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The End’s In Sight

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posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:27 PM
In the midst of the insanity currently prevailing, I would hope that the majority of the people here on earth are reasonable and smart enough to see past the lies, corruption, global manipulation and chaos.

But maybe I am being overly zealous and naïve in my opinion.

It stands to reason that we as a global consciousness are completely lost and here is why I think so.

Fukushima was our global wake-up call, but it appears that our arrogance, ego’s and media are doing a great job in making this a non-issue, until we start to see mass die offs.

Three years ago when Fukushima was hit by the tsunami, and the Nuclear plant started to have issues; I asked a respected veteran ATS member who is retired from the Nuclear industry what his opinion was if core were to be breached.

His PM answer was this. “Bad Juju for Japan”, At the time, the cores had not been breached so I was hopeful that they were going to be able to contain everything, and did not ask for further explanation.

Now we sit at the brink of a another war that does not need to take place, spending more money and taking more lives that do not need to be lost, in the name of “Bad Guys”, “Control”, “Greed”, but we have an eminent toxic nuclear spill that will most likely kill millions of people if it is not contained/ managed properly. And possibly the world.

WTF! Is going on? Seriously!

Are we this disconnected from ourselves, because our current daily MO is so important that we are allowing all of this to transpire without holding our appointed leaders and ourselves accountable?

Maybe we are so numb to everything that is going on around us, that we just don’t care anymore hence the overwhelming desire for some apocalypse to take place, and the search for daily doom and gloom.

It doesn't need to be this way.

I will leave you all with a couple of thoughts.

If someone or group were to threaten your family’s lives, and you knew this ahead of time that this particular threat was going to cost everyone their lives, would you stand by and allow it to happen, or would you have the awareness and strength to intervene?

Our bug out bags, gold, guns, food stash, rural living and survivalist training are not going to save us from what is transpiring currently, because this is the same mentality that got us into this mess a ME, ME, ME attitude, only a complete change in our current way of life as a global consciousness working together will do.

Peace out,


edit on 8-9-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

This Fukushima nightmare has left me feeling numb and confused. I can't understand why all the nations of the world aren't forcing their way into Japan and taking control of the situation. By now I fully expected to have heard that this plant was blown to bits with each piece removed and safely contained. I just don't know why the world powers are dragging their heels on this.

In my mind I'm seeing ALL ocean life dead within a short amount of time.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

You are right. The ocean is going to die mostly. What doesnt die will have arms and legs grouwing out of their backs with extra eyes and stuff too. But mostly people are going to have else where to get their food.

It is too bad really. and I dont know why the rest of the planet just sits and watches like it doesnt effect them.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

The only thing that is going to happen, is exactly what is supposed to happen.
Nothing more nothing less.

Great post.

reply to post by jiggerj

In my mind I'm seeing ALL ocean life dead within a short amount of time.

Sorry jigger but your prophecy was written down long ago.
edit on 8-9-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by Realtruth

This Fukushima nightmare has left me feeling numb and confused. I can't understand why all the nations of the world aren't forcing their way into Japan and taking control of the situation. By now I fully expected to have heard that this plant was blown to bits with each piece removed and safely contained. I just don't know why the world powers are dragging their heels on this.

In my mind I'm seeing ALL ocean life dead within a short amount of time.

That would cost money.. it doesn't serve the corporate mindset.. same reason we're not doing anything about climate change.. it doesn't serve the shareholders

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:08 PM
Humanity is lost. At least most of the population. Those who are still living with an ego will stay here for many more lifetimes. It's up to us, the conscious ones to free ourselves from this mindstate and the ego so that we can proceed to ascend to the next level. I pray for humanity. But i see that most are still lost and will be for a long time. Don't waste your energy on those who won't see the truth for their time has not yet come.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:36 PM

That would cost money.. it doesn't serve the corporate mindset.. same reason we're not doing anything about climate change.. it doesn't serve the shareholders
reply to post by miniatus

I HATE your reply! HATE, as in, I HATE that I agree with it.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:39 PM
What do you want us to do?

The souls that are close to me are ego connected and cannot see far beyond themselves and are either reacting out of fear or do not act due to laziness/comfortability. And it is rubbing of on me.

Most humans do not seem to want to change. Maybe source and the chosen will do something but all I notice is a lot of messages like "I am awake and ready for whatever happens".

I agree with Avicii. Wake me up for action when all the foolishness is over and when humanity is ready for the next stage.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:39 PM
Would it comfort people to know that corporate interests, war, industrial accidents such as fukashima, the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of nature have all occurred as a result of popular demand? These are the things we pay for, willingly, in order to persist our unnecessary comforts.

If people didn't drive SUVs to the mall to buy things they don't need in order to feed their ten children who, if they ever look up from their cell-phones, might wish to learn a thing or two about the world or themselves if they weren't so enamoured by how their plate of material goods appears compared to that of someone else, we might not be in this position.

This is all a result of supply and demand, not some prophetic evil out to destroy us.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

It is so heart wrenching to feel so far beyond any kind of post.
Other than videos that relate.

Welcome to the new age.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
Would it comfort people to know that corporate interests, war, industrial accidents such as fukashima, the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of nature have all occurred as a result of popular demand? These are the things we pay for, willingly, in order to persist our unnecessary comforts.

If people didn't drive SUVs to the mall to buy things they don't need in order to feed their ten children who, if they ever look up from their cell-phones, might wish to learn a thing or two about the world or themselves if they weren't so enamoured by how their plate of material goods appears compared to that of someone else, we might not be in this position.

This is all a result of supply and demand, not some prophetic evil out to destroy us.

This is a REMARKABLE over simplification. RE: Fukashima. Nuclear "power" was a rouse, it was created as a way for certain folks to get the common man to pay for, and accept, nuclear weapons. The plants themselves are a waste on every level, but the waste in question is the left over that is used for weaponry. Humans have a hard time paying for things that lead to their demise, or did back then, and certain folks created a plan which would simply convince them that "free and clean" electrons would just happen to provide some very expensive weapons material which the military would happily take - leaving he rest behind to sit.

Fukashima's big secret is the weapons grade stuff what was there and is now gone.

Second. The same group got together and devised the process of planned obsolescence at about the same time. It was not helpful to control people, and corporate profits, to simply make things that lasted as they had for 500 years. So it was another decision to let the common man pay for things over and over in an effort to control and those who did not tow the party line were simply put out of business or killed.

Now we have fukashima again. The buildings were built in Tsunami Zones, Earth quake Zones, AND near population centers. Again, the common man had no choice in this placement - they knew what they were doing when they put them there. Oddly enough after some half a century of planned obsolescence the construction was built with inherent flaws as it was planned - the metal was poorly made, the design was done by people who were raised on planned obsolescence.

Not one bit of this has anything to do with the SUV's. Again, if you are going to point to the SUV's ask yourself: why did automobile gas mileage go DOWN after 1990. I had a car that got 60mpg in 91, but by 2000 25mpg was considered super good? In the 70's I had a car that got 32 after the gas "crises." There are many folks who have created engines that get supreme mileage but the are not on the market. We add planned obsolescence to this again. When Honda introduced the Acura model to the US, based on superior engineering, you know the thing consumers want, the dealers protested as the cars did not break enough for dealer repairs. Dealers want cars that need repairs, mfg's want cars that crap out after 5 years, consumers are not part of this at all.

While human consumption is indeed largely a waste, the idea that the average human has any input in the implementation of such things as nuclear power is beyond shortsighted. If you take a look a the long Fukashima thread you will see that one of the designers of that "planned to blow up plant" quit because the design was flawed and was prone to exactly what happened.

The reason things are this way is because someone that isn't a consumer of an iphone wants it exactly this way because the iphone consumers don't have any input on where these are built: San Onofre, Diablo Canyon, Fukashima - one was going to do what Fukashima did not matter how many consumers said no.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
Would it comfort people to know that corporate interests, war, industrial accidents such as fukashima, the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of nature have all occurred as a result of popular demand? These are the things we pay for, willingly, in order to persist our unnecessary comforts.

If people didn't drive SUVs to the mall to buy things they don't need in order to feed their ten children who, if they ever look up from their cell-phones, might wish to learn a thing or two about the world or themselves if they weren't so enamoured by how their plate of material goods appears compared to that of someone else, we might not be in this position.

This is all a result of supply and demand, not some prophetic evil out to destroy us.

I 110% agree with this.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by ItzShadyT

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
Would it comfort people to know that corporate interests, war, industrial accidents such as fukashima, the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of nature have all occurred as a result of popular demand? These are the things we pay for, willingly, in order to persist our unnecessary comforts.

If people didn't drive SUVs to the mall to buy things they don't need in order to feed their ten children who, if they ever look up from their cell-phones, might wish to learn a thing or two about the world or themselves if they weren't so enamoured by how their plate of material goods appears compared to that of someone else, we might not be in this position.

This is all a result of supply and demand, not some prophetic evil out to destroy us.

The sad fact is for the worlds population as it is, to enjoy the nice middle class lifestyle, we need the resources of three earths. The fact is that there are too many people on this planet. We wont do anything about it until it affects us all and the "Crisis" is in our face. We usually react by killing each other, then enjoying a reconstruction when labour is in high demand with wages high. The only time we didn't do it this way was when the Black death did it for us. If there actually was an illuminati They must be asking themselves by now, who do we need? and to what level of education?

110% agree with this.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

I agree. Humanity is to blame.

We have to stop our most primal instinct. That is to kill.

Unfortunately there are too many that dont care.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

Not buying it, this place has nothing to do with smartphones and luxuries...something else ENTIRELY has created this place to have this energy structure, it did not just "appear normally" because of apathy etc.

Such limited talk would appear to be subversive indeed, and is extremely indicative of an agenda that is "also" controlled.

It is interesting indeed how education systems among others continuously put the blame on "humans" as if no other factors could ever be involved...religions take the bait and create other scenarios, ALL THESE SCENARIOS, none of which could have arrived without programming , the human mind "created" to behave in this way, not by evolution, but by certainly a different circumstance.

It is indeed interesting reading Manly P.Hall who writes openly in books about the "non-humans" that direct, behind the scenes........

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
In the midst of the insanity currently prevailing, I would hope that the majority of the people here on earth are reasonable and smart enough to see past the lies, corruption, global manipulation and chaos.


edit on 8-9-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

If they were reasonable smart, as you hope, we wouldn´t have these war whores we attribute as war crazy, war loving 'politicians' we have today, nor the sociopathic bankster congressional whores, that wade in mountains of cash, thrown at them from the bankster elite lobby, and not to forget, military industrial complex.

I assume you voted recently. If so, who ever of these anti-life anti-humanity psychopaths in nice suits you voted for, you bought their crappola like an eager child, and in the process. made yourself collectively guilty of the effects mankind is now undergoing.

Think about it and if we survive till next election, think even deeper before you vote on the next liar-in-chief.
edit on 9-9-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by DixonHand

It is harrowing that the largest consumers of seafood in the country are livestock. I wouldn't be so confidant about the food situation without sea life.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by johncarter

I assume you voted recently. If so, who ever of these anti-life anti-humanity psychopaths in nice suits you voted for, you bought their crappola like an eager child, and in the process. made yourself collectively guilty of the effects mankind is now undergoing.

Think about it and if we survive till next election, think even deeper before you vote on the next liar-in-chief.

It does not seem to matter who we vote for because we all have the same affliction.

Most people will not admit it because it is always an external force they wish to blame, or their unruly ego's that seem to control their lives do, but the fact remains the majority of the people choose an unprecedented consumer mentality, which in turn causes the world we live in.

The fact we have all the gadgets around us right now, even the computer we are typing on makes us all equally guilty. We have a need to consume power that is metered through inefficient copper lines at an almost 90% loss from the point of origin, meaning 10 barrels of oil equal 1 barrel due to transmission loss across the lines.

Now their are some guilty people that have suppressed technologies, but again we only have ourselves to blame do to the greed factor and using money as a tool.

We keep waiting for leaders to change everything for us, but the main problem is we don't change ourselves and get up every morning falling into the same MO. And unfortunately it seems to take dramatic events to make any sort of a difference, but that doesn't last long enough, nor does it seem to change the course we are on.

So with that, my title "The End's in Sight"

Who knows?, maybe we all needed to experience and learn these lessons we are currently experiencing.

If that is the case, I would never sign up for a tour of duty in a reality like this again.

Peace out,

edit on 9-9-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by DixonHand
reply to post by jiggerj

You are right. The ocean is going to die mostly. What doesnt die will have arms and legs grouwing out of their backs with extra eyes and stuff too. But mostly people are going to have else where to get their food.

It is too bad really. and I dont know why the rest of the planet just sits and watches like it doesnt effect them.

I hope whatever things that come out of sea (growing with arms and legs) wont eat us

Jokes aside

IMHO nobody will wake up until SHTF
Most of us are busy with their own attachments (me included sometimes, although i try my best to free from it)
edit on 9-9-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by ParasuvO

Not buying it, this place has nothing to do with smartphones and luxuries...something else ENTIRELY has created this place to have this energy structure, it did not just "appear normally" because of apathy etc.

Let me guess—Aliens? Lizards? Sounds like you're conjuring scapegoats, as if it was the aliens who force you to open up your wallet, take out your money, and help fund our very own demise.

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