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10 Signs the Global Elite Are Losing Control

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posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:03 PM
Concerning the link, you had me until #10. "cannabis liberation" ooh, big NWO destroying game changer there.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:04 PM
Im hoping they are gaining more control than losing which is a decisive loss for all.

No one wins or loses

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:31 PM
I think this is a great article. And I think those insisting that "oh no, the plan is playing out perfectly" somehow just can't accept anything else because their world view doesn't allow it. They dig the darkness and the drama.

I have been thinking the basic thoughts in the OP for years. I'll add that I never thought any major NWO thing was nearly as developed as a lot of people do. The end result of locking us in cages and carting us off to Fema camps is so beyond stupid, it's hard to understand how anyone could really think that. The NWO, Elite have been turned, by the Internet, into a huge caricature of themselves. In reality, they're not nearly as powerful as anyone thought. And I agree with the OP. The tied is not turning - it turned years ago.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 12:22 AM
The elite may be losing respect, but not control. As long as things remain predictable, they will never lose control. The only thing that will cause them to lose control is something completely unpredictable happening, like Syria being able to attack the US soil or China or Russia openly engaging on the side of Syria/Iran to inflict unacceptable damages on the Western military. At that point the only course open to the Western elite will be to escalate the action to involve a direct confrontation with China/Russia (completely unthinkable with unpredictable outcomes) or retreat inevitably leading to a collapse of control.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Rosinitiate
reply to post by toocoolnc

If the powers that be got what they wanted the Syrian war would not have had to escalate to this point of American interaction. It would have ended a year ago with rebels claiming victory. Because this didn't happen more intervention was needed. Although resistance was expected, never on this scale or scope.

Perhaps one of the few wins of "arm-chair activists"? Who let there voices be heard very clearly. This Syrian flap brought people together. In fact, there are avatars on here i personally consider rivals due to clearly opposite points of views. One thing about this particular event is we all seem to be in lock step. I almost want to sit in a circle with my ATS Rivals and sing Kumbaya
edit on 8-9-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

That's the point isn't it , if things were working out for the Elites than Syria would have been done and dusted by now , the fact that it isn't and pressure against intervention is mounting is quite telling

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 01:52 AM
I think its no coincidence that there are 7 billion souls on this planet, the most human souls ever to exist on this earth at the one time in our recorded history in the least.
We are all here to bare witness to the most monumental event that has happened in our history, I dont know what that is but that time is most definitely upon us. If Obama proceeds to launch a strike on Syria. not only has he ignored the popular opinion of the vast majority of people on this planet, he could very well bring WW3 upon us which may well be his intention.
This would definitely expose him as the evil entity that many believe he is, there will be no going back after that.
What I cant believe is the fervour he has regarding this strike on Syria, he is very single minded about this which raises all kinds of suspicions.
People all over the world are waking up and I believe the NWO are no longer afraid to show their hand. I think the next couple of years will be interesting indeed.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 05:29 AM
TPTB are more intelligent then that and I believe that they don't care which way we go as they will get NWO if we the people hate the government and start a revolution or have WW3 and still they win with greed and the depopulation agenda. They are playing chess and they have worked out all of the probabilities for a long time. This has been planned for longer then we have thought. Which ever way we go they know as we are being pushed either way. They are using the latest alien technology to simulate each probability to see which way the people will go so they can take control. I'm not saying that we have no chance but its not as easy as you may think. All of our moves have been calculated and pre planned. Welcome to the future.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by kudegras
We are all here to bare witness to the most monumental event that has happened in our history

Get the popcorn bro. This will be the best show on earth.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Agent008

well I bet it'll be more interesting than watching the ball drop in TimeSquare.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
reply to post by Bilder

Great article.

I totally agree with you by the way, I find that the Syria thing is like a final grab for power as their hold slips from their grips. It is only a matter of time before the light breaks through and illuminates the dark. If you look at the last few years it's actually been remarkable what's been accomplished, wiki leaks was very important in this I think, they cleared the way for snowden and have also exposed the inhumane treatment of Bradley manning in a country that trumpets humanitarianism.

Bit by bit the light has been busting through.

The whole system being a charade... Nobel Peace Prize winner... advocating bombing people..?

The whole system is entirely corrupt.. and has entirely corrupted many.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Sk8ergrl
TPTB are more intelligent then that and I believe that they don't care which way we go as they will get NWO if we the people hate the government and start a revolution or have WW3 and still they win with greed and the depopulation agenda. They are playing chess and they have worked out all of the probabilities for a long time. This has been planned for longer then we have thought. Which ever way we go they know as we are being pushed either way. They are using the latest alien technology to simulate each probability to see which way the people will go so they can take control. I'm not saying that we have no chance but its not as easy as you may think. All of our moves have been calculated and pre planned. Welcome to the future.

Chess.. pawns are whom? Badges..

the ELites pawns are the first to encounter. R E D C O A T S ! were pawns.

what was the first step in the American Revolution? ----> redcoats

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 08:38 AM
I think the end game in Syria was to re establish the Cold War by getting Russia miffed at us and give us the excuse to go into Iran and take them out. Oil, and banking, that's what it comes down to.
They also tried to bring back racism which has failed. And tried to ban guns which has failed. They're still trying to open the borders and tear down the middle class which is succeeding but by weakening the US citizen they're also generating a lot of ill will which is making anything else they do harder and harder.
Obama's an empty suit which we know, but they over estimated his ability to be a snake oil salesman. He's being set up now to be the fall guy. They'll blame him for many of the problems they created and he'll be hated and possibly be exposed as a complete fraud. Only to create more dissension and opposition between citizens. But they'll also create a further erosion of faith and trust in the government.
That might be their goal, to undermine our trust in the government. But we'll want to go back to what we had 60 years ago, not to something new and more totalitarian.
Then too, in order to have people in power they can control, they have to have ... idiots. Smart people would be a threat to them and the idiots they have now are making the people even less inclined to trust them to run the country. I mean look at them, they are not that bright and many are screwy. Biden, Pelosi, Napolitano, Holder, Boehner, Obama, Bush, none are exactly brain surgeons. They're average minds at best.
That and people are just pissed off. The feds have no solutions and only make things worse or lie to you or spy on you, so why believe them when they try to get you to back them?
And the media is a mess, on both sides. The right has some that are riding the wave of anti government sentiment and are better off, some are compromised. But the left.... what a bunch of sad sacks.
I think the day will come when the Illuminati or New World Order masterminds do have their world come crashing down around them and will end up hiding in bunkers or in prison or even torn to pieces by angry mobs.
Its when all that becomes certain we'll have to worry. They won't go down without a fight and you'll see assassinations, terrorism and private armies as their arsenals.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Hey now. "Semper Fi" is an honorable motto, and those of us that utter it do so because of what the country is SUPPOSED to stand for, and what the Marine Corps is SUPPOSED to be about. There is nothing pathetic about someone liking the ideals that this nation and its armed forces were founded upon. That being said, I feel sorry for my friends still on active duty. They still think (as I did) that they are "fighting for our rights and freedoms." We on the outside know better, but think of how brainwashed one is over time.
I'd be a Staff Sergeant in the Corps by now. I'd also be thoroughly "all in" to this mindset of being the tip of the spear for American principles. I still love the Corps, but only so much in a sense of nostalgia. Please give these guys (and gals) some slack for their patriotic utterances. They mean well.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Bilder

I believe the more these men are revealed then the more dangerous they become! Just like a wounded animal or a cornered one I feel they will try to start WW3 to reduce and distract the masses and possibly get us down to their optimum number of five hundred million! I believe we are going into Syria no matter what happens and
we are going into Iran no matter what happens! As TPTB will claim Iran attacked their ships whether they do or not! The Final showdown is about to commence IMHO! I hope I'm wrong but if I had no integrity and I was the Elite it is what I would do if everything was on the verge of collapse! God help us all~

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:32 AM


Originally posted by kudegras
We are all here to bare witness to the most monumental event that has happened in our history

Get the popcorn bro. This will be the best show on earth.

Not so sure about the best show on earth but its a show we have to have before we can move on

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:37 AM
The hemp needs to be liberated in the USA

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:45 AM


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