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Official U.S. government NWO Hit List.

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posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Just found this concerning who will be on the US Government Hit List when the crap hits the fan.

i am still trying to work out, who is left ?
i have reached the conclusion that America will only be left with a few thousand Zombies !!!

ATSers will be wiped out with 33 and 48 alone.

If these circles (labeled 'Shoot Me' in invisible ink) are going to be colour coded i am going to paint a multi-coloured 'X' on my forehead saying 'too late suckers'.

Note: there are some ATS Mods that are on the Hit List because they fall into category 70.

Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents. As you can see, this list covers most of the country

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”
2. Those that advocate for states’ rights
3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”
4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”
5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”
6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation areseparate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”
7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable”
8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”
9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”
10. “Anti-Gay”
11. “Anti-Immigrant”
12. “Anti-Muslim”
13. “The Patriot Movement”
14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”
15. Members of the Family Research Council
16. Members of the American Family Association
17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”
18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol
19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform
20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition
21. Members of the Christian Action Network
22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”
23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”
24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21
25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps
26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”
27. The militia movement
28. The sovereign citizen movement
29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”
30. Anyone that “complains about bias”
31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”
32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”
33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”
34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”
35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”
36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”
37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”
38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons”
39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”
40. “Militia or unorganized militia”
41. “General right-wing extremist”
42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.
43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”
44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”
45. Those that are “anti-global”
46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”
47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty”
48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”
49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”
50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”
51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”
53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”
54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”
55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”
56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”
57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”
58. “Rightwing extremists”
59. “Returning veterans”
60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration”
61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”
62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”
63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”
64. “Anti-abortion activists”
65. Those that are against illegal immigration
66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner
67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations
68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”
69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr
70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)
71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies
72. Evangelical Christians

+20 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Rapha

That list covers just about every American in the country.

Let’s be realistic. If the US military over a 12 year period couldn’t control the population of 30 million in Afghanistan, what makes anyone think they can control 330 million armed, freedom-loving American’s EVER?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:30 AM
if your name is not on a list are we not going getting in to the fema party

scratch that we are all invited ? yeh

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Rapha

62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”
So, the DHS is on the governments hit list
and is going to take itself out, that's good.

Given that the list is full of ideologies it appears that the NSA spying on our private emails and internet discussions will serve a purpose

Obviously this list is a joke, it literally covers everyone, except Snookie and Co, and children under 3.
edit on 8/9/13 by Strewth because: added comment about NSA, removed dig at BiBi.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Rapha

That list covers just about every American in the country.

Let’s be realistic. If the US military over a 12 year period couldn’t control the population of 30 million in Afghanistan, what makes anyone think they can control 330 million armed, freedom-loving American’s EVER?

US wasn't there to control was there to kick beehives and turnem loose.
Very much like with the police brutality news blitz recently...its designed to provoke divide conquer and destroy.

This is the model:
When the Jews return to Zion (ashkeNAZIonists) make up 70% of those that claim to be jews
And a comet rips the sky (Russia comet ripped the sky)
And the Holy Roman Empire rises,(Jesuit Pope)
Then you and I must die.
From the eternal sea he rises,(Fukishima Oil Spills) Destruction of Marine Life
Creating armies on either shore, (Even in our own back yards. I actually have organized gangstalkers that target me and how did I accomplish this? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.) Simply with Words. I was warned most would hate the truth and love the lie and it has been proven the truth.
Turning man against his brother black on black white on white muslim on muslim christian on christian)
'Til man exists no more.

Ya really have to separate from all that is to see it as it really is.
I have No Friends...Ya can see it more clearly this way
edit on 8-9-2013 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Rapha

So why I'm not dead? Must be because I still pay taxes.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by superluminal11

You have no friends because you are incoherent and most likely perceived as insane. It is my understanding that attributing meaningless connections to unrelated events is a symptom of a schizotypal disorder.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:49 AM
I was doing really good up until the last 2
Quick I need that zombie costume

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:53 AM
The Government lists us as extremests and potential terrorists now
Years ago we were just called nuts or hippies. They keep changing names for things in this country every generation.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:01 PM
Well I guess it depends on how accurate the report you showed us was

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:02 PM
That list covers nearly every Canadian as well.

To me this is just one more outward stance in their war against civilians. This is an act of war against the people.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:12 PM

reply to post by Trueman

So why I'm not dead? Must be because I still pay taxes.

Exactly. They are vampires, sucking the life out of us 'work units', through taxation.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:14 PM
Out of all the items on that list, the only one that i must say truly caught my eyes, was this one--

56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”

I wonder if they read the "All roads lead to Rome"?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:18 PM

reply to post by Strewth

Obviously this list is a joke, it literally covers everyone

Not really.

Think about it. As you said, it covers everyone, so everyone (from their rules) is a criminal. This way they can say 'obey our rules or we have the right to label you a terrorist and kill you'.

This way a lot of people will comply with the NWO.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Rapha

Oh my...another list!

If you are a member of should just assume you are on a list!

And how is this list "official"?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:36 PM

70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)

God speed Metallica!

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Rapha

That list covers just about every American in the country.

Let’s be realistic. If the US military over a 12 year period couldn’t control the population of 30 million in Afghanistan, what makes anyone think they can control 330 million armed, freedom-loving American’s EVER?

Well the idea was, is, and will be, to keep building our traps around us, such as the 'Internment camps', stockpile all their armour and ammunition, whilst they pass new laws and brain wash our civil servants, while we the people, watch it all happen in the hopes we can awake the masses.

We are at a fork in the road where either sleeping dogs will lay sleep, sealing our fate of idiocrasy - or revolution will emerge - the question is, can we succeed in the revolution? It's gonna be all like V for Vendetta and Waco/Ruby Ridge style.

Are you prepared? Will you prepare the next generation?
edit on 8-9-2013 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Rapha

I'll be fine then since it's only Americans it's targeting.

Unless.......dum, dum, dum........there's a PTO at the bottom right of the list......

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:07 PM

reply to post by jerryznv

And how is this list "official"?

This list shows that almost every American is a target.

Now add the fact that the DHS has 1.6 billion bullets its not hard to see who the DHS are going to be firing at.

Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:14 PM
I've looked at two numbered links so far from the OP's source, and there's no hit list.

Instead I was linked to sites of the US military, explaining groups with extreme ideologies.

The first group was the anti-gay category (number 10 on the list).

This links to an email that basically says that not all beliefs represent the values of the US military, and rather than ignoring such views they should be addressed before they become a problem.
However, there's no command to kill, dismiss or even discipline members.
It could simply mean that especially new members should be warned not to voice views that could go against military cohesion and values.
It appears that some may mistake military culture for racist and homophobic license, or freedom to spread anti-government militia propaganda, which is understandably not what an integrated army wants.

Only about one paragraph here is actually on anti-gay views.
It would be quite correct to point this out at any integrated work place.
Some preachers have indeed called gays some very perverted things, and spread blatant lies and twisted facts.
I'm sure that professional people who hold those views could still respect their co-workers who do not.

Most of the rest is on extreme anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim groups in the US military.

The second section I looked at was "evangelical Christians" (number 72 on the list).
Yet nothing here is specifically about them.

Instead, it discusses groups like the KKK, militia groups, neo-Nazis, Muslim extremists and gangs, and how some served in and influenced the military.
I never knew that 53 street-gangs have members in the US military!
Like some of the neo-Nazi groups they also seek to recruit members and expand their influence in the military.

Eventually it has a list (p.24) which includes several groups that could hold extremist views which includes "evangelical Christians", but also several Jewish and Muslim groups (as well as "Catholics" and Mormons), and it says that the definition of "extremist vs. normal" is somewhat subjective, and any of these groups could have extremists.

Thus I see no "hit list".
The pages I've seen so far seem to be attempts by the military to stop gangs and militias from subverting the military by explaining the different groups that may cause problems, and clarifies the groups who may not fund-raise or recruit in the military.

Furthermore, the list in the OP is highly selective, and leaves out the extremist Muslim groups discussed or mentioned in the links, as well as groups like the Nation of Islam, Catholics and Jewish groups.

It also fails to mention that most of the groups discussed at length are actually hate groups, and actively discriminate against people or preach violence.
They're not the kind of people that even the majority of Christians would like to spend a weekend with, let alone military training.
Yet it seems that many of them do serve in the military, as long as they do so professionally.

On these two links alone the lack of context, and the selection on the OP's list are highly propagandist and misleading.
It's cleverly crafted to make it appear as if there's a conspiracy against anything vaguely Christian in society, when all I've seen is about well known hate-groups in the US army.

edit on 8-9-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

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