


if that were the case then what is to say the derbies and fires would not have caused the explosives to either fail or not go off at the same time. The only reasonable answer to this is that there were not explosives.

If you are going to argue that there were explosives in the building then you first have to prove that there where in the building. Which you cant.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 01:54 PM

The Saudi argument, yes, there are Saudis who are still pissed about GW1 and his Gulf War. That is why AQ and OBL were formed. They were created to protect and the SA government choose the US over the muhjadeen that had fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. READ YOUR HISTORY. There are bad people all over in every the OK City bombing. Since he did that does it make all US citizens terrorists?

A good point but actually it was Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait that got the Kingdom to ask for help from the American government. OBL's mujahideen was turned down by the kingdom simply because they couldn't fight Hussein's modern armed forces especially his fighter planes. They really weren't given much choice in the matter as 20,000 trained mujahideen was all OBL could muster. It would have been a slaughter of the highest order that could destabilize the region past what it already was. Fighting Soviets in the caves and mountains of Afghanistan was one thing going against 120,000 professional solders with tanks and artillery was something else. The royal family hated the thought of Americans in their country but had no choice.

For the most part it has been accepted that the Saudi Kingdom's financial contribution was and still is a mute point. The planes operation cost around $600.000 in it's entirety and that is a mere sum when considering the amount pledged to Bin Laden in 1999. More that 3 million was pledged by American citizens(who had no idea how the money was spent) so what ever money was pledged by individual Saudis could be easily made up from all other donations around the globe. President Obama had all the files related to individual Saudis destroyed in 2009 so we will never know who did what. It was a wise decision that had no opposition from any one. Bin Laden spent over 20 million of his own money building the training camps and supporting them in Afghanistan.

The Saudi's contribution to al-Qaeda and the planes operation is irrelevant for those reasons.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by -PLB-

You & the one right below this one. Figure it our for yourselves. Explain the towers collapsing as fast as they did. A pancake as you say, The building disintegrated before mine and everyones else's eyes. Disintegration does not a gravity collapse make. I see the truth in the evidence, you can remain in denial... I could give a fat rats..... Can you clap your hands 11times a second. Did'nt think you could. Neither can I nor anyone else. But those two towers sure fell that fast....thru the path of most resistance.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 03:21 PM

reply to post by -PLB-

You & the one right below this one. Figure it our for yourselves. Explain the towers collapsing as fast as they did. A pancake as you say, The building disintegrated before mine and everyones else's eyes. Disintegration does not a gravity collapse make. I see the truth in the evidence, you can remain in denial... I could give a fat rats..... Can you clap your hands 11times a second. Did'nt think you could. Neither can I nor anyone else. But those two towers sure fell that fast....thru the path of most resistance.

I did not say pancake I said collapse. You see, there is no reason to explain how the towers fell so fast. It can be explained by laws that have been around since the mid 1600's. It is now commonly referred to as Classical Mechanics. I understand what happened, what the cause, initiating event and result was. Nothing disinetegrated in front of your fell. You describing something. Like if a motorcyclist is hit by a car and you say " I saw him fly over the car". He was not flying, but that is what you described it as. It is a technique used quite a bit by the Truther or non-believer of what happened that day.

Also, again, it was gravity that pulled the building down. What do you think did it?

Now, let me ask a few questions since, as always, those who think there is a conspiracy cannot.

1. The path of most resistance - um, ok, this is not a physics term but a psych term but I can see how it applies to you. You are taking the path of most resistance trying to make something from nothing with the collapse on 9/11.

2. and the one right below...we have it figured out, it is you that is not presenting any evidence and I really think that these forums should from here on out kill any 'video' or 'documentary' that has been posted before or is using the same garbage. What new evidence are you bringing to the table? What? All you have said is 'here is a video'....and...what next? To simply believe what you say without any doubt. That is almost the definition of ignorance.

3. Clap my hands together...11 times in a second. Really, what does this mean? I think you are trying to bring back Loose Change references from an old meeting but hey, here you go....721 times in a minute and he does 14 claps per second...

Did you watch that...hmmm...guess that throws that one out the window.

You are right, they fell fast. As a side note, look up Asif Usmani. He believes that just the fires could have bought them down and it is currently still under investigation to make sure that multi floor fires in the future could not bring down a structure. Real people doing real things and not giving lectures at the Local Holiday to a crowd of 7 believers.

Tell you what, if you are really so gung-ho take a trip to engine company 214 in Brooklyn tell them this garbage. My cousin was a firefighter there for 29 years and recently passed. See what it gets you. They lost 5 that day btw...

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:05 PM
Hands down, best 9/11 documentary I've yet to see. Thanks very much OP, I never knew this existed until you posted it on ATS.

The entire OS never made sense to me, and this video sure does a great job of asking wonderful questions.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by sticky

You are welcomed...I wish more people would actually go watch them for themselves. How anyone can believe the official story is beyond me...okay they didn't wasn't free fall, they just collapsed because they were on fire from jet fuel due to gravity...keep telling yourselves that ridiculous version ...WOW.

There was even a passport found...miraculous.... but no black boxes recovered and all the parts from the planes at every sight just disappeared...Amazing....Magic huh? yet most every plane crash on record has been documented very well when the events transpired in even the most harrowing circumstances...they crashed into a part of the pentagon that required a major turn that even a seasoned pro had trouble doing , but these hijacking terrorists who supposedly wanted to kill as many people as possible avoided the most populated portion or even the option to inflict much more damage just so they could circle around and hit the building on the other side and the defense system just disappeared too...also magic....probably at least 1000 video cameras and yet where is the footage showing this plane? Gone poof Magic...I tell you this was one hilarious chain of magic tricks and the biggest trick of all....THEY GOT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC TO BUY IT.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by matafuchs

The fact is I know actual people involved in the events of that day, people that lost family or actually disappeared, I am saying that the official version is a pack of lies...and pretending it is the truth does more to insult those that did, than suggesting it was BS.

I am certain there are firefighters and policemen and emergency workers that responded to what they thought was an emergency...that is it.......not why and how...they had no clue why and how other than what they were told...that does not mean the actual official version from the FBI or the NIST had one ounce of truth in them. They did NOT. We will never be allowed to know the real truth. Doesn't mean they didn't all lie about it. When I say ALL I mean the GOVT and anyone associated directly to the investigation , before or after.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:42 AM


There was even a passport found...miraculous....

There was nothing miraculous about the passport surviving. The reason it survived is actually quiet simple.

I made a video explaining it, the video uses small words and big pictures, hopefully you will be able to grasp the concept.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 12:55 AM


The entire OS never made sense to me,

Thats odd. to me the official truther story never made sense. When you put all the truther facts together you get something like this:

Everyone will eventually know that al-Qaeda never existed, acted under the control of the US Government and acted on its own initiative but with the passive complicity of the US Government to hijack planes, not hijack planes and try but fail to hijack planes, that the US Government, a small rogue element within the US Government, and Mossad operating without the knowledge of the US Government crashed the planes into the towers under remote control, crashed different planes into the towers under remote control, didn't crash any planes into the towers but projected holograms of the planes crashing into the towers, and didn't crash or project anything but convinced everyone that planes hit the towers by showing it to them on TV, after which the towers were blown up by explosives that made lots of explosions that everybody heard, weakened by thermite silently which explains why nobody heard any explosions, blown up by nuclear weapons in the cellar which started collapses from the top, and turned entirely to dust by energy beams from space which is why there was no debris, and that the debris pile was then kept hot for months by thermite that hadn't reacted when it all reacted to bring the towers down, and all the steel that wasn't there was immediately taken to China which is why the steel recovered shows signs of explosives, melting and dustification, and a plane, a missile, a different plane and a hologram all crashed into the Pentagon except that it was only one of them, or pulled up at the last second and flew over the Pentagon, leaving a neat 12 foot hole that caused 90 feet of the bit of the wall that had recently been reinforced to collapse, and another plane was shot down at Shanksville then landed in Cleveland leaving no wreckage at Shanksville that was spread out over too large an area to be from a crash even though it didn't exist. That's what really happened, and some day everyone will figure out how obvious it all is.


Maybe you could put all the truther facts together and form an official truther story that doesn't make me giggle. Go ahead give it a try.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 01:41 AM

reply to post by amraks

So you are saying the bomb were in the building then the damage from the derbies from the collapse of the North Tower caused the building to be damaged just enough to off-set the demolition itself.

That is a interesting idea and i commend you for it


if that were the case then what is to say the derbies and fires would not have caused the explosives to either fail or not go off at the same time. The only reasonable answer to this is that there were not explosives.

If you are going to argue that there were explosives in the building then you first have to prove that there where in the building. Which you cant.

No I was saying the building was damaged by the other towers coming down.
The damage caused by the towers coming down would of made building 7 unstable.
so the demolition wouldn't of made building 7, not fall in its foot print like it was meant to because of the unpredictable damaged caused to building 7 and charges all ready setup in the normal structure of building 7.

1. Charges setup in the correct planned out area's of the structure before 911.
2. we have unpredictable damage to building 7
3. we have structure damage
4. building would of fell not like a normal control demolition, why because of structure damage after towers fell.

Fires could of been a diversion, burning like a Hollywood setup.

You gotta be open minded about lots of possibilities in these situations.
Stay optimistic but not live in complete denial, that there is a power that be.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

So they fell 4% slower than free-fall, man that is cause for concern, and it sure as hell proves the official story !

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by waypastvne

I have a feeling your giggling is something a lot of so-called debunkers do, it is that energy you need to fully function inside the delusion you live in.

The fact that anyone of you can say the towers "collapsed" is laughable, please show us where this collapse is, you see nothing but clouds of disintegrated shrapnel not impacting anything below, the perfectly intact towers are being exploded with force that is beyond incredible.

And I really love the vortex clouds that are being created as it rockets down at the same time as pieces rocket upwards, such amazing videos of this exist.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 02:35 AM

please show us where this collapse is,

No problem the collapse happened right here:

It's called a truss seat. It is the reason the entire tower collapsed.

So they fell 4% slower than free-fall,

Your math is not correct. The buildings fell at 66% of free fall acceleration.
edit on 14-9-2013 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

Lets first establish that you do not have any math to back up anything you say. Clapping in your hands is not math.

Lets then establish that the towers did not at all fall through the path of most resistance. The path of most resistance would be support column colliding with support column. That didn't happen. What actually happened is the resistance was mostly the floor connections, which aren't all that strong.

Now lets finally establish that someone did some actual math based on this idea of "path of most resistance" (Bazant). His math showed that there was indeed enough energy for this to be able to happen.

So we are left with you spreading falsehoods. 1) you claim to have math, which you don't. 2) you claim that the towers fell through the path of most resistance, which they didn't 3) you claim that math is on "your" side, which it isn't. The only thing that you have on your side it clapping in your hands, but you fail to demonstrate the relevance of that. This person can clap 13 times a second, proving the collapse could happen. (I agree, the reasoning is nonsense).
edit on 14-9-2013 by -PLB- because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Sorry a bit of a silly thing to say about nist....they did not look for explosives...did they?
They did not look at anything after initiation of the how could one draw any reasonable thing when investigating.....make no assumptions......well they only worked on the ASSUMPTION planes and fire....there by not actually
Investigating all possibilities....that was not the correct approach to any apparent investigation....and before you say there was not
Any reason for them to take that approach.... they are engineers....these were steel structures....there was every reason to look at the mechanics of the collapses.....EPIC FAIL.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 08:36 AM
All the looney-tunes 'truthers' out there are all engaging in a form of racism.

They refuse to believe that 19 Saudi nationals successfully attacked them. It is harder for them to accept that, than to believe we did it to ourselves.


posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:13 AM

All the looney-tunes 'truthers' out there are all engaging in a form of racism.

They refuse to believe that 19 Saudi nationals successfully attacked them. It is harder for them to accept that, than to believe we did it to ourselves.


"race card players", are all engaging in a form of denial from the truth.
This has nothing to do with race. You bought in the race. I do not care if the supposed attackers were midgets with box cutters. all I care for is the truth and nothing but the truth.
edit on am09Sat, 14 Sep 2013 09:41:51 -0500amk51 by amraks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:24 AM


A reminder seems to be in order

This is the forum where trollish behavior can and WILL get your account PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED

Trollish behavior can include such terms as


Looney Tunes



And other such Ad-Hominids


posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:32 AM
hey sorry if I over stepped my line.
but above poster was being irrelevant.

So heres a video of John Kerry stating that building 7 was pulled.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 11:22 AM

reply to post by matafuchs

The fact is I know actual people involved in the events of that day, people that lost family or actually disappeared, I am saying that the official version is a pack of lies...and pretending it is the truth does more to insult those that did, than suggesting it was BS.

I am certain there are firefighters and policemen and emergency workers that responded to what they thought was an emergency...that is it.......not why and how...they had no clue why and how other than what they were told...that does not mean the actual official version from the FBI or the NIST had one ounce of truth in them. They did NOT. We will never be allowed to know the real truth. Doesn't mean they didn't all lie about it. When I say ALL I mean the GOVT and anyone associated directly to the investigation , before or after.

I an friends with many people who survived who worked in the towers and surrounding areas, relatives who were first responders and worked in the WTC as well as friends I made after who were there that day also. None of them think there was anything more than an attack on the US. I was born in NY and I can tell you that it is a very very small majority who want to try to sell this. I have been to the towers. The sheer size of them is amazing. You knowing people who were there however is not evidence nor does it back the video you posted that has no proof. That is the problem. Answer some of the questions I asked since you are the poster of the OP.

Also, like I said, go tell the boys at the 'Nuthouse' in Brooklyn they are all dumb and lied too that day. You talk about everyone, everyone, like they are dumb or stupid or unknowing but believe one person who posted something to the internet that is nothing but a rehashed and reedited video. That is it. PENTBOMB was the largest investigation the FBI has ever undertaken. I mean, with the way politics are, do you really, really think if there was a way for someone to discredit Bush they would not have? All of you seem to think the government is so smart that they could pull this off and silences 10' of 1000's of people but the investigation was all garbage. All of the testimony faked? Much of the evidence originally was withheld pending trials and most of it has now since been released but the videos will not state that. Will not change when time passes. Why? Because it would discredit their own theories.

Now, answer some of the questions asked? Any of them? You made the post so it is YOUR responsibility to address any questions. My best guess is you will not and again throw out a random truther quote but I hope you have more integrity than that.
edit on 14-9-2013 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

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