posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by remembering
"sanity" indeed,
you've allowed them to take your fingerprint for a measly $3.30?
[hopefully you had the presence of mind to smear the print, making it useless ]
but pay me no mind, as I Am quite "Insane".
that said it's partly about THEM not permitting ANY kind of financial transaction going unrecorded
or untaxed.
even more insidious, it's also yet another salvo fired against the poor and homeless in general and junkies in particular, and will simply result in
more burglaries, smash and grabs, etc. as the above have been arbitrarily stripped of an honorable means of making ends meet. next it'll be illegal
to wash somebody's car anywhere other than a duly registered [with city hall] carwash
were you paid with a check, btw?