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Microsoft's 'Palladium'

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posted on Aug, 5 2002 @ 02:41 AM
by David Christopher
[email protected]

Monday July 1st - Microsoft quietly unveils its plan for total ownership/control of the world wide web and for remote controlling all new PCs

Microsoft announced on Monday its plans for a new processor-based digital authentication system known as 'Palladium', which would enable Microsoft to effectively remote-control home PCs under the guise of 'security' and 'copyright protection'. Of course these are both serious issues that need to be addressed, but the implications of the Palladium technology are much wider-ranging and far more disturbing than simply protecting software manufacturers' and other copyrights.

The following articles reveal how Palladium is almost certain to put an end to Open Source software as we know it - i.e. it would mean curtains for Linux. It would also mean curtains for the Macintosh platform if Apple refused to submit control of their customers' machines to Microsoft under the Palladium system. Added to this are a whole host of trust concerns - for example, Palladium would give Microsoft unlimited access to your personal internet history, email history, email encryption keys and even your hard disk contents. It would also enable Microsoft-controlled, hardware-based blocking of websites that it deems 'insecure' and hence 'non-Palladium-approved'.
PLEASE read the articles linked below.

I am helping to organize a group to put together a website aimed at making internet users aware of the dangers of Palladium and its hardware cohort, TCPA. The facts about Palladium speak for themselves: the public will use their buying power to preserve their freedom if they are made aware of the sheer and absolute invasion of privacy and freedom of choice that Palladium represents. It is imperitive that we begin organising now to oppose this new technology that would mean the end of digital privacy and the death of the free internet.

posted on Aug, 5 2002 @ 04:02 AM
As well as 'Palladin' the FBI have a new tracking system called 'Magic Lantern'. It's supposed to allow them to track 'hackers'.
Their new powers allow them to break into people's homes and install this software onto their computers.
'Magic Lantern' can then be used to uncover PASSWORDS and ADDRESSES of so-called cyber criminals. These new 'powers' were introduced after 9/11.
It also seems that the UK police are also entitled to use the software. It has been said that it is ineffectual, because the security forces would have to crack the passwords to install the 'lantern' in the first place.
Granted, it's supposed to target 'hackers', but, in the light of Microsoft's plans, how long before it affects us all? Is this the start of the NWO?

SO IT BEGINS.........

posted on Aug, 5 2002 @ 03:19 PM
link is a notorious supporter of Napster and music stealing... so of course they would publish alarmist content relating to unified rights management of things such as MP3 files.

The concept of Palladium is a good thing. The core idea is similar to a TCP/IP styled protocol for security and content rights management which is scalable for everything from small text files to entire full-resolution theater-quality digital movies.

Under the current concept, only other Palladium-authorized users will be able to interact with other Palladium-authorized users. And likewise, only Palladium confirmed users will be able to see content created under the Palladium scheme. All data on your hard drive is encrypted, and decrypted by the processor at "compute-time." For the average home user, this is extreme security, trusting another firm to hold the keys to your own data.

Scary stuff. But what did we expect? The open-source community indeed should be very scared of this technology. But what did they expect? It�s widely known that hackers and virus authors are deep within the open-source gene pool. Did we expect the computing industry to hum-along as-is without any serious effort to counteract the detrimental economic effects of hacking/viruses? Enterprise IT managers may cringe over Palladium in concept, but in practice they�ll praise the work it will save them.

I suggest that this extreme, very scary technological response is a direct result of hacker-mentality and P2P MP3 stealing. Not that I�m for it, only that it was predictable.

posted on Aug, 14 2002 @ 09:02 PM
Palladium is a very bad idea. Unless the government steps in and starts regulating some of this privacy crap in the home, this stuff is just going to get worse.

posted on Aug, 14 2002 @ 10:02 PM
It's already been endorsed by the FTC and FCC. Intel, AMD, and Morotola have announced chip design projects.

Buy Macs now!

posted on Aug, 14 2002 @ 10:11 PM
As if Microsoft wasn't bad enough they have to go even further! Don't get me wrong cause I'm using win XP but..... privacy just doesn't exist any more!!!
Microsoft brags about their huge data base of users/people/info now. This just goes waaaaay over the line IMO!!! When someone gets that much power it's all B A D!!!!!

Can you imagine the scandles that could come out of this one?!?!?!
Well, that is IF anyone had enough nerve to go up against microsoft!!

posted on Aug, 15 2002 @ 09:11 PM
However... Microsoft is currently makine money for its stock holders and using very conservative accounting rules. In this age of corporate fraud, Microsoft is in an oddly different light.

The concept of Palladium is good. It's a response to a growing problem of out-of-control hacking culture and rampant theft through P2P file sharing.

One powerful firm controlling Palladium is bad. But then, given what's at stake, the digital future what do you expect? Digital technology is as important today as electricity was in 1930.

posted on Aug, 16 2002 @ 01:46 PM
HOLY CRAP! man, Microsoft is going overboard on this one! This technology can bring up more computer security problems. If this stuff sees the light of day, Microsoft will basically know everything about a you. ack..

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 09:52 AM
thats scary!

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 10:18 AM
This is 1932 all over again.

In the first 30 years of the previous century, electricity was the technology that dominated societal change, beginning as a simple means to light the home. During the past 30 years, digital was the technology that dominated societal change, beginning as a simple means to get more work done (which was why we wanted to light the home in the first place).

Just as electricity dominated the next 40 years of societal change, so will digital. Enlightenment begat printing -- printing begat knowledge -- knowledge begat industry -- industray begat steam -- steam begat electricity -- electricity begat digital -- digital will begat enlightenment. Full circle.

[Edited on 29-8-2002 by R. Daneel Olivaw]

posted on Sep, 2 2002 @ 04:20 AM
This is a worry. !

good post.

posted on Sep, 4 2002 @ 02:51 PM
Oh, c'mon, don't act like you all didn't see this coming...

posted on Sep, 4 2002 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by William

The concept of Palladium is good. It's a response to a growing problem of out-of-control hacking culture and rampant theft through P2P file sharing.

First, create the "problem". Second, give the "solution". It's not new. I do not trust Microsoft and Gates. I don't believe them.

Palladium will protect you...It's sound like something that I've heard before.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:04 PM
keep in mind that the company offering this 'security' is the same one that is releasing security patches twice a week

If they make this to the standard of their other technology, it will lead to just as many hackers and viruses, but allow microsoft access to all our computers.

PS: Ill help with the website if you need me.


posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:38 PM
People please stop associating 'hackers' with virii/viruses. Trust me, they are two very opposite poles on a very wide spectrum.

All this will do is reenforce the armies of geeks and nerds using non-mainstream hardware with non-mainstream software to use the network and its systems as they see fit. This will not eliminate hackers/crackers/warez kiddies. This will once again create millions of dumbfounded individuals who dont know what theyre clicking and dont care as long as they think theyre smart for using the intarweb.

Remember, the more complex technology becomes, the easier it is to defeat the safeguards. There will always be hackers. There will always be free internet. There will always be software/music/movie piracy. Every security measure implimented, will be defeated, usually before it even goes public. Just don't bend over for Billy and he wont be able to screw you.

> "My other PC is your Windows box."

[edit on 25-4-2005 by apc]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 07:04 PM
M$ has already l0st the ball years ago.
There are too many OS's that are out there, some retail and some open-source.
None of which are illegal btw.

Thanks for the laughs

Isn't Palladium the codename for WinFS, the *optional* upgrade to NTFS (for xp64,longhorn, and blackcomb)?

[edit on 25-4-2005 by Crysstaafur]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Normally I don't double post. but this is truly alarming. Thx for bringing this up.
Here is where I found my eye opener:

Writings on the wall...

Also note that the name has been changed, it is no longer known as Palladium..

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Check out Micro$haft's FAQ on the TCG / Palladium:

Microsoft Next-Generation Secure Computing Base

Just having a flip through it, they forgot to mention World Domination in their agenda. Montgomery Burns has nothing on these people. They also mention that YOU, the end-user can turn off this TCG, but that's probably just a ploy to make you sleep better at night, knowing that somewhere at Redmond is e-baying with your credit card number, all in the name of "Piracy Security"

They also say it will be open-source. Yeah right. Why do they want to shut down open-source projects such as Linux?!? Bill Gates has gone insane with money, I reckon.

If we research more on this, then we could start a world-wide petition to stop Microsoft from removing our right to download pornogr...uh...legitimate images (It's a freedom of speech thing :@@

Topple the microsoft empire: Switch to linux (I know I will be!)

[edit on 25-4-2005 by Grayda]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:11 PM

I thought that looked familiar...

The biggest problem is that people use windows. That propagates a use of windows in order to use windows with other windows-users. Also, people are born into windows use, and never learn of the better options out there. Also, windows sucks.

Buy Macs now!

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:50 PM
lol, jeez.. welcome to 2002 guys!

And no, Microsoft is not going to be remote controlling your computer or anyone elses. Some of you will just believe anything, huh? This system will actually protect your priacy a little better.

Benefits of Palladium include:

"Lets your computer know you're you" and, conversely, lets you know whom you are dealing with on other computers
Encrypts data
"Stops viruses and worms" by not running unauthorized programs
Stops spam before it gets to your inbox
"Safeguards privacy" (using something called "My Man" to control who gets your private data)
Digital Rights Management: you can control who can read, forward, and save your e-mails,etc., and conversely, the RIAA/MPAA/etc. can control content that it sends/sells to you

The only really bad thing here is that it could help destroy open source software.

[edit on 25-4-2005 by andpau66]

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