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"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" It's not rocket science-COMMON SENSE!! VS DENIAL!!

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Justoneman

You may be a chemist but you are not a physicist or structural engineer. You do not need to melt the steel of a building for it to collapse it only has soften and lose integrity, the weight of the building will do the rest.

As per usual this whole nonsense relies upon an isolated view of the incident for the "it can't be a terrorist" view to prevail even slightly. Once you start to include history !!! ie previous attacks : car bombs, remember those ?, warnings to the Taliban for years, forget these did we? USS Cole bombing, more amnesia ? It is quite clear there has been an ongoing and increasing problem for several years before 9/11.

Never forget covering by the authorities. IF they strongly suspected an attack was imminent you can bet every last penny they would ensure any information that might suggest this is well buried. Don't mistake covering for admission that they did it!

Oh and people do actually make mistakes DUH, especially in the rush to be the first with a story. The classic one was the BBC reporting the collapse of a building before it actually did! This has been interpreted as proof of the US government behind the whole thing. This very secretive US government informed a foreign press organisation of what it was doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah right, how ridiculous is that?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:45 AM

Seriously, take a look at your own avatar. Questioning things is not a crime, nor it is a mental disorder.

It's a movie still of a 12 year old Swedish actress. I find the photo quite compelling and I couldn't find anything else. What does that have to do with anything?

I'll stand by what I said because it's not a matter of questioning the events it's the bland accusations of misdoings of thousands of people, with no evidence at all, just to get attention. Calling everyone from the President, Congress, first responders, firemen, policemen liars and murderous conspirators with no proof whatsoever. Ruining the lives of people by twisting their words around to make it appear they go along with this non sense. As OSOTC has pointed out many, many times the same people who post this accusatory diatribe in reality know absolutely nothing about the crime-nothing at all. They have never studied the plot, the 4 1/2 years it took to come to fruition, they just have the need to blame someone or something for their failed exorbitance. They don't have the skills or the discipline required to become wealthy so they just label everyone that is successful as murderous conspirators.

I happen to know so called 'truthers' who are real researchers and have the skills to look at things objectively. These are people who have abilities beyond searching google for youtube videos. They are totally frustrated by bandwidth junkies who to get attention, post the most absurd things they can dream up. They accuse elements of a conspiracy infiltrated so called 'truth sites' and posting outrageous, personally insulting, bizarre fantasy just to undermine the people who try to look at the entire picture objectively.

And do you know what-I agree with them.
edit on 11-9-2013 by spooky24 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:41 AM
Where is the new evidence? Where? Did someone find a piece of explosives finally. Not a paint chip or a metal sphere but truly something that could be brought forward to show that it was a demo.

No? Hello? Anything? Did not think so. Why, because there is nothing else. It happens everyday that someone finds the 9/11 Truth site and says, wow, did my government really do this? How could this be? Physics suspended that day? Research on your own. Read all of the available documents that were compiled by experts.

If you dismiss something based on what you read someone else state you are as ignorant as the next person who follows blindly. It is a good story but there is no fact. There are too many items and what happens is that the 'truther' will keep throwing more and more at you till you simply say...ok, be ignorant.

Do I believe the entire story, no, as I believe that 93 was shot down. Plain and simple. You see, you can create a timeline to show how they could have made it. You cannot, however, show that the buildings would not have fallen. Try and try and try but folks, gravity was not changed on 9/11 but some will lead you to believe that. Why, who knows, but there is a reason and there always will be. I think it is to detract from people looking into 93 more. You find rarely a thread on that but 1000's about thermite and laser beam weapons and holograms and hiding bodies and CIA black op teams working for years to set it up.

WHY? If you wanted a bombing, perform a bombing. Oh, but that is right, it did happen in 93. Did not work. So, they hijacked planes and slammed them into the correct spots hoping to topple one tower into the other. That is why they came at the angles they did. That is common sense. Looking for the why and the how not following blindly someone on a website who wants you to donate money because they are so close to the answer.

Poor intel let 9/11 happen, not a decision from the president folks. No matter how evil you want to make him it simply did not happen.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by matafuchs

it is not necessary to donate anything in order to watch the videos...go watch them...the official version does not support the evidence PERIOD...if you wish to maintain denial that is your choice, there is no way those buildings came down without explosives...the towers were old and full of would have cost more than the buildings to remove it under the epa standards...there were many reasons for them to want those buildings to come down and there was a reason why they targeted the specific part of the pentagon and none of the evidence supports terrorist attacks...the official story is what they wanted all of us to buy and a great deal of you still deny the truth...the video's I watched...without donating a single penny...were very well done....but you go right ahead and believe whatever you need to in order to continue your denial of the events that occurred that day and the many things that have transpired since then as being factual...they are a pack of me one video of a building that was structurally designed the way those towers were, that fell down free fall you even understand how the physics work? They were not made out of pancake mix.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:48 AM
Clearly this is still a very testy subject for most and particularly today being the anniversary....I am not suggesting that real people did not die in these "attacks"...merely I am pointing out the obvious common sense approach to the fact the "official" version as put forth by the NIST report and the FBI is a pack of lies designed to garner as much support as possible for many different reasons...the terrorist angle was the most obvious way for them to get Americans on board with their plan....a plan that was in the making for many did not start that day...they had many things to cover up and these attacks were the perfect magic my original post one more the videos there is no donation required.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

show me one video of a building that was structurally designed the way those towers were, that fell down free fall you even understand how the physics work? They were not made out of pancake mix.

You just proved my point. You are asking for something that has not occurred so there is no answer to provide. How many times in history have 2 planes hit buildings on the same day is the question I could post back because there is no answer. How about just the question how many times has a plane hit a building?

Try this. There are 1000's upon 1000's of buildings in the world. Instead of asking me for another like it that collapsed, how about you provide 6 exact structures as the WTC was designed. Just 6. Designed in the exact same way. A framed tube design which is the simplest of all of the tube type structures. Not bundled or trussed, a framed design.

The WTC were very unique and its design was itself downfall. It was created to have the most sq footage available and was changed from its original design. Those videos will not tell you that though. Only that they should have never fallen and no, they should not have under normal circumstances but a jet going 500 mph is not a normal circumstance. It was designed to withstand, not survive, a hit if there was a plane off course or lost. Those are facts.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:55 AM
1.) Follow the money
2.) Qui bono - who benefits?

I do believe the hijackers were receiving funding from the Saudis. Which isn't a surprise because most of the hijackers were Saudi nationals.

What was up with the dancing Israelis on the bridge immediately after the attack? why were they deported back to Israel immediately afterward? How did they know it was Osama and that we would now go to war for Israel?

Why did we send the Bin Laden family back to the ME the same day it happened when there was a no fly order over America?

Why did all three towers fall in seemingly free fall? Why did the debris get shipped overseas immediately for destruction instead a proper forensic investigation?

What was with the put options in the stock market? Ad who knew in advance the airline stocks were about to plummet?

Why did Chenney give a stand down order? And since when was it his job to do so?

Why couldn't Bush be bothered by anything other than "My Pet Goat", when America was facing the biggest attack since Pearl Harbor?

Why did that event and every single event since then, Afghanstan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria seemingly line up exactly with the strategy laid out in "The Plan for the New American Century"?

Why aren't those responsible for writing that document investigated? because I'm pretty sure if i wrote a manifesto like that and then that # happened, they'd be coming for me....

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:39 PM
It seems to me that the whole idea of a conspiracy is currently at an all time low. When I look around in my direct surrounding I know of nobody who believes in it. I am an engineer and I work with many other engineers in all kind of fields, and whenever this subject comes up nobody ever expresses a belief in an inside job, I never even noticed anyone questioning the "official story".

And I think this is pretty typical for believing in an inside job, the less education in exact sciences, the more likely someone is to believe it. The evidence that is put forward by believers in an inside job is never of a scientific nature. It is either an expression of unbelief, "a building can not collapse like that" (also know as the fallacy called argument from incredulity) or circumstantial evidence like pointing to operation north wood, or witness x said something odd. There is no direct tangible evidence of explosives, documents or confessions linking anybody but the hijackers as the perpetrator of the event. Nor is there any published scientific paper that proves that the OS would be impossible.

Basically, there is no case for an inside job at all.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:44 PM
It's interesting seeing how many people have mentioned fabricated WMD's in Iraq considering one of the main stories was that they were suck out to Syria...and now we have Syria using WMD's in small quantities on the rebels. I wonder how many opinions would change if it is discovered that the gas did come from Iraq.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 01:39 PM

I'll stand by what I said because it's not a matter of questioning the events it's the bland accusations of misdoings of thousands of people, with no evidence at all, just to get attention. Calling everyone from the President, Congress, first responders, firemen, policemen liars and murderous conspirators with no proof whatsoever. Ruining the lives of people by twisting their words around to make it appear they go along with this non sense. As OSOTC has pointed out many, many times the same people who post this accusatory diatribe in reality know absolutely nothing about the crime-nothing at all. They have never studied the plot, the 4 1/2 years it took to come to fruition, they just have the need to blame someone or something for their failed exorbitance. They don't have the skills or the discipline required to become wealthy so they just label everyone that is successful as murderous conspirators.

I can agree that there are those who would jump on the bandwagon from the outset.
However it is the very nature of a crime that makes it difficult to unravel, on the face of it, you could almost say that the US administration is doing much the same thing now by wanting to attack Syria and Assad, (It would be not just be Assad on his tod, it would be foolish to think otherwise) The administration wants to attack on what is an allegation because "they know" We can't "know" because we are not in the matrix, and because we are not in the matrix, there is no reason to believe what we have been told. The same applied/applies to 9/11.
I see one post saying Ah!, the towers fell down because they softened, and indeed that was the NIST's view, the towers softened and buckled. No need even to melt then, because the temperatures would not have been high enough to melt the steel anyway. So the NIST ignored the molten metal that in fact was pouring out of the south tower, they denied on film that there was molten metal at ground zero for days afterward.
Incredibly, and only recently has anyone on the official side theorised on what the molten metal was, and he speculated that it was molten aluminium from the aircraft that reacted with the steel and created a 'natural' thermite reaction. WTF! he's hijacked what the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, have been saying all along, except that their reasearch required a 'super thermite' which they were never able to obtain.
So I agree there is a lot we know little about, and the characters involved. Some things about the characters we do know, George Tenet knew right off at his breakfast table on the morning of 9/11 which happened to be a press breakfast. His question to an aide was rhetorical, "Could this be the the Bin Laden guy" as if? it is well known that same info was aired not much later.
Then there is this Bernie Kerik guy, his CV reads like who flung dung on a night out, there is much more to know about him.
Who was the foreign soldier in field uniform ushering people away from the disaster area, "No informations"
There are heaps of anomalies all over 9/11. But I agree, nobody's talking..much.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Wow, and I thought I had unanswered questions before. It doesn't do me any good to ask those questions. I am immediately attacked and insulted if I do. My genuine curiosity is met by rage.

Some people say it's hard to keep a big secret. Huge jobs have been pulled by a few people. The chain of command requires that orders not be questioned. The few people in the know swear to secrecy. I'm sure you can figure out what happens if someone squeals.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:17 PM

My signature explains my stance..... please see signature. It's short & direct and makes one THINK.
9.8 seconds thats about 11 floors a second through the path of most resistance.. Can you clap your hands 11 times a second? Then what makes you think those towers could fall that fast with out the aid of explosives.

Yep, makes a lot of sense. They rigged one of the most prominent buildings on this planet with 10s of thousands of people living and working...with explosives.

Nice theory. Where is the evidence?

How long did it take to rig the buildings?
Has anyone seen the workers?
Why carry out such an insanely absurd act in the first place? Why would one (wait, two..) of the most prominent and busiest buildings need to be "rigged with explosives"....if there are countless much easier ways to find reasons to go to war.

Also..when you make a claim that it's impossible that 11 floors can fall it 9.8seconds...then where is the proof that it is impossible? I am not talking about a kindergarten/naive allegory with "clap your hands"...but hard facts, a STUDY which without a doubt states it is impossible that a building can fall at that speed.

The logistical problems (if not: Impossibility) to synchronize the eternal events (hijacked planes, their times of impact etc.) and have them appear at the right time with the explosions in a building....those I am not even talking about. So or so..the entire scenario belongs in a movie (in a bad one)..there would be so many problems in carrying out such a plan---and any stage, from the preparation to the actual event...and then YEARS afterwards would pose enormous risks that ONE SINGLE person, one small factor was overseen or would come to light exposing the entire conspiracy.

Your worthless for ANYONE without indepth knowledge of building destruction. Do you have it? Do I have it? Who is an expert in building demolition and knows the "correct" speed a building is supposed to fall? (Mind you, after jet fuel weakened parts of its structure already).

Do you *think* it would have been more natural the towers coming down..than..say...pause at any level for a level....let's wait a level...again a small delay etc....I can HARDLY see this as a more plausible scenario. Even without the expert knowledge about building destructions the way they came down, although scary and terrifying..looked "logical" to me, given the circumstances.

edit on 32013R000000WednesdayAmerica/Chicago33PMWednesdayWednesday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:15 PM
on 9/11 2001 i wasnt a conspiracy theorist. As i watched the imaged unfold on the television i had two thoughts that i remember quite clearly, the first one was: i dont believe what im seeing.....the second one was: well there goes my plans to EVER visit the middle east without having to watch my back the whole time. (kinda selfish i know)

it wont convince anyone that doesnt already agree with me for me to say this....but there are many things in life you dont need scientific evidence to convince ones self of something......falling in love, the way you feel about your children, the dread you feel in the presence of true evil, the fight or flight instinct we all have when faced with danger (if it hasnt been educated/programmed out of you) and another one is, the feeling in the pit of your stomach that something just isnt right.

i knew when i saw those images on the tv that something wasnt right about it. I KNEW it....just as much as i knew the ground beneath my feet. Ive read almost all the 'evidence' one way or the familiar with occams razor and i have a pretty sound reasoning and logical ability. But no amount of evidence can change that deep feeling/sensation/knowledge in the pit of your stomach.

some people walk down the road and see a thug coming towards them. At first their alarms go off and they feel like they need to cross the street or find a reason to change their direction, this is instinct designed to protect ones self. Invariably the results of our collective miseducation and programming come into play and we start reasoning with ourselves like 'oh come on, dont be so stereotyping, dont be so racist....that guy just dresses funny, it doesnt mean anything, dont be so excitable and paranoid...' Some people ignore their instincts to their peril. Sometimes they get lucky and the thug doesnt target them and they reassure themselves that they were indeed paranoid.......but later that same thug they passed without incident takes someone out at a drug deal later or acts out some other violence.

I trust my instincts. Those of you who have no instincts, or who have convinced yourself right out of their safe guarding ability.....are in danger.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:37 PM

It seems to me that the whole idea of a conspiracy is currently at an all time low. When I look around in my direct surrounding I know of nobody who believes in it. I am an engineer and I work with many other engineers in all kind of fields, and whenever this subject comes up nobody ever expresses a belief in an inside job, I never even noticed anyone questioning the "official story".

And I think this is pretty typical for believing in an inside job, the less education in exact sciences, the more likely someone is to believe it. The evidence that is put forward by believers in an inside job is never of a scientific nature. It is either an expression of unbelief, "a building can not collapse like that" (also know as the fallacy called argument from incredulity) or circumstantial evidence like pointing to operation north wood, or witness x said something odd. There is no direct tangible evidence of explosives, documents or confessions linking anybody but the hijackers as the perpetrator of the event. Nor is there any published scientific paper that proves that the OS would be impossible.

Basically, there is no case for an inside job at all.

Then you are sorely out of touch. My engineer husband does not believe the official story, and neither do many of his co-workers. I personally know lots of people that don't believe the story and more are coming to that conclusion day by day. Heck kids in high school do reports on this conspiracy! It's talked about alright.

You realize you only help the cause posting non-stop to the 911 threads, right?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 04:52 PM
A few unanswered questions:

Was the 'air really safe to breathe'? Or was the government in the form of the EPA lying to get people back to work (at Wall Street) and shopping?

Who exactly was the 'err fire commander' that Lucky Larry Silverstein says he talked to? This individual has never come forward and let's face it, this would have to have been someone who had Larry on speed dial, who was so concerned about the building owner's wishes after the two towers had already fallen down that he had to ask him how to do his job and whether or not firefighting efforts should have been continued in a moderately burning building after hundreds of men had already been lost. What kind of 'errr fire commander' calls up the building owner and discusses 'pulling' (i.e. Larry later called it pulling the firefighters out) a building on the most deadly and utterly chaotic day in NYC history?

How did the planes fly at virtual sea level at the claimed speed when pilots and engineers and the plane makers themselves say that it's impossible, the air would be too thick?

Who made the alleged phone calls that the FBI testified never happened?

What caused 'fires', actually sustained very high heat enough to melt steel in the basements of the towers for 99 days afterwards, even after millions of gallons of water and Pyrocool (a heat and radiation absorbent) were poured on the scene? (Hint: read Ed Ward, 'the anonymous physicist and Jeff Prager, all available for a simple search on line).

And to the perennial debunkers: The opposite of 'truther', a word you seem to spew like an insult, is 'liar'.

One more thing: From now on, I expect all professional demolition companies to use some dynamite on an upper floor of a building to weaken a few connections, pour some kerosene on the floor and sit back and wait for the 'softened' steel to collapse, taking the entire building down with it in near free-fall speed, causing a giant dust cloud and throwing beams 300+ feet out laterally but in convenient truck-sized pieces for clean up.

No need to wire the buildings (a dangerous practice!) for months beforehand. No expensive thermate or thermite! Easy Peasey, huh?

edit on 11-9-2013 by signalfire because: nevermind

edit on 11-9-2013 by signalfire because: addendum

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 04:58 PM


the less education in exact sciences, the more likely someone is to believe it. unbelief, "a building can not collapse like that" (also know as the fallacy called argument from incredulity) or circumstantial evidence like pointing to operation north wood, or witness x said something odd. Nor is there any published scientific paper that proves that the OS would be impossible.

Then you are sorely out of touch. My engineer husband does not believe the official story, and neither do many of his co-workers. I personally know lots of people that don't believe the story and more are coming to that conclusion day by day. Heck kids in high school do reports on this conspiracy! It's talked about alright.

You realize you only help the cause posting non-stop to the 911 threads, right?

I know what you mean, and looking at all the keywords and sentence in PLB's post, makes me think that is surely a dumbdown piece of work. There is an English guy who often appears as a debunker on 9/11 documentaries who uses exactly the same method as 'argument from incredulity' except he doesn't use that phrase, or doesn't know it, just that everybody who doesn't accept the official story on 9/11 is "Paranoid" because his Psychiatrist friends said so in more ordinary terms like 'A need to reconcile' or, 'A need to replace the truth of what happened with an alternative' it's all the same thing, the message is the same but with a underlying threat, and that is believe the official story or you are paranoid, period. Even 9/11 commissioners admit that what they were given was not in truth, or rather that the true bill was obscured from them, once that is a given, there is no way of saying for what reason it was done, because they were never in a position to know.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by spooky24

How can any sane person believe this.

I think you answered the question. people still believe we didn't go to the moon nor that we go to space today at all. To many people everything that happens is magic or the workings of some mastermind. They can't fathom reality, therefore they make one up they can quantify.


posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:29 PM

A few unanswered questions:

Was the 'air really safe to breathe'?

Simple answer to that is a big NO!
Asbestos was in the fire retardent, and probably in the concrete floors, as was Gypsum present and God knows how many heavy metals that were reduced to fine particles in the collapse, the finer the particle the worse it is, not the less, because it is breathed in easily. Stuff like that cannot be calibrated on a machine to give a safe level, or an "acceptable one" because there isn't one, especially on the scale of 9/11.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Thread officially shilljacked.
Carry on.

Everything is okay. The globalists love you. Do not question authority/known liars.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Considering many of the so called 19 Highjackers were found to be alive afterwards narrows it down to around 11...good catch

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